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MMOs should drop PvP and focus only on group content.


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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > > Dude, why not just go and play FF?

> > >

> > > I for one would never play a game that requires of me monthly payment, tfu.

> > > OP is salty, let him unwind, holding it in is unhealthy.

> >

> > If only FFXIV was F2P. I imagine itd be a nice game to unwind in, its certainly a pretty one.


> FFXIV is certainly worth your time and money if you want to get away from a PvP game. I have a good friend that plays it, and I have tried it myself. It is good, I just don't want another monthly expense however small. You can play for free up to lvl 50 BTW.


I have a friend that plays it, apparently all you do at end game is get best gear, do the boss, wait for new boss, get new gear rinse and repeat

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> @"Lan Deathrider.5910" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > > Dude, why not just go and play FF?

> > >

> > > I for one would never play a game that requires of me monthly payment, tfu.

> > > OP is salty, let him unwind, holding it in is unhealthy.

> >

> > If only FFXIV was F2P. I imagine itd be a nice game to unwind in, its certainly a pretty one.


> FFXIV is certainly worth your time and money if you want to get away from a PvP game. I have a good friend that plays it, and I have tried it myself. It is good, I just don't want another monthly expense however small. You can play for free up to lvl 50 BTW.


Yeah thats my same issue. Im also not that big on pure tab targetting combat, so I really wouldnt wanna pay anything for it.

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> @"Supreme.3164" said:

> > @"Turamarth.3248" said:

> > Because there is no toxicity at all with Raids or similar group content.


> You can scrap raids too and focus only on Open world bosses...honestly design the game in a way that egomaniacs are not enticed to buy the game


So in other words create a 100% casual snoozefest? Hardcore content keeps games alive. You're so traumatized by words on the internet that you'd remove anything challenging and competitive from all future MMOs? What an absurd thing to say. Competition breeds friction, in any setting, if it hurts you too much to read, it's not for you. Which is ok. But to then advocate the removal of game modes in even any upcoming MMOs, just bc you can't personally deal with it? Yikes.

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> @"Supreme.3164" said:

> Gone are the days where PvP were about sportsmanship, love for competition and fairness ...these days it's all about : toxicity , egotism, elitism..you mention. I am very glad that upcoming MMO are dropping the idea of "competitive" PvP and I hope future MMOs will follow the example of **New World** and limit themselves to faction vs faction gameplay, if not entirely at least that should limit the level of toxicity.




PvP is another form of group and solo content also to make gearing more meaningful just like gearing for a boss people gear to kill others and not die so often from lack of gear. toxicity is everywhere that just human emotion if you mess something up someone is going to respond by getting angry or you just let them drill you. is that what you let people do to you IRL LULUL clown.

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> @"Supreme.3164" said:

> Gone are the days where PvP were about sportsmanship, love for competition and fairness ...these days it's all about : toxicity , egotism, elitism..you mention. I am very glad that upcoming MMO are dropping the idea of "competitive" PvP and I hope future MMOs will follow the example of **New World** and limit themselves to faction vs faction gameplay, if not entirely at least that should limit the level of toxicity.




You're implying that at one time in the past everything was rainbows and unicorns, everyone got along perfectly fine, and when a TA group stomped a PUG that was on a winning streak they were all like "Whoa! GG guys, we all learned something valuable today! Thanks for beating us!". Even back in GW1, we shit-talked each other. I remember the first time I brought my PvE ALT Monk ( Mo/A with a meta PvP build ) into RA sometime back in 2006, this one Assassin in our team just kept straight trashing me for being bad, not knowing what my build does ( standard WoH build ), and for spamming my skill bar on our allies in an effort to keep them topped-off ( which is bad, just need to keep them alive ). We got 3 wins, but I was so mad that I...went online and looked up how to play Monk in PvP, learned from the experience, watched some archaic videos at that time, made some PvP friends, and continued practicing. By the time I left GW1 in 2011 or 2012, I was a half-decent healer across the PvP content; low-level GvG's included.


