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Why premades are allowed in 3v3???

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > premades make solo people log off after getting rolled a couple times. why would anyone stick around for that? should they also group up? yes, but will they? no probably not. solution? idk but doing nothing shouldn't be anyones creed, take it from me.

> >

> > Oh well... Then those quitters will never get better and continue to get rolled on... And that's not a dev problem to solve, nor a problem with the players who choose to play together... it's a problem with the persons who are quitters.


> like I said... doing nothing will only make the problem worse.


Quitters never win and winners never quit.

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last season I learned i shouldn't care about the mini season


today i faced full solo vs full premade, that happens pretty much every time you see a top 100 player


and I was 1380 lol


and things will get worse, 2 days more meta will settle and you'll start facing same comp over and over and then the fun is completely gone


this mini seasons are great to farm your legendary stuff or just gold





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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > Quitters never win and winners never quit.


> that ideal has no bearing on whats going to happen if premades continually wipe the floor with pugmops.


Either players are going to learn to be competitive or just remain quitters who make excuses.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > Quitters never win and winners never quit.

> >

> > that ideal has no bearing on whats going to happen if premades continually wipe the floor with pugmops.


> Either players are going to learn to be competitive or just remain quitters who make excuses.


People are just going to quit, until you have no one to play against. Have fun playing against the queue timer I guess.


If the devs want to make premade vs pug not completely unbearable, they need to make a role queue for 3v3. However, that's a waste of dev time and resources on a niche game mode.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> You want to remove communication from a team based combat game? You got to be joking.


But this is how PvP in Gw 2 is or rather was...


Seems like I will continue my break from ranked pvp. Ah the good old days when everyone in fractal cms was also platinum ranked at least now its rare to see one with rank. Kinda sad.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > Quitters never win and winners never quit.

> >

> > that ideal has no bearing on whats going to happen if premades continually wipe the floor with pugmops.


> Either players are going to learn to be competitive or just remain quitters who make excuses.


in other words, they'll quit cuz this is just a game and if they're not going to have fun then whats the point. if this game was marketed and made for fast paced twitch gameplay then the story would be much different, but its not. its made for pve casuals. theres nothing wrong with that but the intended target audience should be taken into account for... things.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > Quitters never win and winners never quit.

> > >

> > > that ideal has no bearing on whats going to happen if premades continually wipe the floor with pugmops.

> >

> > Either players are going to learn to be competitive or just remain quitters who make excuses.


> People are just going to quit, until you have no one to play against. Have fun playing against the queue timer I guess.


> If the devs want to make premade vs pug not completely unbearable, they need to make a role queue for 3v3. However, that's a waste of dev time and resources on a niche game mode.


You have 2 other friends in this thread. Go make a team and play.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > Quitters never win and winners never quit.

> >

> > that ideal has no bearing on whats going to happen if premades continually wipe the floor with pugmops.


> Either players are going to learn to be competitive or just remain quitters who make excuses.


Or they just stay to get their losing pips to pave their way through the PvE rewards.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> It’s kinda boggling that some of you people are participating in a competitive game mode and complaining that you need to be competitive to win... Don’t play competitive pvp if you’re not going to make an effort.


Premade vs solo is the least competitive thing imaginable. That's essentially bullying.


Also my 3v3 queues are a lot longer than unranked queues so this game mode is basically dead on arrival.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > > You want to remove communication from a team based combat game? You got to be joking.

> > >

> > > But this is how PvP in Gw 2 is or rather was...

> > >

> > > Seems like I will continue my break from ranked pvp. Ah the good old days when everyone in fractal cms was also platinum ranked at least now its rare to see one with rank. Kinda sad.

> >

> > The idea of a rank system is to have competition. Not rewards for losses and to gain gold, if that is what ranked is to you, then good riddance. Sry to say


> Are you saying there should be zero reward for losing? Well, if you want a dead game mode to be even more dead, sure, go ahead.


> "Winners take all" is trash, by the way.


I don't give a flying whoot about rewards. I like gw2 for the combat system and fighting and I play it to prove that I'm worthy to have a spot on the ladder.. to me rewards = inventory wars and that's not fun for me.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"Lord of the Fire.6870" said:

> > > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > You want to remove communication from a team based combat game? You got to be joking.

> >

> > But this is how PvP in Gw 2 is or rather was...

> >

> > Seems like I will continue my break from ranked pvp. Ah the good old days when everyone in fractal cms was also platinum ranked at least now its rare to see one with rank. Kinda sad.


> The idea of a rank system is to have competition. Not rewards for losses and to gain gold, if that is what ranked is to you, then good riddance. Sry to say


Then you don't know the system or the players ^^

The players I meant know their game but most of the players who play pvp doing it casual basically doing their PvE dailies in PvP. Arena.NET knew that because of this the removed the requirement for ranked to complete you 3 daily task . In the end that also means they removed a good potion of the player base for ranked.

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> @"frareanselm.1925" said:

> I was playing against a group of 3 which clearly belong to the same guild (I saw under their names) and probably they organize/teamup by discord.

> This is a unfair advantage over all those who hot-join and doesnt know anything about their mates, how they play and the strategy.

