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How to properly nerf Herald Condition AND Mallyx (Very simple.)


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First off, you should revert the changes because they are unwarranted. A blind blanket reduction only removed nearly all viability for an entire legend, that's terrible. You cannot compare this nerf to the last power blanket nerf because it doesn't relate to it in the first place, we're talking about conditions here.


Now, from there. In the past, Mallyx as a whole was fine until the traits were changed. Sustain wise it was reasonable and had to be timed so that the legend wouldn't be a sitting duck constantly, now the options are all bad like before transfers became a thing.


* Fiendish Tenacity

It's a trait that didn't exist before and should honestly never had, if it had to exist. It wouldn't have had to give Resistance on legend swap, that would had been fine. It would basically contribute as a better Spirit Boon for options that can't really contest it, Diabolic Inferno is mediocre, the Transfer is too weak at 2 conditions and being telegraphed. See more though, because I like the idea behind but it can't exist with everything.

* Spirit Boon

Something that had remained the same for years, changing it's Resistance duration basically means nothing now, 2 seconds was just enough to do anything in compensation, 1 seconds allows NOTHING to be done. It shouldn't be touched at all. This trait is innocent and should have remained the way it was.

* Demonic Defiance

It's a mixed bag of problems, there could be better as there is more to it than people seem to realize which I'll explain below. Regardless, you can't have FT or DD, in my personal opinion it doesn't matter which gets to be removed because while DD is slightly stronger, it had been like it was for years too and nobody complained. As long as SB and one other trait that grants Resistance is restored, it's all that matters. DD would allow periodical Resistance which is part of the problem while FT would spread Resistance across in a timely matter every now and then rather than every 5 seconds which is a much more healthy /predictable/ endeavor so you can see where factually it can make sense, preferably for Balance, FT should stay at the old 2 seconds while DD should be reworked.


The biggest problem in the room for the legend;


* Empowering Misery

It's a weirdly made skill that is not viable at all or good /enough/ depending on the traits. Why? Because poison exists and is really common, mechanically Runes are also not useful to it. Revenant rune doesn't prevent poison effects and other runes are tied to longer cooldowns that are not viable. Should Revenant rune actually work well with it's own profession, this would have helped. Otherwise, Demonic Defiance ICD is NOT tied to it and that introduces an influx of Resistance that doesn't belong, with Pain Absorption it's possible to earn 6 seconds which is a problem. Not only does it force Mallyx players to always rely on DD but you also introduce the fact that DD is the only viable trait, which would be a different story if EM actually had it's own Resistance from the start, me as a long time Mallyx player always wanted to use other traits but you can't because the healing skill becomes a costly burden.


I can hear the people saying that "Oh but we have skills that don't clear conditions at all, why should we care if Revenant has it's own?" because this skill reward players for using it at a peak of pressure and that peak of pressure is only possible with Resistance, prior to ignore that poison exists, it's nearly impossible to make it worth while without Resistance or loss all the bonus health right away.


It would actually be preferable to see DD being reworked altogether, be gone from the game and leave SB and FT to their own predictable patterns that people CAN counter and have EM with it's own set of 2 seconds of Resistance so that Mallyx players don't have to always rely on having to use PA which is a costly skill, runes or traits such as DD, FT and SB. This would take care of a large influx of Resistance and leave Mallyx as the balanced legend that it was before those traits appeared because before DD while still overboard, wasn't able to compensate as much as it currently did with the existence of FT.


If from the start Mallyx had been properly designed with it's Resistance on EM, this whole entire blanket nerf would have been more or less impactful because DD the way it's designed right now with EM allows to bypass the ICD and earn more precious Resistance because of it. For example, if I use PA, that's 4 seconds, then I can use EM right away which is apart to earn another 2 seconds while this goes on the 6 seconds will pass for another PA which will earn me another 4 seconds on top that of which waiting long enough, I can time another 4 seconds in because of the ICD, that's with the trait alone, of course no damage has been achieved unless people have so on decided to spam me while I am on the defensive, just transfer.


Regardless, DD is designed in a very exploitable way that should just be reworked or removed for something else. Have EM given it's own Resistance and let the rest be defined if people care for SB or FT, by removing DD you remove a potential of 4 seconds by itself, removing what made it possible to fill gaps.

