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What's on the chopping block for May?


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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> Condi Rev torment application is absolutely bananas. In wvw I stacked 40 torment on a player and they walked two seconds and instantly died. Embrace the Darkness is kind of busted.



Embrace the Darkness in WvW is currently using the same torment application as its PvE counterpart and is 33% stronger than the PvP one (3 stacks (total) on energy usage in WvW vs 2 stacks in PvP). EtD is fine in PvP and has a slower ramp. Since this is the PvP forum should try to keep complaints centered on sPvP, not WvW.

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > Condi Rev torment application is absolutely bananas. In wvw I stacked 40 torment on a player and they walked two seconds and instantly died. Embrace the Darkness is kind of busted.

> >


> Embrace the Darkness in WvW is currently using the same torment application as its PvE counterpart and is 33% stronger than the PvP one (3 stacks (total) on energy usage in WvW vs 2 stacks in PvP). EtD is fine in PvP and has a slower ramp. Since this is the PvP forum should try to keep complaints centered on sPvP, not WvW.


No shit. You can still stack 20 torment within 5 seconds just by using mace 2, 3 and then using 1. The point still stands that Embrace the Darkness makes torment application extremely high in a very short amount of time.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Inguz.6493" said:

> > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > @"Inguz.6493"

> > > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PKwEM6MssAWCTkhxKxza6c1D-zZIOlGFBZKE6VBEwEwxDA That one, I don't know how you made yours work. I did say Knight's Amulet, if you're lacking damage that's because you're not stacking Might and using hard hitting skills after, it's not complicated to do so and gather nearly 20+ Might all the time, the AoE is no damage to rely on but can scare people off anyway. Reminder I'm not saying nerf, fix the lack of a target requirement for Combustive Shot.

> > >

> > > Bow 3 hurts and the rest of skills are useful for control, Axe hurts in general and Warhorn is great at blasting with sustain. Don't care about people burst damage with so much toughness and if it gets bad, balanced stances makes it nearly immune to power damage and control, To the Limit being a great resustain at 4 extra seconds for 30%~ more healing with emergency cleanses from Shake It Off while Adrenal Health becoming your better Healing Signet and Cleansing Ire being your shorter Condition Cleanse compared Mending. With everything you got a burst skill that hurts but also lets you live almost forever. Bonus if Axe Burst hits, but Bow right now is not a requirement and that's the problem I have with Warrior Bow.

> >

> > Mine works like other popular warrior specs in a way, using greatsword for mobility to not take damage, stacking as many damage-dealing talents I could think of. I'm sure it would be OK (but still less efficient) for lower ranks if it dealt more damage.

> >

> > Hm, I'm not sure how to stack might with your spec outside of Signet of Rage. Adrenal Health and is possibly fun, then how your build could deal meaningful damage outside of Signet of Rage I don't know. Running warhorn you miss axe 4 and 5. How does this spec work, you stand and tank? I'll try this if you tell me intended playstyle, do you stand at range and then what when you have 1+ enemy on top of you? Warriors in general are very dead if they can't break out of CC as most of their defensive abilities and heals are active and not passive.

> >

> > Anyway, even if what you claim is true, that it's abusable, I don't think anyone would mind a tanky bow warrior spec that can't deal much damage or shield block.


> It's good at wasting people time, not ultra DPS but gets the job done more easily because of this oversight. I do all my combo fields together to get max Might with the fire field, I don't use Signet of Rage because the adrenaline helps getting Axe/Bow burst consistently and that's what allow you to survive because you clear a lot and get better healing. Cycle all the skills as needed with weapons with all the possible synergy, it'll rarely get super stuck in bad situation because of all the passives and Knight's is pretty tanky with the nerfs while burst axe can still hit up to 5k if you count the evades before doing it, can also chain auto since stuff tickles. Balanced Stance is good if you're afraid to get blasted with Power since it's crit immunity and if you need to kite, free casting is possible and as said the fire field can pretty much scare anyone off if you really insist on contesting, it's also beneficial to your synergy since it's on the objective and with 25 Might, that's 750 condition damage. I say it exceeds at 1v1 though, can annoy 1v2, if you 50% people, that's free weakness making it worst on people trying to damage you as well.


> Td;lr, Tanky, has enough damage but not going to do it quickly. Preferably used on owned objectives.


I don't know, I've tried it a few games and once something like a ranger + mesmer is on top of you then you might as well just lie down to respawn faster. There was some healing in this build, I don't argue against that, but it's not much to hang in the Christmas tree when compared to something like holosmith that can be bulky and use ranged weapons at the same time. I don't see the issue, bow f1 is very slow to cast and requiring it to hit something on initial impact would mean that it's even less useful. Everything considered together, the sustain from healing is mediocre as sustain since once you have more than one person on top of you then you are dead. Axe f1 hits for maybe 3,5k crit at most, warhorn doesn't have much of an impact.


I'll admit, I had fun trying power bow build and bunker bow build just to test it, but it can't compete with the viability of the meta specs (or heck, just dual axe core or berserker, at least those two are pain trains once they are allowed to hit things).


Case closed for me, it's not the best build overall, and the "abusable" bow f1 with procs should be there to at least give bow some useful synergy with talents.

