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It's not killing the game, quite the contrary.

Because of this commitment, you have active people on all 6 maps of LS4. And it's not likely to go away anytime soon.


This mount is not required for anything beside Vision. It's not even gated behind a paywall for once. It's just cool and you feel good once you finally get it.

And it's not even that much of a grind. Try legendary trinkets.

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> @"kamakiri sensei.1058" said:

> Sorta but lots what i read says its not worth it or fun in fact most of what i read say that its why they quit the game. also i got to these maps and more people are doing daily stuff over skyscale stuff.



It's annoyed many people no doubt, but the sheer volume of people with a Skyscale that you can see in maps shows that if it has scared players away, it hasn't done any significant damage to the overall population. Players quite for many reasons. Find some addition and find some players that "quit because of it" (and prob returned - I've lost track of players announcing they quit on the forums and actually came back a week/month later or continued playing)


The idea they had was sound for a prestige mount, I just think they overtuned it and it is a lot worse for new, catch up players than it was for us longer standing regulars who potentially had plenty of currency in the bank.


Are they going to change it? Pretty certain that's a no. It's a long term goal. Treat it as such and it wont be so bad. Nothing says you need to burst through the content to get it

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> @"kamakiri sensei.1058" said:

> I just wish there was something for people with less free time then others.


The answer to that is a bit double sided. It's an MMO and MMO's by their nature require ongoing commitment and place long term goals because they hope to keep players playing for years.


However, GW2 is set up a bit better and objectives like the Skyscale are ideal for those with less free time since you can chip very slowly at each objective over time. Yes it will take longer, but the Skyscale is designed to take time. It was never meant to be a quick gain reward, but something to work for and the way they designed it - annoying as the process can be - is still perfectly viable for anyone no matter their free time allowances.


It's natural to want everything now, but this just isn't something that players can get right away and that is ultimately healthy for the game even if individual player perspective may at times - understandably- not see that

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Farm Bjora, trade ice shards for currency. I did the Skyscale when it WAS time-gated and I STILL think it was absolutely absolutely worth it. Especially once you max out its masteries. It's just so gosh darn USEFUL. Map completion becomes a breeze--eh, I won't go on and on and on and on. But it absolutely is worth.

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> @"kamakiri sensei.1058" said:

> Sorta but lots what i read says its not worth it or fun in fact most of what i read say that its why they quit the game. also i got to these maps and more people are doing daily stuff over skyscale stuff.



It's definitely worth it..


One of the best and most versatile mounts in the game.

I rushed through it before it was updated and made easier and the grind annoyed me to no end.. timegates were absolutely absurd when I did it.

But it's definitely worth doing, and once it's done it's done.

Never have to do it again.

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It took about 3 days from not having any map currencies at all, and I realized on the 2nd day that I can ferry my alts to the maps to speed up this whole process significantly.

70~ hours or so. Just commit to it because you're spending valuable grind time posting on these boards if you REALLY WANT IT ASAP.


And you don't NEED it at all, it's a novelty mount with a little movement bonus for climbing after you unlock the masteries.

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Skyscale can look daunting when you first hear about the map currency requirements.


But once you look into it and understand how each currency is given out it makes it so much easier.


My last currency to get was branded mass, and i couldn't get a thunderhead meta to succeed for the life of me. Then realized just how easy it is to farm 2 of the hearts (fishing and motivate the crowd) got my alts to the map and farmed out over 100 branded mass in an hour or so.


One thing to realize is that you can do the meta muliple times a day, as long as you are on a different char each time that meta fires.


Hope this helps.


Also download Taco, it makes the map completes so much faster.

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I just finished tonight, and personally, this is the kind of quest I enjoy. It's long and tedious, but nothing about it was really that difficult. I'm an insanely casual player, but it was nice having something mindless to just chip away at.

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I'm too a casual player with very little time to put into the game, so it took me a while to get skyscale. One piece of advice I have to give you as a casual is: dont rush into thing, take your time and try to enjoy the process, since you can't get it right away, at least make it a fun trip to grind the collection. The mount is totally worth it, haven't used any other mount since I got it.

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It was nowhere near as bad as crafting Nevermore, but skyscale did take a fair bit of work, yeah. Lots of running around LWS4 maps doing events. I found it helped to work on achievements for those maps at the same time... gives you a reason to be there and organically pick up materials, even if not as quickly as a focused grind.