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> @"Eugchriss.2046" said:

> Anet never reverts their changes. They did what they did. Move on.

> Glint/mallyx is dead, long life to glint/dwarf!!


You say that but they've reverted Chronomancer and Scourge, It's clear they had no idea of what to do with it and decided to wipe the entire Resistance related traits because everyone would pick those instead of doing anything else. Picking them altogether still is somewhat playable but at the cost of everything else? Bad, just bad. Restore old traits, rework DD, fix EM lack of Resistance and it's balanced for people to faceroll. You know it because it'll take management to juggle conditions off, something that hasn't really been done while it existed but should be done because that's how Mallyx is supposed to be played.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> This is not being reverted so focus your efforts elsewhere.


I'm still playing Mallyx and you'll see it around, those changes barely affect me as what I /really/ want is EM to stop being so dependent on DD. I still don't endorse senseless nerfs killing 90% of the playability when it has counters majority aren't bothered to play for and could be farmed. Calling it from miles away, Jalis is gonna be QQ'd on for having too much Stability even though it had been already nerfed.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Hmmm a blind blanket reduction not solving balance issues, sounds familiar.


Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game...history continues to repeat...we see the same posts all the time...nobody will be satisfied until we all get sticks. Nobody bothers to question why we still have a balance issues...nobody bothers with understanding the methods...it’s all part of a status quo.


If folks on the forum lived in the matrix, they wouldn’t even think to know to even ask the question



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Another lazy balance from anet


Herald is like holo many tools shine in their hands, and anet continues to nerf the tools while avoid the source of the problem and killing a core spec in the process


It seems like they love some elite concepts and are not willing to nerf those classes

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> The problem is that resistance should not even exist. Look how they have to limit access to it. It's ridiculous. But what other option do you have with a boon that is designed to negate all damage AFTER it is applied? It's simply too powerful and should never have been a thing in the first place.


Well to consider that I play with Condition Damage Reduction rather than Resistance, I can understand where you are coming from and that's why I am suggesting the removal of DD and rework of EM so that we can move on from that bad design.


In fact, Resistance by the way I use it is only for stacking conditions in a short amount of time to counter with a transfer. Resistance in the design of Mallyx is useful for;


* Healing properly. (Healing more for having more conditions absolutely requires DD or PA the costly skill, bad design. Should have it's own 2 seconds of Resistance.)

* Being able to stack conditions and counter. (Easily can be factually proven by PA design and traits.)


I want to fix the influx of Resistance from using Demon skills altogether. Killing SB, FT and DD made it nearly impossible to use rightfully without participating in a teamfight.

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> @"Tanbin.2436" said:

> > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > Hmmm a blind blanket reduction not solving balance issues, sounds familiar.

> >

> > Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game...history continues to repeat...we see the same posts all the time...nobody will be satisfied until we all get sticks. Nobody bothers to question why we still have a balance issues...nobody bothers with understanding the methods...it’s all part of a status quo.

> >

> > If folks on the forum lived in the matrix, they wouldn’t even think to know to even ask the question

> >

> >


> "Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game."


> crev meta build was literally designed to boringly defend a point / keep it neutral by doing an endless 1v1 and wait to get +1'd every now and then... and you're trying to say they're trying to push it TO boring bunkery gameplay?


> forum players are so trash , they actually balance around these players like you and it's sad.


Herald Condition is not bunker, player behavior is the defining factor on it's ability to bunk. All of it's sustain depends on how the offender will heal the revenant and how stupidly bad will it waste it's conditions on Resistance application if not power, because power has no problem vs Herald Condition.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Tanbin.2436" said:

> > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > Hmmm a blind blanket reduction not solving balance issues, sounds familiar.

> > >

> > > Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game...history continues to repeat...we see the same posts all the time...nobody will be satisfied until we all get sticks. Nobody bothers to question why we still have a balance issues...nobody bothers with understanding the methods...it’s all part of a status quo.

> > >

> > > If folks on the forum lived in the matrix, they wouldn’t even think to know to even ask the question

> > >

> > >

> >

> > "Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game."

> >

> > crev meta build was literally designed to boringly defend a point / keep it neutral by doing an endless 1v1 and wait to get +1'd every now and then... and you're trying to say they're trying to push it TO boring bunkery gameplay?

