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Guild Wars 2: Remastered

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I adress this forum post to all developers working on the latest releases.

I've discussed World Polishing before but what I really wish for is a remastered version of GW2.


Textures are all the same. Switching to another engine would only allow us to have better detail culling transparent textures and allows players to experience a higher framerate with more detail when zooming in.


Now from what I'm aware off is that the GW2 engine is the same as GW1's. This was because the original engine was good enough to provide people an experience like walking through a painting wich I very much appreciate.


Nonetheless there are many many people who suffer from overheating computers and low framerates still dedicated to GW2 for a reason. It's a perfect unique game with it's own lore and own way of storytelling. This could be easily solved if it was so easy to convert DX9 to DX12 Ultimate (with RTX and Ansel provided by Nvidia)

Now I can't look in Anet's wallet so I don't know if it's too much to cost to buy licences for a new engine but heck.. there are even free possibilities like Unreal engine provides us nowdays.


Why I feel stubborn enough to ask for a Remastered version is because I have helped developing other games that released around 2002.

I'm aware of polycount restrictions and texture minimizing for optimal use.. but isn't this way of working getting outdated?

With technology ike RTX simple reflections in ice or water would be far more detailed and immerges the player to love this game even more.

Another game called Black Dessert has remastered their game. Why can't anet?


About my thoughts on world polishing is a better way of guided by the lore of gw2 to update for example divinities reach castles in the sky that once were unreachable and now manditory for flying skyscale. The player finds out unrealistic balconies and doors that are even too smal for an asura to enter placed as mere scenery.


In the times of GW1 I wished for bump mapping and a day and night cycle. this GW2 has nailed because I love the way Supersample works although some still set it too native because of unrealistic lightning.


As our eyes confined to games getting more detailed every year our eyes are spoiled. Graphicwise/mechinacly and the high engine output that only allows people to play with more than decent desktops. I hope GW2 has the ambition to grow likewise by the effort other engines put into their game to optimize eyecandy for our lazy eyes that strive for the players mind to set priority ingame. GW2 has done a good job bringing out more visuals like infusions and legendary trinkets... But people still log off and they poof away into nothingness, Though when entering a portal the character has a nice transition to the other portal. maybe lorewise there could open possibilities to allow the player to log off but actually "standby" in the lore of gw2.


Cantha is upon us and I couldn't be more thrilled about this increddible expansion. I just really hope it's not in vain for those players who seek eyecandy to the fullest extend like I do.


GW2 is directX9 having an engine that only uses one CPU core. In a remastered version I'd imagine highering framerates and more "polishing" those ugly textures ore onesided ones to have as low polygons as the measure takes.


Question is: Is a remastered version of GW2 possible so we don't have to wait for GW3? honestly i dont think that's ever gonna happen. GW2 has all the assets a player needs to have fun in such an amazing game.


With all respect and love for the one's behind the screens.

I hope the community can work together with the developers to inspire this game to be timeless as much as possible.


With love and being faithful,

Van Marle

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I'm not against it unless it impedes or delays future content. This is very much way, way low down the priority list vs actual content.


Personally if something needs working on graphically, it is less the engine etc, but more the visaal noise with all the horrific infusions, particle effects and other eye sores which have become a plague in this game and have very much taken away from what was a decent base art style for the game in favour of trying to clash as many out of place things as possible.


At least in my opinion anyway

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There's no denying GW2 needs a huge engine upgrade, which would delay content updates (which I don't mind).

GW2 can look and run x3 times better, no one uses DirectX9 in 2020, not to mention most of the vanilla content looks extremely dated (low poly textures all around), something that was improved in the expansions.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I'm not against it unless it impedes or delays future content. This is very much way, way low down the priority list vs actual content.


> Personally if something needs working on graphically, it is less the engine etc, but more the visaal noise with all the horrific infusions, particle effects and other eye sores which have become a plague in this game and have very much taken away from what was a decent base art style for the game in favour of trying to clash as many out of place things as possible.


