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Drizzlewood meta takes waayyyy too long now (meta event spoilers)

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I'll probably ignore the meta, unless I really feel motivated to see it once if I happen to be on an on-going map. I mean, I'm generally not fond of big metas and didn't like Dragon Stand (I think I only did a handful metas overall) at all as the visual vomitting is terrible and will likely never get any better. And if the lags get even worse, then no thank you to stuttering through this visual blob.

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I would have preferred two separate, timed metas like in the Bjora Marches, so that you can actually plan ahead your daily GW2 activities.


They could, for instance, have put the second meta on a specific time stamp and the first one a set timer (i.e., no final bosses and loot chests from the first meta if you don't make it in time).

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Not only does it take forever but it hard finding a map that isn't overloaded with players but is going for the meta. I would have preferred the map broken up into two different maps.


If they were two maps it would have been nice if the southern map was expanded more to the east to include the two islands on the world map and maybe a bit south. The base would have been better on the big island to allow what is currently base camp to be captured. Of course with the ice wall to the north intact as it was before this patch.


It would have made more sense to me if the forward camp on the northern map should have been on the east side in a cave system which is the direction the United Legion forces would have landed just outside the reach of the Dominion forces. Braham could have said he knows a way through a cave system to get into the north map and launch the attack from the east side of the Archstone Coast. The northern map could have been called Jormag's Roost or something like that.

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I agree. This isn't 'casual friendly' AT ALL.


It is not something you can 'step in halfway' either, most likely, because either players haven't started this long meta yet (and aren't in your instance) or there are instances which are 'in progress' but they are full already.


I did it today and it took over 2 hours... WAY more time than I could really afford to spend in-game and by the end of the meta I was rather annoyed, so the whole thing didn't end up being a good experience.


Please, in the future, DON'T make a big map meta a prerequisite for starting the 'second meta'.


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I did the new meta for the first time yesterday and it will probably be my last. While it's typical for maps to be crowded upon release, the amount of flashing lights and visual effects, combined with the excessive length of the meta, made me physically ill. I mean on the verge of barfing ill. At a few points I literally had my eyes closed and was just mashing keys, figuring that if I died, I died. At the end, the rewards were uninspiring.

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Needs to work like silverwaste, once the bar fills up, all events on the map auto fails, and the escort to the bridge starts. Add something about efrem and malice sneaking behind enemylines for a desperation attack if village and lighthouse are not taken. If bridge event succeeds give cache reward event, and proceed to north events. If you fail, restart at start.

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Did it twice more and timed it , it's about 1 hour long for the **north drizzlewood** meta so if they split the two metas somehow it'd be more worthwhile.


I suspect I will not be doing both metas that often once I get the mastery from the north meta. At 338 mastery right now so it isn't a rush.

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I don't mind the length specifically, but unlike Silverwastes, you can't just drop into it and either get it going or start halfway through. That's the benefit with SW and even something like Verdant Brink - you can start at any point during the meta, contributing as you go along or doing other things.


This is something players have objected to before - having to start from scratch each time. At least with DS, it's fast paced and varies things up as you go along. This is just drags and the last fight is just tedious in comparison to boss fights that they were making at their peak. Even Dragonfall doesn't suffer like this does


The first meta was fine. Not something I'd do regularly, but it did its job even if it's not the strongest map-wide-meta they've done. The second meta has moments, but is mostly a visually noisy zergfest with a boss fight that needs more emphasis on the mechanics. Combine the length with a lack of variety and interesting things to do and people lose motivation. They start afking the start or at various points and by the time you reach the Citadel and then the Claw, motivation and enthusiasm has drained away.


There's a lot of maps crying out for player attention and a 90min+ meta from scratch which rarely deviates in mechanics and formula is a hard sell to keep going long term without either it declining or other maps suffering. Attention spans are not what they once were in gamers after all.