And you know what? To this day I main healers/supports in games outside of GW2 because of that one incident 14-years ago. If someone's being an asshole, just call them an asshole. But if they have a point, or make you remotely question your decision(s), you should at least look to see if they were correct post-match. I do this all the time because I'm not perfect. I still make mistakes in game and in life. I learn from it, and try to become better in the future. I would still be a really, really, horrible healer had I just clammed-up and ignored that "toxic" Assassin all those years ago. You don't learn anything if you think you're right all the time, and everyone else around you is wrong.

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> @"Supreme.3164" said:

> Gone are the days where PvP were about sportsmanship, love for competition and fairness ...these days it's all about : toxicity , egotism, elitism..you mention. I am very glad that upcoming MMO are dropping the idea of "competitive" PvP and I hope future MMOs will follow the example of **New World** and limit themselves to faction vs faction gameplay, if not entirely at least that should limit the level of toxicity.




Raids, dungeons, mythic+, Greater rifts or whatever you want to call the end game pve is just as bad. Infact here? PvE is more toxic than PvP, Ranked so far has been nice outside of the few trolls but even then they are kinda funny. Raids are full of gate-keeping try hards, and often people get cussed out because X doesn't go their way in the PvE setting.. Maybe GONE should be the days of raiding and forced end-game pve and a more pvp-centric mmo should emerge.


RvR was bomb, instanced PvP was bomb and any game that had both always had at least a moderately good community. Every portion of the game has its bad apples, saying one is worse than the other is splitting hairs. Perhaps... you're one of the things you're complaining about?

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> @"Kulvar.1239" said:

> > @"Turamarth.3248" said:

> > Because there is no toxicity at all with Raids or similar group content.


> At least classes are not destroyed because of PvP balance attempts. :)


Yet mr revenant people are asking for your nerf and expect overblown nerfs like always, nerfs that might very well kill and also all sorts of nerf requests are asked for guardian.


I-m glad at least they didn-t take the really stupid suggestion of putting like 300 second icd on that internal ability for generating life force for necros which would be too huge a nerf.


And they hit rangers again i hope they listened to the ranger mains and touched beastmastery instead of the pet itself.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> If you want to see real toxicity in GW2:

> 1. One-burn your lane at Octovine.

> 2. Capture Amber before Indigo.

> 3. Open doors "out of order" in a Lab farm.

> 4. Ask for a form of KP for your strike team.


> This meme that PvE-centric players in this game are somehow nicer is straight up fake news.

> You want to see the real ugly side of this community?

> Just do something that makes it take longer for an OW focused player to get their two blues and a green.


I would throw people of cliffs for Nr3 if i could.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Supreme.3164" said:

> > Gone are the days where PvP were about sportsmanship, love for competition and fairness ...these days it's all about : toxicity , egotism, elitism..you mention. I am very glad that upcoming MMO are dropping the idea of "competitive" PvP and I hope future MMOs will follow the example of **New World** and limit themselves to faction vs faction gameplay, if not entirely at least that should limit the level of toxicity.

> >

> >


> Raids, dungeons, mythic+, Greater rifts or whatever you want to call the end game pve is just as bad. Infact here? PvE is more toxic than PvP, Ranked so far has been nice outside of the few trolls but even then they are kinda funny. Raids are full of gate-keeping try hards, and often people get cussed out because X doesn't go their way in the PvE setting.. Maybe GONE should be the days of raiding and forced end-game pve and a more pvp-centric mmo should emerge.


> RvR was bomb, instanced PvP was bomb and any game that had both always had at least a moderately good community. Every portion of the game has its bad apples, saying one is worse than the other is splitting hairs. Perhaps... you're one of the things you're complaining about?


I think most of it comes from PVP community. There are some bad hombres in this game. I think part of it is elitism of one being better because they raided and there isn-t as much repercussions. In everquest for instance a guild or people in a guild gain a bad rep, the repercussions is everyone hates them, like seal team in everquest and TMO and azure guard. These guys have a bad rep for being really nasty bullying other guilds and just otherwise being toxic.


