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Voice acting in Episode 3 of The Icebrood Saga

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  • ArenaNet Staff

As the world continues to fight the spread of COVID-19, we’re working remotely on content updates for Guild Wars 2. Because the recording studio staff and voice actors who help bring Guild Wars 2 to life are also abiding by shelter-in-place guidance to keep the virus from spreading, we’ve chosen to release the upcoming third episode of The Icebrood Saga without voice acting.


This was a difficult decision to make, but we want to keep releasing content updates for the community to enjoy on a regular schedule. When it’s safe, we’ll create a high-quality studio recording so we can update the episode with voiced lines.


The trailer for the next episode of The Icebrood Saga, “No Quarter,” arrives next week, and we can’t wait for you to see what’s in store! In the meantime, we’d like to share some [messages from members of our amazing English Guild Wars 2 voice-acting cast](



Stay safe, Tyria!

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Virdo.1540" said:

> > Is there a chance that this will be added in the future?


> It's in the announcement..


> > @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> > When it’s safe, we’ll create a high-quality studio recording so we can update the episode with voiced lines.



oh right i overread that^^

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Nice little video ^^ I dunno why, but I expected that the person behind Nicabar to look like that in real life. (It's a compliment! No hurty.)

All the voice actors do an awesome voice acting. I kinda find it strange (maybe it's just me) that some voice actors literally look like the character they are dubbing.

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I appriciate the heads up and the difficulty this decision must have been to make for everyone.


But if im being honest I would have preferred the content to be delayed and released with the voice acting later on.. and it would have been very understandable if this had been the decision as well.


First impressions stick with me personally so a big part of me wants to avoid playing the new content until the voice acting comes in.. and that's going to put me in a odd situation.

I'm going to miss out on the new patch new map hype and activity for one thing which is going to put me a bit behind.. but more so it's going to leave me very open to having the new story spoiled before I get to play it.


Hopefully the latter won't happen and hopefully the voice acting won't be missing for too long but we can never predict these things..


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Thanks for the heads up. :)


Like many other people I'd have completely understood if the entire episode had to be delayed due to covid-19, but I think it makes sense if everything else is ready to go, we don't know how long the lockdown will last and there's a whole bunch of people stuck at home who would appreciate a new GW2 release to play it makes sense to go ahead with what you can do. Although maybe it's easier for me because I often have to play without sound, so as much as I like hearing the voice acting when I can I'm used to playing without it.


Also I found it surprising seeing what all the voice actors look like, and hearing how they speak normally. The charr and sylvari PC guys especially really surprised me with how different their normal voices and their acting voices are. If I hadn't seen them do it I almost wouldn't believe it was the same person each time!


(Also totally unrelated to anything but Cherise Boothe who voices Crecia has amazing dreads!)

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I am truly amazed by the dedication of Guild wars 2 - Development Team.

In such a difficult time for all of us, you in America, me in Europe and many others, you still do work. For us. For that my words of appreciation.


This small message from you just increased my sympathy for all of the team and i cross my fingers that you stay well , stay healthy and I am happy to enjoy the new episode soon.


Loyal since GW: Factions, never regretted. Not even now. Thank you.

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If this video means that the Steel Legion make an appearance, then I'm very glad. Forged Steel gave us some of the most fun NPCs in the game.


> @"Forbidden Virtue.1089" said:

> It's a shame, would've preferred if it was delayed all together over this.


You have the option to play it without VO in 2 weeks, or wait till they update it and play it then. I don't see how forcing everyone to wait would've been preferable.

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> @"RabbitUp.8294" said:

> If this video means that the Steel Legion make an appearance, then I'm very glad. Forged Steel gave us some of the most fun NPCs in the game.


> > @"Forbidden Virtue.1089" said:

> > It's a shame, would've preferred if it was delayed all together over this.


> You have the option to play it without VO in 2 weeks, or wait till they update it and play it then. I don't see how forcing everyone to wait would've been preferable.


I'm in the wait camp as well, the 2 main concerns with doing it though are missing out on the new map experience which is always a highlight of having new content added.

The other is the risk of having the story spoiled for us.


I don't mind that Anet opted to go without the VA.. but i'd be lying if I said I wasn't worry about getting the content spoiled for me down the road.

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