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Inculpatus cedo.9234

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Everything posted by Inculpatus cedo.9234

  1. The link in the Wiki works fine for me: **I've got this great idea to improve the game, where should I post it?** _The best place to propose and discuss suggestions for the game is in the General Discussion section of the official forums. Make sure to include a [suggestion] tag in your thread's title._ https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Frequently_Asked_Questions
  2. > @"Ashen.2907" said: > > @"LetoII.3782" said: > > > @"Cynder.2509" said: > > > I get it, most MMOs release an expansion every year but that's because these games are mantained by far bigger companies. Take for example, as mentioned before, Square Enix or Blizzard (or even Zenimax/Bethesda). All of these are far bigger and richer companies/developers than ArenaNet. The studio responsible for GW2 is actually very small compared to these giants. > > > > Arenanet is a wholly owned subsidiary of NCsoft, which is the Blizzard of Korea. > > Not a small indie dev > > > > > > True, but ANet self publishes. ArenaNet _was_ it's own publisher for a couple of years; NCSoft (West) resumed that position two or more years ago.
  3. I liked the new content; I don't really care who contributes the most. The race is fine; using a Roller Beetle would probably slow most players down. Raptor is the way to go. As for Dragon Ball, it takes a tiny bit of skill, just like anything else. There's a Festival every other month; if you don't care for this one, there's always another one coming soon. :smile:
  4. Due to popular demand, Armor Sets were moved to in-game acquisition. Keep in mind that Armor Sets take approximately 9 months to create; this is the reason Outfits appear more often.
  5. Here you go: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010187753-Reporting-a-Player-or-Guild
  6. Complete the Renown Heart again tomorrow? With another character? Acquire them elsewhere? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sliver_of_Vlast
  7. Over and over, reviving the dead, and superfluous.
  8. I'm confused. Is it instanced content, which is limited to 10 players, or Open World content, that allows many players? If it allows GvG, is it another form of World vs. World (with even more PvE content [which is not very popular])?
  9. > @"wilykcat.5864" said: > I'm kind of new to the forums which explains why I have 200 something points. I dont get why the point system still exist evenknow it is useless. Just like one of those silly forgotten state laws. > > ?I like the way the stars look on my profile though just for the aesthetic.? > > --- > > >>Maybe it had a purpose many years ago and then it dissolved just like Blizzard entertainment forum trust levels and mvps. I should make a post of forgotten forum features and useless forum profile features and statuses but not on these forums though. > > Each online forum has its quirks. ? > > I dont have a fan base either. I rather be my own individual self on the forums and not care about how others think of me. It's not that easy to change Vanilla forum features. Vanilla also tends to 'bug out' quite often.
  10. It's an oft-requested suggestion. For Charr, and other races.
  11. You could look this article over for some insight: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gathering_tool Choosing Unlimited Gathering Tools can be a matter of preference for animation, speed, and/or bonus. Really up to you what you find most desirable.
  12. Your screenshot link leads nowhere. If your game is crashing, you can post the first part of the crash (Show Details) and someone may be able to assist you. If you actually mean your game is disconnecting, you can peruse the thread, 'Storyline Disconnects' for workarounds/tips. Good luck.
  13. It's possible you are all using the same Tier 1 backbone, and it is having issues. You might try a VPN that takes a completely different route to the servers. Good luck.
  14. You can find solutions using the 'Search' feature here on the forums. Good luck.
  15. > @"Tony.8659" said: > The huge grind for the Crimson & Azure weapon collections is just beyond awful. Prismaticite Crystals take a long time to grind this is not content. The only thing I'm doing is to get all the recipes for both collections and thats it, for the achieve points. I can only imagine what other grind collections for the next 2 living world episodes, I don't even call them episodes more like here is more grind content because we have nothing worthwhile to actually give you. Sorry but pass on any more future god awful grind fest collections. Is Arenanet taking a page from Black Desert Online? To me it seems so with the grind. It is correct to not 'call them Episodes', as they are not Episodes; they are _Bonus Events_ in Chapter 2: Power of Episode 5: Champions of the Icebrood Saga (Living World Season 5). Also, although not from ArenaNet officially, there is an announcement on the front page of the Wiki (probably the most comprehensive venue for new content in the game).
  16. Only the CS Team can assist you, and they don't really read the forums. You could try Reddit; I'm not sure Dornsinger still looks at those posts. /shrug
  17. Yes, we all know what you mean. It still seems quite similar to what we acquired as a Birthday Gift. Regardless, best of luck on your suggestion.
  18. I think it was the same for level 2, as well. Didn't it unlock the Mastery Track? It did for me.
  19. Well, actually a bit less than eleven months, but it would be nice to have more information. :smile:
  20. Just to be sure, you followed this walkthrough? _First, complete Descent, the final story step of the War Eternal episode. Once you're back at Lion's Arch, you'll receive mail from Gorrik, inviting you back to Dragonfall. Once there, you can find him next to the Skyscale Eyrie point of interest. Talk to him to begin the collection achievements._ If you did not receive the mail, try deleting all mail and picking up any Gold or items from the Trading Post. Good luck.
  21. Perhaps, someone else has access to your email accounts, and is asking the CS Team to close the tickets. That, or someone using those email accounts has garnered the 'We won't respond to additional tickets' action. Try creating a new email account, 2-factor protect it, and contact the CS Team. Good luck.
  22. You (or anyone) can use the 'Anonymous' feature to submit a ticket to the CS Team. Use this link (If you can't log in you can submit your ticket anonymously.) found on the 'Submit a Ticket' page.
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