> >

> > forum players are so trash , they actually balance around these players like you and it's sad.


> Herald Condition is not bunker, player behavior is the defining factor on it's ability to bunk. All of it's sustain depends on how the offender will heal the revenant and how stupidly bad will it waste it's conditions on Resistance application if not power, because power has no problem vs Herald Condition.


EDIT I will list all ways for crev to heal.

1 Glint heal.

2 Pulsing regeneration from glint.

3 Empowering misery

4 Resistance grants pulsing healing

5 Breaking stun heals

6 shield 4 heals

7 Shield 5 heals

8 Staff 2 heals

9 Staff 3 heals

hmm thats alot of ways to heal.

odd right? maybe just maybe resistance was not the only reason rev wasnt dying. After all power builds didnt kill them 1v1.


" All of it's sustain depends on how the offender will heal the revenant and how stupidly bad will it waste it's conditions on Resistance application if not power, because power has no problem vs Herald Condition."

big lol

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > @"Tanbin.2436" said:

> > > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > Hmmm a blind blanket reduction not solving balance issues, sounds familiar.

> > > >

> > > > Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game...history continues to repeat...we see the same posts all the time...nobody will be satisfied until we all get sticks. Nobody bothers to question why we still have a balance issues...nobody bothers with understanding the methods...it’s all part of a status quo.

> > > >

> > > > If folks on the forum lived in the matrix, they wouldn’t even think to know to even ask the question

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > "Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game."

> > >

> > > crev meta build was literally designed to boringly defend a point / keep it neutral by doing an endless 1v1 and wait to get +1'd every now and then... and you're trying to say they're trying to push it TO boring bunkery gameplay?

> > >

> > > forum players are so trash , they actually balance around these players like you and it's sad.

> >

> > Herald Condition is not bunker, player behavior is the defining factor on it's ability to bunk. All of it's sustain depends on how the offender will heal the revenant and how stupidly bad will it waste it's conditions on Resistance application if not power, because power has no problem vs Herald Condition.


> you are acting as if glint heal is the only way to heal.

> rev has 2 heals, it has pulsing heal on shield, it has healing on staff.

> it has 2 blocks, and a dodge ON TOP of IL and resist spam and blind and weakness.


Glints heal is a toss up on how well it works. It can heal to full or barely at all because people realize attacking is a dumb idea. Mallyx's heal is solid but extremely susceptible to poison without resistance, which makes no sense considering it's supposed to be stronger with condi, and gets no added benefits against power builds that Mallyx struggles against.


Staff heal is barely over 1k base healing, it's mostly for the cleanse since it's the only non traited weapon skill that cleanses on the whole class, shield is still a giant unblockable bait button and the healing got reduced again when the previous heal nerfs years ago made it completely unviable and not worth the risk of rooting. Staff also means your condi pressure goes to 0 without being in Mallyx and can't do anything but try to stall for a few moments longer.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > @"Tanbin.2436" said:

> > > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > Hmmm a blind blanket reduction not solving balance issues, sounds familiar.

> > > >

> > > > Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game...history continues to repeat...we see the same posts all the time...nobody will be satisfied until we all get sticks. Nobody bothers to question why we still have a balance issues...nobody bothers with understanding the methods...it’s all part of a status quo.

> > > >

> > > > If folks on the forum lived in the matrix, they wouldn’t even think to know to even ask the question

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > "Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game."

> > >

> > > crev meta build was literally designed to boringly defend a point / keep it neutral by doing an endless 1v1 and wait to get +1'd every now and then... and you're trying to say they're trying to push it TO boring bunkery gameplay?

> > >

> > > forum players are so trash , they actually balance around these players like you and it's sad.

> >

> > Herald Condition is not bunker, player behavior is the defining factor on it's ability to bunk. All of it's sustain depends on how the offender will heal the revenant and how stupidly bad will it waste it's conditions on Resistance application if not power, because power has no problem vs Herald Condition.


> EDIT I will list all ways for crev to heal.

> 1 Glint heal.

> 2 Pulsing regeneration from glint.

> 3 Empowering misery

> 4 Resistance grants pulsing healing

> 5 Breaking stun heals

> 6 shield 4 heals

> 7 Shield 5 heals

> 8 Staff 2 heals

> 9 Staff 3 heals

> hmm thats alot of ways to heal.

