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Trevor Boyer.6524

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Everything posted by Trevor Boyer.6524

  1. Clearly Rune Of The Trapper is the problem. A DH being able to self stealth so frequently is as dumb as if some rune were letting Spellbreakers or Reapers do the same thing. Trap Rune needs a rework.
  2. > @"Vancho.8750" said: > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said: > > > @"Vancho.8750" said: > > > > I seem to remember, looking at the matchmaker code on wiki, that total number of games played is considered as a factor, which was a bit of a 'yikes' moment. > > > I think I reached the games played range to get my account cursed, and it feels like it is getting worse the more games I play, like the system expects me to carry the game alone. I am the the point where playing side node build is no longer an option since my team will always fold teamfights and skirmishes without my help, even if they outnumber the enemy. The majority of my games are kitten show, where I keep thinking that I should have taken this build or that build , but then we will be missing the one im running and at that moment the enemy team has pinpointed me as a threat. > > > The whole thing is mentally exhausting at this point and feels like pissing against the wind most of the time. > > > > > > Yes, Total Number of games, as well as your rank number (rabbit - dragon rank in levels), dishonor, guild tag, and a few other parameters are in there, to not evaluate the players in your match (That's what MMR is for) it's to decide which TEAM you are gonna play on in that match. > > > > There is a lot of useful information on the matchmaking wiki that players should be informed about. > > > > Vancho, to understand why what's happening to you isn't you being crazy, but a statistical eventuality, just check out the example below. > > > > The Matchmaker works in two phases, Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phase 1 decides out of the hundred or so players currently in que, which 10 are going to be in a match. It decides this looking at MMR for all these players, and then creates hypothetical team configurations to create a potential match (this is called phase 2) In Phase 2, it uses a list of parameters to determine which team players belong on and when it searches all possibilities it can make, it settles on the best one, sets it aside, and when the server pings the matchmaker the matchmaker gets a green light to initiate a match. > > > > So in Phase 2, what's happening here, is that the matchmaker is giving you a score based on a set of parameters that try to additionally locate your skill level. So the scoring is basically like taking a test. Imagine that this test looks something like this... > > > > MMR = 40% of the test > > Profession = 20% of the test > > Rank = 20% of the test > > Games played = 10% of the test > > Dishonor = 10% of the test > > > > The above is an oversimplification of what the matchmaker is doing, but its essentially guessing what your skill level is based on the above parameters and comparing it to another player that it has selected in the matchmaker. The higher you score, the more the matchmaker believes you are a better player in comparison to a player with a lower score. > > > > Actual Code > > >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/R5WLLJv.png "") > > > > > > Now Vancho, think about this for a moment. > > > > Let's just say you played 8000 games, and are level 400 dragon, and you are in gold 2. The Matchmaker will first attempt to find players in gold2 rating range. When it enters phase 2, where it has already chosen 9 players with a very close mmr, if you happen to have the most games played, and the highest level among the players it found a match for, it will thus score you the highest in phase 2. In the interest of self efficiency, the matchmaker will always TRY to find the AVERAGE in order to build a balanced game. Thus, you will ALWAYS be paired with the player with the lowest score, and you will always be against the players whos scores are more balanced than yours...because your score makes you an outlier among the players it has selected. > > > > If the average number of games played in gold 2 is 500, and average rank level is dragon (level 80), then in nearly every match you play while in gold 2, you will always be considered the outlier, and you will always have to work much harder just to get out of that range, in which these are the average numbers of games played across the matchmakers choice it made from phase 1. > > > > > > > Why the kitten is the game punishing me for playing it? Good question. You should see what it's like to queue on an account with 20,000+ games played. Here is what happens: * There are two games being formed in the queue * 1800/1800/1600/1500/1500 vs. 1600/1600/1500/1500/empty. Other game is 1550/1550/1500/1490/1480 vs. 1550/1550/1500/1490/empty * There are 2 extra guys floating around in the queue still to be placed. One player is 1495 with 2000 games played, the other is 1495 with 20000 games played. It will take the 1495 with 20000 games played and throw him into that first match against the 1800 duo almost every time, and grant the easy match to the 1495 with only 2000 games played almost every time. This is a serious problem in year 9 for some pretty big reasons that I"m not going to go all into right now. > I even think this kitten is slipped in unranked so I can't try stuff or play meme builds for fun, cause the people are not even trying for some reason. ^ That is just account MMR effecting you. Regardless of how bad you are on one class, it will still place you as the highest MMR achieved on your main. Arenanet really should do class based MMR for unranked rather than account based MMR, for the sake of practice. No one would abuse it in unranked. People don't care to exploit in anything in unranked.