> please remove that!


dont like it. dont play pvp. theres nothing wrong with a 3 man comp

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> It’s kinda boggling that some of you people are participating in a competitive game mode and complaining that you need to be competitive to win... Don’t play competitive pvp if you’re not going to make an effort.


Except every self respecting competitive game has premade matchmaking, which makes your whole point null. If the devs don't want to make an effort why should anyone else want to?

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> @"Hirosama Nadasaki.6792" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > It’s kinda boggling that some of you people are participating in a competitive game mode and complaining that you need to be competitive to win... Don’t play competitive pvp if you’re not going to make an effort.


> Except every self respecting competitive game has premade matchmaking, which makes your whole point null. If the devs don't want to make an effort why should anyone else want to?


This^ the fact that the devs are so ....... that they have a competitive mode that puts premade groups against pugs and thinks it's fine for 8 yrs makes me question how any player could consider this games pvp even close to being competitive.

Games pvp modes a meme at this point.

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> @"Yosmo.5306" said:

> > @"frareanselm.1925" said:

> > I was playing against a group of 3 which clearly belong to the same guild (I saw under their names) and probably they organize/teamup by discord.

> > This is a unfair advantage over all those who hot-join and doesnt know anything about their mates, how they play and the strategy.

> > please remove that!


> dont like it. dont play pvp. theres nothing wrong with a 3 man comp


Yeah man, tell people to QUIT PvP! That's EXACTLY what we need, less players in an already dying game mode!

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> It’s kinda boggling that some of you people are participating in a competitive game mode and complaining that you need to be competitive to win... Don’t play competitive pvp if you’re not going to make an effort.


jesus dude. you keep on repeating yourself then accuse me of complaining. this is why I hesitate to respond to you; you make it personal, misconstrue or misrepresent entirely the situation, and finally dismiss any argument. its so old. I never even disagreed with you if you payed any attention to what I said. people *should* team up, but they won't for the 10th time, cuz human nature. either make premade a req or separate the q's, but solo vs premade is suicidal. that's it i'm done lol, I've been drained of essential life energy.

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Personally I enjoy teaming up with my friends, that is the reason I play GW2. Obviously it can be frustrating to play against a pre-made, organised team if you're in solo queue but I don't think we should punish pre-made teams.


The ideal solution would be pre-made vs pre-made but I don't think the population could handle that, it might also unfairly match up low ranked teams against high ranked teams, which again would cause frustration.


I don't think any situation would please everyone :(

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> @"Hirosama Nadasaki.6792" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > It’s kinda boggling that some of you people are participating in a competitive game mode and complaining that you need to be competitive to win... Don’t play competitive pvp if you’re not going to make an effort.


> Except every self respecting competitive game has premade matchmaking, which makes your whole point null. If the devs don't want to make an effort why should anyone else want to?


and also every self respecting game is winnable against premades, I can roll solo in flex in league and play with 80% winrate untill I reach my ranking.

here 1 player takes wrong build and its game over. I played in gold where as glass cannon mesmer I could 1v3 my enemies and not die for about 2 minutes while also downing them repeatedly, I lost. why? my team sucked, in other games it doesnt get this bad, this often.

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To solve the problem, they could make it so different AT have different types.

* Balthazar Brawl - 3v3

* Melandru's Matchup - 2v2

* Lyssa's Legions - Stronghold

* Grenth's Game - 5v5

* Kormir's Clash - 15v15


Mini-Seasons use the 2v2/3v3 format to focus on training smallscale/teamfights.

Regular Seasons use 5v5/15v15 format to focus on training teamfights/mobility.



* 15v15 - If WvW is any indication, you can easily steamroll another group of equal size depending on composition so PUGs are basically in hell in this mode. A possible solution is instead of the 5v5/15v15 format, having Regular Seasons do rotations of Week 1 5v5, Week 2 3v3, Week 3 2v2, Week 4 5v5 etc so that you can play during a week of a format you really enjoy, or play throughout and get used to it.


* Stronghold - I loved the idea of this when it came out, but they definitely need to revamp it. These matches shouldn't take any longer than a normal 5v5 match or provide better rewards due to the length of time. We also need new maps to reinvigorate this game mode. A possible solution is make these maps the 15v15 versions so it's like a close-quarters version of WvW.


* Different AT Modes - Foresee some people disliking this because if they have a static they run with suddenly they need to cut 1-3 of their members. A possible solution is increasing the rewards from doing tournament matches (more PvP pots or something) to garner interest through greed.



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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> @"Don Vega Van Kain.9842"


> I replied to the op on how to resolve their issue... "Get friends and do the same thing. Problem solved.". You quote me saying "Not an answer", but that is the answer.


> The devs aren't going to stop players from using teamwork, or prevent players from teaming up with their friends, so the best option is to get some friends and compete if somebody wants to stand a better chance at winning against a premade group. The devs can't resolve the issue of players not wanting to get more organized, that's all on the players to do for themselves...


A high part of the gamer community is, at least, introverted, shy in real life, some other hard cases have social anxiety and other phobias. I've seen people who dont join discord in WvW squad because talking by the microphone with unkown people gives them anxiety.


Good luck trying to change the gamer community into being more social and "making friends".

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