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Trevor Boyer.6524

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Everything posted by Trevor Boyer.6524

  1. > @"Dadnir.5038" said: > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said: > > Read what I said to Kachros. > > > > Thieves needed SB5 to stay 5 init for those reasons. > > That's assuming that thief being a "weak fast guy" is a necessity. Even the necromancer, which is notoriously "slow", can build to be relatively "fast". So maybe the issue of the "weak fast guy" isn't necessarily a loss of speed but a lack of (popular) options to be "strong". It's not a matter of theory or philosophy. The game was literally designed that way and had been played where the thief and mesmer was the fast weak guy for 9 years. So let's not pretend that this was not Arenanet's obvious intended design. What we are talking about are radical changes that are implemented recklessly rather than properly. Suddenly ripping a lot of mobility off of Thief with nothing to compensate is bologna, considering when things like Trap DH, Necros, and other slow bruiser team fighters are undergoing massive mobility creep.
  2. Confirmed. I saw it as well. So I dunno if it's the same bug or something new, but it was definitely still happening. And yeah Khalisto is right, the banners were multi summoned on top of each other. And no, it was not separate banner types, they were battle standards.
  3. > @"Kachros.4751" said: > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said: > > Performance of Thief is bad after 8 init shortbow 5. > > > > Honestly that change needs to be reverted. > > The performance of thief (like every class that isnt busted) is good if in the hands of a good player, if in the hands of a bad player then said thief value will be very low, thats how classes SHOULD be in pvp. Well of course, but that's not changing the fact that when Thief mobility is being largely nerfed while the mobility of slower bruisers is increasing, its making the difference in mobility factor between the weak fast guy and the slow strong guy not much of a difference at all, and when that happens the slow strong guy begins to greatly outperform. > @"Dadnir.5038" said: > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said: > > Performance of Thief is bad after 8 init shortbow 5. > > > > Honestly that change needs to be reverted. > > If the performance is bad after shortbow#5 nerf, then reverting this change would be a mistake. The level of performance of a profession shouldn't depend on a single weapon skill. > > I'm not saying that thief don't need some nice buffs, but thief certainly don't need to depend on a single skill either. Reverting the shortbow nerf will only lead thiefs to return to it's initial state where player couldn't fathom a thief build without a shortbow. Read what I said to Kachros. Thieves needed SB5 to stay 5 init for those reasons.
  4. Performance of Thief is bad after 8 init shortbow 5. Honestly that change needs to be reverted.
  5. > @"razaelll.8324" said: > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said: > > > @"razaelll.8324" said: > > > Hello , > > > > > > **I am new player, playing from 3 weeks. Currently at 1150 rating. I wish to share my opinion on the discussion. In my opinion pvp should be balanced around high skill players , because skill should be the main factor of who wins and who looses a game. I am playing mmo rpgs from 17 years, and GW2 has unique combat design in which skill really matters. The game cannot be balanced around low rated ppl like me which dont know what they are doing. If a person is not willing to put effort in learning and improving thats not a problem of the game designers. If a person is mainly loosing and dont put eny effort in understanding why he is loosing then he deserves his low rating.** > > > > And on that day there were words of truth that bombarded the forum like an avalanche coming off a mountain. > > > > > > I am not sure do you agree or are you surcastic, will be happy if you can clarify that. Thanks in advance. > > Best regards and be healthy! What I mean is that what you said is true.
  6. > @"razaelll.8324" said: > Hello , > > **I am new player, playing from 3 weeks. Currently at 1150 rating. I wish to share my opinion on the discussion. In my opinion pvp should be balanced around high skill players , because skill should be the main factor of who wins and who looses a game. I am playing mmo rpgs from 17 years, and GW2 has unique combat design in which skill really matters. The game cannot be balanced around low rated ppl like me which dont know what they are doing. If a person is not willing to put effort in learning and improving thats not a problem of the game designers. If a person is mainly loosing and dont put eny effort in understanding why he is loosing then he deserves his low rating.** And on that day there were words of truth that bombarded the forum like an avalanche coming off a mountain.