> At least in my opinion anyway


When first I played GW1 and saw game footage of gw2 my first thoughts were "What's going on.. why is everything clipping and clustered.

I believe Anet chose wisely to do so. Heck I'd love to combine a chakk eggsac with some more but I can imagine it's frustrating some people overdo their styles lowering framerates for others in a map like in Mistlock Sanctuary. We won't defeat male norns wearing pink allover wielding a fairy wand but.. the idea behind these exploitations is that players can customize their role into their character displayed on screen. The noise also called "clustered" is a thing I don't nescesary worry about.

With modifications to the engine (if possible) like update it to DX12 would solve so many problems for so many people playing for the mechanics and not the looks.

With more than one core to use and better dissolvement of framerates lowering noone would complain other than seeing a trolling pink norn with a fairy wand.


I often complained about people that tease the game choosing their unique character names to be titles themselves or funny puns.

What I'd hoped for is people to choose real names other than naming their toon "Big pink knight" etc.

When creating my character I treat it like a baby to bloom in my perfect vision. I agree some infusions are like showing off how much money they poured in their souls to look not epic. but clustered. GW2 always been clustered and they warned us for that in "upcoming features" they released when GW1 was still actively played.

When I first looked at the first images of gw2 I had no idea what I saw. But like I mentioned before. People get used to new ideas and comprimises.


A little more detail in how booleans destruct and stay instead of merging with the floor (like Khylo) and more physics to enhance player's experience to feel victorious defeating a simple troll would allow us to see it die the same way every troll dies.


Ofcourse this shouldn't result into players KD'ing corpses all over. Ofcourse new content comes first. but have a little patience so we won't have to enjoy a half assed product.

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The problem isn't the engine, this is a common misconception from players who don't know how modern computer graphics work.


The biggest drawback of the current engine is that it doesn't thread graphics very well, but this is mostly solved with the advent of D9VK/DXVK/dx12pxy, which handle it in a way that ArenaNet doesn't even have to maintain, which is better for them.


The game would not necessarily "look better" either, all modern 3D APIs have the same set of features that you've had since around Direct3D 9/10 and OpenGL 2.x, because almost everything has been exported back to historical APIs with vendor-specific functionality, with a few exceptions, and ArenaNet already uses alot of these features. The way the game looks comes as a result of it being an MMO and even with its low resolution textures and limited materials and shaders still already has a 40GB datafile, having HD graphics in particular would push this up to 400-500GB.


This is why many modern games are at least 50GB+ when they're just single player games with a low amount of content. And besides this, those games don't even have to maintain backwards compatibility with existing content without regressions, while GW2 does.


Lastly some of the biggest problems affecting the game right now are on the server side, namely skill lag, which is what really makes environments with alot of players unplayable; I can deal with 10-15 FPS in the worst case scenarios, I can't deal with people teleporting, rubberbanding, being in the wrong place visually so they can't be finished or revived, or skills taking up to 1-2mins to even cast.


Would a new engine help? Yes. Would it look better? Possibly.


What would it cost?


An entire expansion's worth of revenue, and that could mean months or even years without any new content while we wait for it to be developed. The reason other companies are able to do it is because they use money from their other games, or from investors, not from the game they're working on. Even with all of Blizzard's resources for example they failed to properly remaster Warcraft 3.


I'd rather them put that money into polishing older content (like Central Tyria) up to expansion quality. And if anything needs a complete rewrite, I'd say its their server software because it just doesn't seem very efficient.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> The problem isn't the engine, this is a common misconception from players who don't know how modern computer graphics work.


> The biggest drawback of the current engine is that it doesn't thread graphics very well, but this is mostly solved with the advent of D9VK/DXVK/dx12pxy, which handle it in a way that ArenaNet doesn't even have to maintain, which is better for them.