  3. > @"Ragnar.4257" said: > > @"anduriell.6280" said: > > > [One Wolf Pack ](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/One_Wolf_Pack) well the condi version would be instead ticking once it would tick for the next 4 seconds and staking with following attacks. The current 1K damage tick is well within low side of the bleeds damage you may get from almost any condi build. > > > > **If you don't think a passive OWP for the soulbeast is fine why should it be ticking conditions.** > > If the power damage of Soulbest was reduced as a trade-off, and if Cleanse could remove OWP, sure, why not? Being able to do sticky uncleansable OWP damage AND be able to drop 10k rapid-fires and 8k Mauls would be pretty stupid. > > Its a pretty stupid comparison to take a build doing big power damage AND "passive" condi damage, and compare it to a build that ONLY does "passive" condi damage. Like....... really? Here is an interesting look at a bit of truth beyond the psychology of these power vs. condi debacles: Imagine how much more it would piss people off, if Maul & WI dealt the same exact damage that they did now, but it happened over the course of 10 seconds. So I hit a guy with Maul into WI and then he tries to run away, only to watch his health pool disappear over the course of 10s as he teleports away around a corner and completely disengages me, but still goes into downstate. There is something about "Getting away but then still dying" that really triggers people. And as much as some would not want to admit this, it is absolutely 100% true.
  4. There are way way way way too many circumstantial factors to give you a single solid rule of thumb on this one concerning "what class/build to target first". Examples of what I mean: 1. In a low tier match you can ignore Thieves in team fights because they linger too long and deal bad damage and don't get anything done. 2. In high tier matches if you ignore Thieves, they back-cap everything and start taking out your important players with precision +ing. 3. In a 2v2 against a good duo of Tempest/Reaper, the Tempest will likely instant revive the Reaper every time he goes down and it will take a lot longer to tear down their 2 man comp if you attempt to focus the Reaper first, if you can beat them at all. 4. In a 2v2 against a bad duo of Tempest/Reaper, the Tempest didn't bring his instant revive skill. In this case, it will be easier to take apart their 2 man comp by focusing the Reaper because it will pressure him so he can't 100% offense with DPS, and the Tempest won't be able to revive him. Really what you need to be doing is slowing down and using common sense to **size up the situation, to consider which opponent is either the largest threat to making your team lose the team fight or currently the one that is the easiest to kill.** And this is regardless of what class you are or what classes your opponents are. More examples of what I mean: 1. The enemy team has a player who is a top 20 on the leaderboards. If you do not pressure this player in team fights, he's going to run hulkamania wild and completely destroy your team in every fight. If you toss a target above his head and pressure him, he has to play defensively which will alleviate your team from his aggression. If you pressure him, your team will actually have a chance to get something done. 2. You are in a very sustainy/tanky match where the players on each team are relatively close in average skill level so the match is pretty balanced. You are at something like 140 to 150 and nodes are flipping VERY slowly because team fights are taking so long to end. In this situation you aren't looking to neutralize a big dangerous player, but more so you want to identify who can be killed the easiest & most quickly in team fights. This often amounts down to actually switching targets often, rather than focusing a target. If you can call target on the head of an opponent who is rotating or peeling and he is out of position from his supports, you can kill him quickly if your team reacts. Or maybe your team lands a couple consecutive knockback CCs on a player, which launches him far off node away from supports, and in that case if your team retargets on his head and reacts quickly, you have opportunity to down him before he gets back into the middle of his support. In these sustainy situations like this, it isn't enough to just tunnel vision a single target. So you see it's all very circumstantial. Learn to use common sense, and learn to use your call target command.
