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What's on the chopping block for May?


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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > This guy just said Warrior Longbow needs a nerf.

> >

> > nuff said


> You have no idea how exploitative Combustive Shot is with any adrenaline traits. Also Bow is not bad, this isn't a nerf but an inconsistent mechanic fix. Bow is good as Power or Condi.


Just tried a few games maximizing damage with bow, it's a meme build TBH. It can't do enough damage or burst to compete with other ranged classes, unless people feel like standing inside the burning field. The Combustive Shot burn damage is alright, but outside of that it lacks damage and utility. I ended up using Rampage to deal any sort of focused single target damage anyway. Not sure why this would need the attention of the devs?

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Is anything getting changed?


If we follow previous balance changes it will likely be a series of damage coefficients and condi duration reductions on weapons nobody even uses in pvp.


Renaming a tooltop here and there.


Mirage will get its last dodge taken away. Holo will get some increased healing to heat therapy.


What should change:

Ranger pet damage

Core necro sustain

Tornado damage reduced

Condi rev have some of its sustain or damage reduced.

Reduce blind spam but compensate thief so that it's still viable without it.

Firebrand damage reduced.

Burning damage reduced.


Remove some of the capture point area abusing skills or reduce their radius. Things like overloads, renegade spirits, firebrand symbols/burn fields. Of course "high level" play won't be affected by these changes so they aren't warranted being looked at. Balance patches seem to really only ever be focused on plat 2,3 legend status builds. Which seems kind of pointless because of how small that percentage is and how most of those players are going to be skilled enough to counter a build no matter how broken it is. Seems like they would want to target the larger audience and provide benefit for a larger number of people.

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> @"Inguz.6493" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > This guy just said Warrior Longbow needs a nerf.

> > >

> > > nuff said

> >

> > You have no idea how exploitative Combustive Shot is with any adrenaline traits. Also Bow is not bad, this isn't a nerf but an inconsistent mechanic fix. Bow is good as Power or Condi.


> Just tried a few games maximizing damage with bow, it's a meme build TBH. It can't do enough damage or burst to compete with other ranged classes, unless people feel like standing inside the burning field. The Combustive Shot burn damage is alright, but outside of that it lacks damage and utility. I ended up using Rampage to deal any sort of focused single target damage anyway. Not sure why this would need the attention of the devs?


Lol war bow is gbage, skill doesnt even suit a warrior class on top of being ineffective.

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> @"Inguz.6493" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > This guy just said Warrior Longbow needs a nerf.

> > >

> > > nuff said

> >

> > You have no idea how exploitative Combustive Shot is with any adrenaline traits. Also Bow is not bad, this isn't a nerf but an inconsistent mechanic fix. Bow is good as Power or Condi.


> Just tried a few games maximizing damage with bow, it's a meme build TBH. It can't do enough damage or burst to compete with other ranged classes, unless people feel like standing inside the burning field. The Combustive Shot burn damage is alright, but outside of that it lacks damage and utility. I ended up using Rampage to deal any sort of focused single target damage anyway. Not sure why this would need the attention of the devs?


I'm not saying "nerf". I'm saying fix. I'm all for the things it can do. What I am not for is the lack of requirement for Combustive Shot to hit anything, because it goes against the mechanics of adrenaline and it turns the skill into a self cleanse/better Healing Signet every 6 seconds which allow for the lack of engagement.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > 5. **And then all of the Mirage mains spotted** will sit in anticipation to read those patch notes, only to be greatly disappointed when they notice that the class was ignored entirely.

> > Should we call DEGENERANGER main spotted about yor and other delusional folks defending it?


> No, because we were already tagged with "The Ranger Police", which is a lot funnier.


> Sort of like "Mirage Main Spotted" which was hilarious.


> Now if we could just get names for all of the other class mains, this would be a lot more fun than it already is.





Personally I like "The Eleminati", with their hidden pro-ele agenda :)

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> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > What should be checked is:

> >

> > Ranger pet damage, maybe a few traits like protection of 2 seconds at the end of evade to 1 second instead.

> >

> > Revenant Mallyx Facet true nature radius too big, Infuse Light duration needs a nerf to 2 seconds while base healing an increase, some facets also need a cooldown decrease, Chaos to 20 and Darkness to 20 as well.

> >

> > Guardian Burning is too high (Basically the same before patch aside no expertise) and Symbol duration is too long and carries any builds.

> >

> > Necromancer Unholy Sanctuary ICD and maybe more small Life Force generation nerfs.