  7. You know my build for the most part. But to be specific: * Berserker/Eagle - Longbow Energy/Separation - Greatsword Energy/Intelligence - Smokescale/Gazelle * Wilderness - 1/2/2 - Beastmaster - 3/2/3 - Soulbeast - 2/1/3 * Troll Unguent - Quick Zephyr - Sic Em - Lightning Reflex - One Wolf Pack This build certainly counts as a hard counter vs. nearly all Thief/Daredevil/Deadeye specs, outside of brawly Staff specs. Brawly Staff specs can survive and take/hold nodes against it even if they can't secure a kill on it. In other words, killing this as a DP Daredevil isn't so easy to do. To be able to kill an actual good high DPS Soulbeast with DP Daredevil, there are a handful of things that you must do and things you must never do: 1. Only ever approach it when you are near an area with plenty of LOS and elevation changes near you. This is so you can preemptively plan escape routes from the pet AI and cover from ranged burst. 2. Never try to get the jump on the Ranger in the same way you would try to get the jump on other classes. This only leads to the Thief getting himself way too close to the Ranger, the Ranger survives the initial jump and then bites back real hard and usually 1shots the Thief. What you need to do is walk in at the Ranger in a very obvious manner and bait his Sic Em burst. You use those preemptively planned escape routes to avoid large damage and bait that big burst once the Ranger initiates it. You want to watch for the Reveal icon above your utility bar and the OWP icon under the Ranger's UI. 9 out of 10 Rangers will attempt to immediately LB 4 you and go into Rapid Fire, burning all of their burst utility right off the bat. Only a few Rangers in NA would be wise enough not to do this if a Thief walked directly at them. Never go in at the Ranger until it burns its burst. Alternatively, if you KNOW he is using OWP this means he has no stability. <- In this event, you can actually monkey around him and ruin his burst not by running and LOSing, but by poking him with Headshots. Daggerstorm is also a great way to ruin a Ranger burst but I advise preserving it for the 2nd cycle of the Ranger's Sic Em, when he uses it on you again 30s after your initial approach. 3. Once it burns its burst, the Ranger's damage threat seriously drops out and he will have 50% of his weapon skills on CD and most of his utilities as well. This is when you can get real aggressive with the Ranger. Two things to note: 1) When he is on GS side, he has no multi strike attacks such as symbols that can easily hit through blind pulsing. You can really abuse Black Powder Shot vs. Rangers who are on GS side. BPS is so abusive vs. Ranger GS side, that the Thief can just walk at the Ranger and BPS repeatedly while auto attacking with 1, and actually kill the Ranger this way with no fancy footwork required at all. 2) When they swap to LB side, their entire goal to get you off them is to land LB4 and knock you back into eating a Rapid Fire. I'm going to commit treason against the Ranger Police and explain to you how to easily counter this. Just save your Steal that has Sleight Of Hand CC attached to it, for when you get knocked back and right as the Rapid Fire begins, just steal to the Ranger and interrupt the Rapid Fire. This is the perfect way to bait LB4s. The LB4 deals no damage and you can instantly stop the Rapid Fire damage with the Steal CC. When the Ranger is close range with you on LB side for his 9s weapon swap, he has no damage on LB3 or LB1 autos close range and his LB5 is easy to avoid. If you do this right, all you should be worried about vs. Ranger LB in close range is his pet damage. 4. So you approach Ranger in obvious manner to bait big burst damage, don't try to jump him. After baiting burst, you go in at Ranger. Ride the Ranger GS side with BPS, and save your Steal CC for baiting LB4 and interrupting Rapid Fire LB damage. This is how you beat Rangers with DP. What I explained here ^ will work against probably 90% or greater of the NA LB/GS Ranger community. But when you go against the best Rangers who are wise enough to avoid these tactics, what they will do is they will begin to use skills very sporadically and randomly so you can't abuse what I explained here. In that event, you just avoid those Ranger players in 1v1s and only ever go at them if you are +ing another player who is already engaging the Ranger.
  8. > @"Krysard.1364" said: > > @"WillPaharu.4837" said: > > I think the cooldown on glyff of tides is fine, but the knockback on greatsword should be adjusted back to what it was before this highly uncalled for nerf. > > The GS "nerf" might even be a buff if the ranger actually plans on HITTING the target, and not just push them away. The glyph is mainly used to decap and has no telling anyway, so the nerf is more than justified. It was definitely an unintended buff for DPS oriented Ranger/Soulbeast builds. Read my previous post.