  5. > @"Norbe.7630" said: > I dont think necros OP > i dont think everyone thinks necros op > @"Filip.7463" said: > Who said necro is OP or broken? It's more Lich Form that they are complaining about, due to what @"Ragnar.4257" mentioned about 2v2 seasons. Lots of debate could go on about Lich Form being ok or needing nerfs. But before discussing Lich, players should acknowledge that the bulk of the complaints vs. Lich stems from 2v2 seasons, where a round can be won in 30s from a single use of Lich, and then the Lich resets its CD when the new round begins, bypassing its intended long ICD. This is a problem with 2v2/3v3 format, not Lich Form. No one complains about Lich in 5v5 conquest. > @"Axl.8924" said: > There is someone on nec forum asking for nerfs. > > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/117932/necro-deserves-a-solid-nerf-especially-reaper-in-pvp-and-especially-wvw#latest > > the person seems to be a noob ranger complaining about necromancer All Rangers hard counter all Necros. Any Ranger who complains about Necromancer is certainly a bad player.
  6. > @"Tycura.1982" said: > That's how the cookie crumbles sometimes. You can't serious believe it doesn't happen to your opponents from time to time as well? Some accounts do tend to get better game than others for whatever reason that is. I don't know if it has to do with date of creation, total games played, popularity or notoriety within the community mixed with reasons to throw or not throw, or something deeper. But this does seem to be the case. I've viewed it for 9 years now. The same people excel or struggle, regardless of their actual recognized skill level & potential within the veteran community. In other words, some lower quality players are always riding higher into rating than some well known very strong players who struggle to get beyond some lower rated point. Example: There are these two girls who have been playing with a group of us lately. They're cool gamers, good people to hang out with, but they aren't exactly strong players. In fact they are quite inexperienced and struggle mechanically in all situations. We have gone out of our way to play a lot of unranked with them and to spar with them to try and help them. I can 1v2 these girls and win 9 out of 10 times that they try me. Yet somehow, magically, one of them is bottom plat and the other is nearing p2 margins in the leaderboards right now. Yet earlier today I was gridlocked at 1400-1430 rating, with one game after another where it did not matter if I won 1v2s and stalled 1v3s all game without ever dying because my team mates were either so bad or possibly throwing, that 2 opponents could easily deal with 4 of my team mates where I was not at. I had placed 1554 out of placements and was r13 in NA after the first 3 days but then this happened, an unbreakable streak of impossible to win games. So the match maker expects me to be ultra stronk at 1400 rating and carry dead weight to gain any rating at all, I'm talking win 1v2s and ultimately stall 1v3s to even begin to have a chance to win these matches, but somehow these two girls are nearing p2 margins but the match maker places them so they can be carried by stacked teams into those margins? No matter how you look at that, something is all wrong with it and it proves that some accounts for whatever reasons, are given easier or more difficult matches. You should dip into stream link here and watch some of these ranked games I get, especially when it's lose streaking me at 1400 rating. Honestly, lately I consider dedicating my stream into investigating what's going on there, because apparently this is not happening to everyone, at least not on the level of magnitude that it happens to me. If it did, those two girls would be in the silver division, not plat 2.
  7. > @"Sigmoid.7082" said: > > @"Aktium.9506" said: > > > @"pninak.1069" said: > > > I want to know where players think 11k burns come from. tbh I think it is a blatant lie, because you forgot to count in the dmg part of skills which can do quite more than condis on top. condis are just the stuff added on the side. so for condis your dmg is far lower but it stacks together with condis leading to such myths. > > > > > > for example if I have 2k condi dmg burn does 443 dmg per second. so to reach 11k burn I need 11k:443= 25 stacks burning. this number is unlikely to get reached, because even with my 100% burn guard I can't get past 12 in pve. > > I don't know man. > > > > ![](https://i.imgur.com/3vUygH1.png "") > > > > > > I always fine pictures like this interesting. From my understanding the death breakdown doesn't show damage from when you are downed. > > This means before you finally died you managed to survive 180k damage from burning. Does that really sound super effective ? You'll never see power damage numbers in the death log this high due to the nature of the damage type, being instant. > > I'd be more interested if this had much lower amount of burning but you still died which means you really got bursted. > > My other issue with the death breakdown is all you know is burning is what killed you but it doesn't break down top skills that applied the burning. > > It's very misleading. It's not misleading at all. Someone in the short time span of a 2v2 match, was able to deal enough burn damage to him to have gotten a top damage stat in an elongated conquest match. And that's not to mention the other condis and power damage rolling off the guy who dealt that burning. That's a lot of no-tell passive proc condi pressure imo. We could argue as to whether or not these builds are even competitive in higher tiered scenes, but is that even the point? I don't know, you tell me.