> >

> > Engineer Mortar dodged the first patch and should be changed accordingly as well as Flash Shell, it keeps carrying every builds.

> >

> > Thief blind spam and some of the stolen skills like Essence Sap. Perhaps finally nerf stealth by adding reveal before people can burst and make stealth attacks actually avoidable. Also fix Steal being usable while stunned, it's not a stunbreak and it shouldn't be usable, Smoke Screen duration is too high at 7 seconds and should be 5.

> >

> > Warrior Bow burst on knights with Axe/Warhorn is like Ranger, except the problem is the lack of requirement for hitting someone with the bow burst skill, giving permanent Adrenal Health but also keep decent damage because Axe is bonkers with or without ferocity.

> >

> > Mesmer as Chrono needs their Shatter 4 have the same cooldown as the core, otherwise I can't think of much. Perhaps too much easy boon rip on mirage that should be checked. Core is fine, can't see much wrong.

> >

> > Elementalist has an obvious problem with Lighting Rod. Should lose the ability to crit.

> >


> This guy just said Warrior Longbow needs a nerf.


> nuff said

He want boonstrip on mesmer to be nerfed because resistance spam doesnt work so well vs "new" condi mirage that slot power traitline.

Complaining about warrior proc'ing AH/cleanse ire so they live way longer vs his condi rev.

Basically, nerf what gives me trouble, its unfair and buff herald! 2-3 heralds every game is fine ! (if you dont agree you will be reported for "offtopic" lul)

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If they continue nerfing necro like they started in the hotfix patch, then they are just one more balance patch away from erasing the class from the game. To basically everything they did in the hotfix existed a better alternative that would not have nerfed other builds more than the builds they aimed for.

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It's always the same and its no wonder so many are leaving. Anet is listening to the bad advice nerfing things the wrong way or not overhauling things.


It's like: OH Necro is no longer a punching bag NERF NERF NERF make them into punching bags like they been most of the game.


And really? are you going to kill rangers by nerfing the pets instead of I dunno making the pets stay dead longer?


Damage already seems really lackluster on the druid, and I'm using both ax and staff.


Also really? You want mesmers on mirage to just stand and die? how selfish.


Guess il go find another MMO I'm tired of these nerfs making one class I enjoy unviably and being forced to multi-class.


Anet, you are becoming a joke real fast, just like the MMO world of warcraft where their reputation of completely gutting classes and leaving them in the dust, and forcing people to change mains, and getting a bad reputation.


Just look at what they did to warlock, where warlocks had stuff taken away, and given to other classes.


Warlocks lost one thing to Death Knights, and another to mages and what's sad is, they became this really boring unfulfilling class that now has huge ramp up and is a skeleton of itself. I enjoy aspects of this game anet, so please cut it out. Please don't gut necro and do not gut druid spec. In fact: improve druids viability in SPVP as support even if it means we have to lose pets as compensation or something.


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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > What should be checked is:

> > >

> > > Ranger pet damage, maybe a few traits like protection of 2 seconds at the end of evade to 1 second instead.

> > >

> > > Revenant Mallyx Facet true nature radius too big, Infuse Light duration needs a nerf to 2 seconds while base healing an increase, some facets also need a cooldown decrease, Chaos to 20 and Darkness to 20 as well.

> > >

> > > Guardian Burning is too high (Basically the same before patch aside no expertise) and Symbol duration is too long and carries any builds.

> > >

> > > Necromancer Unholy Sanctuary ICD and maybe more small Life Force generation nerfs.

> > >

> > > Engineer Mortar dodged the first patch and should be changed accordingly as well as Flash Shell, it keeps carrying every builds.

> > >

> > > Thief blind spam and some of the stolen skills like Essence Sap. Perhaps finally nerf stealth by adding reveal before people can burst and make stealth attacks actually avoidable. Also fix Steal being usable while stunned, it's not a stunbreak and it shouldn't be usable, Smoke Screen duration is too high at 7 seconds and should be 5.

> > >

> > > Warrior Bow burst on knights with Axe/Warhorn is like Ranger, except the problem is the lack of requirement for hitting someone with the bow burst skill, giving permanent Adrenal Health but also keep decent damage because Axe is bonkers with or without ferocity.

> > >

> > > Mesmer as Chrono needs their Shatter 4 have the same cooldown as the core, otherwise I can't think of much. Perhaps too much easy boon rip on mirage that should be checked. Core is fine, can't see much wrong.

> > >

> > > Elementalist has an obvious problem with Lighting Rod. Should lose the ability to crit.