  9. > @"Shao.7236" said: > Overly done designs aren't immune of criticism because they don't have a curated rating. > > GS is the most used weapon for Ranger and is one of the strongest in the game anyway. The side effects are not just pointed at that build. That nerf to GS4 knockback was actually an insane unintended buff btw. Before the nerf, if a Ranger knocked you back with GS4, the knockback was so far that it was nearly impossible to get to a veteran opponent and continue your combo melee side by following up with a Maul and it was surely impossible to follow that Maul with a Hilt Bash to reset Maul and go into WI. But NOW after that nerf, the knockback is so short that you can immediately push Maul and hit the person after the knockback and there is plenty of time to go directly into Hilt Bash, reset Maul, land a merged Smokescale F1 CC, Maul again and go into WI. And even if the person is a veteran player and is able to survive, your CCs melee side reset quickly enough that you can perpetually juggle the opponent with CC threats until you eventually win and you don't even need to swap to Longbow any longer. Essentially, that GS4 knockback range was the only thing that allowed players breathing room to avoid Ranger perma CC juggling. Now fighting threatening DPS oriented Ranger builds feels like you're in melee against a Hammer Spellbreaker who actually hits with large damage instead of nerfed Hammer strikes. When more people figure it out, you'll be seeing a lot more play from builds like what I run, and a lot less Decap Druids. When I noticed what the shortened knockback range was allowing me to do, I laughed out loud like Waluigi and enjoyed a 1st place win in an AT session while juggling the absolute shit out of some great players who were confused as to why I was suddenly twice as dangerous in melee range.
  10. I'll bet it was a hell of a dart game when the notes were sorted around for this one. ![](https://i.imgur.com/bECbXkh.gif "")
  11. > @"Paradoxoglanis.1904" said: > Im having a difficult time with pvp right now. 1v1s are so drawn out and boring that I just lose motivation about 3 minutes in and stop trying. How can I get myself to actually care when close fights are just stalemates? My ego is dwindling, I cant even find the courage to trash talk noobs playing dh or necro anymore. Is there a solution to this crisis im having, or am I doomed to a pvp future filled with lethargy and regret? Just start playing high risk high reward full DPS builds. Way more fun, regardless of if they only rank as mediocre in the current meta.
  12. > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said: > > DON'T STOP BELIEVIN lolololololol
  13. Change my answer. Tbh, when I stop and think about it, if I couldn't casual queue an unranked or something from time to time, I'd get pretty bored really fast and probably wouldn't stick around very long. If they would condense WvW population so that maps were active again, that may hold my interests if PvP were removed.
  14. Oh and btw, also pertaining to this topic: When people are using multi box windows to run bots, if 1 DCs they all DC cause same IP. Something to think about.
  15. > @"Leafstorm.1349" said: > Good morning, I had a question about maybe a ToS issue? Would it be against ToS for someone to be paid to carry people for tournament wins? Raids are constantly sold, so would it be against ToS to sell wins for people who have no hopes of getting the 20 they need for the amulet? Thanks :) Read the TOS carefully yourself. They had changed the TOS at some point over the years so that there actually aren't any rules anymore other than: "Arenanet can do whatever they want or not do anything at all." For those who are keen enough to review these changes, they will see why cheating is so rampant now in 2021 and why nothing is being done about it. Furthermore, under these new TOS agreements, I highly doubt anyone will care what you do in this game anymore, unless a tremendously large amount of players are complaining about it. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-user-agreement/ **ArenaNet has no obligation under any circumstances to review any communications regarding violations of the Rules of Conduct related to any Account.** ArenaNet may, in its reasonable discretion, choose to review communications made to the Notice Contact regarding violations of the Rules of Conduct related to any Account. ArenaNet may also, in its reasonable discretion, provide other means by which it may choose to review communications regarding violations of the Rules of Conduct related to any Account. Reported violations of Rules of Conduct that have merit – **ArenaNet may take any action, or no action whatsoever, based on communications regarding violation of the Rules of Conduct related to any Account, including but not limited to providing You with a warning, penalties, and in certain cases termination of an Account under Section 3(b). ArenaNet has no obligation to explain any decision to take any action, or no action whatsoever,** based on communications regarding violation of the Rules of Conduct related to any Account.