Unfortunately some of this is impossible. I don-t know if its possible, because human nature. Only thing i can advise is ignore the toxic people write them down on your list of people to ignore and who are toxic report them if they are really nasty. I mean what can you really do about someone saying they won-t take mesmer or necro to their speedruns? All classes should in my opinion be equally balanced for all pve content. The problem is that in SPVP each class has different role and balancing that might be a headache. I can't imagine trying to properly balance necro mesmers and thieves in SPVP, its rough since thieves have so much mobility.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Luthan.5236" said:

> > PvP is group content. If you make interesting mapes where group play is encouraged instead of people only running around trying 1 vs. 1 and ignoring objectives. :D


> On the other hand if team fights were more than just braindead condi spam on nodes more people would probably go for team fighting.

ArenaNet would need to change something then. Not "drop PvP". Also I consider overall strategy on the map already "group content". If in Temple of the Silent Storm 5 enemy players fight vs 3 of my team players on bottom buff (tranqulity) and I get stillness and another guy runs around capturing points (while bottom buff stays contested and the 3 cap points tick double with stillness applied for some time while enemy still tries to kill our guys down) ... then it would be "group play" not only for our guys down but also for me and the other guy above. Even if we are single players not encountering another own or enemy team player.


Anything bigger than 3 vs. 3 gets too zergy for my taste. I like to run somewhere else then. (Or if 2 players are somewhere else I might join mid fight or the other guys if they aren't grouped up as 2 already but 1/1 running to 2 different places so it can be 2 vs. x if I join one of them.)


I still dislike 2 vs. 2 PvP deathmatch. (I dont know about 3 vs. 3 without trying it.)

I enjoy the side mechanics and tactics on a map. (Could be possible to have side mechanics in a 3 vs. 3 death match with some attack buff or sometehing like that maybe.)


Temple if my favorite map. Allows for use of CC to get people removed near the top mid buff buff (can be faster if you manage to do it against their stability). The buff offers a significant advantage. Still can be countered by just contesting (decapping) at least all the enemy points while they got that buff. You probably need to do more than zerging 5 vs. 5 somewhere to fully get the most out of that map.


Most boring (yet people like to vote for it often) map for me atm is Coliseum. Stronger team can cap everything and spawn camp (try to kill guys that run past quickly and CC them) the enemy. Buffs can be ignored. Weaker team can't use bufffs to come back in that case. (They seem to help at otherwise somewhat balanced fights in mod.)


Well ... everyone has different taste I guess. I know that my taste is the opposite of the ones that care about "pure" fighting. (I am not that good at fighting.) Different game modes and queues would be fun. (Best would be 1 queue for each map and more game modes.) Might ruin the queue times by splitting the playerbase. Might also get more players (that like different stuff) into PvP ... I don't know. (If I could play Temple only I'd probably rage more on a loss for bad team mates not caring about strategy ruining a match at my favorite map and ending up enjoying maps more which I actually dislke.)

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

> > > Gone are the days where PvP were about sportsmanship, love for competition and fairness ...these days it's all about : toxicity , egotism, elitism..you mention. I am very glad that upcoming MMO are dropping the idea of "competitive" PvP and I hope future MMOs will follow the example of **New World** and limit themselves to faction vs faction gameplay, if not entirely at least that should limit the level of toxicity.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Raids, dungeons, mythic+, Greater rifts or whatever you want to call the end game pve is just as bad. Infact here? PvE is more toxic than PvP, Ranked so far has been nice outside of the few trolls but even then they are kinda funny. Raids are full of gate-keeping try hards, and often people get cussed out because X doesn't go their way in the PvE setting.. Maybe GONE should be the days of raiding and forced end-game pve and a more pvp-centric mmo should emerge.

> >

> > RvR was bomb, instanced PvP was bomb and any game that had both always had at least a moderately good community. Every portion of the game has its bad apples, saying one is worse than the other is splitting hairs. Perhaps... you're one of the things you're complaining about?


> I think most of it comes from PVP community. There are some bad hombres in this game. I think part of it is elitism of one being better because they raided and there isn-t as much repercussions. In everquest for instance a guild or people in a guild gain a bad rep, the repercussions is everyone hates them, like seal team in everquest and TMO and azure guard. These guys have a bad rep for being really nasty bullying other guilds and just otherwise being toxic.


