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The economy of Tyria is destroyed

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Just have a look at the price of things in the trading post. Everything is half the price that use to be in March. Except some rare items and skins.

I think the main cause is the quarantine due Covid19, more people is able to play more hours during the day, which means more gold available and more crafting materials available, excess of offer and low prices.

But, if there's more people playing it would logic that more people would be willing to craft things and would buy more materials which isnt the case.

-Maybe the reason is, people got so much time that farm their materials and craft their things without buying anything in the trading post?


There's no point to farm stuff to earn gold anymore.


Does somebody have some ideas? Will things go back to the normal status quo after quarantine ends and people go back to work and have a normal schedule?

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Your logic is flawed.


If we use your argument that more people are playing during quarantine, then it stands to reason that it is a more casual player base which does not want to invest the time and effort required to do crafting in a serious way.


So more people are getting mats during normal gameplay, and the amount of crafters is roughly the same as it was before quarantine. So it is a simple matter of oversupply of materials right now.


I know that people tend to hate of 'filthy casuals' but not everyone has the time, or inclination, of making GW2 a second career.

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I think it's more about the new LW drop locust swarm (no ill will for the play style, I just liked that term when I heard it, happy to drop if offensive). Prices, on the whole, seemed largely fine through mid-May. I felt the drop start in the week before the LW hit. I don't think there was one for Eye of the North because it was a bit of an 'in between' episode. Not that it didn't have great content, it just didn't add a lot of economy affecting components.


A lot of people swing through GW2 for 1-2 weeks when the story drops and play it really hard, get done what they want to, and leave until the next time. It seems like prices take a hit before as people speculate in what will be required. Some folks start dumping things they've saved up, as they know the prices will start dropping, so they start dropping ahead of time.


Now we've got a lot more people in the game for this 1-2 week burst, flooding the economy, and prices drop. I bet we start to see it recover in a week or two, and stabilize for a few months before the next one drops. I used to think that over time, the economy was still tending downward through these up and down cycles, but before this drop ectos (one of my personal measuring tools) were actually up quite a bit from some of their worst lows maybe 6-12 months prior, so something happened to help them back up again (even though they are down a bit right now).

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The reason mat prices have dropped significant value is due to the new meta map Drizzlewood Coast, its far too generous in handing out raw materials as a reward. On one hand its a pretty good map to make gold but at what cost?


I feel like this is gonna do damage to the overall economy in the long term, really bums me out since I used to make most of my gold through iron ore runs on my characters but sadly it's no longer worth it.

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> @"BoxerBrute.9148" said:

> The reason mat prices have dropped significant value is due to the new meta map Drizzlewood Coast

map already more empty, one, two squads, on non prime time it is empty map. Don't see any tie beetwin that map and prices. Some people just wait some special event to complete achievements .. Nut no farm :( So opposite I suggest increase some drop, to make some action on new map.

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> @"BoxerBrute.9148" said:

> The reason mat prices have dropped significant value is due to the new meta map Drizzlewood Coast, its far too generous in handing out raw materials as a reward. On one hand its a pretty good map to make gold but at what cost?


> I feel like this is gonna do damage to the overall economy in the long term, really bums me out since I used to make most of my gold through iron ore runs on my characters but sadly it's no longer worth it.


Everyone is on the map right now, to get the long list of achievements done. Once that's over with, the population will diminish and prices will creep back up, not counting whatever else ANET adds to the game.


I completed both the Tengu and Stormcaller weapon collections. I crafted 100% of the Tengu weapons and 10 of the Stormcaller weapons, and for the first time in years, I don't have max storage on Orichaclcum, Ancient Wood or Bolts of Gossamer. Watch ANET add some armor set or whatever that requires iron/steel ingots, and prices will jump again.

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> @"frareanselm.1925" said:

> Just have a look at the price of things in the trading post. Everything is half the price that use to be in March. Except some rare items and skins.

> I think the main cause is the quarantine due Covid19, more people is able to play more hours during the day, which means more gold available and more crafting materials available, excess of offer and low prices.

> But, if there's more people playing it would logic that more people would be willing to craft things and would buy more materials which isnt the case.

> -Maybe the reason is, people got so much time that farm their materials and craft their things without buying anything in the trading post?


> There's no point to farm stuff to earn gold anymore.


> Does somebody have some ideas? Will things go back to the normal status quo after quarantine ends and people go back to work and have a normal schedule?


The economy is doing just fine. The trading post wasn't primarily designed for players to "earn gold", so keep that in mind.


The "low prices" don't mean "The economy of Tyria is destroyed". Just because you are making less "gold" doesn't mean "The economy of Tyria is destroyed".

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> It won't rebound fast as the traks are repeatable. Things like t3-4 stuff won't. T6 claws never will. Some things that you trade in like thick leather orich ancient wood slight uptick. The only way this stuff rebounds is the episode after the next or they add new huge sinks for what's dropping here


Do you remember T6 farm of powerful venom sac when HoT came out?

It will eventually be fine. It might just take a while, though.


But eh, it's a charr war, claws everywhere is fine :D

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End of January, start of February 2017 I was told that the incoming nerf of **Tarir Multiloot** would have catastrophic consequences for the market. The all time low price of Globs of Ectoplasm would be history and would skyrocket, double, triple maybe even more, just within a few hours, maybe days! Stupid me decided, against every bit of common sense in my head, to listen to these prophecies. I used almost my entire gold and purchased as much as I could + 1-2 stacks for a friend who was not able to play at that time.


This is the development of the market-price starting from February 2017 until today:

![](https://i.imgur.com/lJ2DRGJ.jpg "")

If you want higher resolution, just go to www.gw2spidy.com and search for "Glob of Ectoplasm."


During the peak-times of AB Multiloot, we had prices around 30-35 s on TP. Until today, that price has never reached the same level again. We hit 15s (orange line) a couple of times which is a drop by 50 % from the so-called cheapest price ever during AB Multiloot.


Literally EVERY prediction about the market situation I heard in almost 8 years of playing this game FAILED! Whenever those specialists advised us to invest, I lost at least 50 % of my invested money, in most cases 80 % or even more. Last failed Investment were a couple of stacks of Powerful Potions of Slaying Scarlet's Armies. I bought them right after the destruction of Lion's Arch back in 2014. I kept them in my bank until last year, slowly watching the prices to rise copper by copper. FIVE YEARS. And then ANet released the recipe and all the waiting was for nothing.


I am done with predictions about the market. I buy what I need, sell what I do not need. When my dear Silver Doubloons reach a value around 1 gold, I am happy. And everything else is not my business.

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> @"frareanselm.1925" said:

> There's no point to farm stuff to earn gold anymore.


Well there you go ... the guy complaining doesn't even realize he's part of the problem he wants fixed.


You want advice? Stop farming to sell stuff because that was never how the game was intended to work in the first place. The whole game works on playing, getting some things you need, some others you don't. You sell what you don't to buy the remainder of what you do to make what you want. The prices work themselves out naturally.

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I've noticed and increase in bots and afk farmers in recent weeks though i've not looked into any tradingpost changes.


Worst offenders I saw was a large group of engineer bots standing around the Brand Scar turret farming (couldn't report them all due to stacking) and some patrol bots running around farming flame legion bags in an identical pattern which is what give them away, specially after 2 of them randomly synced up and started running around in perfect sync with each other.

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The new Glory to the legions achievements reward huge amounts of materials. Those are one time deal and I think prices will recover quite soon.

I don't know what is happening to ectos but those started to drop before the last episode.

Anyway I think it's time I start with legendaries. Never had an interest in them but my bank is full of everything might as well just craft one or 2.

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