  16. > @"radda.8920" said: > > @"Aavataris.5720" said: > > > @"radda.8920" said: > > > > For years I suggested mounts in forums, each time I was insulted and discredited with silly things ...now there are mounts and they work very well. > > > > If your argument is that the community does not allow growth: The community is going to swallow anything as long as it is good, even if before they only insulted and said it would not work. > > At the pvp level, this community wants absolutely nothing new. If you follow this forum, reddit and the competitive players, they want to stick with their minable cap mode and that's it. Guild wars 1 was a very varied game in terms of pvp, we had tons of different modes, the players were open to a lot of things. But on this game it's a disaster, honestly I have never seen that on any mmo I played. > The pvp has hardly evolved in 9 long years, never seen it before and it is absolutely not arena's fault > > As for the pve, as soon as you mention the word ''challenge'', 90% of players are complaining that guild wars 2 is not made for that ... this partly explains why the raids were abandoned and that there is so few fractals added. > the majority of gw2 players want pve which is limited to following a bus and killing motionless bosses without mechanics, it's like that, we have to deal with it or leave this game unfortunately > > that's why I told you that your idea is not bad but there is no chance that it happens because of the players. > Mounts could be add in the game, because it remains a basic feature that does not require any involvement to improve your skill so the players weren't totally against that > > There is so much misinformation in this response. Let me clear a few things up: 1. Wanting new pvp content is the #2 thing that is always being discussed in the pvp subforum, 2nd only to #1 being game balance. People definitely want new pvp content. 2. Saying it is not Arenanet's fault for having pvp not evolve in 9 years is quite the statement when we are promised things like Alliances in wvw and then it never happens. 3. People in pve LOVE new challenging content. People love getting new fractals or challenges with achievements attached, things like Beetle Races to do, something else to master. Saying otherwise and choosing to example "Why Raids were abandoned" was the absolute most convoluted and misdirecting topic you could that you could possibly chosen. Raids were abandoned not because they are too difficult mechanically, but because they are too much of a hassle IRL to organize. People like challenging content that is solo, for example the Crown Pavilion and figuring out how to beat Liadri ect ect. <- Those kinds of challenges are done on a players own individual time and doesn't require organizing some specific day and time with 9 other people. It's not that people don't like challenging content, it's that they don't like content that is too much of a hassle to organize. This is why guild missions aren't ran regularly although they are actually very easy, because they are a hassle organize. 4. Saying players just want "to motionless boss kill" is simply not true. When PoF was released it received great praise from the community because a lot of boss content provided was just organized a lot better than any previous content, mechanically. People also widely revere and discuss T4CM fractal boss mechanics. Many people play fractals, because it isn't an ultra difficult activity to organize. Being able to get the title to be in and play with strong 100CM groups is no more difficult than Raiding, it's just its' a lot easier to organize. People like and want challenging content. People do not like content that is too much of a hassle to organize before even getting started.
  17. > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said: > > > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > > > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > > > What you describe is not a real challenge, nor extreme difficulty, it's real boredom and extreme tediousness. It might've looked great in your mind before you typed it, but seeing your suggestion written makes me only fall asleep. > > > > > > Not to mention that the "difficulty" or "challenge" isn't the goal here, just the great rewards. > > > > Eh I don't know about that man. I come from a different era of gaming I guess. I like to have things in games that are challenging and fun to smash around in, even if I don't care about the reward. A good example is how I'll go in and run T4s or teach CMs to people just because I'm looking for something to do to burn some time. Sometimes the gaming really is just about the gaming and running some build that you thought up that feels good to play. But again, things get boring if things are too easy and you've ran the content so many times. A big massive upside down Central Tyria is A LOT of content to play in before that would get boring. Sometimes the best reward is just knowing you and your buddies went in and were able to complete it. Kind of like when you beat Mike Tyson in the original Mike Tysons Punch Out for the first time, always a personal milestone for any gamer. > > > > Everything get tedious with repetition. If it didn't, a single raid would keep a game alive forever, and obviously "challenge" doesn't make it last any longer. If raids gave no rewards, i doubt many would do them, which is an achievement considering how miniscule the amount of people who participate in raids is already. > > And you can stuff the "i came from a strange era" trite, since i've played games for around 30 years. Everything you guys are saying is as if you had some incentive that we don't know about, to come into threads with good ideas and shoot them down. Of course everything gets tedious with repetition, but do you know why that is? Things are tedious when one is only valuing what happens at the end of the task. It is tedious to work 8 hours at a job because I just want my paycheck and I want to go home. It is tedious to run my fractal runs each night because I am focusing on working towards the reward of Fractal God Title. It is tedious to organize and run raids because I am focused on legendary armor skins. This is what happens when people are baited into always wanting