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Inculpatus cedo.9234

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Everything posted by Inculpatus cedo.9234

  1. Well, that's an unfortunate default. Hope everything works out. Good luck.
  2. Here's what that error code indicates, and a possible solution: _Possible cause: Log-in servers are down or unreachable. Possible fix: connect through VPN instead._
  3. There's only one kind; you would think they would stack. But, there's only one kind of some other items, and they don't stack. /shrug
  4. Hence, the 'try a different mouse' suggestion. It's often the easiest troubleshoot. Perhaps, the mouse is still under warranty? Good luck.
  5. For around 2000 Gold, you can acquire it from the Trading Post via this item: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Exclusives_Chest Otherwise, wait for next year's Anniversary sales, or changes in the offerings from the Black Lion Statuette vendor. Good luck.
  6. > @"Linken.6345" said: > there is only 1 puzzle in southsun cove There are 2 JPs; Under New Management, and Skipping Stones.
  7. Must be already taken care of, because the links work fine for me. (Firefox)
  8. This may be helpful: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Transfer_Chaser Good luck.
  9. You could try clearing the GW2 cache. Might help. /shrug
  10. You can use the forum 'Search' feature to find other threads about ping issues.
  11. Are you sure? Pretty sure I used that guide for the Achievement. You do notice that the mask is not where the character is standing in the second picture, but off to the right and back? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:No_Mask_Left_Behind_20_guide.jpg
  12. Perhaps, you've already learned the 8 recipes using Bag of Starch. As to the Varietal Peppercorn Seed Pouch, check that you do not have any bags collapsed? Use gw2efficiency to check all inventory/bank? Good luck.
  13. If you want to accurately remember what it was like at launch, there's this: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/index.php?title=Skill_bar&oldid=405183
  14. > @"codedbykush.2019" said: > > @"Ashantara.8731" said: > > > @"codedbykush.2019" said: > > > No. I'm on Windows 10 PC. > > > > Delete the Local.dat? Repair the client? > > Well, I'm not going to delete Local.dat. LOL. Why? It's recommended by Support as a solution to many problems. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201863008-Repairing-the-Game-Client (Instructions for deleting local.dat found under the second troubleshooting tip.) It's not like deleting the GW2.dat file.
  15. The Achievement Points? The extra challenge? Something a bit different?
  16. Have you tried a -repair of the client, in case of corrupted file(s)? Checked that that character has no other crafting disciplines active?
  17. Nope. Gem purchasing is working fine. You aren't using the Mac client, are you? Gem purchases have been disabled for the Mac client.
  18. WvW is already PvEvP. It's just that most of the PvE events are ignored. What makes you think a 'PvE' map that allows PvP would not have players "expecting other players to come after them, with the same events, PoIs, Vistas, Renown Hearts, etc you fight over"?
  19. What has mats to do with Professions? All Professions can gather any mats, purchase any mats, sell any mats. Perhaps, you are referring to Crafting Disciplines? Not sure.
  20. > @"Donari.5237" said: > I'm not sure if you are looking for answers or not, but I'll try to help you with some of your sub-points. > > Map Entrances: once you've played a bit you learn where they are. Also you can look at the map and see a larger road pointing to the edge of the map; most of the time there is a portal there. This doesn't mean a small arrow pointing off map in those locations (preferably optionally toggled on) wouldn't help. > > Levels: I think they played around with the idea of removing levels back in initial development. They definitely removed traditional quests. But all the feedback from testers told them players didn't know what to do without these things, so levels and heart-hubs got put in. A decade later, players might be more flexible, but the level system is baked into GW2 now. > > Tooltips: Many people will tell you that mouse-clicking hotkeys is bad. I won't tell you that, because whatever is the easiest way to control the game for you is how you should play. But it definitely slows down responses compared to a quick key tap. That being said, there have been a lot of requests over the years for an option to disable hotkey tooltips, so who knows, they might do that some day. > > MiniMap: I'm surprised you find it useless. It shows all the surrounding terrain just as you'd see on the main map. You can set it to rotate with your facing, or to remain static north at the top, whichever works for you. Also you can zoom it in and out. I like to keep it set zoomed out to the point where node icons are visible and distinct but not huge. > > Combat Mechanics: You are probably right that these aren't taught as well as they could be. I've played since beta so my learning curve began at level one when you had to use weapons to unlock their skills, and I don't really know what the current issues are with new players. Also, I played many MMOs before GW2, and thus was well accustomed to the conventions of how things work, including rotations and synergies of abilities. All I had to do to adapt was get a mouse with side buttons to control movement so I could keep moving while hitting my hotkeys, and read the skill tooltips to see what they did. Probably there could be a full tutorial to explain GW2's combat mechanics. > > World Bosses: If you zoom your camera out (there are specific controls to set it exactly to your liking) you will see your damage numbers on the boss and know you hit. For range, there is an option to have a red bar show up at the bottom of your skill if you are out of range. Also you can set ground targets to lock at max range and/or go red if you are out of range. Eventually you get a gut feeling on distance. > > Looting: Again, I won't tell you to just use the F key. I don't know the origin of your dislike for the keyboard, though it is at least half of the game control system. But mouse-clicking the F popup on the screen is going to be difficult at times, as you've noticed. One thing you can do is unlock the Mastery system and work up your core Tyria masteries until you finish the commander line. Final tier of that gives you autoloot; as long as you have inventory space, things will just drop into your bags. Another possibility is to get a mouse or pad with a ton of buttons on it. Map the keyboard keys to the mouse buttons, train your muscle memory to learn which buttons do what, and you can use the keyboard only for chatting if you so desire. > > Auction Sorting: You can in fact sort by level and price. Click on the cog on the left side, input your desired level range. Then in the search results, click the price header at the upper right. One click takes it to low > high, a second one puts high prices at the top. > > Bank: While you can't necessarily access it everywhere, you can access it more than at the bank npc's in cities. Any crafting station has a bank tab. There are also banker expresses, both consumable and permanent, that open a bank window anywhere for you. For a price, of course, gems for the consumables (which also drop in bl chests so over time you can accrue them without paying gems, if you farm keys), gold for the permanent ones which drop very rarely in bl chests and players then put on the trading post for a lot of gold. If you do get one, consider putting it in a shared inventory slot so all your alts can use it whenever. > > Hope at least some of that is useful to you :) A player can acquire Bank Express, Trading Post Express, and other consumables through the Daily Log-in Rewards, as well. The Wiki (link above, or accessible in-game by typing /Wiki in chat) is a great resource for all things Guild Wars 2. Welcome to Tyria.
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