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Posts posted by Eekasqueak.7850

  1. > @"Fenella.2634" said:

    > Also, you might want to double check the meaning of Mary Sue.


    He's a pretty text book case of a Mary Sue, you might want to look it up yourself. He somehow has history with all of the order mentors, has no personality or charm but is somehow liked by everyone, just happens to he such a powerful necromancer he summons a whole gang of flesh golems /and/ can single handedly purify an entire continent. Then there's the fact he has no experience yet somehow magically pulls the ability to lead an entire army out of nowhere... Then there's the whole "he's the chosen one by the tree to wield this legendary magic sword". All of these are Mary Sue traits.

  2. > @"Rognik.2579" said:

    > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

    > > See for example the Pact Mentor characters (Forgal, Tybalt and the third one) - perfectly fine characters all of them.

    > Poor Sieran. No one ever remebers her. That is so not cherry!


    > As for Trahearne taking the lead of the Pact, I don't really have a problem with it myself. First of all, he has to coordinate most of the attacks, while we as the Commander are free to lead the actual attacks. Second, as they said in game, he wasn't a member of any of the Orders, so he won't show a bias to any one of them. Third, from a game-design angle, it's easier to later identify a single NPC instead of having to describe a nameless PC who could be either gender or 5 different races. That's the same reason we turned down the Marshall position in the start of Season 3, especially as it was going to be a desk posting, staying far away from any danger. Unless, of course, you wanted to play Paperwork Wars 2.




    That someone who wasn't the player character led the pact isn't the problem, it's that Trahearne is a huge Mary sue who comes out of nowhere and takes the reins, there are better ways it could have been executed and the story only got better when he was gone.

  3. > @"Arden.7480" said:

    > > @"WhatLiesBeneath.9018" said:

    > > Get over yourself, wow has terrible storytelling.


    > I told you why it has a great storytelling, so tell me why you call it "terrible".


    > Have you ever finished any of WoW's expansions? If yes you have a right to say that, because it maybe ruined your personal expectations, but if you have not, then why do you even comment about it?




    Writing/storytelling is very subjective, you being a fan of Blizzard's doesn't make it objectively good, any more than the person you're responding to not being a fan make it objectively bad.


    I feel like Blizzard doing good cinematics just uses them to distract from the poor writing and GW2 has a better setting/writing overall but that's entirely my opinion.

  4. Don't speak for everyone, this is the only MMO I enjoy because if its differences, WoW doesn't interest me in the slightest.


    Also on VAs, I love both Asuran ones and the Charr ones are probably in second for me.. the others are eh to me though. I don't think the people who were fired are even on the episode 4 team so I doubt that will have much effect.

  5. > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > @"StabbersTheThird.6053" said:

    > > Mine just seemed super hasty until I hit the Vigil which made a lot more sense. I guess that makes sense. If I take my part out and start at the Vigil/Destiny Edge part it all makes more sense because the jump from rooting out Kryta ministers to fighting an elder dragon seemed like a big leap.

    > >

    > >

    > > As a side question, why is Zhaitan sending minions to places like Timberline Falls and Lion's Arch when Rata Sum and Caledon Forest are roughly the same distance out? I'm assuming his launching point is from the entire island of Orr. Also, did any of them make it into the Crystal Desert?

    > >

    > >

    > > Anywho, I'm going to read more closely. Thanks for clarification that tutorial mission= tide swinging success. I did not think of it as such because I'm used to Skyrim successes. Laying waste to entire villages, except for that one really evil super invincible chicken.


    > Caledon is under frequent risen attack. It is possible metrica avoids the invasion as forces in caledon beat them back successfully enough and any attack on rata sum is better directly by sea against the ports. Timberline and Maelstrom are wild enough to maintain an unopposed presence, whilst LA was the result of direct mass sea invasions in both game and book (sea of sorrows)


    Might also partly be that Rata Sum is a floating city. The way in and out if the naval ports are Asura gates that can be closed off. Caledon forest is closer and an easier target since it's by the sea.

  6. > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

    > > > > @"castlemanic.3198" said:

    > > > > > @"norbes.3620" said:

    > > > > > Well Skyrim is not the only Franchise were Orcs and Elves are related. and most often the orcs are the degenerated Version.. as sad as it is.

    > > > >

    > > > > You can thank Tolkein for that, since the orcs in middle earth were captured elves that were mutated. Apparently you can also blame him for giant spiders in every fantasy world too.

    > > > Didn't Tolkien *invent* Orcs, though? Arern't they, well, his?

    > >

    > > According to a quick Google search, no, they date back much farther. The entire lord of the rings story is cribbed from Germanic legends too. Mostly one in specific but the name us eluding me at the moment. Tolkien didn't really invent anything. Even Gandalf is based on the Norse god Odin.


    > That's....not what I'm coming up with, particularly in regards to Orcs *specifically*. That google search may have been too quick. And, frankly there's a whole lot else wrong with the above statement, especially the use of "cribbed". Everybody that writes or creates something is influenced by those that came before, *everyone*, and Tolkien absolutely did use various Germanic *and* Celtic languages and cultural stories when creating the world of Middle-earth. He also used heavy Christian influences, which aren't going to be found in a this specific Germanic (*pagan*) legend you haven't cited.