  8. > @"Gwaihir.1745" said: > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said: > > It needs to go from 2s to 1s. The detarget value is enough. It doesn't need elongated stealth. > > Ah I found the guy who is still struggling to retarget enemies in 2020. Dude people figured that out in 2012. Bro I wasn't complaining about having trouble retargeting. I said the retarget value is enough from the stealth and that the stealth doesn't need to be 2s, it could be 1s only. Nice pass at an insult, but the only thing you insulted here was your own cognizant comprehension value. Calm down and read before you post man.
  9. It needs to go from 2s to 1s. The detarget value is enough. It doesn't need elongated stealth.
  10. > @"Luclinraider.2317" said: > Since SPvP has around 100 players prime time(excluding bots), and WvW has around 500 players prime time (excluding bots). Your PvP community it likely down to around 5,000 active players, if that. > It feels like the PvP scene can't really be any more dead. And even if these couple thousand players all quit, it wouldn't change anything. > How about we finally do what should have been done 7 years ago and remove downed state from pvp? Not for a weekend, not for a mode, from PvP....period. > You have games with far far smaller player bases than GW2 with extremely successful PvP scenes that are still holding tournaments. And then you have GW2 with one of the least active and most hated PvP scenes in an MMO primarily due to the downed state. > And yes, it is indeed the reason their PvP failed. All games suffer balance issues, even games like WoW arena. Yet they still have hundreds of thousands of arena players fighting for a huge put every year. We even see this in smaller games like Blade and Soul...with 1/10 of the user base of GW2 but 10x the pvp scene. > Downed state is awesome in PvE, Raids, Dungeons, Open World...but it has no place in PvP. You ask streamers, the old GW2 pro's (before the scene died so much that the new pro's are bots), WoW Arena players, they all say the same thing. We dont play GW2 because of the downed state. > We really have nothing to lose at this point. PvP no longer exists in GW2, might as well give it a try and see what its like and if it attracts new players..... If you remove downstate from pvp, the top 10 will consist soley of: * Power Burst Sic Em Soulbeasts * Rifle Deadeyes * PD Condi Thieves
  11. Tbh, just make more conquest maps with newer interesting objectives. I'd like to see a shot at a new game mode, but historically people always like conquest better in the end. They could also do the 2v2 and 3v3 arenas well by redesigning auric and hall. Those maps need to be opened up a bit more. They're too small.
  12. Finals just ended. Tourney complete. The 1v1s are fun. The format works. Balance isn't AS MUCH of an issue as you'd think, when you can swap builds to create counters in between rounds. Ranger is dominant in 1v1s though. There is a lot of swap power within the Ranger class for a ruling like this as it is the most diverse class with what options it can utilize to make random builds that actually work. Ranger may have no chemistry for team synergy support in 2s and 3s, but it's really strong in 1v1 in these arenas. Everything else seems fairly balanced when the over time mechanic is in place. It puts a serious drawback for stating low damage high sustain and encourages more high risk high reward builds. Furthermore, the play style is just a lot different than 5v5 or 3v3 or even 2v2. People had fun and Arenanet should consider at least giving 1v1 mini season a chance. If people could queue 1v1s like this, they would. This format is surprisingly fun with build template play.