things, only worried about rewards. You said you've been gaming for 30 years. Do you not remember what it was like to put in Super Mario Brothers 3 and play it just because it was a fun thing to do? The reason why it was fun is because no matter how good you were, when you hit world 7 and 8, the game was always challenging. There were always ways to try and improve your accuracy or methods of how to beat the game a little bit faster. The last two worlds were always difficult enough to where you could easily mess up and die and kill your time run. It was always just difficult enough to provide a satisfying cerebral experience that required paying attention. The reward wasn't a pot of gold that you could use to buy skins after defeating Bowser, the reward was playing the game and crunching monsters with style. For some reason there are a lot of people in these GW2 forums that give responses like you two are, just entirely pessimistically focused on these business model like standards that have absolutely nothing to do what how fun something is to play. > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > If the idea of "challenge" and "difficulty" for someone is about increasing mob stats, like health and damage, they are free to play in the current open world maps with white gear, or no gear at all. I personally find damage sponges that deal big damage not be challenging, or fun, I'd rather be challenged by actual mechanics. But I guess anyone can have their own opinion on the subject. My good dude, of course it would be amazing to see an entirely newly designed world with new monsters and new mechanics, like the upcoming EoD expansion is going to be. My purpose in assisting the OP's suggestion here in this thread, was to propose a super easy to configure content recycle that would require a ridiculously small amount of Anet's time invested to be able to do, for what it would be worth to the community. The ideas presented in this thread would just be giving all of the old fractals boys A LOT more to do and aspire towards, concerning utilizing the AR system. If you wanted to bolster the mechanics of monsters during these vanquishes, Anet could give them all permanent Quickness, Alac, Super Speed. That would fundamentally change a lot about how the mechanics felt. I know you'll come back with some response to make make everything I've said somehow look negative. But I'd like you explain to me how not different it would feel to approach a group or 4 or 5 Cursed Shore zombies, the ones with hammers that knock you down, when they had perma Quick, Alac, Super Speed and jacked up attributes on top of instabilities and AR damage to boot. Tbh it would feel like an entirely different game man. All of this would also really put build/gear templates to use. Some areas depending on what types of mobs are there and what instabilities are in effect, would greatly encourage if not demand, swapping to different builds to engage the situations in the map. It would be a lot of fun.
  18. > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said: > > Blocking players from map access could be as easy as removing the portals that would normally take the players to other maps, until they kill some designated boss which would open the portal or maybe they must "vanquish" the area first before the portals would open, like in GW1. > > That's not how vanquishing worked in GW1, there were no "portals" you could leave a zone any time you wished. > So this idea is a boring "skip to the boss", "kill the boss", "get rewards", "open portal to next map", rinse and repeat. Just mindless mob killing in open world maps fighting so called "insane difficulty" enemies. What makes Fractal CMs and Raids challenging is the fact that bosses have mechanics and require teamwork. The OP stated: > > With a minimum of extra programming, ANET can recycle ALL maps, but expanding a lot of content and a new mode (already tested in a small version). > > If every open world boss, or at least those required to open up the portals to the next zone, must have entirely new mechanics, then the idea of "minimum extra programming" goes out of the window. And since Anet releases Strike Missions and Fractals so rarely and Raids are dead, I don't think it's reasonable to assume they'd invest so many resources to "upgrade" (or rather create from scratch) so many ex-open world bosses. And that's to actually be challenging, just increasing their health and damage isn't "challenging", it's tedious. Doesn't really deserve any extra rewards > Dude you can turn it down a notch. I didn't claim vanquishing in GW1 opened portals. I said the idea could be to vanquish the area before you progressed, which means you have to kill everything, every single creature. And if there was a time limit on the vanquish, you'd need to seriously spend time charting routes through each map that the 5 players would divide into to be able to actually achieve clears under those limits. You're also looking at how some mobs/bosses wouldn't be able to be handled by 1 person or maybe not even with 2. In some situations the players may need a full 5 man regroup to deal with say a Champion Troll Spawn. So these planned routes wouldn't be so easy and it would require a great deal of team play and coordination of when to split to cover more ground and when to regroup. The most fun part about this, is that you could toggle and use several different builds during these vanquishes, rather than just a single T4 meta fractal build. We'd be looking at toggling between map explore builds like a P/P Deadeye or anything else that was highly mobility highly self sufficient vs. when you regroup with your team, then use templates to swap to some role that obviously functions better when you're regrouped with your HB and Alac. Then of course even the HB and the Alac is swapping to DH or some otherwise self sufficient build when he has to split to cover an area himself for the sake of time during the vanquish as well. I'm telling the idea he presented in this thread is a good idea and could go very deep, providing a lot of extra content and "fun stuff to do with your guild" with minimal programming/coding required on Anet's part. I mean this is essentially just recycling old content with tweaked numbers.
