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Fashion Wars - where do you start?

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Armor? Weapons? Back pieces? Infusions?


One of the consistent problems I keep running into is looking at a weapon skin and thinking "meh, that won't work with my theme / armor". It's one of the main challenges I've had in deciding to craft Legendary Weapons - so many of them just do not compliment the 'look' of my character at all. So this got me thinking: am I doing it backwards? Should I start with the weapon and then tailor the armor to match?


I know there is no real "right" or "wrong" way to do this, but it got me curious about what other players do.


For me, I start with the armor + dyes, then pick weapons to match, with the back piece being the final, and most optional, of items; while almost all of my characters have a back piece on display, they were still tacked on afterwards. And while weapon and back piece skins have changed, most of my characters' armor looks exactly the same as it did a year ago.


What do the rest of you do?

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I always start with with the weapon since it tends to lead - or at least be the centrepiece of - my themes, especially if I get or am aiming for a legendary.


For example, below is my Dragon Knight. First I wanted to check what weapons would work first of all with the theme then I start using the wardrobe to find an armour mix. Then I dye it so it compliments the weapon (very important) and then make any adjustments. Lastly I'll make any changes like facial, hair, sylvari glow etc just to round it off.


I is easier to make armour work with weapons than to make weapons work with armour due to how mix/matching and dyeing works. I've always found it so difficult to find a weapon to match after the armour is put in


I've also included my Tiger theme Ranger and my Noble Themed Weaver


![](https://i.imgur.com/pid41jr.jpg?1 "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/EquKRPX.jpg?1 "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/cWX4lbJ.jpg?1 "")


![](https://i.imgur.com/bPjgGKY.jpg?1 "")



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I pretty much do the same thing you do. I start with an armour item that catches my eye, then build the rest of the armour around it. Then I try to dye it.


There are so many weapons already in the game that one most likely will match. If I find one, I'll equip it, look if it matches, and re-dye the armour if the colours do not match 100%.

If there's a backpack that fits both the armour and the weapon, it's a bonus.


Edit: Some pictures of my power/condi + "generic evil zombie" sets:


>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/ZrXAuPK.jpg "")

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/qK58i9m.jpg "")

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/xmcBHH8.jpg "")

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/7Pfwgn1.jpg "")


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> @"Raknar.4735" said:

> I pretty much do the same thing you do. I start with an armour item that catches my eye, then build the rest of the armour around it. Then I try to dye it.


> There are so many weapons already in the game that one most likely will match. If I find one, I'll equip it, look if it matches, and re-dye the armour if the colours do not match 100%.

> If there's a backpack that fits both the armour and the weapon, it's a bonus.


> Edit: Some pictures of my power/condi + "generic evil zombie" sets:


> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/ZrXAuPK.jpg "")

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/qK58i9m.jpg "")

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/xmcBHH8.jpg "")

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/7Pfwgn1.jpg "")



All turned out well and bonus points for not using sparkly stuff

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I always build around infusions. Then build the color scheme around that. Typically look for armor that uses those colors well. Then find a weapon or four to complete the theme. Back pieces can be hard because most you are not able to dye. I have both the legendary Fractal & WvW back pieces and they are very niche. So often I will just hide it if I cant make something work with the skins that I have.

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I don't chase legendaries, and very few ascended (I hate crafting) so I'm kinda stuck with exotics. I, too, start with the weapon as it defines the build. After that, I try different armor combinations and then dyes. Sometimes, the dye selections will override the armor selections as the colors might look better on different sets.


![](https://i.imgur.com/Ct3JZYZ.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/4dANzno.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/8TS8vDv.jpg "")


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I don't chase legendaries, and very few ascended (I hate crafting) so I'm kinda stuck with exotics. I, too, start with the weapon as it defines the build. After that, I try different armor combinations and then dyes. Sometimes, the dye selections will override the armor selections as the colors might look better on different sets.



Showing that GW2 can design decent looks without the need for excessive shinies. The bottom one looks particularly good



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I'd say start with whatever is most important to you, which doesn't have to be the same thing each time. It could be a weapon, an armour piece, even a dye or a general theme. Then match everything else to it.


I usually have a general theme for each character, a sense of who they are as a person, what kind of equipment they'd use, what styles they'd like etc. and that's how I choose what they wear, but sometimes I'll tailor it to a specific item I want to use. With temporary characters I'm more likely to pick an item and design a style around it, especially ones I don't normally use because they don't suit any of my characters.

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I work both ways. I set my mind to something and browse the entire wardrobe and dyes to find what matches.


Then once in a while I stumble on a piece of equipment or weapon that would be cool to use and try to find a match around it browsing the wardobe.


The introduction of aetherblade and magitech armor in 2013 gave me the opportunity to make a heavy looking engineer, before the very recent additions the boots and gloves were dredge to best match the overall bulk and textures. It was my rifle grenade celestial build a long time ago, now turned to condi ops and is pretty much what I look like most of the time.