> The game would not necessarily "look better" either, all modern 3D APIs have the same set of features that you've had since around Direct3D 9/10 and OpenGL 2.x, because almost everything has been exported back to historical APIs with vendor-specific functionality, with a few exceptions, and ArenaNet already uses alot of these features. The way the game looks comes as a result of it being an MMO and even with its low resolution textures and limited materials and shaders still already has a 40GB datafile, having HD graphics in particular would push this up to 400-500GB.


> This is why many modern games are at least 50GB+ when they're just single player games with a low amount of content. And besides this, those games don't even have to maintain backwards compatibility with existing content without regressions, while GW2 does.


> Lastly some of the biggest problems affecting the game right now are on the server side, namely skill lag, which is what really makes environments with alot of players unplayable; I can deal with 10-15 FPS in the worst case scenarios, I can't deal with people teleporting, rubberbanding, being in the wrong place visually so they can't be finished or revived, or skills taking up to 1-2mins to even cast.


> Would a new engine help? Yes. Would it look better? Possibly.


> What would it cost?


> An entire expansion's worth of revenue, and that could mean months or even years without any new content while we wait for it to be developed. The reason other companies are able to do it is because they use money from their other games, or from investors, not from the game they're working on. Even with all of Blizzard's resources for example they failed to properly remaster Warcraft 3.


> I'd rather them put that money into polishing older content (like Central Tyria) up to expansion quality. And if anything needs a complete rewrite, I'd say its their server software because it just doesn't seem very efficient.


I couldn't agree with you more...

Though I still hope GW2 sets a future equal to our development of next gen gaming. Maybe after Cantha... or a living story after that... We'll be surprised with content delivered remastered for optimal game pleasure.. I didn't intend to mean that this has to do be done now. But its wise to think it will in the future.

...And Anet will have an extra chance selling the game in it's ultimate form.


With RTX and a full advertising of Nvidia the game's population would rise alot.

Arenanet always seemed working in solitude, not caring about implenting latest advancements but..heck Doom1 is already RTX optimized.

Why can't Arenanet do that?


Edit: I'm aware of DX12pxy but I'm also aware this allows players to crash more often, having to reinstall their game.

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There's so much wrong with what @"Hanelotte.4863" said, I'm going by parts.

> The problem isn't the engine, this is a common misconception from players who don't know how modern computer graphics work.

This is offensive, due to the amount of nonsense you say after, which prove you the one who doesn't know how it works, no offense.

> The biggest drawback of the current engine is that it doesn't thread graphics very well, but this is mostly solved with the advent of D9VK/DXVK/dx12pxy, which handle it in a way that ArenaNet doesn't even have to maintain, which is better for them.

This makes no sense whasoever, thread graphics very well? That is not even a word in graphics APIs. D9VK/DXVK/DX12PXY are not handling anything better, you can't compare proper Vulkan and/or DirectX12 support, with optimization and newer features being used (which is not the case currently with those hacks), they not even handling the memory management which is causing memory leaks and crashes.

> The game would not necessarily "look better" either, all modern 3D APIs have the same set of features that you've had since around Direct3D 9/10 and OpenGL 2.x

Now this specific line is where I confirm with 100% certainty that you have no idea whasoever how any of this works, you claiming there's no changes between Direct3D9/10, OpenGL 2.X and newer APIs, which is beyond ridiculous.

I'll just mention DirectX, else I'll have to make a wall of text due to the changes in both DirectX and OpenGL (OpenGL which was deprecated and replaced with Vulkan, lol).



* Compute Shader

* Dynamic Shader Linking

* Multithreading

* Tessellation

* Direct2D

* DirectWrite

* Synchronized Shared Surfaces

* Shader tracing and compiler enhancements

* UAVs at every pipeline stage

* Tiled resources

* Conservative Rasterization

* Extended NV12 texture support


This is not even the entirely of changes and features that made it into DirectX11, I won't even bother to talk about DirectX12 and Vulkan cause I would be here all day, backwards compatibility was always a thing, but running DirectX12 on a DirectX10 GPU (won't let you use DirectX12 features).

