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When(roughly) can we expect voice acting update? (will help others plan to complete DW)

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Safety of people > rushing to add voice work into a video game.


In the meantime, use LFG to find active maps. From my experience, there's one (usually multiple) maps going on, you just don't spawn into them. It's the same as the Silverwastes in that regard—you'd think the map is dead because you always spawn onto an overflow map but LFG tells you otherwise.

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> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> Knowing anets record, I would side on it never being updated. That way if they do update it you can be pleasantly surprised. Kinda like when they fixed a leah stone's walk speed 5 years after the game launched in gw1.

Well, they did say that they intend to update it with VA when it is safe to do so.

> @"Fire Attunement.9835" said:

> This was a difficult decision to make, but we want to keep releasing content updates for the community to enjoy on a regular schedule. When it’s safe, we’ll create a high-quality studio recording so we can update the episode with voiced lines.



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At the moment I can't even say when my job will be able to get back to normal, and the UK seems to be further along with the virus than the US. I doubt Anet can give any kind of meaningful estimate when so much of it is out of their control and difficult to predict, and given the way this community tends to react to any changes in their plans it's probably better for them to say nothing than to give a date and have to change it later on.

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Remember in this 'connected' world. Things can be accomplished without being in the same room: meetings, cooperative design, and music production ... why not voice acting.


I didn't mean to shout WHEN, I mostly wondered for a time-frame estimate.


This new 'bleach obsessed' world will not stand the test of time. People like bleach, but its also a pollutant.

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> @"keenedge.9675" said:

> Remember in this 'connected' world. Things can be accomplished without being in the same room: meetings, cooperative design, and music production ... why not voice acting.


I'd guess it's because it requires a lot of takes and retakes over a long period of time. It also requires good quality studio setups and for sound engineers, directors and multiple actors to work together in the same space so they take cues from one another in their scenes.


I'd say they're taking a wait and see approach for now, if the restrictions continue to be an issue in a release or two or if it results in a significant drop in player participation then they may go to remote VA recording. That's probably going to be more expensive and time consuming and require more investment in equipment on the part of the actors and ArenaNet and is probably not that crucial right now.

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As others have said, depends when the restrictions will be lifted, but I can't imagine they can afford to keep releasing episodes without VA (maybe one or two more at most) before players stop buying/playing them.


tbh though it would be very entertaining to hear a grunt-off battle between Jormag and the commander and/or Bangar if there is no VA by then. ;)

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ArenaNet does not record VO in-house. They certainly don't fly actors up to Washington.

What they do do, when there is no social distancing/mask-requirements (California Governor just recently put a mask-required state law into effect), is fly a few ArenaNet employees to LA to oversee/direct the sessions.

There are a few videos on the process released by ArenaNet, should you be interested in learning more.

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> @"keenedge.9675" said:

> Remember in this 'connected' world. Things can be accomplished without being in the same room: meetings, cooperative design, and music production ... why not voice acting.


> I didn't mean to shout WHEN, I mostly wondered for a time-frame estimate.


> This new 'bleach obsessed' world will not stand the test of time. People like bleach, but its also a pollutant.


Every voice talent I have worked with has their own home studio for recording. But outside corporate stuff, advertising etc., many artists prefer the real interaction and group dynamic, as voice acting is acting. Hard to say whether it is a real improvement or some "artiste" :) thing, but that is the way many voice actors and directors/producers prefer.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I don't think it wise to give a time frame when it is outside of their control. The next episode will trigger a surge anyway as that map will be the DW extension and it is unlikely we will get the VA much before that ships


Yeah I feel this is exactly the reason why they havent given a time frame..


I'm waiting for the VA update before I play the new content myself but I won't lie.. it's not fun thinking that there may even be 1-2 more episodes released before the VA update comes in.

So i'm waiting with bated breath for any information about the VA update.

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I know I'm waiting until the voice acting is included.

I just enjoy their work immensely and would prefer it present for my first run through the story but that said I'm happy to wait as long as that takes for it to be safe to produce and include.


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