> > >

> >

> > This guy just said Warrior Longbow needs a nerf.

> >

> > nuff said

> He want boonstrip on mesmer to be nerfed because resistance spam doesnt work so well vs "new" condi mirage that slot power traitline.

> Complaining about warrior proc'ing AH/cleanse ire so they live way longer vs his condi rev.

> Basically, nerf what gives me trouble, its unfair and buff herald! 2-3 heralds every game is fine ! (if you dont agree you will be reported for "offtopic" lul)


This 90% of nerf posting these forums.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> I honestly won't be surprised if rev is made unplayable, because of how many people QQ about it.. Even though its NOT that strong. Nor was Power herald or power rev, but since the QQ is up it will get nerfed into the ground at some point.


Condi rev will prob get shaved by general condi shaves across the board, I doubt they'll nerf power rev any further. Its powerful and harder to play, how it should be unlike braindead condi spam builds and super tank core necros that are being spammed at the moment.

I love how necro mains perceive any nerf to a overperforming aspect of their class automatically means their a punching bag again or their being deleted lol. Players are just asking for shroud regen be shaved a bit so the necro player just cant servive a 2v1 for over a minute while watching youtube vids by timing their shroud lol. In necro players defense tho guess anets record of how the do nerfs would raise some worry for sure lol.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > I honestly won't be surprised if rev is made unplayable, because of how many people QQ about it.. Even though its NOT that strong. Nor was Power herald or power rev, but since the QQ is up it will get nerfed into the ground at some point.


> Condi rev will prob get shaved by general condi shaves across the board, I doubt they'll nerf power rev any further. Its powerful and harder to play, how it should be unlike braindead condi spam builds and super tank core necros that are being spammed at the moment.

Condi Rev torment application is absolutely bananas. In wvw I stacked 40 torment on a player and they walked two seconds and instantly died. Embrace the Darkness is kind of busted.


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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > I honestly won't be surprised if rev is made unplayable, because of how many people QQ about it.. Even though its NOT that strong. Nor was Power herald or power rev, but since the QQ is up it will get nerfed into the ground at some point.

> >

> > Condi rev will prob get shaved by general condi shaves across the board, I doubt they'll nerf power rev any further. Its powerful and harder to play, how it should be unlike braindead condi spam builds and super tank core necros that are being spammed at the moment.

> Condi Rev torment application is absolutely bananas. In wvw I stacked 40 torment on a player and they walked two seconds and instantly died. Embrace the Darkness is kind of busted.



Yeah that and burns on some classes are a bit much, I'm sure they will get addressed at some point.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Inguz.6493" said:

> > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> > > > This guy just said Warrior Longbow needs a nerf.

> > > >

> > > > nuff said

> > >

> > > You have no idea how exploitative Combustive Shot is with any adrenaline traits. Also Bow is not bad, this isn't a nerf but an inconsistent mechanic fix. Bow is good as Power or Condi.

> >

> > Just tried a few games maximizing damage with bow, it's a meme build TBH. It can't do enough damage or burst to compete with other ranged classes, unless people feel like standing inside the burning field. The Combustive Shot burn damage is alright, but outside of that it lacks damage and utility. I ended up using Rampage to deal any sort of focused single target damage anyway. Not sure why this would need the attention of the devs?


> I'm not saying "nerf". I'm saying fix. I'm all for the things it can do. What I am not for is the lack of requirement for Combustive Shot to hit anything, because it goes against the mechanics of adrenaline and it turns the skill into a self cleanse/better Healing Signet every 6 seconds which allow for the lack of engagement.


http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKgAMFlJwSYYMEGKO2KrrcA-zZIPlEUANKEyXCEwIwxDA this is the build I use, even though I try to max out damage, it's lackluster at best. The thing about axe/warhorn I don't understand, this spec is fragile and needs greatsword for mobility to not die. That f1 doesn't need to hit is working as intended, it would be incredibly difficult to pull it off consistently since it has such a long cast time. If you want the cleansing from defense line, then you sacrifice damage and will be even worse at you know, killing things. I already have access to two cleanses, so I don't see the point in that synergy. Rifle will be better still because you have focused, more efficient damage and not splash AoE damage that goes wherever someone inattentive or a pet walks into.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > I honestly won't be surprised if rev is made unplayable, because of how many people QQ about it.. Even though its NOT that strong. Nor was Power herald or power rev, but since the QQ is up it will get nerfed into the ground at some point.