> This is why many modern games are at least 50GB+ when they're just single player games with a low amount of content.

The games are huge cause the developers got lazy and don't compress the content to spare CPU cycles (mostly because the Xbox One and PS4 consoles have weak CPUs), there's lots of new features in both Vulkan and DirectX12 which help with assets management a lot, which show again you have no idea what you talking about.

> Would a new engine help? Yes. Would it look better? Possibly.

No one here is saying they need a new engine, they need to update their current engine in order to comply with the new APIs, and they also need to sevelery update their assets (PS3 textures and shaders much).

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I'd personally love it. I mean if bdo can do it and have a mmo with amazing graphics,im sure arenanet can do the same. Even a remastered version, that doesn't use a different engine but better lights and shadow seems like a great idea. I don't think we'll see it though.

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Try using gamebooster, it worked wonders with my RX 580. I was struggling to catch more fps on highest settings until I used it now things are ultra smooth. Also if you're using arcdps remove it, you don't actually need it, just have your leads or team members give you the stats, I had several crashes using it. There's also something I use called AI tweaks from RoG that allows me to tweak fan settings, I use that and blast it on high so my system doesn't crash from heat.


I swear it's like playing a whole different game. I was exploring Orr and didn't even realize how...awesome it actually looks with good graphics.

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I really want them to do a remaster on skill effects, most of them have this aethereal, semi translusent look with a fuck tone of glow added to them for good messure, so an animation/effect pass could help make the game more optimised, clean and readable.


Before any graphical updates to zones i think anet needs to focus on fully enabling multicore support as well as updating their rendering tech for armors and weapons. After that the lighting tools as from what i understand lighting can often make old looking stuff look great (minecraft comes to mind).

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> The problem isn't the engine, this is a common misconception from players who don't know how modern computer graphics work.


> The biggest drawback of the current engine is that it doesn't thread graphics very well, but this is mostly solved with the advent of D9VK/DXVK/dx12pxy, which handle it in a way that ArenaNet doesn't even have to maintain, which is better for them.


> The game would not necessarily "look better" either, all modern 3D APIs have the same set of features that you've had since around Direct3D 9/10 and OpenGL 2.x, because almost everything has been exported back to historical APIs with vendor-specific functionality, with a few exceptions, and ArenaNet already uses alot of these features. The way the game looks comes as a result of it being an MMO and even with its low resolution textures and limited materials and shaders still already has a 40GB datafile, having HD graphics in particular would push this up to 400-500GB.


> This is why many modern games are at least 50GB+ when they're just single player games with a low amount of content. And besides this, those games don't even have to maintain backwards compatibility with existing content without regressions, while GW2 does.


> Lastly some of the biggest problems affecting the game right now are on the server side, namely skill lag, which is what really makes environments with alot of players unplayable; I can deal with 10-15 FPS in the worst case scenarios, I can't deal with people teleporting, rubberbanding, being in the wrong place visually so they can't be finished or revived, or skills taking up to 1-2mins to even cast.


> Would a new engine help? Yes. Would it look better? Possibly.


> What would it cost?


> An entire expansion's worth of revenue, and that could mean months or even years without any new content while we wait for it to be developed. The reason other companies are able to do it is because they use money from their other games, or from investors, not from the game they're working on. Even with all of Blizzard's resources for example they failed to properly remaster Warcraft 3.


> I'd rather them put that money into polishing older content (like Central Tyria) up to expansion quality. And if anything needs a complete rewrite, I'd say its their server software because it just doesn't seem very efficient.


Or they could have the engine work as a background longterm project like poe has with poe2 while they put out their normal updates. Anet doesnt also need to drop the entire thing in one go, they can take diff things and rework them and ship them one at a time over a period of time. Like they can first work on proper dx12 support, then go a lighting rework, then upgrade their renderer to something that plays more nicely with 3d or smth like that, then maybe do graphical passes on older zones, do an animation pass on classes and a pass on the visual effects of skills, cutting the clutter and optimising them to be less intense for the pc.


