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Will Guild Wars 2 be the best MMO in future?

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"Best" is subjective, for me it is the "best" mmorpg because it's the one I'm currently playing. If I found another mmorpg to be "best" then I'd be playing that other mmorpg... why would anyone play/enjoy a game that they think it's inferior to another one, just play the better one. At least that's how I roll, others might enjoy playing something they don't like.

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Comparing your MMORPG with another in a negative way is by far the most promising method to ruin yours. I quit counting how many games were announced to destroy GW2, to kick WoW from its throne, to revolutionize the market and to just ascend beyond anything known by now. Most of these games are F2P or already shut down by now.


Every game out there has something that makes them unique and special. Whether that appeals to their community is in most cases just luck. If it hits the mood of the people = success. If not = failure. Timing is very important, as we have learned with the Aviator Memory Box. Every patch, every add-on and every decision is a gamble. That makes the business exciting.

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Honestly, if Aion Online wasn't dead, and NCsoft didn't screw up so much with that game, I would still be playing that one, and I would consider that one to be the "Best" in terms of gameplay, and how innovative it was.


At least Guild Wars 2 is finally getting with the "Times", and added Quality of life features, like mounts, and Gliding I guess.


I do like Guild Wars 2 for what it is, but back in the old days of Aion online, the PvP via rifting, and abyss air combat got incredibly intense at times. Sadly, the game is all but dead, and rifting got ruined. I miss those "Chipie and Irad" days.

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Personally, I believe it's not possible to tell that one MMORPG is best, because it strongly depends on what each of us expect for a content and on the priorities we set to the different criteria. GW2 is best for me, but that's simply because it brings me a lot more of what I like/need than any others. But it's me only. <3

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I don't think many other MMORPG will try a similar approach as GW2: No gear treadmill, fast leveling (more horizontal progression instead), no holy trinity.

Therefore GW2 might still a very good MMORPG - and for the playerbase it is aimed at (target audience) maybe the best.


They can only do that by staying different to other MMORPG. Not catering to the peple that cry for changes. If they did changes they'd lose their main target audience while competing with lots of other MMORPG over a different target audience. (When the other MMORPG have the advantage cause they already have that other style/philosophy for a long time and already have all the players playing it.)


With GW1 and GW2 being that different (GW1 feels more like a single-player RPG that also has an optional multiplayer mode) I also can't see a GW3 succeeding GW2. GW3 might happen ... but as a totally differen type of game.


For now with all the mobile hype (I heard people talking that other games from NCSoft are making more money by going mobile) a mobile part could be a nice addition to GW2. (I'd suggest making an own card game like Hearthstone ... but making it with mobile client and desktop client and linking it directly to GW2 main game . Same account. Getting achievements in GW2 to unlock special cards in the card game. Card game to get minor stuff you could use as items in GW2.)

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Best is subjective, what makes an MMO great for one person is exactly what makes it terrible for someone else. Look at all the people who come to this forum having just started GW2 (or having discovered another MMO) wanting to change something which is fundamental to the game's design to make it more like their personal favourite, which often leads to lots of other people saying they'd quit the game if that was introduced, even though there are other very successful games that do exactly what's being proposed.


MMO is an extremely broad genre. In fact I'd say it's not really a genre at all, any more than console game or PC game or multiplayer is a genre, it's a format which can be used for several genres. Even MMORPG leaves a huge amount of room for interpretation. There's no single right way to make one and it's been a very long time since the potential playerbase for them was thought to be small enough that only a couple of games could co-exist. Which means not only is there no way to make a definitive best MMORPG but there's no need for it either. There can be lots of different ones available and everyone can choose the one they like most.


I don't care if GW2 is the best MMO. I only care that it's popular enough that they can keep it online and occasionally introduce new content, so I can keep playing it.

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Gw2 feels like an rpg not an mmo. You can practically solo the entire storyline to end.


It’s pvp feels like a SEPARATE game. You can pvp at level 1 and yield the same competitiveness.


It’s mmo or endgame content is specifically for farming tier equipment from dungeons (strike/frac/dung/raid) dumbnessly and ENDLESSLY. Increases monster DAMAGE every stage and your counter is to increase DEFENSE through agony res. In the end it just balances everything out and you won’t notice you like grinded a thousand stages of the SAME thing. As a REWARD it has ZERO effect in pvp.

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> @"Roche.7491" said:

> Gw2 feels like an rpg not an mmo. You can practically solo the entire storyline to end.


