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What do you want for third expansion? - [Merged]

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Player housing that combines elements of guild halls and home instances. Bank, vendors, nodes, etc. I want to place all of my home instance nodes where I want them and have more control over decoration placement. I would also like to be able to rotate and resize decorations.


The ability to work towards every infusion in the game.


Gen 3 legendaries


A legendary armory that isn't monetized out the wazoo.


An unlimited flight mount that is FAST, like a jet. Maybe make us do full exploration on each map to unlock the ability to use it on said map.


Mercenaries (including letting us hire our alts)

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In this order:


-1. Player housing (huge and well rounded. Not too grindy and easly accesible.)


-2. A Golemancer elite specialisation, focus on support and maybe condi damage, using a staff, for the engineer. (I know, I know, but a small Asura can dream.)


-3. Big and beautifull open world map. (With a lot of attention to detail, a lot of jumping puzzle, some secret hidden away. If possible good side quest)

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> @"Makuragee.3058" said:

> -1. Player housing (huge and well rounded. Not too grindy and easly accesible.)



> @"Will.9785" said:

> Player housing that combines elements of guild halls and home instances. Bank, vendors, nodes, etc. I want to place all of my home instance nodes where I want them and have more control over decoration placement. I would also like to be able to rotate and resize decorations.


same i'd want player housing or smaller guildhalls for people with guilds that have <15 people. the current guild halls are too huge if your guild isn't a 300+ person guild that runs full squads once a week for guild missions.


but yeah i'd want housing for my character too, the home instance doesn't feel like home since my character doesn't actually have a house or a room/space there claimed as their own property




that and new hairstyles, new professions/classes, new elite specialisations

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> @"Tiger Fu.6524" said:

> And raising a lvl cap I think would be beneficial for the game so (again) people experience leveling up again a little bit, with one purpose to bring new gear after exotic. Also as an idea how to manage that is making level boosting only available to 80 but past that you need to do some old fashion leveling through Cantha story for example.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

# NO!


Go look at the boards and forums for Destiny 2 and what grinding out more levels for the sake of higher numbers that really mean nothing does for your game.




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More hearts on the map. I do not like maps without them. But I do not want to have to do them again every time I want to use the vendor - that was a horrid addition.

Really I just want Cantha and some cool new critters to fight. The only thing on my wish list would be Heroes, but I doubt that will happen.

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* New playable race at last? Tengu?

* Remove armor class restrictions for greater customization of looks. Just tie the light|medium|heavy stats to your profession based on rarity of the worn pieces, and you can have all sorts of looks with mix and match of light, medium and heavy armor.

* Open world zone with faction-based PvP elements in addition to PvE story... e.g. think Fort Aspenwood with players split balanced in 2 factions (mini wvw to sway the story?)

* New elites (obviously)

* 3 new professions, one for each archetype? Not just new elites for the old professions, but three entirely new professions?

* Pistols for my guardian :D


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> @"Drakortha.6974" said:

> POF made me quit GW2 for the first time since launch 2012.. If there's hearts on the maps again like POF, I won't be coming back to GW2 for this expansion. But I still might not since mounts are a thing now and ruined the game.


Why do you think mounts ruined the game?

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The minimum I expect to see on launch with End of Dragons follows. All of this is finished content, none of it feeling rushed-to-release, and none of it requiring Gemstore pay-to-unlock. I expect these features to be included in the purchase price of the expansion:

1) WvW Alliances

2) fully-featured and fully-unlocked Legendary Armoury

3) 9 new elite specializations

4) An engaging story with useful masteries and the same amazing quality of map design


What I DO NOT want to see:

a) Level cap increase

b) Player housing (I do not want to be part of a game where people spend all day inside their homes, doing nothing with the rest of the server)

c) Gear level increases


What I would like to see, but do not consider as a minimum requirement:

1) A new generation of legendary weapons

2) Underwater combat

3) Much more dev focus on competitive game modes and balance thereof (sPvP and WvW) including new WvW events and new PvP modes & maps

4) A focus on cleaning up / bug-fixing / rebalancing / repurposing "old content" including Edge of the Mists, Dungeons, Raids, Fractals, open world, legendary weapon collection bugs, Living World Season 2, 3 and 4 content which is undoable with low map populations, etc.

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> @"Tiger Fu.6524" said:

> ... New race ...


I think this is very unlikely, since it'd mean they had to adapt all the existing armor pieces and outfits for the new race. This would probably cost them millions of dollars.


But if they indeed create a new race, I just hope that **for Heaven's sake** it's not Kodan or Quaggan! Those wise-ass wannabe Kung Fu master philosophers are just annoying to no end. And don't get me started on those morbidly obese fish with the personality of a 5 year old child! They are so cuuuute that they make me want to use my shotgun on my monitor when I have to deal with them. ANET, I swear, if you have us defeat the Deep Sea Dragon by replacing it with Slooshoo I will personally show up at your HQ with a torch and a pitchfork!


What I'd like to see in EoD:

- one new espec per class

- 8+ cool new maps

- difficulty like HoT, in some places difficulty above HoT

- mob aggro range as in pre-PoF

- new weapons

- some new metas as cool as those in HoT maps

> @"jokke.6239" said:

> Open world dungeons and world bosses

- ^^This. Though I deem it unlikely as well, since they seem to have abandoned both of these concepts


What I realistically expect to see in EoD:

- one new espec per class

- 4 - 6 cool new maps

- difficulty like PoF

- mob aggro range like PoF

- no new weapons

- new facial options for humans (Asian appearance)

- 2 new complete armor sets


What I would **absolutely hate** to see in EoD:

- Kodan or Quaggan as playable race

- Heroes/Henchmen

- gear tier with stats above Ascended


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* Reworked core professions, so they can match these from HoT and PoF. Possible only at 80lvl: new weapon and set of skills.

I'm not sure about elite specs, because they need a lot of balance. I don't want guardian to fill another role, because soon there will be only guardians in this game. Power/condi DPS, Heal, Boon support + quickness is enough.

* New maps, but please make them interesting so we can stay there for longer.

* Difficulty level from Drizzlewood Coast. Difficulty level should be based on mechanics (dodging mobs, conditions, blind, CCs...), not just high numbers.

* New legendary weapons!

* And new raids.

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Since i expect canthan maps to be gorgeous I'd really want some major improvement in the games performance. Retroactively tweaking the performance seems to be a difficult task but it will just be more work the longer they wait. DirectX 12 support and better resource efficiency sounds like a great feature for an expansion to me. Or atleast the release of an expansion would be a great opportunity to implement such features.



Other then this i agree with what most people already said: new elite specs, hopefully a new race, obviously more armor and weapon sets.

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> @"Klakax.2596" said:

> Hello!


> So we all know that a new expansion has been released but there is still no details regarding new content so my question is... what would you like to see?


> Personally I would love to see Player Housing in Guild Wars 2 and that system is already in game since we have guild halls. Fingers crossed for that!


> What about you?


Something that works. Seriously. One, relatively small patch and it was borked from release. How can we be sure the new expansion isn't just going to blow up?

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> @"Kuma.4029" said:

> Since i expect canthan maps to be gorgeous I'd really want some major improvement in the games performance. Retroactively tweaking the performance seems to be a difficult task but it will just be more work the longer they wait. DirectX 12 support and better resource efficiency sounds like a great feature for an expansion to me. Or atleast the release of an expansion would be a great opportunity to implement such features.


I agree with this they need to improve performance asap, the engine is so outdated it needs to be addressed. Maybe something wow did perhaps, upgrading graphics and performance and making new maps run better.


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