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Abit concerned over the new roadmap.

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Theres a couple exciting things in the new roadmap and seeing that a new fractal with a cm is comming in sept has reignited my and my friends' passion for the game. I do have to ask tho, are we only getting one new lw episode this quarter? Not even a visions of the past update on september or smth?


Dont get me wrong i love the fractal and the lack of new ones has been the main reason why i hardly interact with the game. However, a large number of ppl prob are into the more accessible ow/lw/visions stuff and i would argue anet has been doing a solid job stayong on schedule and i was hoping to see that continue.


Seeing as sept wont have any update it kinda leaves a sour taste in my and some ppl's mouths. I was thinking that since lw for the time being and prob for qe and 4 might not be voiced that you guys would manage to stay on schedule with the other releases.

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> @"Skynet.7201" said:

> I don't have any feels about not getting this or that in September. There's a global pandemic going on.


> Besides. I mostly play WvW. Enuf said.


At least you have the promise of alliances on the horizon...

(I almost said that with a straight face..)


> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Theres a couple exciting things in the new roadmap and seeing that a new fractal with a cm is comming in sept has reignited my and my friends' passion for the game. I do have to ask tho, are we only getting one new lw episode this quarter? Not even a visions of the past update on september or smth?


> Dont get me wrong i love the fractal and the lack of new ones has been the main reason why i hardly interact with the game. However, a large number of ppl prob are into the more accessible ow/lw/visions stuff and i would argue anet has been doing a solid job stayong on schedule and i was hoping to see that continue.


> Seeing as sept wont have any update it kinda leaves a sour taste in my and some ppl's mouths. I was thinking that since lw for the time being and prob for qe and 4 might not be voiced that you guys would manage to stay on schedule with the other releases.


I wouldn't expect another episode so soon into the quarter simply because this is the second half of the map coming up and the second half of that episode's story, so whilst it is earlier than I expected, it kinda makes sense.


A visions would be appropriate timing for sure, but it is possible it is either at the tail end of Q3 (which would make it at risk of a push back) or right at the start of Q4.


Either that or the next episode visions is on target for Q3, but they want to focus on Ep4 first and not get ahead of things. That would make sense too

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> Theres a couple exciting things in the new roadmap and seeing that a new fractal with a cm is comming in sept has reignited my and my friends' passion for the game. I do have to ask tho, are we only getting one new lw episode this quarter? Not even a visions of the past update on september or smth?


> Dont get me wrong i love the fractal and the lack of new ones has been the main reason why i hardly interact with the game. However, a large number of ppl prob are into the more accessible ow/lw/visions stuff and i would argue anet has been doing a solid job stayong on schedule and i was hoping to see that continue.


> Seeing as sept wont have any update it kinda leaves a sour taste in my and some ppl's mouths. I was thinking that since lw for the time being and prob for qe and 4 might not be voiced that you guys would manage to stay on schedule with the other releases.


Yeah, I'm hoping this means that episode 5 is still late September or first week of October and this isn't the first sign of them slipping back into longer gaps between the releases. The episodes are pretty short as is but when there's only a two month gap between them there is always something right around the corner so I'm OK with that.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Maybe it's not content that you want. Anet most certainly has the metrics to know what their playerbase plays most.


Or is forced to play some content, because they are connected to someting else. Example, what if player would not want to play main story at all, what would player miss, as unable to get other ways?


But yes, I'm also pretty sure Anet collects data of our playing and use it for future game content design directions.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Maybe it's not content that you want. Anet most certainly has the metrics to know what their playerbase plays most.


Then they should play sp rpgs. Living story would be cool in an indie sp rpg but not a triple A MMO.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Maybe it's not content that you want. Anet most certainly has the metrics to know what their playerbase plays most.