They could also introduce options to hide alot of the visual clutter and effects which could potenrially further boost the game's performance no?

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I'm not against it unless it impedes or delays future content. This is very much way, way low down the priority list vs actual content.


> Personally if something needs working on graphically, it is less the engine etc, but more the visaal noise with all the horrific infusions, particle effects and other eye sores which have become a plague in this game and have very much taken away from what was a decent base art style for the game in favour of trying to clash as many out of place things as possible.


> At least in my opinion anyway


I mean, isnt that like saying "if anet was working on an expansion we wouldnt see lw for the entirety of its developement" which we know isnt the case, i believe snet is capable of having diff projects running in paralel with diff amounts of attention and man power dedicated to them.


Poe is seemingly doing it fine, so did bdo too, i trust anet can do it as well if they decide to do it.

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> @"Veryl.7861" said:

> With technology ike RTX simple reflections in ice or water would be far more detailed and immerges the player to love this game even more.

Funny, even in 2012 GW2 had an amazing ice refraction shader far superior to other games.


Anyway, I do think that GW2 should have a "technical update". But the reality of it is nowhere near the magical and fantastical heights people think the "engine replacement" is supposed to reach. No, GW2 will with 99.9% certainty never have RTX raytracing. That's just stupid to even consider. What I want to see is multithreading optimisation and DX12 support with optimisations so that we get higher fps, especially in situations where there are alot of players and effects on screen (which is pretty much the only area where the game struggles). It's as simple as that.

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First of all, GW2 engine is based on the GW1 engine, but it is heavily modified. Although it is called an engine, it is not a package easily distributed to third party's, it is an integrated part of the game.


But more important to how it could be done, is why.


It would give better graphics, but with a price. People would be forced to upgrade their PC or laptop to better performance. One thing GW always did good is that it was easily accessible to new players who never played a game before. By changing things it would mean also changing this. It would also move the audience of the game to a more hard-core audience.


I personally also think that in this light, this is not the right moment to do so. We are moving to a new era with streaming games. That would be the perfect time to do such a thing. It would mean that people with poor specs can still play this upgraded game. People with poor internet could still play it in the classic way and only those with poor specs and poor internet would be left behind.


But at this moment it is too early to take such a step. Maybe in 2 - 3 years.

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all MMOS slowly or quickly get better graphics, and those who can't get a better PC have to sadly suck it up and can't be used as an argument for not upgrading it. if it was the case we would still be playing text only adventure games or Atari.

it is expected that new games will require better pcs. and it is expected that MMOs have to be contantly upgrading their graphics too, it shows on all of them if you compare the vanilla zones to the newer ones.

But sometimes it isn't enough anymore and a massive overhaul is needed. like the remastered mode in BDO or the new character models in WoW. Now the question is if gw2 is in that moment now or not.

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> @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> First of all, GW2 engine is based on the GW1 engine, but it is heavily modified. Although it is called an engine, it is not a package easily distributed to third party's, it is an integrated part of the game.


> But more important to how it could be done, is why.


> It would give better graphics, but with a price. People would be forced to upgrade their PC or laptop to better performance. One thing GW always did good is that it was easily accessible to new players who never played a game before. By changing things it would mean also changing this. It would also move the audience of the game to a more hard-core audience.


> I personally also think that in this light, this is not the right moment to do so. We are moving to a new era with streaming games. That would be the perfect time to do such a thing. It would mean that people with poor specs can still play this upgraded game. People with poor internet could still play it in the classic way and only those with poor specs and poor internet would be left behind.


> But at this moment it is too early to take such a step. Maybe in 2 - 3 years.


> @"coso.9173" said:

> all MMOS slowly or quickly get better graphics, and those who can't get a better PC have to sadly suck it up and can't be used as an argument for not upgrading it. if it was the case we would still be playing text only adventure games or Atari.

> it is expected that new games will require better pcs. and it is expected that MMOs have to be contantly upgrading their graphics too, it shows on all of them if you compare the vanilla zones to the newer ones.