It seemed pretty manageable even on a more casual schedule, although I think I might have spent a couple hours on it a night for most of two weeks back when it first came out. I don't regret it, even if I mainly use skyscale as a launch vehicle for griffons these days ?

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Farm Bjora, trade ice shards for currency. I did the Skyscale when it WAS time-gated and I STILL think it was absolutely absolutely worth it. Especially once you max out its masteries. It's just so gosh darn USEFUL. Map completion becomes a breeze--eh, I won't go on and on and on and on. But it absolutely is worth.


Was? It still is, just a lesser degree.


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It's entirely possible to get the skyscale even if you only have limited time to play because you will never lose progress you've made if you stop doing it or take a break between steps. It just means it will take you longer than it did for other people.


It took me almost 3 months to complete the entire process. I love dragons, so I **really** wanted the skyscale but that didn't change the fact that I only have an hour or two to play per day, and not every day. The currency for the saddle was definitely the biggest barrier, both because of having limited time and because I don't like farming. My solution was to allow myself a lot of flexibility with it. I'd check which currencies I still needed then decide which of those maps I felt like playing on. When I got there I'd do whatever caught my interest to get the currency. Sometimes I'd do the meta event if it was up, or I'd do hearts and buy it from the vendors, or I'd just wander around gathering it from nodes. Most often I did a mix of different things. When I got bored I'd stop. And if I didn't feel like doing it at all one day and wanted to do something else instead (in GW2 or something else entirely) I'd do that.


Ironically because I can't spend much time in-game the time gating which so many other people complain about was never a problem for me. I was occasionally aware that I couldn't do the next bit yet because it was time gated but when that happened I was close to having to stop anyway, so it didn't really matter for me.


And once I did finish the process I had a dragon to fly around Tyria with, so it was worth it. :D


Edit: For an extreme example you could get the currency for the saddle by parking 1 character next to a node and gathering it once per day until you had enough, then moving them to another map and repeating the process. It would take much longer to get it all, but it would only need a few minutes per day. Quite a few people do that with characters they're not currently playing - pick something they know they'll want sooner or later (or could sell) and park them there to gather it quickly so when they need it they've already got it.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> It's a goal to """""work""""" towards to. The game would be dead by now if everything was for free and instant.


TBH while i agree with the sentiment. I didnt have to work for it. I had a ton of backlogged currency stashed away from maps that i never bothered playing again after initial exploration and i was able to obtain it with ease in a matter of a few days(time gates aside).




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Best mount ever, so worth it.


I recently got my 4th Skyscale for my 4th account. Still one to go. I LOVE this quest, it takes you everywhere. It is the ultimate aggro-avoider, the ultimate "smell the roses and enjoy the scenery from high above" mount, the ultimate "I can finally keep up with the Commander-train" mount and most importantly, the absolute best Mount to use with Taco trails when you need tons of LW currency, for instance for Ascended Trinkets. Just finished an event and want to enjoy the scenery or count your loot? Instead of having to WP away to avoid annoying aggro, just rise up in the sky and watch the baddies safely from far above. Oh, and it is just the most majestic, coolest looking Mount, I love it when I see lots of Skyscales gathering up for an event. Have you ever looked at the cool shadow it throws on the ground?


The only thing I would wish is that I already could use the SKyscale when I have to gather the LW currency for, well, the Skyscale. :)

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> @"Tyncale.1629" said:

> Best mount ever, so worth it.


> I recently got my 4th Skyscale for my 4th account. Still one to go. I LOVE this quest, it takes you everywhere. It is the ultimate aggro-avoider, the ultimate "smell the roses and enjoy the scenery from high above" mount, the ultimate "I can finally keep up with the Commander-train" mount and most importantly, the absolute best Mount to use with Taco trails when you need tons of LW currency, for instance for Ascended Trinkets. Oh, and it is just the most majestic, coolest looking Mount, I love it when I see lots of Skyscales gathering up for an event. Have you ever looked at the cool shadow it throws on the ground?


> The only thing I would wish is that I already could use the SKyscale when I have to gather the LW currency for, well, the Skyscale. :)


It's also great at stalking those elusive devs on their lunch breaks ?


![](https://i.imgur.com/aRJ9CHN.jpg?1 "")







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Yes, too many thinks of the skyscale is something to have here right now! Its not a mount you truly will need for anything. The game is completeable without the skyscale. But the conivience it gives is absolutely unparalled with the other mounts. Ive completely ceased to use the flappyburd after getting the skyscale. It just feels so tedious to keep it up with wingflapping all the time once you have the skyscale.

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