> odd right? maybe just maybe resistance was not the only reason rev wasnt dying. After all power builds didnt kill them 1v1.


> " All of it's sustain depends on how the offender will heal the revenant and how stupidly bad will it waste it's conditions on Resistance application if not power, because power has no problem vs Herald Condition."

> big lol


You can put all the heals you want in context, but that's meaningless if you're not also considering the rest of the class functions because Revenant is not readily having all of it's tools available whether you could press them or not. What is Energy anymore, they've even made Gaze of Darkness cooldown subpar to help those in difficulty. It's totally /real/ that Revenant players can do everything you've said without being vulnerable in the slightest, have absolutely 0 opportunity to mess with them at all.


It's a big lol indeed because I love farming Herald Condition Revs, it was a really laughable fact that people think it's that overpowered, in fact @"Master Ketsu.4569" couldn't express it better. It's free real estate. I could only get mad at my team for making it easier on them by blindly doing it all wrong over and over, I'd actually call it throwing to full heal any of them.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > @"Tanbin.2436" said:

> > > > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > Hmmm a blind blanket reduction not solving balance issues, sounds familiar.

> > > > >

> > > > > Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game...history continues to repeat...we see the same posts all the time...nobody will be satisfied until we all get sticks. Nobody bothers to question why we still have a balance issues...nobody bothers with understanding the methods...it’s all part of a status quo.

> > > > >

> > > > > If folks on the forum lived in the matrix, they wouldn’t even think to know to even ask the question

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > "Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game."

> > > >

> > > > crev meta build was literally designed to boringly defend a point / keep it neutral by doing an endless 1v1 and wait to get +1'd every now and then... and you're trying to say they're trying to push it TO boring bunkery gameplay?

> > > >

> > > > forum players are so trash , they actually balance around these players like you and it's sad.

> > >

> > > Herald Condition is not bunker, player behavior is the defining factor on it's ability to bunk. All of it's sustain depends on how the offender will heal the revenant and how stupidly bad will it waste it's conditions on Resistance application if not power, because power has no problem vs Herald Condition.

> >

> > EDIT I will list all ways for crev to heal.

> > 1 Glint heal.

> > 2 Pulsing regeneration from glint.

> > 3 Empowering misery

> > 4 Resistance grants pulsing healing

> > 5 Breaking stun heals

> > 6 shield 4 heals

> > 7 Shield 5 heals

> > 8 Staff 2 heals

> > 9 Staff 3 heals

> > hmm thats alot of ways to heal.

> > odd right? maybe just maybe resistance was not the only reason rev wasnt dying. After all power builds didnt kill them 1v1.

> >

> > " All of it's sustain depends on how the offender will heal the revenant and how stupidly bad will it waste it's conditions on Resistance application if not power, because power has no problem vs Herald Condition."

> > big lol


> You can put all the heals you want in context, but that's meaningless if you're not also considering the rest of the class functions because Revenant is not readily having all of it's tools available whether you could press them or not. What is Energy anymore, they've even made Gaze of Darkness cooldown subpar to help those in difficulty. It's totally /real/ that Revenant players can do everything you've said without being vulnerable in the slightest, have absolutely 0 opportunity to mess with them at all.


> It's a big lol indeed because I love farming Herald Condition Revs, it was a really laughable fact that people think it's that overpowered, in fact @"Master Ketsu.4569" couldn't express it better. It's free real estate. I could only get mad at my team for making it easier on them by blindly doing it all wrong over and over, I'd actually call it throwing to full heal any of them.



you act as if spamming conditions into their resist and attacking their infuse light is the only way to let them win. big lol.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > @"Tanbin.2436" said:

> > > > > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > Hmmm a blind blanket reduction not solving balance issues, sounds familiar.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game...history continues to repeat...we see the same posts all the time...nobody will be satisfied until we all get sticks. Nobody bothers to question why we still have a balance issues...nobody bothers with understanding the methods...it’s all part of a status quo.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If folks on the forum lived in the matrix, they wouldn’t even think to know to even ask the question

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > "Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game."

> > > > >

> > > > > crev meta build was literally designed to boringly defend a point / keep it neutral by doing an endless 1v1 and wait to get +1'd every now and then... and you're trying to say they're trying to push it TO boring bunkery gameplay?