  19. > @"Yggranya.5201" said: > > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > What you describe is not a real challenge, nor extreme difficulty, it's real boredom and extreme tediousness. It might've looked great in your mind before you typed it, but seeing your suggestion written makes me only fall asleep. > > Not to mention that the "difficulty" or "challenge" isn't the goal here, just the great rewards. Eh I don't know about that man. I come from a different era of gaming I guess. I like to have things in games that are challenging and fun to smash around in, even if I don't care about the reward. A good example is how I'll go in and run T4s or teach CMs to people just because I'm looking for something to do to burn some time. Sometimes the gaming really is just about the gaming and running some build that you thought up that feels good to play. But again, things get boring if things are too easy and you've ran the content so many times. A big massive upside down Central Tyria is A LOT of content to play in before that would get boring. Sometimes the best reward is just knowing you and your buddies went in and were able to complete it. Kind of like when you beat Mike Tyson in the original Mike Tysons Punch Out for the first time, always a personal milestone for any gamer.
  20. > @"maddoctor.2738" said: > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said: > > 1. Yes, a new type of asura portal near fractals that is a mega fractal, pretty much alternate reality of Tyria where there are no waypoints and you progress outwards into Central Tyria maps that are full of insanely difficult combat encounters. > > Can you provide an example of how that's going to work? Once you use that portal, where will you end up? How exactly are you gonna "block" players from moving about and ignoring fights? Open World maps aren't simple one path maps like in Fractals or Raids, they are large and expansive. There are no "blocks" in place, like bosses to kill in order to open up a new path. Let's say I'm in Queensdale, outside Divinity's Reach, and want to reach the portal leading to Kessex Hills, how are you gonna stop me? Hrm, I'd imagine the easiest implementation would simply be a closed instance for the 5 players. I have no idea how much additional server power Anet would need in this situation. When they use the portal they would immediately appear in that same position on the other side of the portal, in the upside down Lion's Arch, and they can take the portal again to leave. Blocking players from map access could be as easy as removing the portals that would normally take the players to other maps, until they kill some designated boss which would open the portal or maybe they must "vanquish" the area first before the portals would open, like in GW1. So the idea is you load into upside down LA and you have to kill EVERYTHING in LA before the north and south portals open to be able to travel to either Genderran or Bloodtide. You could even put a timer on how long the party has to be able to kill the things in the map as to force a bit more of a challenge. Each map could get progressively more difficult and as such, rewards also get better. Or alternatively, the party could select the desired level of difficulty which would reflect drop potential. Are you familiar with how Diablo 3 worked with its torment difficulty scale? Anet could use something like that. Let's say that when the party loads into upside down LA, they get to select a scale of difficulty that would reflect the already existent agony and instability scales of 1 to 100 fractals. But.... with the upside down LA, let's say that the fractal scale could be selected up to 200. So we are looking at an open world exploration farm fest for drops, that is the equivalent of T8 fractals, having something like 6x instabilities active all at once. Probably would need to require players to have something like 250 AR to even begin to step into a scale 200, which likely would demand having unlocked things like Fractal God, while having some of the most expensive +AR infusion bonuses possible. Hey! it'd be something new to do.
  21. Bleh ignore the negative feedback. This is a good idea, though I'd present it in maybe a simpler format: 1. Yes, a new type of asura portal near fractals that is a mega fractal, pretty much alternate reality of Tyria where there are no waypoints and you progress outwards into Central Tyria maps that are full of insanely difficult combat encounters. 2. These combat encounters don't even need to be elaborate new metas or anything, just replace normal mobs with insanely difficult mobs. Anet could even take the easy route on this and simply bolster up the stats of normal mobs. IE: you walk out into Queensdale and a boar charges you and 1shots you into downstate. Of course it would be cooler if Anet took the time to make it sort of like "The Upside Down" of Tyria, with a dark world theme like from Stranger Things, and all of the mobs are just weird strange random demonic fractal creatures that are insanely difficult to deal with. 3. Of course drops and drop rates would be increased from these creatures. 4. If your party full wipes, you have to respawn in LA again. There are no way points. 5. Old World Bosses like Shadow Behemoth or the Fire Shaman would be insanely jacked up difficulty. Everything they do should hit like a raid boss. Anet wouldn't even need to change or add mechanics, just jack up the statistical attributes of these old bosses. Some of those things would be very difficult if they hit like a raid boss and you only had 5 dudes to deal with them. Then the drops for these insane hard mode bosses should be well worth it. I'm talking chances of finding Black Lion Keys, stuff like that.