> But sometimes it isn't enough anymore and a massive overhaul is needed. like the remastered mode in BDO or the new character models in WoW. Now the question is if gw2 is in that moment now or not.


I've experienced playing Guild Wars 2 on a laptop i3 or desktop i5 before I started upgrading.

I could barely play with 5fps and because gw2 is the only game I've play, this forced me to upgrade to i7 with a 4gb graphicscard.

I know I'm not the only one that thinks the engine of GW2 demands alot of cpu and memory...

Even now with my new specs I get around 70fps wich is really high running this game,

Although the majority of other games running 100fps smoothly and have better graphics I do not agree that gw2 is optimized for an audience that have low spec systems and lags/spikes in ping are everywhere.


Streaming games heh.. That era will be far from now... People across the globe already complain about pings higher than 100.

I know all about ping and scrapping textures from games to higher FPS and ping but GW2 needs a tremendous PC if you wish to play on max graphics.

So I do agree that maybe it's moment is not now... But definately the moment to start discussing.


Hopefully Arenanet's developers feel the same

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> @"Veryl.7861" said:

> > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > First of all, GW2 engine is based on the GW1 engine, but it is heavily modified. Although it is called an engine, it is not a package easily distributed to third party's, it is an integrated part of the game.

> >

> > But more important to how it could be done, is why.

> >

> > It would give better graphics, but with a price. People would be forced to upgrade their PC or laptop to better performance. One thing GW always did good is that it was easily accessible to new players who never played a game before. By changing things it would mean also changing this. It would also move the audience of the game to a more hard-core audience.

> >

> > I personally also think that in this light, this is not the right moment to do so. We are moving to a new era with streaming games. That would be the perfect time to do such a thing. It would mean that people with poor specs can still play this upgraded game. People with poor internet could still play it in the classic way and only those with poor specs and poor internet would be left behind.

> >

> > But at this moment it is too early to take such a step. Maybe in 2 - 3 years.


> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > all MMOS slowly or quickly get better graphics, and those who can't get a better PC have to sadly suck it up and can't be used as an argument for not upgrading it. if it was the case we would still be playing text only adventure games or Atari.

> > it is expected that new games will require better pcs. and it is expected that MMOs have to be contantly upgrading their graphics too, it shows on all of them if you compare the vanilla zones to the newer ones.

> > But sometimes it isn't enough anymore and a massive overhaul is needed. like the remastered mode in BDO or the new character models in WoW. Now the question is if gw2 is in that moment now or not.


> I've experienced playing Guild Wars 2 on a laptop i3 or desktop i5 before I started upgrading.

> I could barely play with 5fps and because gw2 is the only game I've play, this forced me to upgrade to i7 with a 4gb graphicscard.

> I know I'm not the only one that thinks the engine of GW2 demands alot of cpu and memory...

> Even now with my new specs I get around 70fps wich is really high running this game,

> Although the majority of other games running 100fps smoothly and have better graphics I do not agree that gw2 is optimized for an audience that have low spec systems and lags/spikes in ping are everywhere.


> Streaming games heh.. That era will be far from now... People across the globe already complain about pings higher than 100.

> I know all about ping and scrapping textures from games to higher FPS and ping but GW2 needs a tremendous PC if you wish to play on max graphics.

> So I do agree that maybe it's moment is not now... But definately the moment to start discussing.


> Hopefully Arenanet's developers feel the same


I think, and that is the core of this discussion, is thatyou are not the target audiance to play on a low spec PC. I dissagree and know that 5FPS is very much playable. It doesn't look great, but it works and it is playable as long as you stay away from WvW and PvP formats. What is the bottom of excepted stats and how should it be judged. If the target is to attract new players (new to online gaming and the genre), they should say if the low stats are enough, not you or me.

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To be honest.... I would be happy with better performance.