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/Hybitsv.jpg "")



PoF armor designs and birthday items allowed some opportunities out of my comfort zone, but the trigger was that nice Falchion, I had to use it. The set has a very obscure reference to a user of such a weapon, well traveled yet not worn out.

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/V7OaBjO.jpg "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/11njC6W.jpg "")


Lastly... The legendaries, I rarely chase them beyond collection, I've made one exception though. I just couldn't look like this:

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/S282AE2.jpg "")

And not have a HMS Divinity.


Oh, and speaking of hidden gems, I probably couldn't have made that sleek looking warrior without these magnificent whisper shoulderpads.

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/BAjLwbe.jpg "")




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I start with the armor and colour scheme.


That said, I wish there were more ELEGANT weapons in the game. Chunky, oversized, ridiculous huge and/or impractical we have plenty. What we lack are elegant, decently sized weapons. Most swords are abominations in that regard. Either way, way too long, idiotic looking, or way to broad. Rifles? From the top of my head I can only remember 2 rifles that did not make me close the window. Greatswords? A miserable mess.


I do not need to compensate with huge weapons. I want weapons that actually fit the character.

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I'm usually inspired by what I'm doing at the time. If I'm reading, it's fashioned after mythological characters, if it's gaming, I try to mimic the style the best I can. My Guardian, for instance, is designed after an interpretation of Isis, Goddess of Magic. My Deadeye is based off a character from Wild ARMS 3, but a female version. I also love to experiment with different types of outfits. Fashion Wars 2 ftw!

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Usually, theres one skin i really like and i build around that - though dye theme comes first always. More often than not this is a head armor skin, since head has a high variety of themes regaurdless of weight, and very occasionally it's a weapon. Most of the time building around a theme that existed before the in game character did makes me not like the character so much, hense why my uptight vigil asura looks like a barbarian, my sneaky technology spy (who is a ranger)...is bright pink and purple, my dedicated and soft hearted priory researcher has spikey-fiery forge themed fashion...i wouldn't have it any other way though, often building to a character theme based on my characters RP/story personalities/professions kinda bores me lol.

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I just find something I like then build around it. This could be a armor skin, weapon, infusion, or even a backpiece. I've made 45 characters so far because its what I enjoy doing in this game and I'm working on 2 more right now lol. I typically choose something I want to use and then work on finding a look to compliment it. My most recent looks revolve around the new Mythic Skins that you can get from the appearance packages in the game and the new Dreamwalker Staff Scythe skin. Heres a few of my boys below, apologies as I am terrible at taking good screenshots. TwT"


>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/Cv8kNfw.jpg "")

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/TmRShYg.jpg "")

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/blttzVK.jpg "")

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/Bu62K2I.jpg "")

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/5ZRC7F9.jpg "")

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It all depends. I went with a centurion look with the seraph weapons for a long time at launch. When I made Twilight I altered my armor to this dark Shredder look. When I got my WvW Leggy armor I stopped caring since it goes with everything, its like the black T-shirt of armors. Dyes however. Phew... Finding a good dye is hard.

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I actually start with the Profession/Elite and decide what my weapon swaps will be. The Predator fits well with the Deadeye, but there is no good Legendary fighting staff for a Daredevil. I have Eureka that I use with a Revenant, but the two Legendary short bows don't fit with my Renegade.


I have a Mordrem Saber for sword skin, but I'm working on The Shining Blade for my sword ... seems everyone uses them these days.


There are so many armor/dye combinations it's easy to get what you want.

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> @"Moonlit.6421" said:

> I just find something I like then build around it. This could be a armor skin, weapon, infusion, or even a backpiece. I've made 45 characters so far because its what I enjoy doing in this game and I'm working on 2 more right now lol. I typically choose something I want to use and then work on finding a look to compliment it. My most recent looks revolve around the new Mythic Skins that you can get from the appearance packages in the game and the new Dreamwalker Staff Scythe skin. Heres a few of my boys below, apologies as I am terrible at taking good screenshots. TwT"


> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/Cv8kNfw.jpg "")

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/TmRShYg.jpg "")

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/blttzVK.jpg "")

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/Bu62K2I.jpg "")

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/5ZRC7F9.jpg "")


I really love you characters look! Including your Asura (prob my favorite one since his scheme matches really nicely )

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You could start with the theme colour(s) of each professions.

With my Warrior I go for a red/yellow/gold theme and for my Guardian I'm mostly blue and dark grey.

My Revenant is mostly Turquoise, because it goes best with Glint's and Jalis's particle effects.


After that I went for weapons that fit best, like Khrysaor the Golden Sword for my Warrior and Rear's Greatsword for my Guardian.

Armour is the least important aspect, since they can be died (sadly) outfits exist.

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