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lock weapon stowing in combat to keep players from exploiting the game.


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as the title says. We have Rangers glitching their animation during barrage into greatsword, stealthed thiefs that use skills which were supposed to do dmg and totally remove the damaging potion of the skill by abusing this and eles that use this mid combat to get slower cooldown on obsiflesh. I think it si best for every profession to lock this option while in combat and theirby minimizing the risk of glitch exploits.

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It's pretty awful even in PvE where it's major function serves as an extra usually up to 2k dps on some builds, but im mostly happy to erase that dps because i think any pve build where weapon stowing matters, should not be designed in a way where weapon stowing matters, both in terms of the function of skills and in terms of balance.


Hard agree, even harder agree for competitive.

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ment lower cd on obsi flesh obviously. yea I think it makes balancing an issue. I mean they try everything to make dmg fir to the profession, but when stuff like this exist I don't have to wonder when balance patches arrive that propably completely make a class obsolete. Because these type of players propably don't lose much even if the supposed majority of dmg was already taken away by patches.

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no. stow weapon is available to all and if you don't use it that's on you. some specs rely on animation canceling to work, and everyone benefits from the extra control it offers. less control = less combat efficiency. if this were another game where animation canceling offered way too much to the point it is required then I would say otherwise.

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you just use weapon stow in order to save a dodge. so you don't really commit to decisions in a fight. It is just an excuse. If it is true that "some specs rely animations cancelling to work" then by this logic if weapon stow is gone classes don't work anymore. nice try. shoot yourself in the foot.

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Stow weapons is used all the time in PvP to bait enemy dodges, so it'd have a significant impact there, at least.


It's technically a lame thing, but it's part of the game mechanics now, and changing it would upset quite a few players. If it were my choice, I would have designed weapon stow to queue up like skills do (so you stow after finishing the animation of whatever it is one is doing).

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Imagine beeing in a real fight and you're about to hit someone with a sword but then you stow it.


Lol, but in all seriousness, I don't really know all the inpacts this might cause since this ''tactic'' is used since the game launched and I am not personnally against or for it.

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They've removed cases where it was really noticable like Axe auto attack chain on Warrior, I don't think there is anything that can be considered abuse though so it can stay. It's optimization, you don't have to do it. If you want to squeeze out that extra little bit, go for it.

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In pvp I don't really pay attention if they cancel a skill, because I wait for the skills effects first before doing smth. I am pretty opportunistic in pvp, because I don't like it. That's why I run bunker necro instead of stuff like mesmer. Doubt there is a safe way to get rid of bunkers, because of how little dmg they do compared to the rest. and if you don't have a tank in the game or any other part of the holy trinity it most likely ends in a oneshot vs oneshot scenario.


for wvw I find it an issue tho, because of how high damage is compared to pvp. you still got all the ascended amuletts and armor ratings/stats you have to add to the build.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Are these newer players? Why is it a issue now? Anyway if I is truly deemed a issue to the anet team hope they only alter its behavior in instances where exploiting can occur. I like stowing after a 1v1 for my style points lol no? Anybody else?


On Mesmer after you 1-shot someone you have to immediately stow weapon or it doesn't count!

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> @"Yoci.2481" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Are these newer players? Why is it a issue now? Anyway if I is truly deemed a issue to the anet team hope they only alter its behavior in instances where exploiting can occur. I like stowing after a 1v1 for my style points lol no? Anybody else?


> On Mesmer after you 1-shot someone you have to immediately stow weapon or it doesn't count!


Exactly, it's like ur tipping ur hat at the opponent lol

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