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Returning Player - Frustration

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Hello everyone.


I left this game like 5 years ago (before the release of HoT and at the time of the revenant release) and just bought PoF (HoT) few days ago.


Managed to find some advice in the internet which got the first mount first and start doing the story line or so. However, I use my ele with this build (https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_Fresh_Air_Tempest) and turns out constantly dying in PoF story line (even the first one!)


It is very confusing coz I have no direction what to do and whatever I do lead me to constant dying (map opening, story line etc.)


Tried to find a HP train but in vain also.


Advice please? Feels like it is a wrong decision to come back.

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Eles just aren't super great to solo with, tho you can. It takes a lot of practice. I just got mine up and running so i can't give tons of advice, but maybe try sword weaver instead? The more pvp oriented builds imo are higher end and should work for pve, particularly for ele, except you need more defense for the scepter and staff builds since they are meant for backline casting.


POSSIBLE SPOILER ISH but everyone knows it's coming so not really.

The level 80 content is meant to be hard. Yes you will die. Some of it requires changing tactics and the likes. Find the patterns and make your strategy. Most of it isn't that hard except fighting Balthazar and maybe a couple other points.


HP trains are around by not all the time, you have to look during prime time, and even still you might not find any. But most PoF hp's are solo-able...easily. i can think of just a couple that i need a small group for, but not like the HoT ones... those were very hard.


Change strategy for each encounter, bring more defense stats and skills if needed, don't use a midline or backline build and expect to solo everything with ease. Practice a bit, Dodge a lot. It's not Diablo or Gauntlet where you can just run into mobs hacking and slashing away, it's much deeper than that.


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Id recommend rolling something thats great at soloing content for your first time i ran a pet necro for all leveling content HOT and POF and the only times i really died doing anything waws if i pulled to much or tried to take on an HP point where you hav eto kill a big mob

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Ele, thief & mesmer are design for pvp.


Choose from warrior, revenant & ranger for pve. I Suggest revenant


Use the lvl 80 level boost to a revenant.


Get the free soldier exotic using the revenant. Power, VIT & TOUGHNESS. This is a must.


Hack & Slash through pof story line like there is no tomorrow.


After a day or 2 you are done with the game.


The thing here is that you need to tank bosses. Survivability is the key, power matters little.


Then when you get a hang of it, try other dps class & berserker gear for challenge & swiftness.

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Even the more pve friendly specs like reaper have some issues in full glass gear and traits in the newer content. But that's fine. Anet started to add more pvp specific stuff (boons like protection, movement imparing conditions, stuns, bursts etc.) to the npcs, which forces you to actually learn the game mechanics and change your build even for open world content.


If you are used to the cursed shore difficulty, then you will have a hard time in the expansions in the beginning.

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You came back after years and went to play expansion content directly which means you are probably very "rusty". I suggest you go back and re-play some of the older content first to "remember" how to play the game again. That all depends on how well you could manage the game before you "left"

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I hate to say it but you're gonna get wrecked on Ele. Mine's my main but I'm doing POF story content on my Necro, otherwise it's super frustrating.


When I do play her there then I'm traiting mostly condi cleanse + heals: [Fire + Water + Weaver] for weaver with sword + dagger, [Fire + Water + Arcane] for core and tanking with Earth elemental elite. I don't play Tempest much but Fresh Air build won't cut it in my opinion until you've learnt the attack patterns better.


If you're going to continue with your elementalist you can take a look at a couple of condi options which seem to work (I personally haven't tried them since I'm running full Celestial).


* https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/107218/open-world-domination-fire-weaver



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If you have some condi gear it may be worth it to try condi weaver – with a proper tanky build it's possible to make this thing borderline immortal

and capable of soloing most group content (aka solo bounties/champions, solo fractals/dungeons, solo Cairn, etc).


For power it would be a good idea to try running a pvp build – those usually have much higher survivability than classic glass-cannon pve builds.

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Wooden Potatoes has a video about his Tempest build I'd check that out. It seemed to be helpful for people based on the comments in the Ele forums and on YouTube.

He suggests, I cant recall the names, runes that summon a parrot which are super helpful with aggro management. Use the summon elemental elite as well. This will give you 2 pets for the AI to focus on.


I recently ran through all of this on an Ele using a Tempest build that was made by Vallun for sPvP. Lime up your burst then use air warhorn 4 to group them them 5 and the lightning ball will tear through enemies. With a little practice you'll be all right. But it might be easier as suggested here to try another class and get use to the game again.

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I'll get around to posting my tempest build as well. I started using it to command DS runs, because I wanted to combine (1) decent output on staff, (2) good personal cleanse and survival, and (3) the ability to spot heal for others. I made an extremely simple build for that, which leans heavily on fire stance and burning damage. @"GeorgeHaldane.9453" is on the right track as well - the alternative I run on my ele is a burning tank weaver. Lots of barrier, and uses sword. The fact that it uses burning means it hits fairly hard, but if there's pressure you can back off a bit but the burns still tick. That's really the beauty of condi builds if you're still rusty on combat.


EDIT: [here](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGQAYlFw4YXsNGKOKTWtdA-zRRYLBbGFswIpAqSAnB-e) is the build I use. Just a note on equipment: I run full Viper stats just to kill more things and maintain a small amount of power damage, but for more survivability Carrion (+condition damage, power, vitality) works just as well and is very readily attainable. Trailblazer (+condition damage, +vitality, condition duration, toughness) is the ultimate condition tank stat set, but it's much more difficult to obtain than Carrion gear.