> It’s pvp feels like a SEPARATE game. You can pvp at level 1 and yield the same competitiveness.


> It’s mmo or endgame content is specifically for farming tier equipment from dungeons (strike/frac/dung/raid) dumbnessly and ENDLESSLY. Increases monster DAMAGE every stage and your counter is to increase DEFENSE through agony res. In the end it just balances everything out and you won’t notice you like grinded a thousand stages of the SAME thing. As a REWARD it has ZERO effect in pvp.


True, but it feels like a rpg with the absolute worst and most boring/shallow story arch/writing ever produced for a rpg.

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GW2 will never be the best MMORPG.

Its main draws are it's relation to GW1, which was a great game during its peak times and being essentially free to play.

But other than that, GW2 can hardly compete hope to compete with the more popular, subscription-based choices.

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Already is the best imo.


But I don't care about knocking WoW off the top spot.

WoW's success largely came when there was very little that could rival it.. and it remains so popular today because so many people have invested so much time and money into it that leaving the game now for another MMO would be like throwing all that away.. literal thousands people have put in WoW over the years and that's hard to walk away from, specially for another game that would expect the same investment.


That's one thing I love about GW2, it never makes you feel like your investment is wasted when you're not playing the game.. which is a trait for all subfee based MMO's.

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> @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> Tbh eso is far superior to wow and is a better benchmark, the only thing that holds eso back is its terrible performance outwith open world. If this is fixed it would arguably be better than gw2 on all areas apprt from underwater play and a slightly better no sub model.


As a retired HL ESO player, I agree and disagree.


ESO have a true potential, but :

- Performance are horrible and get worse each patch

- Most content, especially Open world and dungeon are boringly easy and feel dead (no even, no hidden loc, no world event, etc..)

- The way you discover the lore feel very unnatural

- The fact that everything is so easy to get made the game boring fast for those like me who don't really care about housing. The last years of playing I was just spamming raid for for HM and some achievement.

- Gameplay feel way less dynamic (probably similar to gw2 in raid but in open world it's boring)


But :

- It got a very cool graphique design choice, very immersive

- Incredibly deep lore, really love it

- Housing (if you like it) is incredible, I've see some insane house

- You can be a Werewolf or Vampire in + of your class (with some advantage and drawback) if you like it


I think a mix of ESO and GW2 would be incredible ^^

But, for now, I find GW2 pretty fun with lot of thing to do.

And since for the moment I'm more into solo stuff or event farm, it is fun and way less boring than spamming the same 3-4 raid each day ~


After all : matter of taste !

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> @"Orack.9756" said:

> > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > Tbh eso is far superior to wow and is a better benchmark, the only thing that holds eso back is its terrible performance outwith open world. If this is fixed it would arguably be better than gw2 on all areas apprt from underwater play and a slightly better no sub model.


> As a retired HL ESO player, I agree and disagree.


> ESO have a true potential, but :

> - Performance are horrible and get worse each patch

> - Most content, especially Open world and dungeon are boringly easy and feel dead (no even, no hidden loc, no world event, etc..)

> - The way you discover the lore feel very unnatural

> - The fact that everything is so easy to get made the game boring fast for those like me who don't really care about housing. The last years of playing I was just spamming raid for for HM and some achievement.

> - Gameplay feel way less dynamic (probably similar to gw2 in raid but in open world it's boring)


> But :

> - It got a very cool graphique design choice, very immersive

> - Incredibly deep lore, really love it

> - Housing (if you like it) is incredible, I've see some insane house

> - You can be a Werewolf or Vampire in + of your class (with some advantage and drawback) if you like it


> I think a mix of ESO and GW2 would be incredible ^^

> But, for now, I find GW2 pretty fun with lot of thing to do.

> And since for the moment I'm more into solo stuff or event farm, it is fun and way less boring than spamming the same 3-4 raid each day ~


> After all : matter of taste !


ESO's combat was bloody awful. Everyone runs around stopped over. I truly despise that game. Whereas, GW2's combat is vibrant. I have never had an issue with combat graphics in this game.

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> @"Severo.7091" said:

> > @"Orack.9756" said:

> > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > Tbh eso is far superior to wow and is a better benchmark, the only thing that holds eso back is its terrible performance outwith open world. If this is fixed it would arguably be better than gw2 on all areas apprt from underwater play and a slightly better no sub model.

> >

> > As a retired HL ESO player, I agree and disagree.

> >

> > ESO have a true potential, but :

> > - Performance are horrible and get worse each patch

> > - Most content, especially Open world and dungeon are boringly easy and feel dead (no even, no hidden loc, no world event, etc..)