  13. > @"UNOwen.7132" said: > > In reality, no power build can maintain 15k dps over 3 seconds. Im not sure any can even reach 30k burst in 2 seconds. Oh you can on some power builds. But those kinds of skill cycles are complex and difficult to land. In no way are nuclear power bursts nearly as easy to land successfully as nuclear condi bursts and that really defines the problem behind condi builds. It's not that condi builds are stronger than power, it's that they're just too easy to use.
  14. > @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said: > Question: Is Windows Movie maker and copyright protected metal music allowed in the video? Only if Tony Hawk is the video and someone's grandpa is outskating him. Then I'm sure that even Lars Ulrich would allow it to happen.
  15. Multiclassing does make you a better player, but only to a certain point. There actually is a bell curve here where continuing to multiclass at deeper levels of experience will actually make you a worse player. In the beginning when people are less than 5000 games played, it is a good thing to multiclass and go at least 500 games on each class, to get a very well rounded idea of each of them. But past that point a player needs to choose a main to specialize in, or they'll never reach certain peak levels of experience & knowledge on a single class. In other words, you multiclass only to the point that it allows you to firmly understand each class. Then dump the rest of your experience into one main class.
  16. > @"Leonidrex.5649" said: > > @"John.8507" said: > > Its Nice to know the report button is investigated I suppose, as been reporting possible bots, and verbal abuse, and stuff. But idle players and people deliberately not playing etc to let the other team win needs looked at more. Afterall some players just give up right near the start. They should be banned as well! > > > > They just need to add a CAPTCHA test to show you're an actual player or something like that when you join the queue, as long as it does't take long like those stupid picture ones. > > They SAY they investigate, there are bots with over 3000 games/season for months if not years. What they say and what they do are very different things. > Anet has proven to be untrustworthy, plenty of promises not fulfilled, to me these are just empty words. Reread the TOS and you'll see why nothing is getting done. Take some time, reread it, pay attention. You'll see that over the years the terms have been rearranged so that not much even breaks their rules to begin with, and even when something does, Arenanet has made us agree to: "Arenanet doesn't have to take action against anything if they don't want to, and they don't need to give us a reason why they didn't."
  17. > @"Highlie.7641" said: > That's not the case though. the majority of people just use it as a method to put the opposite team at a disadvantage. (I.e queing up as two weak professions which forced the MM into a mirror match) We're talking about automated tournaments with preselected teams, not ranked match making.
  18. > @"tacoclaw.8251" said: > I wonder if bots help anet control outcomes so players get the 50/50 win loss ratio. What’s hard is when you die and you come out and see your teammate bots doing nothing helpful. You look for where to go and realize there is nothing you can do to play as a team. You know what I've wondered it myself. There are too many games lately "only in ranked" where strange strange anomaly level turnarounds happen. You're winning 380 to 150 and magically 2 or 3 people on your team suddenly go from plat 1s mechanically into silver 2s and you suddenly lose on a blowout comeback, as if it were coordinated. This kind of stuff has always happened during win trade theatrics, but it's really really frequent lately, and I highly doubt there are THAT many people involved in alt synch throws. These kind of comebacks don't simply happen often like that, they never have. During unranked or ATs or even inhouses & scrims where you know everyone in the teams are human players that are trying and not throwing, 95% of the time it is quite clear which team is going to win after about the first 2 minutes of the match. Comebacks that realistically happen are small comebacks, like snagging a creature or lord kill or winning a single clutch rotation to come back from a 300 - 400 situation and end up 500 - 450 in the end. But I repeat that: You do not see 100 to 300 situations flip and turn into 500 to 315 outcomes without some kind of clear bullshit going on behind it, and it happens often in ranked, but only in ranked where you're forced to yolo/duo and people care to and can match manipulate. Quite mysterious indeed. It's arguable if bots are designed to help enforce win/lose rates against certain players, and that even sounds far fetched to me. But it could be done easily simply by making sure the bots load into the team of the person who is supposed to lose, while the other team gets to have real players. It would be a very easy way to knock high rated players down into middle gold if there were a reason to do it. The bots are real though. I'm not sure why there are even people questioning this at this point or trying to encourage the idea that they aren't real. Kind of makes me wonder who these people are and who they might be affiliated with. I mean these bots are very very obvious with how they play and what they do. There are however too many people crying wolf about the bots, and it's starting to make the topic look like an excuse. What you have going on is 2x things: 1. Actual claims from intelligent players who are clearly identifying actual bots. They give detailed explanations or provide evidence as to why they are 100% sure it is a bot. 2. And then other players who lightly read over these claims or here someone in /m chat say bots are present in pvp, begin assuming that everyone who makes mistakes is some kind of a bot. People need to be careful what they complain about it or claims stop being taken seriously.