> Then they should play sp rpgs. Living story would be cool in an indie sp rpg but not a triple A MMO.


real example: FF14 is a sub-based triple-A MMORPG and it gets story updates (similar to our living world where it continues the story of the current expansion and eventually prepares you for the next expansion) on every major patch in between expansions (usually around every 3ish months, with a new raid wing every 6ish months)


EDIT: story content belongs, and has been in most/many modern MMORPGs, because it's what many players want (alongside other PvE content ofcourse, such as raids, instanced dungeons, mini-games etc. etc.)

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> @"Astyrah.4015" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > Maybe it's not content that you want. Anet most certainly has the metrics to know what their playerbase plays most.

> >

> > Then they should play sp rpgs. Living story would be cool in an indie sp rpg but not a triple A MMO.


> real example: FF14 is a sub-based triple-A MMORPG and it gets story updates (similar to our living world where it continues the story of the current expansion and eventually prepares you for the next expansion) on every major patch in between expansions (usually around every 3ish months, with a new raid wing every 6ish months)


> EDIT: story content belongs, and has been in most/many modern MMORPGs, because it's what many players want (alongside other PvE content ofcourse, such as raids, instanced dungeons, mini-games etc. etc.)


You gotta nail that balance of story content and other types of content. Also a raid every 6 months isnt true (altho you prob refer to savage). Usually every release has some kind of instanced pve endgame content (except story) be it trails 24 mans 8 mans or ultimates as well as dungeons i believe.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> altho you prob refer to savage


yup savage =).. altho yeah, i didnt mention the 24man raids that happen during a savage tier's mid-life cycle, i mainly listed what each of the two extremes (raiders and super-casuals, savage and story) the PvE playerbase of FF14 usually look forward to.


but yeah going back, if we didnt get Living World Seasons eps in gw2 (which is how or story gets expanded in between expansions) there'd be a lot of complaining too. we rarely get new fractals (new 1 coming soon yeah?), new raids, new spvp maps, new wvw whatevers..... if no LWS, then we're only left with balance patches and bulky gemstore outfits that make you look like an oilrig at night....

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Their content since HOT is kind of all over the place. Appeal to raid community or joking lets do strikes? They don't seem like they have a lot to work with AND covid-19 has been messing up the VO so since this will be another episode without ill just wait and I suspect many other people will as well. I'll always be grateful for something but when my imagination and expectations are constantly not surpassed it will always be a little disappointing.

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> @"HotDelirium.7984" said:

> Their content since HOT is kind of all over the place. Appeal to raid community or joking lets do strikes? They don't seem like they have a lot to work with AND covid-19 has been messing up the VO so since this will be another episode without ill just wait and I suspect many other people will as well. I'll always be grateful for something but when my imagination and expectations are constantly not surpassed it will always be a little disappointing.


They tried raiding but since most people are completely indifferent to their existance (like in other MMOs), they stopped. But since it was (at least for some streamers) "popular" in other games, they just refuse to give up and now we have strikes. Raids are mostly for "boasting rights" and, exactly like PvP, that is the only reason they exist.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Maybe it's not content that you want. Anet most certainly has the metrics to know what their playerbase plays most.


Right. Like if there's only one highway in and out of town, "metrics" would show that people favour that road over other roads, since it's used more often. Same situation here. If you want an item, you have to play a new map to get the new map's currency so you can purchase the item. That doesn't mean the "metric" indicates that people like the new map, just that they are compelled to play it.


The metric they should look at is how many people continue to play a map after a period of time. Because that would be a better indication of how much people like a map. Take a look at the almost non-existent population on some POF maps for example.

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I think with the new expansion probably taking until end mid/end 2021 they might release the season episodes a bit slower. (Unless they plan to make another season or giving this season more than 6 episodes.)


With the new mount ability I would not hope for too much. My guess is that their main focus is on the expansion while delivering small stuff to keep the people entertained. With the anniversary sale and festivals (next one is one of the best) they will have an easy thing. Then you have to keep in mind that there is still halloween and wintersday. Maybe some other small events? (Boss/champion killing event.) Then the year is already finished.


