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What do you want for third expansion? - [Merged]

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Atomos.7593" said:

> > I'd also like the bosses in solo story instances to be less of simple health sponges. I found the bosses at the end of the HoT and PoF expansion stories to have multiple, extremely repetitive invulnerable stages along with lots of health. They were not difficult and I was able to kill them on my first try.

> >

> > This kind of mechanic for the bosses only made it long and boring for me. Seems as if it was done only to make the story feel longer, without having to use other more thoughtful and engaging ways to do this. I would have preferred for there to be more interesting mechanics in these fights, in order to make them actually somewhat difficult.


> I agree, but this is why it probably won't happen. [https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/3981/eater-of-souls-fight-is-too-difficult](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/3981/eater-of-souls-fight-is-too-difficult/p1)


Sadly that will probably be true, considering that there were also recent threads complaining it is still too difficult. I did enjoy the fight with Garm and Eir, until I realized to kill them you just have to do the same thing over and over several times. I guess I'll just have to get used to more bosses in the future that will only be health sponges and have repetitive invulnerable stages.

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What I would like to see:




Seriously! There's a lot of time/resources invested into guild halls as it is and I'd hate to see this as another good idea that dies off from lack of updates. Guild missions are already incredibly dated, even though they're still something that a lot of players still enjoy doing.


GIVE US A REASON TO INTERACT WITH OUR GUILDS! This is what keeps a lot of players logged in and engaged with the game!

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> @"Dahkeus.8243" said:

> What I would like to see:




> Seriously! There's a lot of time/resources invested into guild halls as it is and I'd hate to see this as another good idea that dies off from lack of updates. Guild missions are already incredibly dated, even though they're still something that a lot of players still enjoy doing.


> GIVE US A REASON TO INTERACT WITH OUR GUILDS! This is what keeps a lot of players logged in and engaged with the game!


To be honest, I'd love to see new guild halls.

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I'd like to see the new expansion focus on mounts and racing them.

Maybe mario kart theme.


Next expansion is nothing but a bunch of city zones right?

Well how about a ton of NPCs on mounts and just zooming by everywhere.


Make the zone have nice track for rollerbeetle to zoom around.


I'd like 2 WP's in the zone, and since its mount friendly thats why theres just 2 WP.

Racing in this game is fun, it could be a thing.

No other MMORPGs have the racing aspect down.


Sometimes its a niche thing that makes it good.

Ex. World of Warcraft, its ALL about Open World PvP. Who versus who? Everyone knows who versus who. Horde vs Alliance.


GW2 niche I see is Jumping Puzzles AND OR Racing.

Maybe open world designing too, like In game housing, a legit house. Or just designing like in Fortnite, Rust, Minecraft.

A zone just designed for player housing, you get to see the outside and inside of it, you own a plot, you do what you want.


But seriously,

if new expansion is taking place in towns.

think about Racing. Think about making it sophisticated where the NPCs race all the time there too.

make it a fast past town.

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> @"Gryphon.2875" said:

> Well, that's an expansion I wouldn't buy.


Man it wouldn't be 100% racing focused.

That would just be the theme.


You do your whatever you do still. It's just now the maps are like racetracks. You could be doing your event, and all sudden 20 rollerbeetles come outta nowhere because of racing.


The roller beetle racing sure spiced up old Tyria content. Noobs being noobs and whats this!?

30 people on roller beeetles headed my way!!


Yeah, it spices up the zone.

Right now, its pretty bleh, follow commander tag.


Would be nice to see a zone with so much different activities going on.


You wouldn't need to make so many zones too, sometimes less is more. Like 2 zones, but big, at least you have people to talk too even if they aint on your side of the map.

1 WP for side and the other WP on the other side.


You want to get somewhere? well get on your mount and race over there. (not as in an actual race).




New expansion is a city right?

We have mounts right?


Well make it feel like mounts are part of the game because they are.

Make the NPCs be on them.





Last thing, its 2020, so expectations are high. It aint 2013 anymore, it aint 2017 anymore. Its 2020.

Also, of course you guys are happy your still around.

Other MMORPGS, MMORPGS with VASTLY larger playerbase

You want the game to grow right? Well the stuff everyone is happy seeing for 7 years, other people seen it too, they left, its boring.


You need to spice it up, this is how you do it.

So of course this thread will get a lot of "no", but just do it.

The 5432857342 million other players are looking for something spicy in an MMORPG and this is it.

Again, its 2020, expectations are HIGH.

.. computer is slow, its 2020... meaning why is it slow? should be fast.

.. mmorpg dishes out typical expansion... its 2020. meaning why this usual stuff. wheres the spicy stuff?

Its 2020.

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I highly doubt that the new expac will have anything to do with mounts, just like PoF didn't have anything to do with gliders. Now, that's not to say I'm opposed to more mount races, I just am under the impression that the new expac will have its own new special masteries for its own thing, like mounts and gliders from the last 2 expacs.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I see so many zones with racing in them and no one actually racing. I'm not sure that racing is as popular with the GW2 player base as the OP would hope.


Thats the thing, it doesn't have to be all about racing. But if maps are designed for racing, and ITS CLEAR where its at, people will race. You can go do your usual stuff. But its CLEAR where the race is, its CLEAR where the track is.


If you been playing nonstop of course you may know this stuff, but people who come and go, they don't memorize racing spots, its not easy thing to remember. If they knew about it, who knows maybe they'd be racing more often.


