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Drizzlewood meta takes waayyyy too long now (meta event spoilers)

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I miss the length of the previous south meta and I don’t really enjoy the north one.


The south meta reward system seem to be designed for the length of the previous south meta, and for repeatability. The passage from south to north seems just strange to me, reward wise.


Maybe they could lower from each 10 to each 5 minutes the reward for the participation to the south meta.

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Yeah it's too long. It would be fine if it was two different maps with two separate metas but with the down time it certainly feels too long. I'll do it for the achieves but I'll be hoping I get onto maps in the second meta.


It would have been better if the second half was just an immediate assault on the citadel and the claw fight. The extra wind up time between the first meta and the assault feels like unnecessary padding.


Decisions like having the drops for achievements like Intelligence Gatherer not be guaranteed just feel like an attempt to stretch out the whole episode.

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> @"Kayla.9703" said:

> I want a 10 minutes event, I want to loot all the chests at the same place, and of course, I want 200 keys when I start the meta so I can loot all the chests. QQ....


xD xD


Jokes aside, splitting the two halves of the meta up would have been a better idea IMO - total agreement with that.


[Event spoilers for those who care]


Now that I've actually somehow managed to drop into Drizzlewood while the south meta was coming to an end, I've played the north side and... wow.

I went back but can't find who said it, but the meta REALLY isn't all that friendly to anyone without a flying mount. There's so many hills/mountains to leap over to reach new targets, and while there is the paradrop ability, most of the targets were gone within 30 seconds or less, meaning in order to keep up you had to fly with the zerg, not paradrop or springer.

Also, yes, it is a massive zergfest. I've got a fairly beefy computer (toots own horn), but my frames crashed into the deck so hard and I couldn't see through all the wings flapping or other effects (skyscale dragonbreath much!), that I had no idea what I was doing, and these things only elongated the process as I can imagine everyone else was having the same issues. I know a lot of people complain about this in general, but this was a first for me. I can easily bare with it in other large scale metas because you get so spread out, but this was something else.

Most of it definitely felt like filler too - running back and forth attacking champions and portals left, right, and centre - at least right up to firing the canons at the gate. Once we reached that point the frame drops and such started to ease up a bit as we split off into groups (perhaps the one thing which should have been taken from DS to speed up the first section), and it actually felt like an 'attack the fortress' style event - which in itself wasn't too long.

Busting inside was fun, and the chests per room were absolutely fine. No way in hell to see AoE rings on the ground through the tight indoor spaces and sheer amount of players, which made dodging Claw's arm busting through the walls later on a matter of luck (that does happen right, I'm not just losing the plot?).

Actually fighting the claw was great (when the frames picked up), although that breath which knocks you off the cliff was pure aggravation. I managed to hold on from going over the cliff both times I got caught by it thankfully, but I only got caught by it because I was up close attacking it with the zerg and could not for the life of me see it coming - I don't know if there's some kind of attached animation, but I doubt it would have mattered as by this point I was playing through 'return of the framedrops'. By the end I had been downed by one of its other AoE attacks and was blown away by the breath attack into some back wall where I remained until the party was over.

Then there was the fresh hell with the chests everywhere... Finding it difficult to understand the need for having chests spawn all over the shop. A boss chest, or a quick run back through the fortress picking up new chests until back out the front gate would have been preferable, with better rewards too. Can't say there was anything worth going through all of that to get.


Anyways, that was my experience.

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Dragon's Stand is my limit...anything longer than that is really pushing it. The only thing I like about Drizzlewood is the environmental graphics of the southern region...everything else I can live without. So, apart from the War Supplies, and the pleasant graphics, I have no reason to go there at all.

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I feel like it’s too long and that was before they added north meta. I also don’t like the rush and to get participation up as fast as I can. That encourages players to tag events and move to the next event before it’s finished. It leaves players to finish events or creates a rotate around the map so players start an event leave and another player finishes.