> Unfortunately some of this is impossible. I don-t know if its possible, because human nature. Only thing i can advise is ignore the toxic people write them down on your list of people to ignore and who are toxic report them if they are really nasty. I mean what can you really do about someone saying they won-t take mesmer or necro to their speedruns? All classes should in my opinion be equally balanced for all pve content. The problem is that in SPVP each class has different role and balancing that might be a headache. I can't imagine trying to properly balance necro mesmers and thieves in SPVP, its rough since thieves have so much mobility.


Ill be honest if this game was strictly PvE like it was in years prior, I might not ever of picked it up again. I find the PvE in guild wars outside of story and the occasional fractal to be exceedingly boring. And I find you asking for them to remove my two game modes of choice (WvW and PvP) Essentially from the game because you cant, wont and maybe never have tried to play it is childish. As I said by your logic PvE shouldn't exist, and if you're changing it so the block button is the answer to the toxicity in pve then the same can be said about PvP. I've never had a good experience with the side of the community that is PvE centric, so by your logic it shouldn't exist "Reeeeeee" Grow up mate. Every part of the game doesn't need to be made and catered around you....

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> @"Supreme.3164" said:

> Gone are the days where PvP were about sportsmanship, love for competition and fairness ...these days it's all about : toxicity , egotism, elitism.




Maybe if you weren't so salty people would be nicer to you? Heck, even when I get stomped by having a good sense of humour about it with all in map I can get help figuring out what's killing me, which skills to bait/CC and when to land my burst.


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Toxicity comes from frustration, which will always be a thing when content is challenging in anyway and failure a realistic option. Obviously in PvP where one team wins and one team loses the chance for that happening is higher on average than in PvE.


I have been playing PvP and WvW type of content since the release of Dark Age of Camelot in 2001 and can guarantee you that the days of peace and happiness in this kind of content did not exist. PvP on most servers there was factional (comparable to WvW here) and despite the different factions being unable to communicate, the toxicity on the forums was real, and even within the same faction diffrent playstyles and interests clashed frequently (1v1 v 8v8 v Zergers).

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

> > > > Gone are the days where PvP were about sportsmanship, love for competition and fairness ...these days it's all about : toxicity , egotism, elitism..you mention. I am very glad that upcoming MMO are dropping the idea of "competitive" PvP and I hope future MMOs will follow the example of **New World** and limit themselves to faction vs faction gameplay, if not entirely at least that should limit the level of toxicity.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Raids, dungeons, mythic+, Greater rifts or whatever you want to call the end game pve is just as bad. Infact here? PvE is more toxic than PvP, Ranked so far has been nice outside of the few trolls but even then they are kinda funny. Raids are full of gate-keeping try hards, and often people get cussed out because X doesn't go their way in the PvE setting.. Maybe GONE should be the days of raiding and forced end-game pve and a more pvp-centric mmo should emerge.

> > >

> > > RvR was bomb, instanced PvP was bomb and any game that had both always had at least a moderately good community. Every portion of the game has its bad apples, saying one is worse than the other is splitting hairs. Perhaps... you're one of the things you're complaining about?

> >

> > I think most of it comes from PVP community. There are some bad hombres in this game. I think part of it is elitism of one being better because they raided and there isn-t as much repercussions. In everquest for instance a guild or people in a guild gain a bad rep, the repercussions is everyone hates them, like seal team in everquest and TMO and azure guard. These guys have a bad rep for being really nasty bullying other guilds and just otherwise being toxic.

> >

> > Unfortunately some of this is impossible. I don-t know if its possible, because human nature. Only thing i can advise is ignore the toxic people write them down on your list of people to ignore and who are toxic report them if they are really nasty. I mean what can you really do about someone saying they won-t take mesmer or necro to their speedruns? All classes should in my opinion be equally balanced for all pve content. The problem is that in SPVP each class has different role and balancing that might be a headache. I can't imagine trying to properly balance necro mesmers and thieves in SPVP, its rough since thieves have so much mobility.