> > > > >

> > > > > forum players are so trash , they actually balance around these players like you and it's sad.

> > > >

> > > > Herald Condition is not bunker, player behavior is the defining factor on it's ability to bunk. All of it's sustain depends on how the offender will heal the revenant and how stupidly bad will it waste it's conditions on Resistance application if not power, because power has no problem vs Herald Condition.

> > >

> > > EDIT I will list all ways for crev to heal.

> > > 1 Glint heal.

> > > 2 Pulsing regeneration from glint.

> > > 3 Empowering misery

> > > 4 Resistance grants pulsing healing

> > > 5 Breaking stun heals

> > > 6 shield 4 heals

> > > 7 Shield 5 heals

> > > 8 Staff 2 heals

> > > 9 Staff 3 heals

> > > hmm thats alot of ways to heal.

> > > odd right? maybe just maybe resistance was not the only reason rev wasnt dying. After all power builds didnt kill them 1v1.

> > >

> > > " All of it's sustain depends on how the offender will heal the revenant and how stupidly bad will it waste it's conditions on Resistance application if not power, because power has no problem vs Herald Condition."

> > > big lol

> >

> > You can put all the heals you want in context, but that's meaningless if you're not also considering the rest of the class functions because Revenant is not readily having all of it's tools available whether you could press them or not. What is Energy anymore, they've even made Gaze of Darkness cooldown subpar to help those in difficulty. It's totally /real/ that Revenant players can do everything you've said without being vulnerable in the slightest, have absolutely 0 opportunity to mess with them at all.

> >

> > It's a big lol indeed because I love farming Herald Condition Revs, it was a really laughable fact that people think it's that overpowered, in fact @"Master Ketsu.4569" couldn't express it better. It's free real estate. I could only get mad at my team for making it easier on them by blindly doing it all wrong over and over, I'd actually call it throwing to full heal any of them.


> whatever.

> you act as if spamming conditions into their resist and attacking their infuse light is the only way to let them win. big lol.


Do elaborate on how grand their healing will help them survive any longer when skills actually land on them. Blocking? Evading? This is Guild Wars 2 afterall, time your attacks? Bait evades?


One CC = Nearly half a energy bar lost. Gaze of Darkness is 25 seconds cooldown. With what pressure will you die when they have NOTHING to spend. You can literally do nothing for 5 seconds and they still will have done less damage to you than anything else in the game autoattacking, biggest surprise is how you can shrug it all off with little effort.


Support from their team? Why not, that goes for everyone. We're talking those apparent players able to 1v3 far for 10 minutes, it's irrelevant. Because of course if everyone is condition it'll be able to sustain that long without proper plays.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > > @"Tanbin.2436" said:

> > > > > > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > > Hmmm a blind blanket reduction not solving balance issues, sounds familiar.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game...history continues to repeat...we see the same posts all the time...nobody will be satisfied until we all get sticks. Nobody bothers to question why we still have a balance issues...nobody bothers with understanding the methods...it’s all part of a status quo.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If folks on the forum lived in the matrix, they wouldn’t even think to know to even ask the question

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > "Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game."

> > > > > >

> > > > > > crev meta build was literally designed to boringly defend a point / keep it neutral by doing an endless 1v1 and wait to get +1'd every now and then... and you're trying to say they're trying to push it TO boring bunkery gameplay?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > forum players are so trash , they actually balance around these players like you and it's sad.

> > > > >

> > > > > Herald Condition is not bunker, player behavior is the defining factor on it's ability to bunk. All of it's sustain depends on how the offender will heal the revenant and how stupidly bad will it waste it's conditions on Resistance application if not power, because power has no problem vs Herald Condition.

> > > >

> > > > EDIT I will list all ways for crev to heal.

> > > > 1 Glint heal.

> > > > 2 Pulsing regeneration from glint.

> > > > 3 Empowering misery

> > > > 4 Resistance grants pulsing healing

> > > > 5 Breaking stun heals

> > > > 6 shield 4 heals

> > > > 7 Shield 5 heals

> > > > 8 Staff 2 heals

> > > > 9 Staff 3 heals

> > > > hmm thats alot of ways to heal.