  22. Ok let me define what I mean by "Higher than HoT difficulty" * I like my maps to be ridiculously overboard challenging concerning combat. I personally would enjoy a map that had random mobs spawning that were as difficult as T4 fractal mobs. * I like my maps to be relatively Verdant Brink like difficult in terms of traversing the map and exploring it. Verdant Brink is my opinion the best designed map in the game. It is complex enough and has much exploration to be done from both low to high, ground to air, and even things hidden in underground places. VB also feels good to run around in and although it is large and complex enough, it doesn't feel restrictive and confining in the way that Tangled Depths felt. I DO NOT like my maps concerning traversal, to be anywhere near as complex, restrictive or confining as Tangled Depths. Even to this day in 2021 after nearly18 characters who have cleared Tangled Depths, I still find myself getting lost and frustrated each time I visit that map, which is just annoying and always a headache. * In terms of completing story content, mastery stuff, event chains that lead to metas, and even achievements, there is a difference between "good difficult" and "bad difficult" that I would like to define. Good difficult is when something is actually challenging and requires multiple attempts to figure out how to master and do correctly. Bad difficult is when something is easy to do but requires some inordinate amount of patience and grinding that you have to stomach if you want to complete it. A good example of Good Difficult, is when a commander tag has to teach the people in his map how to correctly run some meta boss if they want to beat it, such as Triple Trouble. Another example of Good Difficult is figuring out raven mirror puzzles. <- This is all cerebrally active. Bad Difficult is when you are sent on a 6+ hour easter egg hunt, literally running around Tyria as you hunt for actual eggs or something to complete an overly large collection. And the things you are finding aren't even hard to find, there are just so many that you're looking at a lot of load screens in your near future and running across maps in a mind numbing test of your patience and will power to not fall asleep. In other words, I'd rather have 3 eggs to retrieve for some collection, that required completing difficult challenges to obtain, than have 30 eggs to find that are all easy to get but require me to load screen 30x and run across 30x maps to obtain.
  23. > @"MarkVonPlay.7391" said: > GW1 and GW2 are two completely different games. I think both games can exist co-existent. > It would be nice to see Guild Wars with modern DirectX 12 and Raytracing. It also would be great to see a new campaign. There is so much landscape, that isn't explored > > I'm sad to see, that World of Warcraft is still in development and get new campaigns and GW1 not. Please Arenanet: Give GW1 new life. Have you actually went back to play GW1 any time recently? I had recently gone back with some guys to play GW1. I was going to walk them through the campaigns as they had never played them before. Let me tell you, it felt... flat footed. After playing GW2 for so long, I found it really difficult to go back and play in the GW1 engine after experiencing such free & fluid movement/combat that is in GW2. You know what I mean, jumping, dodge rolling, moving while casting or attacking, ect ect. I honestly didn't have much patience for it, and although I do regard GW1 as one of the best designed games for its time that I have ever played, it is exactly that "A game that was amazing in its own era." I find that the things we remember about GW1 is a lot of deep nostalgia, but when you actually go back to play in that engine, it just isn't the same in 2021. In other words, GW2 is easily the superior game in my opinion ^^ If anything, if they could use the same exact engine that GW2 has, and redo the old maps/story/dungeon/campaigns/classes from GW1, now that would be enticing to play.
  24. > @"Fueki.4753" said: > > @"Randulf.7614" said: > > expect it summer or autumn > I certainly hope it'll be no earlier than late Novembre. > Arenanet's developers need the time to make it good. > > Agreed. A lot of people are going to come back when they hear Cantha is happening. Anet needs to be ready to deliver.
  25. > @"castlemanic.3198" said: > Figured this might be a fun topic, what kinds of things that would probably cost more development time and money than they're worth would you want in the game? > > My personal thing is having a boat with a canon/some sort of long ranged attack and climbing walls/cliff faces (i know we have the springer and skyscale that already invalidates this, i did say it's unnecessary) > > What would you add? Skyscale has attacks while flying, like a breath weapon cone or a long range fireball AoE. These can be used without needing to dismount.
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