Upgrading hardware is no guarantee to improved performance. That shows how bad the engine is. I have new top of the line hardware, and can barely tell the difference with my 5 year old top of the line computer in World Bosses, big events, WVW. If Blade & Soul can do it, GW2 should be able to pull of the same feet. Neither of these machines should crawl to a halt.

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> To be honest.... I would be happy with better performance.


> Upgrading hardware is no guarantee to improved performance. That shows how bad the engine is. I have new top of the line hardware, and can barely tell the difference with my 5 year old top of the line computer in World Bosses, big events, WVW. If Blade & Soul can do it, GW2 should be able to pull of the same feet. Neither of these machines should crawl to a halt.

That is just silly. Blade&Soul uses UE3 and while an upgrade to UE4 is a large project that would require a ton of coding, its trivial in comparison to literally changing the entire engine for something totally different. Hell you got *guides* for it in their wiki (which is no longer online).

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> @"Josiah.2967" said:

> To be honest.... I would be happy with better performance.


> Upgrading hardware is no guarantee to improved performance. That shows how bad the engine is.


Yes, a better performance/CPU utilization etc and a few updated textures is all this game needs. None of this:


> @"GW Noob.6038" said:

> New high-tech engine, like Unreal Engine 4? Yes, please!


> Blade & Soul is doing it...


Then go play Blade & Soul. Is there anything you _don't_ want changed? More sci-fi, VR, no JPs, Unreal Engine... insane.

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> @"Veryl.7861" said:

> > @"mercury ranique.2170" said:

> > First of all, GW2 engine is based on the GW1 engine, but it is heavily modified. Although it is called an engine, it is not a package easily distributed to third party's, it is an integrated part of the game.

> >

> > But more important to how it could be done, is why.

> >

> > It would give better graphics, but with a price. People would be forced to upgrade their PC or laptop to better performance. One thing GW always did good is that it was easily accessible to new players who never played a game before. By changing things it would mean also changing this. It would also move the audience of the game to a more hard-core audience.

> >

> > I personally also think that in this light, this is not the right moment to do so. We are moving to a new era with streaming games. That would be the perfect time to do such a thing. It would mean that people with poor specs can still play this upgraded game. People with poor internet could still play it in the classic way and only those with poor specs and poor internet would be left behind.

> >

> > But at this moment it is too early to take such a step. Maybe in 2 - 3 years.


> > @"coso.9173" said:

> > all MMOS slowly or quickly get better graphics, and those who can't get a better PC have to sadly suck it up and can't be used as an argument for not upgrading it. if it was the case we would still be playing text only adventure games or Atari.

> > it is expected that new games will require better pcs. and it is expected that MMOs have to be contantly upgrading their graphics too, it shows on all of them if you compare the vanilla zones to the newer ones.

> > But sometimes it isn't enough anymore and a massive overhaul is needed. like the remastered mode in BDO or the new character models in WoW. Now the question is if gw2 is in that moment now or not.


> I've experienced playing Guild Wars 2 on a laptop i3 or desktop i5 before I started upgrading.

> I could barely play with 5fps and because gw2 is the only game I've play, this forced me to upgrade to i7 with a 4gb graphicscard.

> I know I'm not the only one that thinks the engine of GW2 demands alot of cpu and memory...

> Even now with my new specs I get around 70fps wich is really high running this game,

> Although the majority of other games running 100fps smoothly and have better graphics I do not agree that gw2 is optimized for an audience that have low spec systems and lags/spikes in ping are everywhere.


> Streaming games heh.. That era will be far from now... People across the globe already complain about pings higher than 100.

> I know all about ping and scrapping textures from games to higher FPS and ping but GW2 needs a tremendous PC if you wish to play on max graphics.

> So I do agree that maybe it's moment is not now... But definately the moment to start discussing.


> Hopefully Arenanet's developers feel the same


i still have an old laptop based on core 2 duo yet it runs GW2 relatively fine, if you run on 5FPS with an i3 then it's time you lower your graphic settings and don't expect your laptop to do the same as a i7.

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