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i do not like story's i got help from 2 guildy's who carried me through the story, i paid them both 20 gold each, my thank was great.

i also die often as elementalist, when i played it in silver wastes it was 50/50 or the mob died or he kills me.

if i finish call of duty battlepass i come back to gw2, i still have to finish xiuquatl.

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Doing quite well as an elementalist focused on Fire damage, along with elementals (which you can now summon up to 5) stay on your toes, dont sit still, and unleash hell from afar.


Path of Fire and Heart of Thorns are going to be daunting if you go at them alone and unprepared. You can solo them (many have) but some classes are going to have an easier time than others. I recommend you seek someone's help if you encounter such an issue.


With that in mind, I recommend you play the game in the order it was meant to be played, difficulty ramps up significantly past the Personal Storyline, and you really cant throw yourself at some challenging content if you're not clear on how combat, and your class, works. Many have done so at the release of the expansions, with similar results. Take the time to : 1) Run Caudecus manor Storyline and Explorable, 2) Run Arah Explorable, 3) Run a fractal or two, 4) Test yourself against a couple of World Bosses, like Tequatl, The Shatterer, and The Claw of Jormag. If you have difficulties in either of these, you're likely to have difficulties in Heart of Thorns or Path of Fire. That doesn't mean you're terrible, or the class is terrible. It means you may not be using the right setup for your fighting style, or you're lacking the right traits/equipment to fit your skills. Having someone else look into and give you their opinion might be beneficial again.

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> @"ddlam.6394" said:

> Hello everyone.


> I left this game like 5 years ago (before the release of HoT and at the time of the revenant release) and just bought PoF (HoT) few days ago.


> Managed to find some advice in the internet which got the first mount first and start doing the story line or so. However, I use my ele with this build (https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_Fresh_Air_Tempest) and turns out constantly dying in PoF story line (even the first one!)


> It is very confusing coz I have no direction what to do and whatever I do lead me to constant dying (map opening, story line etc.)


> Tried to find a HP train but in vain also.


> Advice please? Feels like it is a wrong decision to come back.


You might want to try condi Tempest instead (https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Tempest_-_Condi_Tempest). It's alot tankier, and since condi damage ticks over time, you are usually still doing damage even when you are kiting the mob around. If you can buy the 5 Bladed Armor pieces from the vendor at [shipwreck Peak Waypoint], it is stat-selectable, so choose TrailBlazer. Then for the coat you can buy Dire from the TP, or do the VB meta to try to get the Bladed Coat. For trinkets, you can use Dire and later farm LSW3/LS4 maps to buy stat-selectable ascended trinkets.



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Don't play mattablattle build for solo Hot/Pof you just gonna die a lot.

Every class can do great to solo but you need to work on making them more reliable.

It doesn't matter if you don't do top end damage, if like me you like playing alone and doing solo meta/chap/leg, you need to find a personal build that work for you.

I've a burn Ele, not my favorite but strong enough to solo everything.

I would say staff/staff mirage, Necro (every spec) and ranger are the easiest, but every class can doing it.

It's a lot of practice for some but totaly doable.


My favorite is chrono, not the best for solo, but I can do it. Just need to be more careful than when I play my Scourge

I wonder how core mesmer can do, I'm sur it's a very good option too, need to try when the game got less laggy


Just, don't be afraid, frustrated of dying a lot, that normal, their is no magical build than gonna make you incredibly good (Scourge maybe :d) at soloing some are champ/leg.

Tak your time, fight them again and again until you get comfy with it.

Don't forget to swap trait and utility depend on the encounter.


Keep trying I'm sur you gonna do it. Also nothing stop you to ask help in map. I've done it when I was bored of dying when I wasn't good enough and often get help ^^

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If u'd be a Thief community would say: Just dodge.


So... just dodge.


Or... read through traits carefully. See traits that help u survive (mostly earth/water). And maybe even switch to weaver. But don't go other gear - stay with berserker gear. U need some kind of challenge so you can improve. Basically just theorycraft a build that works for you and don't go full DPS build. But i gotta say... best defence is offence.. You kill em before they even touch you. That's how ele works.

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> @"SlitheSlivier.1908" said:

> Eles just aren't super great to solo with, tho you can. It takes a lot of practice. I just got mine up and running so i can't give tons of advice, but maybe try sword weaver instead? The more pvp oriented builds imo are higher end and should work for pve, particularly for ele, except you need more defense for the scepter and staff builds since they are meant for backline casting.


Ele is fine for solo. As for practice ... well I do have several covering multiple builds so I guess I do have plenty of practice but to a certain degree that is true for all classes. There is no getting around the need to know how your build works.


Even the build guide OP linked to is missing some important nuance. For example Overload Water and swapping the heal to "Wash the Pain Away!" can be used for that too. It mentions Ether Renewal which does look numerically better for the number of cleanses but it requires more awareness to use because of how long it takes to fully activate. You don't want to be using it in situations where you might get interrupted or where you might be force to dodge in the middle of the channel. Those things also apply to Overload Water but in that case you can still have a faster activating heal slot skill. These are the sort of things that comes with experience but a build guide should probably mention it too.


> The level 80 content is meant to be hard. Yes you will die. Some of it requires changing tactics and the likes. Find the patterns and make your strategy. Most of it isn't that hard except fighting Balthazar and maybe a couple other points.


Balthazar is pretty easy though. Pretty much all about the floor patterns.


> But most PoF hp's are solo-able...easily. i can think of just a couple that i need a small group for, but not like the HoT ones... those were very hard.


Also provides a decent amount of practice against slightly tougher things.


Tackling things that are above your current skill level is one of the ways to improve.


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