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First impression of MOTA

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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > LMAO Misha was tempest from the beginning are you blind?


> Misha was playing FB the mAT before mota.




If anything it only shows the skill level of people starting on mesmer than trying other professions....we can lump Sindrener in the same group...no stealth = no chance it seems for many of you

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> If anything it only shows the skill level of people starting on mesmer than trying other professions....we can lump Sindrener in the same group...no stealth = no chance it seems for many of you


Wow such jealousy lol

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > if entire enemy team has to switch their playstyle to accomodate this skill or you can never hope to kill anything then there is a problem.

> > > > Glyph (and Tempest)saw almost zero use in the NA half of the tournament.

> > > > The only reason Team USA used it (and tempest) in the finals was basically a hail mary pass after being wrecked in the first two games and they had nothing left.

> > > > And it wasn't until the final match.

> > > > If you watched the whole tournament you would have understood that this was not a question of an entire team who felt like they had to change their playstyle to accomodate one skill. Team USA mirrored R55 completely for that last game. They did it because they were being outplayed and were out of ideas.

> > >

> > > tempest had no use in NA since they all play FB, and I bet all of those FBs have no or very little exp in tempest, its better to play a worse class that you know then to play stronger class that you cant play for kitten.

> > > Just look at some of the matches and how much impact glyph alone from tempest has, even if you dont land it the fact you have it means its much harder to down someone, and tempest himself is much harder to focus down then FB.

> >

> > What NA runs is a basically a "glass" FB with zero self-sustain : no meditations heal - no "valor" traitline - no mace or focus and by comparison the Tempest is running with focus-mist form -water traitline and dagger...you can't get more defensive than that on ele. No kitten the tempest survive longer under focus....

> >

> > Tempest stronger than Firebrand...are we even playing the same game? Please take a step outside your comfort zone on the forum...nobody will ask for a tempest outside of it, talking like anyone of you can even get close to play tempest as high as @"Crann.1342" ...at best you get farmed like @"Misha


> misha got farmed on fb and switched to tempest for that reason.



Oh now from Lightning rod..you start crying about Tempest , what after that?...They won't give you back your staff camper condi mirage , no matter how many nerfs you keep asking on the forum

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> @"Arheundel.6451"

> hey we pick our poison friend, you will whine about reaper. I will whine about rev,thief,glyph and holo.

> no need to get salty about it



Such honesty on the forum is always welcome, you embrace your bias as everybody should

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451"

> > hey we pick our poison friend, you will whine about reaper. I will whine about rev,thief,glyph and holo.

> > no need to get salty about it

> >


> Such honesty on the forum is always welcome, you embrace your bias as everybody should


bias? when is it not bias? seeing the classes in every single team at least once, while the one I play wasnt even picked once for anything other then comic relief?

I think you are projecting here buddy

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Arheundel.6451"

> > > hey we pick our poison friend, you will whine about reaper. I will whine about rev,thief,glyph and holo.

> > > no need to get salty about it

> > >

> >

> > Such honesty on the forum is always welcome, you embrace your bias as everybody should


> bias? when is it not bias? seeing the classes in every single team at least once, while the one I play wasnt even picked once for anything other then comic relief?

> I think you are projecting here buddy


Everybody been there buddy! When PoF launched..nobody was using weaver in pvp, at PoF release and people were saying : " you can still play mender tempest somehow in low gold...ele is decent"....people were asking for nerfs on LR when nobody even used LR weaver during tournaments where we had 3 rev teams winning


Projecting ? lol....you lot are biased af

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > If anything it only shows the skill level of people starting on mesmer than trying other professions....we can lump Sindrener in the same group...no stealth = no chance it seems for many of you

> >

> > Wow such jealousy lol


> Yeah I can see sind now reading such comments broken hearted sitting next to his smoke show wife and cute asf new born haha, sure he gives 2 $hits about such things in the end. Arheund really dislikes some players for such a casual game lolz.


Basically your whole post is pure real life jealousy ...don't include me in it ty, I care not about anybody RL here.....you sound desperate now

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"Arheundel.6451"

> > > > hey we pick our poison friend, you will whine about reaper. I will whine about rev,thief,glyph and holo.

