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Abit concerned over the new roadmap.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Maybe it's not content that you want. Anet most certainly has the metrics to know what their playerbase plays most.


Do you mean metrics like this? The falling percentage of players completing LW episodes?

I do story, fetch masteries, maybe do some grindy achievements and I'm done with the map. Most LW maps have no long term value for MMO players.

LW episodes are okay for a change of pace but one every 2 months is too much when there's so many other things they could & should focus on.


![](https://i.imgur.com/PiSAS7C.png "")


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Curious as to the source of that graph.


GW2 efficiency. Percentage of completion of the meta achievement tied to each episode. But there is a more recent one with No quarters. And that last one is worse.

Here one with number of accounts, again, gw2 efficiency:



Imho the graph just show how an expac is needed. Players haven't fell into the trap that icebrood saga is an "expansion". It is an LS, two LS in a row, greater downfall. Through this is gw2 efficiency, who knows with more accounts.

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The issue I see, is that Anet will never release statistics such as "How many accounts log in regularly" in 2013 and in 2020. Or "How many completed X meta achiev of Y episode" simply because: If it is true, that each episode, less and less players play the story and do achievs, and they show it publicly, even less players will do them seeing they aren't alone finding them boring, time consuming or whatever reason. The "Snowball effect".

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> Thanks, @"hugo.4705" While that graph is telling, it certainly isn't indicative of the entire player base, which was my earlier point about Anet having metrics.


You don't want to see Anet's metrics.

Only people who are invested into the game bother to join gw2efficiency. So the statistics we can pull from the site are actually doing you a favor.

If you added every account ever made to that graph the percentages would get decimated.

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Thanks, @"hugo.4705" While that graph is telling, it certainly isn't indicative of the entire player base, which was my earlier point about Anet having metrics.


> You don't want to see Anet's metrics.

> Only people who are invested into the game bother to join gw2efficiency. So the statistics we can pull from the site are actually doing you a favor.

> If you added every account ever made to that graph the percentages would get decimated.


So, those statistics are the completion of the meta achievement, not the actual amount of people that play the LW episodes?

Guess I do want to see Anet's metrics.

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i'll start with the normal warning about how efficiency is not that good a site to assume things about overall active population (seeing as it is heavily skewed towards more hardcore players, and is a really bad site to try to draw any conclusions about so called "dedicated casual" players - a group that forms the spine of most MMORPGs nowadays).


Still, one thing that can be seen from that it shows how expansions are necessary. Expansions "reset" the number of players to upper values, and the more time passes from last expansion release, the less people keep playing. LS chapters are good only as a short-term content filler. On their own they won't keep the population up on a longer basis. And the lack of an expansion in between S4 and S5 seems to have hurt the game very badly.

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Huh... I guess normally people would finish the meta achievements from the most recent chapters first.... ??


All the graph shows is the oldest achievements have been completed more often that the newest ones.


And... of course Xpacs have more meta achievements done then LW... There are likely more people that don’t log in for the Chapters of LS. They already have the xpac.


Drawing the conclusion that people ‘aren’t playing’ from meta achievements is.... well... wrong.

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Haha, ignoring the data we do have access to and pretending how the data we will never have access to would surely and decisively say otherwise - I find that very entertaining. It also reminds me of a certain president ;)

Anyway, one thing is obvious - story episodes cause a much more severe drop in player engagement over time compared to actual content. It also doesn't help much with bringing players back to the game.


I've seen more positive feedback about that one fractal they're going to release than for any LW story so far.

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> @"Friday.7864" said:

> Haha, ignoring the data we do have access to and pretending how the data we will never have access to would surely and decisively say otherwise - I find that very entertaining. It also reminds me of a certain president ;)

> Anyway, one thing is obvious - story episodes cause a much more severe drop in player engagement over time compared to actual content. It also doesn't help much with bringing players back to the game.


> I've seen more positive feedback about that one fractal they're going to release than for any LW story so far.


that's because it has bin a while since they added a new fractal while LW chapters are every X months

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I've hardly touched the last two LSs.

Maybe I'm just not into the story, maybe I don't like changing "currency" with every new map, or whatever.

I'm happy with what I have up to PoF and am looking forward to the new, full expansion.

I enjoy map completion and stick to those main maps for materials, achievements, and collections.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Living story isn't content people who play MMO's want. 8 years later and Anet still doesn't understand this.


Irony ... a game that lasts 8 years based primarily on content 'no one wants' ... LS isn't the problem. It's how it's rolled out to players.


It's just a label ... players want new story and they like to see new mechanics .. it doesn't matter what it's called. To be fair, we do get SOME new mechanics with LS. I think Anet has lost the 'innovative' people or spirit because I think the obvious win is figuring out how to roll out new mechanics like E specs/new weapons over a season of LS. I have no doubt that they could think of a way to roll out a new elite spec over 3-4 'LS' episodes.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Friday.7864" said:

> > Haha, ignoring the data we do have access to and pretending how the data we will never have access to would surely and decisively say otherwise - I find that very entertaining. It also reminds me of a certain president ;)

> > Anyway, one thing is obvious - story episodes cause a much more severe drop in player engagement over time compared to actual content. It also doesn't help much with bringing players back to the game.

> >

> > I've seen more positive feedback about that one fractal they're going to release than for any LW story so far.


> that's because it has bin a while since they added a new fractal while LW chapters are every X months


Yup. LW Episodes are coming out on a conveyor belt while every other part of the game is suffering.

People are complaining about the same things over and over again and asking for the same things repeatedly. At this point we're not even getting to play on stable servers or getting bug fixes for older content. Worry not tho, a new Episode shall arrive on time, even if they have to skip the voice acting!

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I just want to know why people play the game if they are gonna complain about every update or say they don't care about what is being released. What is the point? I for one have enjoyed the story since i started just a couple months after launch, definitely not happy with some choices but overall its a good story. Festivals are a good way to get AP and are a fun break to revisit, the new mount ability is always a good options to bring something new to mounts since they take up such a big part of the game now, and good way to give love to underused mounts. Then fractals are great for loot and fun content its always good to get new ones whenever they drop.

I personally haven't been able to get into raiding because of how toxic they seem, so i get that people are not happy with the lack of new ones but still don't complain at everything.

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Assuming they did fix most issues with pvp and wvw. Why would those modes need constant new content? Those modes are driven by the constant new feeling of battling new players, not constant new modes and maps, pve on the other side , is driven mainly by adding constant new content, maps , story, etc.

Why would want people that for pvp? Most peoole only care about high numbers and the meta.

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