> Ill be honest if this game was strictly PvE like it was in years prior, I might not ever of picked it up again. I find the PvE in guild wars outside of story and the occasional fractal to be exceedingly boring. And I find you asking for them to remove my two game modes of choice (WvW and PvP) Essentially from the game because you cant, wont and maybe never have tried to play it is childish. As I said by your logic PvE shouldn't exist, and if you're changing it so the block button is the answer to the toxicity in pve then the same can be said about PvP. I've never had a good experience with the side of the community that is PvE centric, so by your logic it shouldn't exist "Reeeeeee" Grow up mate. Every part of the game doesn't need to be made and catered around you....


Its because of the design of PVE in guild wars 2. There are other games that are focused on PVE that have better PVE and there are PVP games with better PVP.


I think this game has stuff thats better than wow for instance, but thats because enough time hasn't passed and yes most pve content is boring for me too.


Also i mentioned PVE balancing and i talked about SPVP Balancing classes. Not once did i mention removing SPVP: You are bieng pretty toxic yourself sir.


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> @"Woltarion.6829" said:

> > @"Supreme.3164" said:

> > Gone are the days where PvP were about sportsmanship, love for competition and fairness ...these days it's all about : toxicity , egotism, **elitism**..you mention. I am very glad that upcoming MMO are dropping the idea of "competitive" PvP and I hope future MMOs will follow the example of New World and limit themselves to faction vs faction gameplay, if not entirely at least that should limit the level of toxicity.

> >

> >

> Elitism in PvP ? I can always play any PvP content by pressing the matchmaking button. Where the true elitism is found is in PvE, where people asks for 10000 KP/LI to join any raid group.



What is LI? As someone that hasn't touched PvE in this game, has not done fractals or raids, has a total of 1 strike mission completed (the LWS one with the tank cuz it was part of the story), I gotta ask: Is LI some new and improved version of the old DKP system or what? I have played with the DKP system and it heavily punished new raid/guild members and it was essentially a selfish way for the vets doing the weekly runs to gear up before everyone else. And I understand why it was incorporated, no one wants to get a first timer and them getting something than another raid member has been raiding for 2 months and still hasn't gotten. But in a game with horizontal gear progression, I don't understand the point. Please enlighten me.

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"PvP hurts my fweelings so it shouldn't exist"


Just don't play it?


I mean this complaint makes sense in MMOs that have free open world PvP where anyone can be flagged and attacked without permission.


But those who whine about MMOs having **optional** PvP need to get over themselves. If you don't care for it, just don't queue for it. If you are just a casual then stick to open world PvE it's legit a massive themepark designed with your playstyle in mind.


What you are basically saying is this:


**" Waaaaaah delete -gamemode I don't like- waaaaaaah screw everyone who likes it waaaaaaaah devs should pander all their time to me and what I like waaaaaah".**



Imagine someone saying the same thing, but replace the gamemode with something you like and you will be on your way to realizing how immature and entitled this kind of thinking is.



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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> "PvP hurts my fweelings so it shouldn't exist"


> Just don't play it?


> I mean this complaint makes sense in MMOs that have free open world PvP where anyone can be flagged and attacked without permission.


> But those who whine about MMOs having **optional** PvP need to get over themselves. If you don't care for it, just don't queue for it. If you are just a casual then stick to open world PvE it's legit a massive themepark designed with your playstyle in mind.


> What you are basically saying is this:


> **" Waaaaaah delete -gamemode I don't like- waaaaaaah screw everyone who likes it waaaaaaaah devs should pander all their time to me and what I like waaaaaah".**




> Imagine someone saying the same thing, but replace the gamemode with something you like and you will be on your way to realizing how immature and entitled this kind of thinking is.




This thread still going....and like sheep, individuals would rather drop their pointless and childish comment rather than accurately read the OP where I specifically mention "New World" as a possible template for PvP gameplay in the future. You try to tell me what?...Look at this forum, majority are unable to conduct themselves in a reasonable and civil manner during a discussion.


A PvP environment with limited number of players on each side only exacerbate this anti-social behavior...already aggravated by the freedom of animosity , should have clarified the title maybe..but at least one of you lot got the message


>ye 1v1 type pvp content is doomed to fail imo since mmos are designed with themed based classes which hard counter each other

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> @"Supreme.3164" said:

> Gone are the days where PvP were about sportsmanship, love for competition and fairness ...these days it's all about : toxicity , egotism, elitism..you mention. I am very glad that upcoming MMO are dropping the idea of "competitive" PvP and I hope future MMOs will follow the example of **New World** and limit themselves to faction vs faction gameplay, if not entirely at least that should limit the level of toxicity.