Personally I like the pace. I might catch up with all the other stuff I have left to do - by the time the expansion gets released. (Still having to play alt chars with other professions to unlock their elite specs and the map completion.) Then taking it slowly.


A bit sad is that there isn't major stuff for WvW and PvP announced. The PvE community can already be happy with tons of repeatable content. :D

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- New Episode: Sure, why not. The storytelling was good so far, the achievements too grindy, rewards were ok.

- Next Festival: Why bother. Will do what has to be done for the AP or rewards I want to get then probably won't look back until it's over. I just wished they would let us visit the map throughout the year. Not the festival of course, but the map is just very beautiful.

- Aniversary Stuff: Well, who would have guessed that things get a year older when a year passes.

- New Mount Ability: Will see if I care about it when it drops.

- New Fractal: I left the fractal scene years ago, so I probably won't care about this one either.


5/10 for communication and effort

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> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> Well they had 6 items on their last roadmap, and 2 got canceled with no announcements, the tournament of legends and the bonus pve events. I worry what will get canceled this quarter. With covid and the dumpster fire of Seattle, I do not forsee them sticking with the roadmap.


That is true, the last road map had six items on it, two festivals, an LS episode, bonus events, legendary trinkets and the tournament of legends. The festivals are repeat content, the trinkets are fairly simple.


The bonus events and Tournament of Legends are also (mostly) repeat content. It's kinda concerning that they apparently can't get these little pieces of their roadmap done.

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since ppl play higher fractals than the very first one ill never get there (and whoever said you can solo it lies) so i can't care less about fractals, the festifal s gonna be yet another grind fest like every single year including forced dailies, the mount abillity is just here to add value to skimmers and the aniversary will probably not have a level scroll.

so overall, a big fat 0 for me.

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> @"misterman.1530" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Maybe it's not content that you want. Anet most certainly has the metrics to know what their playerbase plays most.


> Right. Like if there's only one highway in and out of town, "metrics" would show that people favour that road over other roads, since it's used more often. Same situation here. If you want an item, you have to play a new map to get the new map's currency so you can purchase the item. That doesn't mean the "metric" indicates that people like the new map, just that they are compelled to play it.


> The metric they should look at is how many people continue to play a map after a period of time. Because that would be a better indication of how much people like a map. Take a look at the almost non-existent population on some POF maps for example.


Without actually having access to the data ourselves (which won't happen) there's no way to know what metrics they are, or aren't, looking at when making decisions. It's possible they are looking at map population among other things.


I can't comment on whether their strategy meets their requirements, but from a personal perspective, if it weren't for the living story releases I'd no longer play the game at all. It doesn't really bother me that the old maps are empty because I'm part of the problem; I have very little interest in going back to old content, regardless of whether I liked it or not while it was new.


I completely agree that a wider range of content would be preferable, but they have to be careful about reducing support for the parts that are already popular, as it's not a given that all the people who enjoy the popular content would be happy with any of the alternatives.

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Living world and story content is my favorite content in the whole game, and I'm know many others think the same, it's been shown on polls and their own metric for a long time.

I wish we had longer and more often story content, bit with the whole pandemic I can't say I'm surprised.

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> @"coso.9173" said:

> Living world and story content is my favorite content in the whole game, and I'm know many others think the same, it's been shown on polls and their own metric for a long time.

> I wish we had longer and more often story content, bit with the whole pandemic I can't say I'm surprised.


Just wanted to +1 all of this. I really enjoy small story updates every couple of months and having time to play them and the maps fully before the next one. Sometimes it feels like I have too many things that I want to do in a game/week and not enough time for everything. (Please note that I would love an expansion, but between expansions I really like this model).


That said, the LS releases aren't perfect and the "do X Y amount of times" theme with achievements is feeling a bit grindy and lazy.

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