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> @"SPESHAL.9106" said:

> The sheer variety of things mentioned in this thread and no consensus should make Anet pretty happy. You're never going to be perfectly balanced, and people will always whine and be biased. Thus, a thread like this which shows the playerbase split on so many different complaints is music to their ears.


> The ONLY consensus seems to be that there is no horrible outlier right now...no profession or ability is totally out of line. There are things that can be tweaked, but almost every other season had super obvious outliers. Even the superior win rate of some professions in ranked mentioned by Anet didn't seem like huge disparities.


> I would expect slight shaves to bring some win rates in line, but nothing huge that would upset the higher plateau they achieved in balance.


Lol what? Are you seeing just what you want to see?


The consensus is clear on core necros, ranger pets, and holo engines. That stuff is S tier. Other things like Shiro rev and burn guards can wait imo. Condi rev isn't a big deal in spvp.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > Condi Rev torment application is absolutely bananas. In wvw I stacked 40 torment on a player and they walked two seconds and instantly died. Embrace the Darkness is kind of busted.

> > >

> >

> > Embrace the Darkness in WvW is currently using the same torment application as its PvE counterpart and is 33% stronger than the PvP one (3 stacks (total) on energy usage in WvW vs 2 stacks in PvP). EtD is fine in PvP and has a slower ramp. Since this is the PvP forum should try to keep complaints centered on sPvP, not WvW.


> No kitten. You can still stack 20 torment within 5 seconds just by using mace 2, 3 and then using 1. The point still stands that Embrace the Darkness makes torment application extremely high in a very short amount of time.


That's if you take the full blast, which you shouldn't. Even if you did, it's just torment, you can stand still and clear it since if it's (Very likely) the last thing applied, it's the first thing to be cleared after the elite.


Guardians can still passively or burst with much more Burning easily and they don't need 20 stacks do actually make you feel like it hurts.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > @"phokus.8934" said:

> > > Condi Rev torment application is absolutely bananas. In wvw I stacked 40 torment on a player and they walked two seconds and instantly died. Embrace the Darkness is kind of busted.

> > >

> >

> > Embrace the Darkness in WvW is currently using the same torment application as its PvE counterpart and is 33% stronger than the PvP one (3 stacks (total) on energy usage in WvW vs 2 stacks in PvP). EtD is fine in PvP and has a slower ramp. Since this is the PvP forum should try to keep complaints centered on sPvP, not WvW.


> No kitten. You can still stack 20 torment within 5 seconds just by using mace 2, 3 and then using 1. The point still stands that Embrace the Darkness makes torment application extremely high in a very short amount of time.


And power builds can delete you in 5 seconds if you sit there and eat all the major burst skills. You’re also ignoring that in spvp the CDs of mace are roughly 50% higher as well (something that doesn’t exist in WvW). Counterplay exists. Torment doesn’t do major damage unless in high quantities (which takes time to apply) and is almost always Last In First Out for cleansing since torment is the main condition condi rev applies and it reapplies it frequently.


So no the point doesn’t still stand. But my point still stands to not bring your WvW experiences to the sPvP forums when the kits for condi rev are fairly different in terms of quantity and frequency of condi application due to skill splits between the modes.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> My prediction:


> 1. Core Ranger will be hit with unnecessary levels of nerfing to where it will not longer be viable past a gold 3ish level. They always do this to every Ranger build that ends up being anywhere close to organized 5 man play viability. And since Soulbeast & Druid are already C- tier or worse in this meta, the core nerfing will remove those classes from play for awhile.

> 2. Ele LR and Aura Share will probably be addressed for some kind of nerf tweak.

> 3. Core Necro sustain will probably be addressed in some way.

> 4. Guarantee you Heralds & Holosmiths will somehow slide through and receive no real nerfing in the same way they always do.

> 5. And then all of the Mirage mains spotted will sit in anticipation to read those patch notes, only to be greatly disappointed when they notice that the class was ignored entirely.


You're the last hope we have for ranger. Please don't give up on supporting the class vocally - especially since you play PvP. A lot of us who don't post frequently (or are WvW players who get nerfed as a result of PvP) are in quiet support giving you thumbs up/helpful votes.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> My prediction:

> 4. Guarantee you Heralds & Holosmiths will somehow slide through and receive no real nerfing in the same way they always do.


Dude, you cried about condi rev on the forums and it got nerfed literally the next day in a hotfix.


You can’t be serious.

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> @"Kuma.1503" said:

> Our PvP community will be the death of this game.


Oh don't you worry, it already is. This mode is botched and we have no one to thank for that except the clowns that whine every season and Anet listening to them. Gw2 and PvP community is a prime example as to why a company should NEVER have their main feedback lean solely on the players. It is so disgustingly biased across the forums it's not even funny. It is also by the same batch of people. I could list all of them, but at this point who cares. They made themselves known and I'm sure, will defend themselves to the death and back about how this is a necessary evil.


It's already happened and there is only one group to blame. Anet takes half of it, but there is only one group in this whole game that has the other half of this blame. They only have themselves at this point, and since no new players want to bother/people want to get better they can only fight amongst themselves. Funny how people called this out ages ago and no one listened.

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