Whether the space around you turns into toxic/elitist/ego driven, it's entirely up to you and the people you closely associate with. If your "friends" start acting out, move on. It's entirely possible to be in a nice PvP community, and it's also possible to have a toxic/elitist PvE community. I would know because I was part of it for a while. The raids dont speedclear themselves!


Also when was PvP ever about "sportsmanship, love for competition and fairness"? I play MMO-s since they come with 3D graphics, and I'm yet to encounter one that has an entire community that thinks like that.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > > > > @"Supreme.3164" said:

> > > > > Gone are the days where PvP were about sportsmanship, love for competition and fairness ...these days it's all about : toxicity , egotism, elitism..you mention. I am very glad that upcoming MMO are dropping the idea of "competitive" PvP and I hope future MMOs will follow the example of **New World** and limit themselves to faction vs faction gameplay, if not entirely at least that should limit the level of toxicity.

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Raids, dungeons, mythic+, Greater rifts or whatever you want to call the end game pve is just as bad. Infact here? PvE is more toxic than PvP, Ranked so far has been nice outside of the few trolls but even then they are kinda funny. Raids are full of gate-keeping try hards, and often people get cussed out because X doesn't go their way in the PvE setting.. Maybe GONE should be the days of raiding and forced end-game pve and a more pvp-centric mmo should emerge.

> > > >

> > > > RvR was bomb, instanced PvP was bomb and any game that had both always had at least a moderately good community. Every portion of the game has its bad apples, saying one is worse than the other is splitting hairs. Perhaps... you're one of the things you're complaining about?

> > >

> > > I think most of it comes from PVP community. There are some bad hombres in this game. I think part of it is elitism of one being better because they raided and there isn-t as much repercussions. In everquest for instance a guild or people in a guild gain a bad rep, the repercussions is everyone hates them, like seal team in everquest and TMO and azure guard. These guys have a bad rep for being really nasty bullying other guilds and just otherwise being toxic.

> > >

> > > Unfortunately some of this is impossible. I don-t know if its possible, because human nature. Only thing i can advise is ignore the toxic people write them down on your list of people to ignore and who are toxic report them if they are really nasty. I mean what can you really do about someone saying they won-t take mesmer or necro to their speedruns? All classes should in my opinion be equally balanced for all pve content. The problem is that in SPVP each class has different role and balancing that might be a headache. I can't imagine trying to properly balance necro mesmers and thieves in SPVP, its rough since thieves have so much mobility.

> >

> > Ill be honest if this game was strictly PvE like it was in years prior, I might not ever of picked it up again. I find the PvE in guild wars outside of story and the occasional fractal to be exceedingly boring. And I find you asking for them to remove my two game modes of choice (WvW and PvP) Essentially from the game because you cant, wont and maybe never have tried to play it is childish. As I said by your logic PvE shouldn't exist, and if you're changing it so the block button is the answer to the toxicity in pve then the same can be said about PvP. I've never had a good experience with the side of the community that is PvE centric, so by your logic it shouldn't exist "Reeeeeee" Grow up mate. Every part of the game doesn't need to be made and catered around you....


> Its because of the design of PVE in guild wars 2. There are other games that are focused on PVE that have better PVE and there are PVP games with better PVP.


> I think this game has stuff thats better than wow for instance, but thats because enough time hasn't passed and yes most pve content is boring for me too.


> Also i mentioned PVE balancing and i talked about SPVP Balancing classes. Not once did i mention removing SPVP: You are bieng pretty toxic yourself sir.



So Ill be completely real, I thought for a moment you were the OP because I wasn't paying much attention to my posts as I am into a lot of conversations. So the points were made based on the original post; However I feel like both being here are fine and that you can balance the game in both settings by spliting the balance and making classes and skills function differently based on the game mode. Yes this means you gotta learn your class again, but that would also mean they could be built better in respective game modes to be competitive and not have to worry about falling behind. But that takes dedication and work, both of which Im unsure A-net is willing to support or give at this time.

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