  19. > @"Kuma.1503" said: > _For all tests, highest number of poison stacks is recorded even if it only appears for a split second._ > > Poison Grenade (No doom sigil) - 9 stacks > > _All tests below done with Scavenging Rune and Venom + Doom sigils. Also running thermal vision for +60 expertise_ > > Poison Grenade (Doom sigil) - 10 stacks > > Poison Grenade + Opponent standing on Poison Gas Shell = 14 stacks > > **Poison Grenade + Opponent Standing on Poison Gas Shell and Chemical Field = 18 stacks** > > Poison Grenade + Poison Dart Volley = 15 stacks > > Poison Grenade + Poison Dart Volley + Fumigate = 20 stacks > > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > And just for fun > > Poison Grenade + Poison Dart Volley + Fumigate + Opponent standing on 2 poison fields = 27 stacks of poison > > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - > > **Verdict: Maybe do not afk in the green circles if you do not want 18 stacks of poison on you.** > > > Also projectiles through poison fields. The poison stack output could be very high here actually.
  20. Depends what you're trying to acquire. Liquid Gold or overall wealth? The tracks based off living story maps are good liquid gold. Bitterfrost Frontier is the best overall wealth though. The winterberries give you access to a bunch of ascended trinkets & backpack. If you're trying to build gear on a bunch of characters, just set it to Bitterfrost and put it on repeat.
  21. > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said: > Okay this how for I know it works > > First you have your 10 matchups which put you somewhere in the rang. > Then you have about 20 games in which the amount of points added and reduced are contently deceasing from +-25 to +-12/13 > > > > The amount of points you gain or lose doesn't have much to do how you perform and the rank difference little impact the scoring. > > 1.) The least amount of reduced point I ever had was -9 and this was matchup against a group 2 whole ranks above me and my team. This is pretty broken if anything say like silver 3 plays against gold 3 in case of S3 loses they should lose only 1 point and G3 should only gain 1 point. On the other side winning from S1 should give them 26 points giving the difference in rang naturally G3 loses then the same amount of points. > > Before someone cries this is unfair for the G3 guys this matchup is already horrible and in other games it might works differently there they take the difference between winner and looser and transfer a certain % of point from the looser to the winner. This also means when you reach the top it becomes really hard to gain point only tournament giving the top players then chance to gain more points. > > 2.)From my personal experience I know how the matchmaking calculate a groups strength is also broken . What it does is taking the best player in one group and then tries to build a group that match it. This also works in unranked if the rank difference is great enough this can result in an awful experience. > > 3.) Even with everything out of the way there is no personal scoring what you could do it is for each top stats you get one point less reduction. > > EDIT: > > Basically how the system works now is your ranking is determinant after 30 rounds from there on moving upwards is super hard and need a lot of grind also your performance are considered near to none at this point. > > This is also one of the explanation why weekends PvP sucks so much(on EU at least) there people who plays mainly at the weekend but their scoring is actually in your rank range because the fight a lot only each other during the weekend. The current system doesn't punish them enough to put them into to their actual rank. > > Same can be said about bots also the current system scores your own performance so less and preference grind this support bots a lot. > > For support players even if they nearly deleted the possibility to play them I will say this is also bad if you fall under gold 3 in EU your are screwed because people often don't group up there and your personal performance don't count your end up getting sucked downwards . > > Also I think the reason GW2 got kicked out of the ESL has also something to do with such a system. 1. GW2 optionally left the ESL when the financial investment was no longer worth the profit. 2. Ranked rating had absolutely nothing to do with ESL, as everything ESL related was ran with organized 5 man teams in tournament format only. But you're right on one thing. Everything about Glicko is terrible for a 5v5 ranked mode that pairs you randomly with other players. Literally everything that could have gone wrong with the theory behind Glicko in GW2, did go wrong.
