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Would you like a TDM style wvw?


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Ive asked this before in the past and it was always a no, but now that it seems alot more people are “all about the fights” ill ask and see how it goes


So lets just say its a perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced map, you can be in a zerg, small group, solo, however you want. Alliances, rewards, population, anet doesnt have the resources, or they wont do it, Just forget about all that stuff for now

Its just a map for fights

The whole purpose of this is to go in and fight


Would you want this?




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Sure as long as it still requires heavy map play and structures with a purpose, that's the point of playing wvw, it's not just another arena or battle royale game.


The point system is just terrible for wvw because point systems usually requires balanced sides and short time periods, like the majority of point systems out there like team sports.



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> @"Loading.4503" said:

> Ive asked this before in the past and it was always a no, but now that it seems alot more people are “all about the fights” ill ask and see how it goes


> So lets just say its a perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced map, you can be in a zerg, small group, solo, however you want. Alliances, rewards, population, anet doesnt have the resources, or they wont do it, Just forget about all that stuff for now

> Its just a map for fights

> The whole purpose of this is to go in and fight


> Would you want this?





Think community kind of asked for as they wanted some gvg support... nothing really happened as we know .. guild hall bs was just a joke imho so why not .. having some sort of gvg like fight zone ?! But maybe it is too much work to do.. they tried to set up alliance thing over 2 years ... how long would THIS take now?? 5 years?

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> @"Loading.4503" said:

> Ive asked this before in the past and it was always a no, but now that it seems alot more people are “all about the fights” ill ask and see how it goes


> So lets just say its a perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced map, you can be in a zerg, small group, solo, however you want. Alliances, rewards, population, anet doesnt have the resources, or they wont do it, Just forget about all that stuff for now

> Its just a map for fights

> The whole purpose of this is to go in and fight


> Would you want this?





You described Obsidian Sanctum, for the most part. OS even has an area which was intended, in large part, for things like GvGs - which is totally underutilized. Then they gave guild halls the ability to have some form of GvG - and it wasn't enough. There's already enough things which have been suggested to make WvW a better game mode without introducing maps or other things which are a totally different game mode than WvW. Anet shouldn't cater to guilds that claim to be "all about the fights" because the bar always moves. They should focus on making the WvW game mode - which is fighting pvp for objectives on a large scale - as best as they can, rather than cater to niche things that those individuals are never happy with anyways. (Case in point with GvGs, anet has introduced several things for GvGs and it's never perfect enough apparently).


I mean, what you described sounds great, but a lot of that is already around and under utilized. If people want to ignore objectives and just fight, they can (and some do) already do that in WvW. The people who would care about that wouldn't care about PPT or their server score anyways.

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> @"Loading.4503" said:

> Ive asked this before in the past and it was always a no, but now that it seems alot more people are “all about the fights” ill ask and see how it goes


> So lets just say its a perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced map, you can be in a zerg, small group, solo, however you want. Alliances, rewards, population, anet doesnt have the resources, or they wont do it, Just forget about all that stuff for now

> Its just a map for fights

> The whole purpose of this is to go in and fight


> Would you want this?





What is TDM? Really hate when people just throw out acronyms without explaining what it is supposed to mean.

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> @"ShadowCatz.8437" said:

> > @"Loading.4503" said:

> > Ive asked this before in the past and it was always a no, but now that it seems alot more people are “all about the fights” ill ask and see how it goes

> >

> > So lets just say its a perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced map, you can be in a zerg, small group, solo, however you want. Alliances, rewards, population, anet doesnt have the resources, or they wont do it, Just forget about all that stuff for now

> > Its just a map for fights

> > The whole purpose of this is to go in and fight

> >

> > Would you want this?

> >

> >

> >


> What is TDM? Really hate when people just throw out acronyms without explaining what it is supposed to mean.


Team death match I'm assuming

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"ShadowCatz.8437" said:

> > > @"Loading.4503" said:

> > > Ive asked this before in the past and it was always a no, but now that it seems alot more people are “all about the fights” ill ask and see how it goes

> > >

> > > So lets just say its a perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced map, you can be in a zerg, small group, solo, however you want. Alliances, rewards, population, anet doesnt have the resources, or they wont do it, Just forget about all that stuff for now

> > > Its just a map for fights

> > > The whole purpose of this is to go in and fight

> > >

> > > Would you want this?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > What is TDM? Really hate when people just throw out acronyms without explaining what it is supposed to mean.


> Team death match I'm assuming


Thanks for explaining it to me and all other that doesn't know what TDM stand for, @"Psycoprophet.8107"! Explaining what that acronym stand for should have been in the top post to make it clear what is going to be the discussed here from OP.


Team death match sounds more that is something that belongs to sPvP then in WvW. Don't see how TDM would offer anything that would work within the frame of game play that is today's WvW with objects like fortification, camps, supply and different types of players from solo player up to large zergs (squads). With only teams that are fighting other teams (depending on their numbers), it would probably just make everybody else irrelevant in WvW that doesn't want to fight another team every time they log in to WvW maps. Roamers and single players (small groups) can still do things in WvW and be useful while other groups are fighting each other as guilds vs guilds.


Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deathmatch#Variations

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> @"Loading.4503" said:

> Ive asked this before in the past and it was always a no, but now that it seems alot more people are “all about the fights” ill ask and see how it goes


> So lets just say its a perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced map, you can be in a zerg, small group, solo, however you want. Alliances, rewards, population, anet doesnt have the resources, or they wont do it, Just forget about all that stuff for now

> Its just a map for fights

> The whole purpose of this is to go in and fight


> Would you want this?





I'd give it a try.

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> @"ShadowCatz.8437" said:

> > @"Loading.4503" said:

> > Ive asked this before in the past and it was always a no, but now that it seems alot more people are “all about the fights” ill ask and see how it goes

> >

> > So lets just say its a perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced map, you can be in a zerg, small group, solo, however you want. Alliances, rewards, population, anet doesnt have the resources, or they wont do it, Just forget about all that stuff for now

> > Its just a map for fights

> > The whole purpose of this is to go in and fight

> >

> > Would you want this?

> >

> >

> >


> What is TDM? Really hate when people just throw out acronyms without explaining what it is supposed to mean.


Yea; the worst is when the whole paragraph is all acronyms.

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> @"Handin.4032" said:

> > @"Loading.4503" said:

> > Ive asked this before in the past and it was always a no, but now that it seems alot more people are “all about the fights” ill ask and see how it goes

> >

> > So lets just say its a perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced map, you can be in a zerg, small group, solo, however you want. Alliances, rewards, population, anet doesnt have the resources, or they wont do it, Just forget about all that stuff for now

> > Its just a map for fights

> > The whole purpose of this is to go in and fight

> >

> > Would you want this?

> >

> >

> >


> You described Obsidian Sanctum, for the most part. OS even has an area which was intended, in large part, for things like GvGs - which is totally underutilized. Then they gave guild halls the ability to have some form of GvG - and it wasn't enough. There's already enough things which have been suggested to make WvW a better game mode without introducing maps or other things which are a totally different game mode than WvW. Anet shouldn't cater to guilds that claim to be "all about the fights" because the bar always moves. They should focus on making the WvW game mode - which is fighting pvp for objectives on a large scale - as best as they can, rather than cater to niche things that those individuals are never happy with anyways. (Case in point with GvGs, anet has introduced several things for GvGs and it's never perfect enough apparently).


> I mean, what you described sounds great, but a lot of that is already around and under utilized. If people want to ignore objectives and just fight, they can (and some do) already do that in WvW. The people who would care about that wouldn't care about PPT or their server score anyways.


-Obsidian Sanctum : Matchup locked , everyone can add

-Guild Hall : trash instancing , trash pve balance

-Armistice Bastion : Arena too small , everyone can add

-EOTM : Only good place to fight across matchups , everyone can add ,


Sound like really good places u can fight without getting interrupted LUL



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They should have already transformed OS in something interesting like TDM, but i guess we all know how long it takes for anet to finish something.

Also everything that is fun, that is a no go for anet.

WvW actually used to be a lot fun, but now they just balance their classes for zerg fights, where is the individual skill these days.

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I think we should move closer to open world pvp, not further from it. Holding on to structures and supply has to benefit our wallet while fighting fills our bags and losing them needs to be felt. Playing for points is fine for structured pvp but then, even in WvW, a lot of the fights become anticipated, then roll out predictably and if you're late for any reason you can miss that prime time window or the big rush of effort before things die down.

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> @"Loading.4503" said:

> Ive asked this before in the past and it was always a no, but now that it seems alot more people are “all about the fights” ill ask and see how it goes


> So lets just say its a perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced map, you can be in a zerg, small group, solo, however you want. Alliances, rewards, population, anet doesnt have the resources, or they wont do it, Just forget about all that stuff for now

> Its just a map for fights

> The whole purpose of this is to go in and fight


> Would you want this?

The RvR mode is inherently a good mode so nothing is a good replacement. However, some things may be better additions to it than others. If it was up to me I would keep iterations of EBG, I would kill the borders to make better replications of EBG, I would repurpose EotM to even more of a lobby than it already is and I would create a better functioning TDM arena or mode (and waste no more time on Mobas and stuff).


If there was anything more ambitious I would set my sights on it would be some sort of seasonal mode between the forever-war of EBG and player-run TDM tournaments, something that could be a resetting grand-warfare mode (ie., map conquest, taking out other guilds stuff etc.). That's the stuff I would monetize and run as official competition in the future (with good design and inbetween an event or tournament and season as to not burn people out).


Then you would essentially have three modes:

- Old WvW that is the everyday player-centric mode with pickups and some guild content (perpetual, maintained and updated between seasons)

- TDM arenas that is the more dedicated guild content and player-run or co-operated tournaments requiring little from the developer (hype aside)

- On/off seasonal grand conquest that could be buy-in monetized on more of a developer-run basis and see more cutting-edge development


This way the more development heavy mode can be monetized but also fund the other modes together with more casual monetization (expac, mtx etc.).



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Radical idea: Make Eternal Battlegrounds live up to its name by tying the ownership of the walls, gates, guards and siege on each side of SMC by whoever controls the surrounding territories, so by default all sides could enter, and *only* ownership of the Lord, Tactics and a (permanent) Waypoint would be determined by whoever's captured it last. There's your TDM and GvG arena.


It even comes with a reason to not just camp the Castle (disabling the gates by taking nearby territories).

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