> Condi rev will prob get shaved by general condi shaves across the board, I doubt they'll nerf power rev any further. Its powerful and harder to play, how it should be unlike braindead condi spam builds and super tank core necros that are being spammed at the moment.

> I love how necro mains perceive any nerf to a overperforming aspect of their class automatically means their a punching bag again or their being deleted lol. Players are just asking for shroud regen be shaved a bit so the necro player just cant servive a 2v1 for over a minute while watching youtube vids by timing their shroud lol. In necro players defense tho guess anets record of how the do nerfs would raise some worry for sure lol.


I mean I wish I could believe that, but there is so much QQ about rev as a whole both power and condi. The nerfs will come as heavy handed one way fixes all sort of fix, but id gladly give up damage to get empty vessel back due to how fucking insane the CC spam is right now.. Id also give up some damage in order to have lesser energy costs and shaved cooldowns.


But please don't just nerf us as is and remove a bunch of stuff, and just go "Ok its nerfed, now no more QQ" because there will always be one super good rev player who will make people QQ about the class. (People seriously complaining rev has too much in general, weapons, skills, and legends. Hell they say they should only be able to tap into one legend and not have legend swap, like what? Then why does it need to exist lmfao.)

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I don't play Herald Condi anymore? Even though I was one of the only 5 in NA. Actually stopped way before the half blanket nerf dropped to be Core Condition instead and they killed that by nerfing the transfer trait to 2 conditions, as if making it telegraphed wasn't enough, 3 was fine. I am actually asking for nerf on Herald Condi in the same post, lol. I'm a Core Rev Power now and I express no difficulty dealing with Herald Condi.



http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwEM6MssAWCTkhxKxza6c1D-zZIOlGFBZKE6VBEwEwxDA That one, I don't know how you made yours work. I did say Knight's Amulet, if you're lacking damage that's because you're not stacking Might and using hard hitting skills after, it's not complicated to do so and gather nearly 20+ Might all the time, the AoE is no damage to rely on but can scare people off anyway. Reminder I'm not saying nerf, fix the lack of a target requirement for Combustive Shot.


Bow 3 hurts and the rest of skills are useful for control, Axe hurts in general and Warhorn is great at blasting with sustain. Don't care about people burst damage with so much toughness and if it gets bad, balanced stances makes it nearly immune to power damage and control, To the Limit being a great resustain at 4 extra seconds for 30%~ more healing with emergency cleanses from Shake It Off while Adrenal Health becoming your better Healing Signet and Cleansing Ire being your shorter Condition Cleanse compared Mending. With everything you got a burst skill that hurts but also lets you live almost forever. Bonus if Axe Burst hits, but Bow right now is not a requirement and that's the problem I have with Warrior Bow.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> @"Inguz.6493"

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwEM6MssAWCTkhxKxza6c1D-zZIOlGFBZKE6VBEwEwxDA That one, I don't know how you made yours work. I did say Knight's Amulet, if you're lacking damage that's because you're not stacking Might and using hard hitting skills after, it's not complicated to do so and gather nearly 20+ Might all the time, the AoE is no damage to rely on but can scare people off anyway. Reminder I'm not saying nerf, fix the lack of a target requirement for Combustive Shot.


> Bow 3 hurts and the rest of skills are useful for control, Axe hurts in general and Warhorn is great at blasting with sustain. Don't care about people burst damage with so much toughness and if it gets bad, balanced stances makes it nearly immune to power damage and control, To the Limit being a great resustain at 4 extra seconds for 30%~ more healing with emergency cleanses from Shake It Off while Adrenal Health becoming your better Healing Signet and Cleansing Ire being your shorter Condition Cleanse compared Mending. With everything you got a burst skill that hurts but also lets you live almost forever. Bonus if Axe Burst hits, but Bow right now is not a requirement and that's the problem I have with Warrior Bow.


Mine works like other popular warrior specs in a way, using greatsword for mobility to not take damage, stacking as many damage-dealing talents I could think of. I'm sure it would be OK (but still less efficient) for lower ranks if it dealt more damage.


Hm, I'm not sure how to stack might with your spec outside of Signet of Rage. Adrenal Health and is possibly fun, then how your build could deal meaningful damage outside of Signet of Rage I don't know. Running warhorn you miss axe 4 and 5. How does this spec work, you stand and tank? I'll try this if you tell me intended playstyle, do you stand at range and then what when you have 1+ enemy on top of you? Warriors in general are very dead if they can't break out of CC as most of their defensive abilities and heals are active and not passive.


