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Everything posted by Randulf.7614

  1. Silverwastes is for central tyria mastery xp and wont contribute to your glider. If you select the story for Heart of Thorns in your story journal, it'll pop up a green star in the fort and you will be led into the maps to start your journey. You can start earning Heart of Thorns masteries (eg gliding) once you enter those maps to the west
  2. Probably quite a mess to implement. The above poster's reason is just one of many. Imagine being in an instanced group with someone and you couldn't see all of the chat because one person is blocked even though theyve done nothing wrong. Especially with people leaving and joining Guilds. The tech would probably have to be made to cope with it and for something that is unlikely to be a widespread problem Better to just ignore them, report the harassers, and just all... get along
  3. For Heart of Thorns maps you need to reach the Silverwastes first. Since I assume you are skipping all of the Personal Story and the Season 2 storyline which takes you there naturally, you need to do the following - Go to Brisban Wildlands. - About halfway up the west side is a fort which will take you to a portal into silverwastes. If you end up in Dry Top, you went too far south - The story will start in the first fort in Silverwastes, however the first map can be accessed at the far SW corner in a cave by the fort there. You may need to do the story to start the gliding training. For Path of Thorns, just select the story from your journal. That will take you to LA and eventually you will be led onto an airship to the maps. The first story instance must be completed for you to get your raptor mount Expansion areas - much like the Living World DLC areas (there's 4 purchasable Seasons by the way) are naturally accessed by their respective story
  4. Cooking is really well done in this game. I don't use the craft enough in game, but the levelling of chef and the fun of discovery (despite the inventory madness) was highly enjoyable. Not being able to enjoy a Quaggan Cheeseburger though due to rule one is a shame though...
  5. No and there's no guarantee the Guild is active either. A guild can exist and plays not login for years. Maybe try and see if the Guild has a website?
  6. > @"kharmin.7683" said: > Well, that's clear as mud :) I assumed it was like blankety blank... but with blocks!
  7. Higher functions would include consciousness, so I'm not expecting he suffered in the sense you are thinking. From that point, he is effectively dead. He is more akin to a pre-programmed machine with no AI, awareness or such Next episode from a story point of view I think you will enjoy. I wont spoil it as it was at the time quite significant and the work they put into the final story instance is quite admirable for an LS episode, even if the map is somewhat vacant. I despise the final episode (except the map) with a passion. Your thoughts will be interesting on that one
  8. I prefer the core look to the later look - it's less flashy. But, no they haven't and prob never will, updated the older maps' graphics
  9. I always assumed the names were given by us or other races given the style used. Or were nameless (with names just existing for game mechanics purposes).
  10. I don't believe any such scale exists. The closest we have had is in Ghosts of Ascalon where a trip from Ebonhawke - Ascalon City on foot took several days. I've seen calculations that work the entire (core) map to be just over 12 miles wide which seems utterly ludicrous to me
  11. > @"Sylvyn.4750" said: > > @"Smoosh.2718" said: > > The fact that this is the jackle and not warclaw is total bull... > > Very punny! > > > > > @"kharmin.7683" said: > > My guess is that it was made on a jackal skin for more availability. Probably way more players with jackals than warclaws. Probably more in sales this way, too. > > On second thought, however, the Jackal is my least used mount...really only good for the sand portals, which only exist in PoF and later zones. Covering open ground works better with a raptor or roller beetle...so what would sell better, a skin for the least used PvE mount (especially one that doesn't even resemble that mount) or the only usable mount in WvW? I agree, the jackal is a very strange choice given its limited appeal. The warclaw would have fitted better I'm just happy they've released a decent premium skin after some very dubious ones
  12. I've searched google for you since there aren't many posted screenshots yet on the forum or on twitter. Charr is shown at the beginning Hope that answers your query. It's a superb skin and it seems to look great on Charr. If you get it, feel free to contribute in the below link (or in this thread if you prefer) as screenshots are welcome, but a little light on the take up at the moment https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/122941/finally-a-beefy-mount-for-my-charr#first . Certainly be nice to see more dye schemes as well
  13. They usually don't show if you haven't unlocked the skill associated with the stance you are on. Eg I haven't finished my herald training yet, so 3 skills are left blank until I unlock them whenever I switch to Glint Stance
  14. That Ox has been seriously taking his weight gain 4000 Beefcake! BEEEFCAAAAKE!
  15. Last night's outage was very short and a very rare one. Of all the mmos I've played, this has the least problems with server outages. As for bugged releases, well that has stabilised somewhat after a bit of a run on it, but then again it's an year old MMO. Such things are not unexpected when a patch goes onto the live servers and they are fixed pretty quickly for the most part. If it's a continuous issue for yourself, there's something else going on.
  16. I always found the idea of the symbiotic Voice of Koda and Claw of Koda thatis used in Kodan society, might tie into Jormag somehow given Jormag also has a Claw and a Voice. Now it could just be a simple resuing of themes, but there could be something more there Not that we will ever find out. If there was anything to explore, the Icebrood Saga was the time to do it and that ship seems to have sailed
  17. They're very hit and miss and have been since Thaumonova was added. I've got used to the dwarven ruins one and Sunqua isn't awful. I loathe Observatory though and whilst the Chaos one is perfectly playable, it's not very interesting as a setting. Twilight Oasis has a fine boss, just too long a lead in. Sirens Reef I never played and what I've seen from vids and write ups, I don't want to either Can't comment on CM though. i'm not good enough a player to attempt that in a group Overall it's due to a different design team. The original ethos was to release a big chunk of short, bite sized instances. Once they changed it from being a forced random 3 + a boss (which was for the better) it marked a change in direction and when new fractals did start to appear, they focused less on being short, bite sized instances and changed to a more story driven, heavy mechanics focus of longer lengths which often end up too busy
  18. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/122919/i-just-opened-up-27090-lucky-red-bags#latest The exotic backpack is much rarer than it seems as a drop
  19. One of the new year vendors near the waypoint. There's 4 of them standing in a row if I remember correctly. One should sell the red bag along with some minis https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/New_Year_Vendor_(Prizes)#vendor1
  20. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lucky_Red_Bag is an option, but no idea if it allows for quantity exchanges
  21. > @"Linken.6345" said: > > @"AgentMoore.9453" said: > > > @"Linken.6345" said: > > > What have they done? > > > > They've added a loot bag you can buy as many of as you want (provided you have the luck to pay for them). The bags are affected by magic find, and of the few hundred I opened, the value of the objects therein was about 1.5 gold. Total. > > > > Not worth it to me, but I'm sure someone out there has been looking for something to do with their massive luck stockpile. > > Dont that give less then sacrificing them to droburt? You also have a chance at the 8.88g item https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lucky_Red_Bag
  22. > @"Hombre Queso.7523" said: > > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said: > > Okay, it looks like we're all good here. The update is live and we've swatted that brief connectivity issue. Thank you _all _for your patience today! > > Is there any plan to extend the festival by a day or anything? I took the day off of work today to get a head start on the festival, so I'm a little bummed out about the issues. Understanding, but bummed. Wiki says it goes on until the 23rd, so there's no rush on anything. It was only delayed by about 3 hours or so
  23. It's fixed now. It was a game wide issue
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