> > > > no need to get salty about it

> > > >

> > >

> > > Such honesty on the forum is always welcome, you embrace your bias as everybody should

> >

> > bias? when is it not bias? seeing the classes in every single team at least once, while the one I play wasnt even picked once for anything other then comic relief?

> > I think you are projecting here buddy


> Everybody been there buddy! When PoF launched..nobody was using weaver in pvp, at PoF release and people were saying : " you can still play mender tempest somehow in low gold...ele is decent"....people were asking for nerfs on LR when nobody even used LR weaver during tournaments where we had 3 rev teams winning


> Projecting ? lol....you lot are biased af


Just call it for what it is man, u defend the class or classes u play. I remember a good while back regardless of the state of ranger/slbeast u defending it, now uve picked up ele and ur doin the same. It's all good were all inclined to do so but dont come down on other players for voicing their same opinions of classes they play and that u don't. I kno this $hit is difficult to hear but other classes then the ones u chose to play can be underpowered just as their maybe times when ur chosen classes are in a op state, it is possible man. It's not a good look telling people that play a class often that u don't that their issues aren't valid and they just need to get gud and learn the class. If a class feels week to them or underpowered and clearly under represented what standing do u have to tell them otherwise? Dont u want as many players enjoying their classes as possible thus improving the dwindling population?

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > > @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > > > If anything it only shows the skill level of people starting on mesmer than trying other professions....we can lump Sindrener in the same group...no stealth = no chance it seems for many of you

> > >

> > > Wow such jealousy lol

> >

> > Yeah I can see sind now reading such comments broken hearted sitting next to his smoke show wife and cute asf new born haha, sure he gives 2 $hits about such things in the end. Arheund really dislikes some players for such a casual game lolz.


> Basically your whole post is pure real life jealousy ...don't include me in it ty, I care not about anybody RL here.....you sound desperate now


Real life jealousy? Not sure u kno what that means. Stating another guy has done great for himself and probobly isnt to concerned with a casual mmo of all things is far from jealousy lol. I'm quite happy with my fam situation so ur statement seems confusing lol.

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> @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> PvP is coming home !

> Thx teapot and all ppl who made this possible :)

> Very positive :

> Apart from that theres no warriors (and just one mesmer) yet, diversity is incredibly high. All classes/specs are represented, thats great. Team composition, harmonic teamplay and good rotations seem more decisive than single strong players/1v1 situations. Thats the way it should be, PvP is a team game after all.

> Very negative :

> There are matches in which are more rezzes than kills, what is still ok I think. But there are matches with more instant rezzes than overall kills, and that is not ok in my opinion.

> There shouldnt be matches, decided just by a certain skill, and I saw at least one match, decided just by glyph of renewal. That sucks ! Instant rezzes are way too overtuned and should have

> much higher CD. It also hurts to see revs high sustain under pressure and still doing high damage. Rev is only class carried by build in my opinion.

> The fact that anet didnt participate, that anet didnt take effort on this tourney, that anet even seems to have nothing to do with MOTA is poor.


> All in all I am happy to have championships again and I am having fun watching all these great players.

> There will be of course more impressions til the finals. What do you guys think about MOTA ?


Things like Glyph of renewal should have min. 180 sec cooldowns like crappy mesmer signet of humility or every class should get a similar skill or it should be removed from pvp.

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> @"Moradorin.6217" said:

> > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > PvP is coming home !

> > Thx teapot and all ppl who made this possible :)

> > Very positive :

> > Apart from that theres no warriors (and just one mesmer) yet, diversity is incredibly high. All classes/specs are represented, thats great. Team composition, harmonic teamplay and good rotations seem more decisive than single strong players/1v1 situations. Thats the way it should be, PvP is a team game after all.

> > Very negative :

> > There are matches in which are more rezzes than kills, what is still ok I think. But there are matches with more instant rezzes than overall kills, and that is not ok in my opinion.

> > There shouldnt be matches, decided just by a certain skill, and I saw at least one match, decided just by glyph of renewal. That sucks ! Instant rezzes are way too overtuned and should have

> > much higher CD. It also hurts to see revs high sustain under pressure and still doing high damage. Rev is only class carried by build in my opinion.

> > The fact that anet didnt participate, that anet didnt take effort on this tourney, that anet even seems to have nothing to do with MOTA is poor.

> >

> > All in all I am happy to have championships again and I am having fun watching all these great players.