Anyway, even if what you claim is true, that it's abusable, I don't think anyone would mind a tanky bow warrior spec that can't deal much damage or shield block.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > Our PvP community will be the death of this game.


> Yup, been saying that a while now. Anet should literally listen to no one in this community and go off their own experiences playing even if they the team doesn't even play much, be better than listening to forum posters lol.


Yeah some classes can do some things and other classes can do other things better .

If ppl enjoy burst classes , ppl should use the Rev (which you can counter play-cc their only survibility -heal)

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Revolution.5409" said:

> > I think they will focus mainly on Ranger, Ele, Holo and Necro.

> > I also hope for some Nerfs for Burn Guarn and Symbolbrand but I doubt that Anet will ever touch this profession.


> Good thing that I multiclass...always some main to play at viable/competitive levels in PvP/WvW


I hope we will see some reworking and not only nerfs, both Ranger and Necro are Core professions, each Nerfs will also influence the espec.

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The sheer variety of things mentioned in this thread and no consensus should make Anet pretty happy. You're never going to be perfectly balanced, and people will always whine and be biased. Thus, a thread like this which shows the playerbase split on so many different complaints is music to their ears.


The ONLY consensus seems to be that there is no horrible outlier right now...no profession or ability is totally out of line. There are things that can be tweaked, but almost every other season had super obvious outliers. Even the superior win rate of some professions in ranked mentioned by Anet didn't seem like huge disparities.


I would expect slight shaves to bring some win rates in line, but nothing huge that would upset the higher plateau they achieved in balance.

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> @"Inguz.6493" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Inguz.6493"

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwEM6MssAWCTkhxKxza6c1D-zZIOlGFBZKE6VBEwEwxDA That one, I don't know how you made yours work. I did say Knight's Amulet, if you're lacking damage that's because you're not stacking Might and using hard hitting skills after, it's not complicated to do so and gather nearly 20+ Might all the time, the AoE is no damage to rely on but can scare people off anyway. Reminder I'm not saying nerf, fix the lack of a target requirement for Combustive Shot.

> >

> > Bow 3 hurts and the rest of skills are useful for control, Axe hurts in general and Warhorn is great at blasting with sustain. Don't care about people burst damage with so much toughness and if it gets bad, balanced stances makes it nearly immune to power damage and control, To the Limit being a great resustain at 4 extra seconds for 30%~ more healing with emergency cleanses from Shake It Off while Adrenal Health becoming your better Healing Signet and Cleansing Ire being your shorter Condition Cleanse compared Mending. With everything you got a burst skill that hurts but also lets you live almost forever. Bonus if Axe Burst hits, but Bow right now is not a requirement and that's the problem I have with Warrior Bow.


> Mine works like other popular warrior specs in a way, using greatsword for mobility to not take damage, stacking as many damage-dealing talents I could think of. I'm sure it would be OK (but still less efficient) for lower ranks if it dealt more damage.


> Hm, I'm not sure how to stack might with your spec outside of Signet of Rage. Adrenal Health and is possibly fun, then how your build could deal meaningful damage outside of Signet of Rage I don't know. Running warhorn you miss axe 4 and 5. How does this spec work, you stand and tank? I'll try this if you tell me intended playstyle, do you stand at range and then what when you have 1+ enemy on top of you? Warriors in general are very dead if they can't break out of CC as most of their defensive abilities and heals are active and not passive.


> Anyway, even if what you claim is true, that it's abusable, I don't think anyone would mind a tanky bow warrior spec that can't deal much damage or shield block.


It's good at wasting people time, not ultra DPS but gets the job done more easily because of this oversight. I do all my combo fields together to get max Might with the fire field, I don't use Signet of Rage because the adrenaline helps getting Axe/Bow burst consistently and that's what allow you to survive because you clear a lot and get better healing. Cycle all the skills as needed with weapons with all the possible synergy, it'll rarely get super stuck in bad situation because of all the passives and Knight's is pretty tanky with the nerfs while burst axe can still hit up to 5k if you count the evades before doing it, can also chain auto since stuff tickles. Balanced Stance is good if you're afraid to get blasted with Power since it's crit immunity and if you need to kite, free casting is possible and as said the fire field can pretty much scare anyone off if you really insist on contesting, it's also beneficial to your synergy since it's on the objective and with 25 Might, that's 750 condition damage. I say it exceeds at 1v1 though, can annoy 1v2, if you 50% people, that's free weakness making it worst on people trying to damage you as well.


Td;lr, Tanky, has enough damage but not going to do it quickly. Preferably used on owned objectives.

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