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Oh god... yes the meta is wayyyyyyy too long now! Most of the time after I've done all my dailies, I'd pick a thing or 2 to do, such as meta or achivement. In this case, I wouldn't even be bothered with this meta at all on most days. Now don't get me wrong, I love love LOVE the meta, but the duration is what shuts me off from wanting to play on it.


Let's say if the meta can be done within an hour or even an hour and a half, if I don't have much time left before heading the bed, I could at least join 1 round, which means you gonna get more players zoning in each day and hour because they think they can fit one run in casually;


But if a meta is 2 to 2 and a half hour long...... most of the time it's gonna be hard to find a fresh or active map because either the people who actively running it still hasn't finished with their current run, or most people just don't have that much time during the weekday. May be it's fine around the peak hour, but it's going to be really sad for the off-peak time zone.


I don't even want to imagine how quiet the map is after people finished with their achivements.


Not to mention during that 2+ hour, you can't even take a break to get refreshment/loo break or you gonna miss out on the reward.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I don't mind the length specifically, but unlike Silverwastes, you can't just drop into it and either get it going or start halfway through. That's the benefit with SW and even something like Verdant Brink - you can start at any point during the meta, contributing as you go along or doing other things.


> This is something players have objected to before - having to start from scratch each time. At least with DS, it's fast paced and varies things up as you go along. This is just drags and the last fight is just tedious in comparison to boss fights that they were making at their peak. Even Dragonfall doesn't suffer like this does


> The first meta was fine. Not something I'd do regularly, but it did its job even if it's not the strongest map-wide-meta they've done. The second meta has moments, but is mostly a visually noisy zergfest with a boss fight that needs more emphasis on the mechanics. Combine the length with a lack of variety and interesting things to do and people lose motivation. They start afking the start or at various points and by the time you reach the Citadel and then the Claw, motivation and enthusiasm has drained away.


> There's a lot of maps crying out for player attention and a 90min+ meta from scratch which rarely deviates in mechanics and formula is a hard sell to keep going long term without either it declining or other maps suffering. Attention spans are not what they once were in gamers after all.

It's not an attention span thing at all for many people. We're looking at a meta here that takes longer than a lot of people want to or can spend on the game in a day.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > I don't mind the length specifically, but unlike Silverwastes, you can't just drop into it and either get it going or start halfway through. That's the benefit with SW and even something like Verdant Brink - you can start at any point during the meta, contributing as you go along or doing other things.

> >

> > This is something players have objected to before - having to start from scratch each time. At least with DS, it's fast paced and varies things up as you go along. This is just drags and the last fight is just tedious in comparison to boss fights that they were making at their peak. Even Dragonfall doesn't suffer like this does

> >

> > The first meta was fine. Not something I'd do regularly, but it did its job even if it's not the strongest map-wide-meta they've done. The second meta has moments, but is mostly a visually noisy zergfest with a boss fight that needs more emphasis on the mechanics. Combine the length with a lack of variety and interesting things to do and people lose motivation. They start afking the start or at various points and by the time you reach the Citadel and then the Claw, motivation and enthusiasm has drained away.

> >

> > There's a lot of maps crying out for player attention and a 90min+ meta from scratch which rarely deviates in mechanics and formula is a hard sell to keep going long term without either it declining or other maps suffering. Attention spans are not what they once were in gamers after all.

> It's not an attention span thing at all for many people. We're looking at a meta here that takes longer than a lot of people want to or can spend on the game in a day.


Agreed. That's why i also said it was an unfair trade off. Players will choose between this or multiple maps in the same timeframe. For many that is a full evening's play. Attention span is one factor for sure, but yes, people's own time commitments is absolutely a factor as well

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I agree that this meta event takes way too long. I have done it once until now. I tried it a second time and I had a disconnect after the first part of the meta. Of course I was on a different map instance after relog and I was not able to join my previous map instance. This whole event chain would better be split in 2 independent meta events.


Even without disconnect and relog problems this whole meta takes too long. I agree with the posts about negative health effects but such considerations are obviously not applied by the current game developers.


I am not sure if I will try this meta again or not. There is even a mastery point for doing it 10 times, maybe I will just ignore it.