Especially if they make the rewards pretty decent... Like PvP tournaments.




Its going to be a city vibe next expansion yes?

Well make it raceable.

Back when roller beetle racing was a thing, people doing world boss like Mega Destoryer, they was curious, they had there 'usual' spicied up seeing plethora of roller beetle racers zooming around.




Should be options what to do, like meta event, OR racing, both give equally good rewards. (well racing if you do somewhat good, not necessarily first, first place should be a big deal though).

Game has it setup that you can do everything if you follow the commander. It should be more about choices. Events shouldn't need to take a whole army too.

Still be tough, as in you have to dodge and stuff you control, and not so much is 60 people around (stuff you don't control, who shows up).

To race, to do meta event, to do scavenger hunt (aka coins), it should be about options, and less "Just follow this commander and press 1" usual day usual commander. Just press 1, we have stragglers following the commander, just press 1 and slow. Usual day, the usual. Bleh.


Its 2020

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I'm not sure why you keep raising 2020 as a thing. That doesn't support this is any way, shape or form. Also, despite all the doom and gloom, GW2 has a very healthy overall (albeit heavily split) playerbase. It's not WoW or FF14, but it was never going to be either. It almost certainly holds its head up pretty high versus the rest


A third expansion needs to keep building on the successes of the game, not trying to be too risky or out there, especially after 8 years.


Now I'm a big fan of adding races, so I am not fundamentally against the idea of more, but even I can see that they are not popular enough to focus on. Could they add races to the expansion? Why not. There's no reason not to add them as adventures, but any real focus is not going to work because of how we have seen them across the rest of the game. The initial uptake is high and then dead. Even in Halloween, I'm seeing the lowest interest I've ever seen for them.


They've done a great job with the engine to force races to be decent, but those who really want to race regularly have the options elsewhere that just do it far, far better. I mean there's 3 current version of Mario Kart out there as of the autumn alone (2 switch ones and the mobile app).


So yes to more races and yes to better rewards, but I wouldn't hinge anything on it as it isn't a popular enough mode (even if seeing rollerbeetles flying through Mega Destroyer event was actually kinda fun)

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Yep I see your point.


Yeah racing isn't popular because they set it up so its not popular.

Just like EoTM and hotjoins 8v8 used to be the crave. They take away something from it, all sudden its ghost town.

Just like racing.

Racing is in the same category as those mini dungeons. Those mini dungeons like stump on shrubs etc. They give crappy reward, you basically have to try really hard and all you get is 1 unidentified rare item? Cmon man, they can do better. But unlike mini dungeons racing is competitive.


Who knows maybe keg brawl would have been a thing if they gave better rewards. I don't ever recall it being a thing, so it just goes to show how much rewards matter.


A tournament style racing though, reward you same as the PvP tournies do, you bet there will be a big crowd.


Its just everyone is playing for rewards right now. Those meta events, could be ghost towns if they had crappy rewards too. Not everyone does the meta event because they enjoy them, its all about the rewards.


**If you had every event giving equally good reward, people would be doing a variety of things, what they really enjoy.**

But since its all about meta events give best rewards, people doing them, not really because they enjoy them, but because the reward.




If they make racing useless, crappiest reward, not many if any will do. Sure its fun for a bit, but no one else is doing, lonely now, meta event time and do something maybe unfun to you only because everyone is after rewards.

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> @"Scavarius.6059" said:

> gw2 is more of a niche game, and we already got more than enought racing content that's prone to bugs and/or glitches anyhow.


> > @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > player housing


> so this is just the weekly "i WANT playerhousing" thread? can i interest you in a weekly tengu thread as well?


Its a niche game, but jack of all trades niche.

Niche games are only good if they go ALL IN.


Kinda like WoW went ALL IN on Open World PvP. I mean, let me ask you a question.

In WoW, what are the 2 sides that are at war with each other?




Alliance and Horde.


Other than that, probably don't know squat about WoW, all you DO KNOW is the Open World PvP aspect.


GW2 its just green vs red vs blue

nothing niche about its WvW


Other games have you jump on stuff to get to treasure nothing niche about it

Other games have mounts too nothing niche about it


Gotta go ALL IN like WoW.


Racing is one of the things that could draw in crowds.



Look at Mario Kart

They make the same dang game, and flocks of people come back to play same dang thing just on better system.


Racing can be very effective at bringing in a lot of people especially in MMORPG scene. But you gotta make it GOOD, GO ALL IN ON IT.


Just because they go ALL IN, doesn't mean nothing else happens, its called a team effort.



Racing needs to be as good as Blitzball in Final fantasy X


IF I was Final Fantasy MMORPG, I'd go all in on that niche.

OH and the card game in Final Fantasy X


You may think GW2 has a lot of niches, but Final Fantasy way way more dude, they just havent went ALL IN like WoW did with Open World PvP.

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No, EoD should be all about cooking. The maps should be designed for cooking. Big fires, huge ovens, lots of NPCs cooking. If there's cooking everywhere then everyone will cook.


Look at Cooking Mama, it did so well, and Monster Hunter also had cooking and WoW has had cooking since the start and that's very popular, probably because of the cooking, or something.


It's 2020 after all.

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Im hoping for a little more immersion and a little bit less everything hyperspeed personally (mounts) . Still would like mini polymock to be a thing ;-p Would be nice to have certain arenas for them spread over the expac maps, where you can have casual mini duels, with extra competition mode for people who like that sort of thing. Our own Tyrian pokemon sort of.

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