> > > > odd right? maybe just maybe resistance was not the only reason rev wasnt dying. After all power builds didnt kill them 1v1.

> > > >

> > > > " All of it's sustain depends on how the offender will heal the revenant and how stupidly bad will it waste it's conditions on Resistance application if not power, because power has no problem vs Herald Condition."

> > > > big lol

> > >

> > > You can put all the heals you want in context, but that's meaningless if you're not also considering the rest of the class functions because Revenant is not readily having all of it's tools available whether you could press them or not. What is Energy anymore, they've even made Gaze of Darkness cooldown subpar to help those in difficulty. It's totally /real/ that Revenant players can do everything you've said without being vulnerable in the slightest, have absolutely 0 opportunity to mess with them at all.

> > >

> > > It's a big lol indeed because I love farming Herald Condition Revs, it was a really laughable fact that people think it's that overpowered, in fact @"Master Ketsu.4569" couldn't express it better. It's free real estate. I could only get mad at my team for making it easier on them by blindly doing it all wrong over and over, I'd actually call it throwing to full heal any of them.

> >

> > whatever.

> > you act as if spamming conditions into their resist and attacking their infuse light is the only way to let them win. big lol.


> Do elaborate on how grand their healing will help them survive any longer when skills actually land on them. Blocking? Evading? This is Guild Wars 2 afterall, time your attacks? Bait evades?


> One CC = Nearly half a energy bar lost. Gaze of Darkness is 25 seconds cooldown. With what pressure will you die when they have NOTHING to spend. You can literally do nothing for 5 seconds and they still will have done less damage to you than anything else in the game autoattacking, biggest surprise is how you can shrug it all off with little effort.


> Support from their team? Why not, that goes for everyone. We're talking those apparent players able to 1v3 far for 10 minutes, it's irrelevant. Because of course if everyone is condition it'll be able to sustain that long without proper plays.


its almost as if their job wasnt to kill people 1v1 but to never die 1v1.

there was a reason why everyone started playing this build, it was low effort high reward, with low counterplay.

and the actual counterplay took so long to implement that its not even worth it half the time.

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> @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > @"Leonidrex.5649" said:

> > > > > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > > > > @"Tanbin.2436" said:

> > > > > > > > @"JusticeRetroHunter.7684" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > > > > > > > Hmmm a blind blanket reduction not solving balance issues, sounds familiar.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game...history continues to repeat...we see the same posts all the time...nobody will be satisfied until we all get sticks. Nobody bothers to question why we still have a balance issues...nobody bothers with understanding the methods...it’s all part of a status quo.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > If folks on the forum lived in the matrix, they wouldn’t even think to know to even ask the question

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > "Perhaps people will never understand, that balance changes are just grinding us closer to a boring homogeneous and useless game."

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > crev meta build was literally designed to boringly defend a point / keep it neutral by doing an endless 1v1 and wait to get +1'd every now and then... and you're trying to say they're trying to push it TO boring bunkery gameplay?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > forum players are so trash , they actually balance around these players like you and it's sad.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Herald Condition is not bunker, player behavior is the defining factor on it's ability to bunk. All of it's sustain depends on how the offender will heal the revenant and how stupidly bad will it waste it's conditions on Resistance application if not power, because power has no problem vs Herald Condition.

> > > > >

> > > > > EDIT I will list all ways for crev to heal.

> > > > > 1 Glint heal.

> > > > > 2 Pulsing regeneration from glint.

> > > > > 3 Empowering misery

> > > > > 4 Resistance grants pulsing healing

> > > > > 5 Breaking stun heals

> > > > > 6 shield 4 heals

> > > > > 7 Shield 5 heals

> > > > > 8 Staff 2 heals

> > > > > 9 Staff 3 heals

> > > > > hmm thats alot of ways to heal.

> > > > > odd right? maybe just maybe resistance was not the only reason rev wasnt dying. After all power builds didnt kill them 1v1.

> > > > >

> > > > > " All of it's sustain depends on how the offender will heal the revenant and how stupidly bad will it waste it's conditions on Resistance application if not power, because power has no problem vs Herald Condition."