> > There will be of course more impressions til the finals. What do you guys think about MOTA ?


> Things like Glyph of renewal should have min. 180 sec cooldowns like crappy mesmer signet of humility or every class should get a similar skill or it should be removed from pvp.


Why though? Glyph is easily countered and doing Glyph Res like crann is incredibly skilled gameplay requiring co-ordination between the players, you won't get that in your normal ranked gameplay so having insta ressing like that is almost impossible

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> @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

> > > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > > PvP is coming home !

> > > Thx teapot and all ppl who made this possible :)

> > > Very positive :

> > > Apart from that theres no warriors (and just one mesmer) yet, diversity is incredibly high. All classes/specs are represented, thats great. Team composition, harmonic teamplay and good rotations seem more decisive than single strong players/1v1 situations. Thats the way it should be, PvP is a team game after all.

> > > Very negative :

> > > There are matches in which are more rezzes than kills, what is still ok I think. But there are matches with more instant rezzes than overall kills, and that is not ok in my opinion.

> > > There shouldnt be matches, decided just by a certain skill, and I saw at least one match, decided just by glyph of renewal. That sucks ! Instant rezzes are way too overtuned and should have

> > > much higher CD. It also hurts to see revs high sustain under pressure and still doing high damage. Rev is only class carried by build in my opinion.

> > > The fact that anet didnt participate, that anet didnt take effort on this tourney, that anet even seems to have nothing to do with MOTA is poor.

> > >

> > > All in all I am happy to have championships again and I am having fun watching all these great players.

> > > There will be of course more impressions til the finals. What do you guys think about MOTA ?

> >

> > Things like Glyph of renewal should have min. 180 sec cooldowns like crappy mesmer signet of humility or every class should get a similar skill or it should be removed from pvp.


> Why though? Glyph is easily countered and doing Glyph Res like crann is incredibly skilled gameplay requiring co-ordination between the players, you won't get that in your normal ranked gameplay so having insta ressing like that is almost impossible

That type of gameplay is why they shouldn't touch it.


Almost like Mesmer's Illusion of Life on a Herald with heal up and once IoL ends, it heals the Rev instead of downing them.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > > @"Moradorin.6217" said:

> > > > @"hotte in space.2158" said:

> > > > PvP is coming home !

> > > > Thx teapot and all ppl who made this possible :)

> > > > Very positive :

> > > > Apart from that theres no warriors (and just one mesmer) yet, diversity is incredibly high. All classes/specs are represented, thats great. Team composition, harmonic teamplay and good rotations seem more decisive than single strong players/1v1 situations. Thats the way it should be, PvP is a team game after all.

> > > > Very negative :

> > > > There are matches in which are more rezzes than kills, what is still ok I think. But there are matches with more instant rezzes than overall kills, and that is not ok in my opinion.

> > > > There shouldnt be matches, decided just by a certain skill, and I saw at least one match, decided just by glyph of renewal. That sucks ! Instant rezzes are way too overtuned and should have

> > > > much higher CD. It also hurts to see revs high sustain under pressure and still doing high damage. Rev is only class carried by build in my opinion.

> > > > The fact that anet didnt participate, that anet didnt take effort on this tourney, that anet even seems to have nothing to do with MOTA is poor.

> > > >

> > > > All in all I am happy to have championships again and I am having fun watching all these great players.

> > > > There will be of course more impressions til the finals. What do you guys think about MOTA ?

> > >

> > > Things like Glyph of renewal should have min. 180 sec cooldowns like crappy mesmer signet of humility or every class should get a similar skill or it should be removed from pvp.

> >

> > Why though? Glyph is easily countered and doing Glyph Res like crann is incredibly skilled gameplay requiring co-ordination between the players, you won't get that in your normal ranked gameplay so having insta ressing like that is almost impossible

> That type of gameplay is why they shouldn't touch it.


> Almost like Mesmer's Illusion of Life on a Herald with heal up and once IoL ends, it heals the Rev instead of downing them.


thats a bug and should be removed from the game.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Arheundel.6451"

> > hey we pick our poison friend, you will whine about reaper. I will whine about rev,thief,glyph and holo.

> > no need to get salty about it

> >


> Such honesty on the forum is always welcome, you embrace your bias as everybody should


Ironic from someone who continues to try and seriously argue that he isnt insanely biased.

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