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World bosses and meta events - love or hate?

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Since it came up in another thread: anybody else besides me that doesn't enjoy playing world bosses and map meta achievement and rarely if ever play them?


Personally world bosses and map meta events are probably my least favorite content in this game, sometimes to the point that I go and play something else if I happen to stumble into one. If a collection or achievement requires them it's often the one requirement I do last (if ever ... I still haven't finished the achievement for the Tarir meta nor the one for East Bjora). It's a mix of prefering to play on my own schedule, prefering content where my actions have a more visible impact, and the often repetitive nature (like having to defend Tarir 100 times) that makes me not enjoy them.

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I will do them if I'm working on a Legendary (obviously) or happen to be in the area to help out fellow gamers, but rarely go out of my way to look for bosses or events.


I don't want to see them eliminated, but wish they were added as another Daily category. Hot and PoF events are harder to complete as more areas are uncovered and players are spread out across the world.

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I like world bosses and metas AS LONG AS they don't take over the map and prevent you from doing other things, like having map completion locked behind them or usurping all other activity in the map. Silverwastes, Dragon's Stand and Dragonfall are three examples. The meta should be designed for the map, not the map designed around the meta.

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I've tried several different MMOs that don't have this feature of map metas that chain into world bosses.

WoW, Bless, and EE.

And PvE is just a means to an ends in those games, soon as you hit max level and get ready for raiding/high level dungeons/PvP ect. Playing the PvE is almost completely pointless.

So I can say that map wide metas are a good thing for GW2, making PvE into an actual game.

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They are some of the better event content, but I don't farm them too much either. When done right, they an unrivalled at creating an epic feeling.


They have somewhat lost their midas touch with metas as Thunderhead, Bjora and Drakkar showed, so I hope for a return to form soon

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I don't mind doing them when I need to, and sometimes I'll join in with one just because it's going on nearby and I don't have anything else to do but I'd never be one of the players who does certain metas every day or on a regular schedule. Even when it's something I need to do I'll generally space it out and do a bit at a time. For example I'm still doing Dragon's Stand periodically to get crystalline ore for guild mini pets, even though I'm sure I could have gotten several times what I need by now, because I only do it rarely when I can find time and actually feel like completing it.


To be honest I'm the same with most things, I enjoy doing stuff a lot more if I can do it as and when I feel like and only until I'm bored and want to do something else. Not just in GW2, it applies to everything.

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I have always found their reward somewhat useless, poor and demotivating. They could improve this, because I find it a waste of time killing the world boss to earn "scraps" or if I'm very lucky "a single rare item". That's why I don't insist on doing this, I only do it when I accidentally stumble over one.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> I could enjoy meta events in moderation except for one thing -- particle spam. The visual agglomeration is an eyesore, headache-inducing and distasteful. I would do them more if ANet gave me control of how much or little of this mess I saw -- but that is not, apparently, in the cards.


My playing time is now reduced for this reason amongst others. Even toning the what little options exist doesn't help and has contributed to eye strain issues. So now I play a lot less or only log in for the new stuff until they put a long overdue solution in place

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Wish this included the following options:

I enjoy Meta Events but not World Bosses

I enjoy World Bosses but not Meta Events.


I fall into the enjoying Meta Events way more than World Bosses category.

Note: I consider Dakar a world boss and Storm of Winter an event. I also consider Dragon Stand and Dragon Watch events even thought they have bosses.


Path of Fire events really need nerfed and the loot needs to be improved to be enjoyable again. Not enough people do them, so they aren't fun with the current balance.


NOTE: Both would improve by simply working on GW2 performance issues, and giving players the ability to turn of others players special effects so bosses don't like like a disco ball light show.

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I'm between your first and second options. I don't "love" doing them, but I do them for enjoyment if I happen to be around at the time. I'll even seek out a few (with my portal device) on occasions. I don't need to have them be required for collections or achievements, but I will certainly do them if required for such.

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I found most of world boss feel too cinematic and didn't pose much challenge and can take down easily simply by number of people since all they has is high HP and timer. Some exception for me would be Warden Amala (Istan) , The Specimen Chamber (Sandswept Isles) , 3 head Jungle Wurm.


Most annoy world boss for me would be the Shatterer since his attack will away land on player and ton of minion he spawn.

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I like them. Overall they're a good way to gain some XP and loot. If I had my way every map would have a SW or DF type of map-wide event chain leading to the local world boss.


For example, here's a simple one for a starter zone:


1. Lionguard Cody stationed at Twinspur Haven says, "I'm tired of this Svanir blockade!' You escort them to Crossroads Haven clearing the roadblocks out.

2. At crossroads haven you do the defense against the Sons event as normal.

3. Lionguard Cody gets some info about Kernnak. Another escort through the Wurmhowl Spikes to Kernnak's Homestead.

4. Defense against grawl as normal.

5. Scholar Brogan as normal.

6. Svanir Shaman or dragon totem as normal.

7. Lionguard Cody needs escort north to a starting point for the assault on Svanir's Dome.

8. Svanir's Dome as normal. Ale fists and ale eyes for all.


Like DF or SW completing these events should net you some "phat lewt" for that level since even a simple circuit like this could take up a good chunk of your play time. A lot of maps do have something like this (Harathi Hinterlands) but something in the coding makes them feel so disconnected you don't know you're done with Lionguard Cody or not. Maybe some sort of icon over their head letting you know there's an event chain attached to them?

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I used to enjoy them for the spectacle, but as the game has become more awash with excessive spell effects, that spectacle has greatly diminished, and I often can't actually see the enemies. I once did Serpent's Ire and in the final battle my screen was completely white - all I could see was the bosses' health bars and defiance bars.


Gameplay-wise I find them some of the least interesting combat-based content in the game. I think the combat system in GW2 is at its best with small numbers of players, 1-3 being optimal.


To be honest, I was sort of hoping that reading this thread would change my mind, and was expecting to read posts singing the praises of large group events - but that doesn't seem to have happened yet.

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