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Also it sucks that the meta was so long but still wouldn't give you enough time to loot everything when the meta is done. i'm only managed to loot like.... less than half of the chests (may be missed some shards too but never have the chance to find out). They should give you at least 10 more minutes so the people who is not fluent at the looting route/flying can manage to loot all the shards/chests/

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I haven't had a chance to start the meta, but of all the metas in the game, my favorites are those in HoT, and the one I do the least is Dragon Stand, because it simply takes too long from start to finish. I've done the VB night time defense bit, but since the Hero chest drops from one of the spawned bosses, it's kind of an oddity.


But yeah, a meta that takes over 2 hours to complete, when I can get T4s + Recs done in half that time, or spend the same two hours completing the entire 5 tiers of Gold Skirimish Chest in WvW? I don't see me participating in that meta very often.

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That's been my issue, too, how long it takes. :( I already usually can't do meta trains because they take too long, but at least there's a small gap between the HoT metas where you can get up and walk around, use the toilet, etc. I rarely do DS, and, even then, the longest DS I've had since I've come back was a little over an hour. Long, but not awful, and I usually have 15 minutes between looting Tarir before DS starts.

Seriously, you should never have something you can't pause require 2+ hours of your time in one sitting. My legs already hurt enough when I sit for too long without doing a meta that I can't walk around my house while doing.

Plus chasing the loot around the map? What torturer decided that was a good idea? :/

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Too long.


Players frequently get dumped onto a dead map (Hi Dragon Stand), which is demoralising and yes I realise I could use LFG but for what purpose when all the LFG maps are full?


Too many Veterans or above - this supposed to be open world content, some of the Elites are rediculous.


The fact that as its all one map you dont get a chance at a Black Lion Key Drop or two sets of rewards on completing the map - we've had four "releases" now but its actually only two maps.


Story - absolutely crap. Could have written better on the back of a postage stamp and as for repeatedly going up and down that damn tunnel to meet our thick as two short bricks Norn friend Braham, please.


The bright spots. The Eagle and Ox mini games.


I dread to think what these maps are going to be like a few months down the line. Do the Developers play their own game?

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> @"CheesecakeChiari.7154" said:

> Plus chasing the loot around the map? What torturer decided that was a good idea? :/

I was gonna say I hate this idea too, but I didn't since I thought...... it's the new style of their looting system now and they won't change it. In fact, it's getting worst: So you've unlocked reward after you've worked for it (such as finished a 2+ hrs meta, actually 3hrs from my experience in off-peak time-zone from start to finish), instead of pressing F everytime, they invented autoloot and it was amazing; but then, they think your looting time is too fast (changed their mind), so they gated it & make you work for the keys (or mastery), so now you have to go back to press F again; but no, still too fast, so they want you to work even more by scattering each chest around the map on different locations for each one; but no, that's not it, you also have to be very fluent at using mount, not getting dismounted/accidentally engaged by enermy & slow to get back on mount again, as well as need to be very efficient to chase the timer before it disappear, if not you won't be able to loot everything (it's feelsbadman for not be able to get all the shards too before the timer expires).


South meta: chasing after the keepers, fine... at least it's easy to jump from point to point, and all the chests are in the same spot for each keeper.


North meta: omg... I can't even...... if it's a treasure hunting like the charr drop I can understand, but it's the chest looting after the long hour meta..... why the extra.... whyyyyyyy????


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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> My big suggestions are to move the chest farm to the end of the whole meta, instead of inbetween. Then merge Wolf's Crossing and Dominion's Breach, this way once you complete the first meta, the second immediately kicks into high gear.


I agree, after the first meta I hate all the running around to get chests, and then the second meta starts later. Then it’s rushing from one piece of land to the next. The interesting part for me was when we got into the frost citadel, and the claw was pretty cool at the end, but then it was just another rush to the chests afterwards. The landscape is not easy to traverse at all. It’s like you’re rushing around doing map completion over and over.



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I was watching the guild chat and it got me to thinking about the map and the meta.


While I have my flying mounts there are players who don't have them. I'd like like to see Oakheart's Essence nodes, updrafts and ley-lines added around the south side of the map to help players get around.