> > > > > big lol

> > > >

> > > > You can put all the heals you want in context, but that's meaningless if you're not also considering the rest of the class functions because Revenant is not readily having all of it's tools available whether you could press them or not. What is Energy anymore, they've even made Gaze of Darkness cooldown subpar to help those in difficulty. It's totally /real/ that Revenant players can do everything you've said without being vulnerable in the slightest, have absolutely 0 opportunity to mess with them at all.

> > > >

> > > > It's a big lol indeed because I love farming Herald Condition Revs, it was a really laughable fact that people think it's that overpowered, in fact @"Master Ketsu.4569" couldn't express it better. It's free real estate. I could only get mad at my team for making it easier on them by blindly doing it all wrong over and over, I'd actually call it throwing to full heal any of them.

> > >

> > > whatever.

> > > you act as if spamming conditions into their resist and attacking their infuse light is the only way to let them win. big lol.

> >

> > Do elaborate on how grand their healing will help them survive any longer when skills actually land on them. Blocking? Evading? This is Guild Wars 2 afterall, time your attacks? Bait evades?

> >

> > One CC = Nearly half a energy bar lost. Gaze of Darkness is 25 seconds cooldown. With what pressure will you die when they have NOTHING to spend. You can literally do nothing for 5 seconds and they still will have done less damage to you than anything else in the game autoattacking, biggest surprise is how you can shrug it all off with little effort.

> >

> > Support from their team? Why not, that goes for everyone. We're talking those apparent players able to 1v3 far for 10 minutes, it's irrelevant. Because of course if everyone is condition it'll be able to sustain that long without proper plays.


> its almost as if their job wasnt to kill people 1v1 but to never die 1v1.

> there was a reason why everyone started playing this build, it was low effort high reward, with low counterplay.

> and the actual counterplay took so long to implement that its not even worth it half the time.


Are we gonna circle back to the 5k heal total they have in weapon skills again?


> you act as if spamming conditions into their resist and attacking their infuse light is the only way to let them win. big lol.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Caine.8204" said:

> > i'm fine with the killing of this spec.


> Like I said, it still works. Only that now you made the 3 traits even more mandatory. So you can congratulate Anet on it rather than properly balancing the issues.


sounds like it got balanced, then. now you have to spec into maximum resist uptime, where you didn't before and it was still effective? congrats anet, i applaud you for this patch, probably the best one i've seen in awhile. you actually made people have to build into something.

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> @"Caine.8204" said:

> > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > @"Caine.8204" said:

> > > i'm fine with the killing of this spec.

> >

> > Like I said, it still works. Only that now you made the 3 traits even more mandatory. So you can congratulate Anet on it rather than properly balancing the issues.


> sounds like it got balanced, then. now you have to spec into maximum resist uptime, where you didn't before and it was still effective? congrats anet, i applaud you for this patch, probably the best one i've seen in awhile. you actually made people have to build into something.


Because forcing players further more into traiting for Resistance rather than remove it is a /good/ idea. Gj. Kill all the options.

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> @"Shao.7236" said:

> > @"Caine.8204" said:

> > > @"Shao.7236" said:

> > > > @"Caine.8204" said:

> > > > i'm fine with the killing of this spec.

> > >

> > > Like I said, it still works. Only that now you made the 3 traits even more mandatory. So you can congratulate Anet on it rather than properly balancing the issues.

> >

> > sounds like it got balanced, then. now you have to spec into maximum resist uptime, where you didn't before and it was still effective? congrats anet, i applaud you for this patch, probably the best one i've seen in awhile. you actually made people have to build into something.


> Because forcing players further more into traiting for Resistance rather than remove it is a /good/ idea. Gj. Kill all the options.


it lays the groundwork for increasing the effectiveness of other traits; so you can choose between taking the 10% damage reduction trait, or torment on chill for example, rather than there being one clear choice (like when the trait was -20% damage when you had resist, it was the obvious choice, now its a choice between bunker or damage)


if certain trait picks are overperforming, they should get knocked down. it makes the other traits more viable, and _increases_ the options if they bring up the other traits to be more useful.


the only issue being that they knock down traits, and kill entire playstyles, and then take 6 months to a year to change anything else.


i'd still rather they kill the entire build, than to leave it OP for another year until they make those adjustments. but obviously, the better solution would be to knockdown the overperforming traits at the same time as buffing underperforming traits.

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