> > - The way you discover the lore feel very unnatural

> > - The fact that everything is so easy to get made the game boring fast for those like me who don't really care about housing. The last years of playing I was just spamming raid for for HM and some achievement.

> > - Gameplay feel way less dynamic (probably similar to gw2 in raid but in open world it's boring)

> >

> > But :

> > - It got a very cool graphique design choice, very immersive

> > - Incredibly deep lore, really love it

> > - Housing (if you like it) is incredible, I've see some insane house

> > - You can be a Werewolf or Vampire in + of your class (with some advantage and drawback) if you like it

> >

> > I think a mix of ESO and GW2 would be incredible ^^

> > But, for now, I find GW2 pretty fun with lot of thing to do.

> > And since for the moment I'm more into solo stuff or event farm, it is fun and way less boring than spamming the same 3-4 raid each day ~

> >

> > After all : matter of taste !


> ESO's combat was bloody awful. Everyone runs around stopped over. I truly despise that game. Whereas, GW2's combat is vibrant. I have never had an issue with combat graphics in this game.


Totally agree buddy.

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its the same root cause in ESO, the game was built on an engine that was not designed for an mmo, and when they tried to fix it by moving code server side (to stop hacking etc) the game performance imploded. That was my original point though, _if_ somehow (and im not saying they can) they fixed performance the game would be top drawer stuff, gfx is amazing, storywriting is really high quality and not childish or purile (looking at you WOW) and the maps are massive and varied with a ton to do. I play ESO PVE open world only (usually when GW meta is particularly bad) and have been for years on and off on 1 character and i've still got 1 expansions to work through with a new one incomming. So just purely in terms of comparing GW2 to another game, I would say ESO is better than WOW.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Already is the best imo.


> But I don't care about knocking WoW off the top spot.

> WoW's success largely came when there was very little that could rival it.. and it remains so popular today because so many people have invested so much time and money into it that leaving the game now for another MMO would be like throwing all that away.. literal thousands people have put in WoW over the years and that's hard to walk away from, specially for another game that would expect the same investment.


> That's one thing I love about GW2, it never makes you feel like your investment is wasted when you're not playing the game.. which is a trait for all subfee based MMO's.



Walking away from an MMO is as simple as finding another one you like better. All of that stuff you accumulated only matters up until the moment you stop playing.


Having said that, WoW is not just the top dog because everyone is too invested in it to leave. It's the top dog because it has some of the best raids and dungeons in the business and it has vastly more content than any of its competition. The game hasn't aged well. The graphics, the combat. It's all well below standard at this point. But WoW raids are still far better than GW2 raids (sigh non-trinity...) and there are way more of them as well as difficulty levels to support every type of player.


Maybe you want to look at competitive modes? WoW has GW2 beat there, too. What I wouldn't give to have GW2's combat system with the variety of PvP game types that WoW offers! Alas, if I want GW2's superior combat system and class design, I have to settle for conquest - endless repetition of the same game in 10 not-so-unique flavors! And not even a ray of hope that adding such content would improve anything because our player base is too damn small to support it!


Everywhere you look it's the same problem. WoW just offers more of everything. Maybe it isn't as good a game, but it's good enough that along with the light competition they face, WoW can still be carried on the massive amount of content it offers.


It isn't for me, but sometimes I really wish we could trade with WoW so they get all the content droughts, no communication, and constant course corrections that are the hallmark of ANet's "planning" while we get all those sweet development resources!



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Considering this is a GW2 forum, it's obvious that the people that are going to respond in this thread, all obviously have seen something in this game that caused them to choose it over many other options. So, you can say, that for the posters, this game will be either best, or one of the best MMORPGs. **For them**, that is. This is not the same as being "the best" overall (what does it even mean to be the best? What criteria should we use?).


As for other most commonly used criteria however...

It's definitely not the most succesful MMORGP, and, since its glory days are in the past already, it's extremely unlikely to change. It's not the biggest MMORPG either, and that, for the very same reason, is not going to change as well.


Practically, the only way GW2 could take the top spot in one of those categories now is if all the other games it's competing against would shut down. Which is definitely not something we should want to see - such a widespread crash of a MMORPG market would be detrimental to all games, even those that would manage to stay afloat.


Basically, if you hope for some miraculous resurgence of GW2, and for it to reach new heights it was never able to reach before, it is something that would really require a miracle. Miracles do sometimes happen, but are not something we should be _expecting_.

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