    > (the creation of Gandalf did include some influence from Odin, as some legends spoke of the Norse god disguised as an old man wandering throughout the human lands, but that aspect is about all that Gandalf gets from Odin)



    No need to get so defensive, cribbed is a correct word for what I was communicating. A lot of elements of his stories do in fact borrow from Norse stories, which is exactly what cribbed from means. The rings of power, dwarves, elves, even the name middle earth can be said to come from the Norse Midgard. You also left out the fact that Gandalf isn't in fact human but is basically a godlike being in setting. The robe and wizard hat look is from Odin. Tolkien being a Christian would no doubt have an affect on interpretation of as you call it "pagan" works. Doesn't make it not an interpretation, look up "Der Ring des Nibelungen" it's where the concept of the one ring is from. Which is itself an interpretation of the Nibelungenlied.

  7. > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

    > > @"castlemanic.3198" said:

    > > > @"norbes.3620" said:

    > > > Well Skyrim is not the only Franchise were Orcs and Elves are related. and most often the orcs are the degenerated Version.. as sad as it is.

    > >

    > > You can thank Tolkein for that, since the orcs in middle earth were captured elves that were mutated. Apparently you can also blame him for giant spiders in every fantasy world too.

    > Didn't Tolkien *invent* Orcs, though? Arern't they, well, his?


    According to a quick Google search, no, they date back much farther. The entire lord of the rings story is cribbed from Germanic legends too. Mostly one in specific but the name us eluding me at the moment. Tolkien didn't really invent anything. Even Gandalf is based on the Norse god Odin.

  8. > @"Magek.4718" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > Tengu were going to be in the base game originally but were cut, if any race gets added it will be them.


    > Eh, Tengu are honestly pretty boring.


    > I want Quaggan personally (If it wasn't obvious)


    I mean I'd want Skritt, but I'm being realistic in that Tengu are the most likely to get added since they were going to be in originally, have an entire unused section of the map to themselves and would be easier to animate and such, some of the work is already there.

  9. I wouldn't call the commander a full on idiot hero since they are shown to be a shrewd tactician and well think of all the trickery and acting the player does, from the various hearts with disguises all the way to the plan *the commander* comes up with to take the place of Iberu and control Jok(e)o's army. They're just not really the type who likes to sit around in research away from the action.


    Also Taimi is more mission control than primary protagonist. Tons of games utilize a mission control character.

  10. > @"Dante.1763" said:

    > > @"Loesh.4697" said:

    > > > @"Castigator.3470" said:

    > > > Look, we all know Rytlock isn't perfect. I guess he himself knows that better than anyone else. If you don't like him, that's perfectly fine, but you're calling for some nebulous punishment, because he didn't behave like you wanted him to behave, essentially scapegoating him for everything that happened.

    > > >

    > >

    > > Allow me to be specific then. At the very least, at the VERY LEAST, Rytlock should be in the same doghouse Caith is in at this point. A lot of damage was inadvertently caused by his actions for reasons he couldn't completely control, but that he still had _some_ agency over.

    > >

    > >


    > I highly disagree here.


    > The reason i distrust Caithe *still*, was she literally stole from the player character, without any reason, i have a unhealthy loathing of thieves both IRL and in games, she continued to put the player character and the rest of the NPCs in danger the entire time she had the egg because we where required to obtain the egg and make sure it was safe, so we chased her until we obtained it. The entire first arc of HoT including some of the deaths and injuries of main characters where in part caused by Caithe, who could have used her masterful use of stealth skills to rescue those people, had she had just given use the egg in the first place instead of taking it for herself. Caithe doesnt even really apologize to the player before she vanishes again..


    > Rytlock did what? not tell us he encountered a spirit(one of many he more than likely encountered), what would it have changed? We would have continued to go after Balthazar with or without knowing the information he had, the PC *still* would have "died" to him in that encounter we had with him the first time, so what would be different?




    Don't forget Caithe murdered all those peaceful centaurs and *still* seems willing to go along with Faolain despite how obviously evil she is.

  11. > @"Hesacon.8735" said:

    > > @"Eekasqueak.7850" said:

    > > Just craft fulgurite


    > I crafted the max my bank will hold, 2000; plus 250 for astralaria and I still have 4k obsidian shards.


    Uhh use it to make jeweled dowels/patches and sell those?

  12. > @"Loesh.4697" said:

    > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

    > > There's was absolutely zero chance of him putting it together earlier. The links were completely tenuous and given the gods were told to us had left, it would be very strange for a ragged old man imprisoned in irons to be thought of as a God. sohotjin being Balthazar sword was new info as well

    > >

    > > It looks more obvious because it has been explained to us, but for Rytlock to have made any connection prior to when he did would have been totally ridiculous. So, no that isn't an argument to prosecute against Rytlock.


    > The thing is, it doesn't even need to be Balthazar. It could be a super empowered god touched being which could still be dangerous, and we know for sure are still totally around. Reigniting the fire of a two of a kid sword with a magic nuke built into it would raise some eyebrows, at least from me. I think it's absolutely absurd for an Orrian/Ascalonian scholar to __not__ realize.


    Since when was Rytlock a scholar? He's a Tribune of the least scholarly of the legions.

  13. OP you keep skirting around the point and the only people agreeing with you seeming to be radically anti-charr or anti-Rytlock or both is -very- telling. There's also the matter of Glint having a part in this, she could have told Rytlock who the old man was but didn't. If anything it was probably her fault, because Rytlock is a herald explicitly and it can be assumed Glint talks to him. Unless Balthazar already had Lyssa's mirror at this point which would make it so Glint could be fooled too.

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