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For me the weakest part is the first half, unlike hot metas its not varried enough and the events are forgetable. I wanted to enjoy the wvw style but for me it doesnt work all that well and id rather have a 2 or 3 path event with unique paths and events rather than the wvw system.


Second half is nice, it gives dragons stand vibes (altho the claw fight is underwhelming) and it connect the players pretty quickly.


One thing id like to see is either put all the chests near the waypoints or have a chest room in the frost citadel like we have in tarrir.

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I was lucky this afternoon and got into a map that was just ready to start part 2. I was able to pinpoint more clearly why this meta feels so exhausting...the only down time is that one break at the waypoint for about two minutes before it kicks into the assault on the Frost Citadel. The rest of the time it's a constant go go go kill kill kill rush to the next area repeat...


I know I missed opening a few of the tribune chests because it was so chaotic that either I couldn't see them because of all the visual clutter or I had to hurry and follow the tag so I didn't get left behind. There are some points where there was so much visual clutter from the frost effects that I really couldn't see much of anything. There was some of this at that one meta in Bjora Marches where we took down that chained thing, but this seems a lot worse.


I still really have no idea what the story steps of the assault are, no time to read anything while it's happening, so I'll have to look for some guides online to understand what the fight is all about.


I think it's still early days and that once more people get all the masteries filled there might be more people opting to heal at the claw fight so there's not so much dying there, at least I hope so, and as we get a few more days into it people will probably start calling out strategies in the chat and it'll all go a lot smoother.


The thought of running this 10 times for the mastery point was really depressing to me after this second run, but then I went and got the points from the "impressive puglist" and "spiritual renewal" achievements, so I have enough to max out all the masteries once I get the experience bars filled in. I appreciate that we are given different kinds of things to do to get the mastery points for those of us who struggle with the more challenging parts.




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> @"Incar.7358" said:

> I liked Drizzlewood at first, but as soon as the novelty wore off and I started working on the masteries and achievements I came to the conclusion that the WvW playstyle and the (near enough) reward tracks style achievements shouldn't be in the regular PvE environment.

> I can see why they used the WvW method for it - they and us are familiar with it - but I don't think it was the creative solution they should have used.


I think that the idea was good but the implementation poor. If they want to create a battle zone type of map I think the way dragonfall pre-meta works is better than this, with players escorting NPCs to capture points and one tough boss at the end.

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@ Randulf , it's not just that the north meta is about 1 hour long (if you include the loot part, the citadel part is 30 min or less: there's a 30 min timer that pops), it's that there's no participation counter involved and the rewards along the way are minor compared to the end so people don't have much incentive to put full effort. Until the storm the citadel timer pops there really isn't much that drops from bosses (something akin to 10 commendations plus unids is really minor): it's enemy supply crates more or less. There's not as much wrong with the south drizzlewood meta because as long as you contribute you get similar rewards (they ought to nerf the escort caravan afkers, not sure if it's been done).


Your average meta event is around 15-30 minutes long so this won't be as appealing in the long run when it's no longer fresh content. Most groups that zerg the Storm the Citadel meta run full 50 and only split up to capture circles (capture points) or to build the cannons. Even if the group were to split in three I highly doubt the section in the Frost Citadel would be cut by much, splitting doesn't really help there unlike for the initial tribune section.


Even if north meta were split from south meta, there ought to be some trimming of it let alone if someone were to do the full thing in its current state (north+south). To discourage multimap-loot or inactivity, the end of the meta shouldn't be where all the loot occurs. Instead crystallized shard of jormag should appear during the each step of the storm citadel part instead of after as they take less time to gather than enemy supply crates or frost legion chests. Frost legion chests are probably scattered throughout to also prevent multimap , but people have issues just looting one map alone. From map chat seems the average is 30-50ish shard of jormag with one person claiming 62 max.


If someone just wanted enemy supply crates they could just join a south meta map with 3 or 4 areas captured and save their time and effort.

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