  22. > @"TheGrimm.5624" said: > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said: > If I had to place my money why mystic coins have suddenly sky rocketed up in price, > > https://www.gw2spidy.com/item/19976 > > The demand went up recently, but the price in terms of sell listing looks like a covid increase in people playing. Price went up gradually since March of this year when lockdowns were occurring more and has been generally level while pandemic has occurred. Now we don't have ANets numbers but industry numbers show a raise in gaming while lockdowns are in place and I would be surprised if ANets numbers weren't following suite. > > So could be some of what you are referring too, but when you go back to a big spike in 2017 price is not much higher than the spike three years ago. Skyrocket I would leave to a jump of 10 fold increase vs 26% or so increase since Mar where it is was1.36 G sell list that has risen slowly for the last 8 months to 1.83 G. Which between covid and announcements of legendary armoury and the time it takes to acquire tickets for PvP and WvW legendary armor could all account for an increase in use and demand. Plus as people have mentioned a lot of us wait till our storage is full before listing new offers. And if your storage is full and your are going to sell you probably don't need to take the highest buy offer, you are going to list for a sell for something higher since you are in the better position. So until price makes it to the point that sellers are ok with selling to the buy order, the buy orders are low and need to rise to meet the expectation of price. > > Again, I also played the TP baron in other games so agree there are things people can do, but normal factors also here could be applied. But noted, I am an advocate for years that MCs were undervalued and still remember when they were less than a silver and ANet had them in the BLTCs as a drop. > > What I'm explaining here isn't a theory. It's something that has been going on for years. I used to participate in it all quite directly. When I say TP whales, I am not talking about guys with 10k or 20k gold. When I say TP whales, I'm talking about guys who break a million igg. What I'm trying to do is let you know some things without saying too much. Watch the video and really pay attention to the inventories there, while keeping in mind what I had explained. If you look at how many mystic coins are shown in that inventory, you can imagine how that is effecting the market. If it weren't for players doing that, the price of coins would be going down just the same as every other mat in the game right now.
  23. > @"korian.8615" said: > Greetings everyone, > I am writing because a market with prices out of control is no longer feasible. Mystic Coins have almost reached 2 gold. Anet stops this inflation because it makes no sense. In the beginning they cost 5 silver. I attach just for information the image of the market, note the order and the quantity . The speculation that is made by this practice that in real society is stopped. > May the walk be safe > > https://ibb.co/HVbXtZ3 It's probably people affiliated with trade guilds. They focus primarily on building/selling legendary weapons, which has a lot to do with mystic coins. What they do is they stockpile things like mystic coins on mule characters/accounts. They trade privately between each other with mail function to avoid TP taxing. The coins they use never hit the TP market. In many cases they will collaborate ways to make igg by getting a handful of TP whales together, who will buy up something important like mystic coins from the TP market. Then they sit on them and watch the pricing go up and up and up on the TP. When this happens with something like mystic coins, it artificially inflates the value of ALL the legendary items they have stockpiled, as well as the mystic coins stockpiled, which they can sell in bulk and make the gold back anytime they want, while avoiding TP taxing, by turning those coins into clovers, and those clovers into legendary weapons. I guarantee you that most of the bigger TP whales out there are sitting on piles of legendary weapons that they haven't sold yet, because the market has been weird for awhile now and they don't want to lose profit. If I had to place my money why mystic coins have suddenly sky rocketed up in price, this would be why. 9 out of 10 chance that it's TP whales trying to raise the value of old gen 1 legendary weapons again. When mystic coin prices go up, so does the value of gen 1 legendary. I could be wrong, but outside of that, I don't see a reason why mystic coins would have magically suddenly increased in value so much.
  24. We need a dedicated expansion or mega patch towards competitive modes. Stress the word _need_ there. Not want, but need.
  25. aaaand more threads about LR problems https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/118302/lightning-reflexes-bug
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