Events in games are typically weighted towards failing without player input. One thing that might help ensure that players stuck in overflow are able to get the 2nd part of the meta is to scale the first part towards a hard fought success without player input when the map is short on players. If no players are at a given area the area could be very slowly captured by the NPC without reward chests issued. The more players on a map the more it could be shifted towards loosing without players helping. This would allow the south meta to progress so that players just popping in wouldn't always see a start from zero map. Halt the progress at the Wolf's Crossing section and after a given amount of time trigger Dominion forces to recapture the areas slowly if there isn't a critical mass of players to carry the meta forward on the instance. This would allow the first meta to bounce back and forth without the critical mass of players to send it forward to complete then on to the extended half of the meta. Players could still hit start from zero maps after the 2nd half of the meta is done or when I new instances is started.

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> @"Blueberry.8095" said:

> > @"CheesecakeChiari.7154" said:

> > Plus chasing the loot around the map? What torturer decided that was a good idea? :/

> I was gonna say I hate this idea too, but I didn't since I thought...... it's the new style of their looting system now and they won't change it. In fact, it's getting worst: So you've unlocked reward after you've worked for it (such as finished a 2+ hrs meta, actually 3hrs from my experience in off-peak time-zone from start to finish), instead of pressing F everytime, they invented autoloot and it was amazing; but then, they think your looting time is too fast (changed their mind), so they gated it & make you work for the keys (or mastery), so now you have to go back to press F again; but no, still too fast, so they want you to work even more by scattering each chest around the map on different locations for each one; but no, that's not it, you also have to be very fluent at using mount, not getting dismounted/accidentally engaged by enermy & slow to get back on mount again, as well as need to be very efficient to chase the timer before it disappear, if not you won't be able to loot everything (it's feelsbadman for not be able to get all the shards too before the timer expires).


> South meta: chasing after the keepers, fine... at least it's easy to jump from point to point, and all the chests are in the same spot for each keeper.


> North meta: omg... I can't even...... if it's a treasure hunting like the charr drop I can understand, but it's the chest looting after the long hour meta..... why the extra.... whyyyyyyy????



My problem is this.

1.) I did an event their and the loot didn't exist.

2.) Why does it exists after the meta is over?


It's an immersion...WTF moment.

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> I was watching the guild chat and it got me to thinking about the map and the meta.


> While I have my flying mounts there are players who don't have them. I'd like like to see Oakheart's Essence nodes, updrafts and ley-lines added around the south side of the map to help players get around.

I haven't even entered the new map yet, but I think that this is a terrific idea!



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Honestly, I love it, it feels the right length to me. It's been quite a while since we had a continuous push Dragon Stand style map. Most maps don't need much time commitment, so it's fine if a handful of them do.


It's important for Anet to have variety in the maps. The super long push feels pretty epic and I'll crave it every once in awhile. I think people are just getting burnt out quick now because they feel sort of obligated to farm the new release, and it's not really a "farm over and over again" map.


And just like any map meta, there's no particular reason you can't join in partway through, or drop out after getting the rewards for the first half.

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I also think there is something not right about this meta. I have been on every night since the release and have yet to be put on a map where **anyone** was doing the meta. Tonight there were some people starting so I thought I would maybe get to participate and the people that were there gave up a left. That is not right for a map that was just released. You shouldn't have to do LFG to find a group to do a brand new map.

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> @"Blueberry.8095" said:

> Also it sucks that the meta was so long but still wouldn't give you enough time to loot everything when the meta is done. i'm only managed to loot like.... less than half of the chests (may be missed some shards too but never have the chance to find out). They should give you at least 10 more minutes so the people who is not fluent at the looting route/flying can manage to loot all the shards/chests/


It doesn't help that the chest icons seem to blink in and out of existance so sometimes you won't see there is a chest until it is already behind you ... some shards of crystallized whatevers are also behind invisible walls =_=


> @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

> And just like any map meta, there's no particular reason you can't join in partway through, or drop out after getting the rewards for the first half.


except for the fact that this map also locks out any new players after a certain point just like DS so there is a reason you can't join party way through

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This map badly needs better scaling for small groups.


It is very long which is one problem but a bigger problem imo is you can’t easily get a new map going unless you already have a large number of players also trying. I’ve tried to start a new map with a couple others and the events (taking the fortified areas) fail. The mobs respawn so fast, they are so hard to kill, the events last several minutes (too long imo) and then players start dying and they waypoint out and give up. The way it is now you’ll appear at a completely red map and everyone is standing at the home base checking the LFG and not even trying to start on the map they’re on. It needs way better scaling that allows a few people to start the map going which encourages the others on the home base to join in when they see that this map has a chance.

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> @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> This map badly needs better scaling for small groups.


> It is very long which is one problem but a bigger problem imo is you can’t easily get a new map going unless you already have a large number of players also trying. I’ve tried to start a new map with a couple others and the events (taking the fortified areas) fail. The mobs respawn so fast, they are so hard to kill, the events last several minutes (too long imo) and then players start dying and they waypoint out and give up. The way it is now you’ll appear at a completely red map and everyone is standing at the home base checking the LFG and not even trying to start on the map they’re on. It needs way better scaling that allows a few people to start the map going which encourages the others on the home base to join in when they see that this map has a chance.


This is why I suggested above about bouncing the first part of the meta between advancing and retreating on low population maps by playing with the weight of fail to succeed ratios of Legions NPCs vs Dominion NPCs when few or no players are present. This would allow players to enter low volume maps that have partial advancement more often and a better chance to advance to the new part of the meta. People would be encouraged to create a group for LFG to draw players in and push the map forward when the map has low player population. As it is now people pop into the map, see no advancement, look for a LFG group which is more often on a full map then they give up and leave to another activity.


As it is they have more or less created the same kind of problem that Dragon's Stand has had. IMHO I think the fix for Dragon's Stand would be to instance the lanes separately converging damage on the final box across the 3 instances. It would allow higher population across the event. They couldn't do that with the Drizzlewood Coast meta because it doesn't have lanes.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> **Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992** suggests you should be having a 5-10 minutes break every 50-60 minutes

> ... seems like all concerns for the health of players was thrown out the window with GW2




This meta is way way way too long.


The rewards? It felt to me like I had earned SOME kind of reward from all that time and effort. I read in an interview with the devs that they said they wanted the players to feel like they earned the rewards, so I was expecting something a LITTLE better than medallions, ingots, unid gear, and one ordinary exotic weapon that can drop from any boss in Central Tyria.


Once I'm done with the 10-meta achievement, I'm not going back. Two hours of my time is worth more than that.

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Long and unfun. Dragon Stand is long but still fun even with repeats, but Drizzlewood is just a chore.


The terrain on Drizzlewood is just horrible. Mounting and unmounting is just exhausting, and Skyscale does not alleviate the problem of terrible terrain. If this was an open field where you can zip around with the Beetle/Raptor/Jackal I would probably enjoyed it more.


Also, Knockbacks are totally unfun.


I can't be bothered with the chests at the end since I hate looking at the minimap to look and parachute and loot and rinse repeat. Exhausting and unfun.


I did the whole meta once since I was intent on seeing it. Now if I see red lines all over the map, I just don't continue. 2 hours of Drizzlewood just zaps the energy out of me.


Finally, those snipers are just annoying. I can't think of a good reason why there are there other than to annoy players.

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> @"elrin.4750" said:

> Long and unfun. Dragon Stand is long but still fun even with repeats, but Drizzlewood is just a chore.


> The terrain on Drizzlewood is just horrible. Mounting and unmounting is just exhausting, and Skyscale does not alleviate the problem of terrible terrain.


> Also, Knockbacks are totally unfun.


> I can't be bothered with the chests at the end since I hate looking at the minimap to look and parachute and loot and rinse repeat. Exhausting and unfun.


> I did the whole meta once since I was intent on seeing it. Now if I see red lines all over the map, I just don't continue. 2 hours of Drizzlewood just zaps the energy out of me.


> Finally, those snipers are just annoying. I can't think of a good reason why there are there other than to annoy players.


Both Drizzlewood and Dragon's Stand have the same problem of players entering dead maps. This is why I don't hit DS more often. Despite the issues I like the lane aspect of DS. Drizzlewood suffers from the lack of clear lanes. Players have to bounce back and forth way to much.

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