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Did A-Net deliver "Expansion Tier Content" yet

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I just really wanted a new log-in screen, like that one they had up during the announcement, an icebrood army slowly coming out of the massive blizzard... along with the superb music and sound effects that this Saga has definitely offered. I think the reason they stuck with PoF screen is because it's the one paid-for xpack so, yeah, in that sense too the Saga could not be considered xpack-level...

I mean, I recall fondly logging in during HoT days and that crescendo music made me want to get into the game and stomp stuff... PoF is nice but that score many times makes me want to log back out and play the piano instead, lol.

I just hope the Cantha expansion will be a lot more like HoT than PoF - espcially concerning map-wide/meta events.

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First off, I'm a recently returning player. Before this past week, last time I played was 2015 (or longer?).

My experience thus far has been....

* I don't have a clue what all these changes are and finding the info, either in game or online, has been a massive headache. And I say this as someone who has written guides and done the hardcore raiding scene and theorycrafting.

* Trying to upgrade to Path of Fire took me almost an entire week because the website is broken in three browsers and attempts to upgrade through the ingame store were met with repeated "unexpected error"

* I'm big on story, and ANet has boasted for years about Living World. I came back because I wanted to see this stuff. ....only to discover that I would have to essentially pay for a third expansion in order to get most of the LW (can't even get all of it since LWS1 isn't even playable anymore). But hey, if I wanna start in Chapter 5 of Book 2, I can do that for free! ....even though I don't have a clue who any of the characters are because I can't meet them properly.


Nothing I have experienced since my return has felt like an expansion. It has, however, felt like lack of information, disappointment, frustration, and confusion.

I feel like I'm forced to play PoF and forgo the story that came before it. I've never played an MMO that made me feel this way in regards to the story.


Again, I'm a returning player, so take my feedback on this with that in mind. It's been long enough that I might as well be a new player.

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> @"CazzT.1870" said:

> First off, I'm a recently returning player. Before this past week, last time I played was 2015 (or longer?).

> My experience thus far has been....

> * I don't have a clue what all these changes are and finding the info, either in game or online, has been a massive headache. And I say this as someone who has written guides and done the hardcore raiding scene and theorycrafting.

> * Trying to upgrade to Path of Fire took me almost an entire week because the website is broken in three browsers and attempts to upgrade through the ingame store were met with repeated "unexpected error"

> * I'm big on story, and ANet has boasted for years about Living World. I came back because I wanted to see this stuff. ....only to discover that I would have to essentially pay for a third expansion in order to get most of the LW (can't even get all of it since LWS1 isn't even playable anymore). But hey, if I wanna start in Chapter 5 of Book 2, I can do that for free! ....even though I don't have a clue who any of the characters are because I can't meet them properly.


> Nothing I have experienced since my return has felt like an expansion. It has, however, felt like lack of information, disappointment, frustration, and confusion.

> I feel like I'm forced to play PoF and forgo the story that came before it. I've never played an MMO that made me feel this way in regards to the story.


> Again, I'm a returning player, so take my feedback on this with that in mind. It's been long enough that I might as well be a new player.


I'm not sure why you feel you're being "forced" to play PoF? Is it for the mounts? You always have the option of playing through the game in order like players who played through it when it was new. If you just want the raptor, then you can boost to 80 and unlock that in about 15 minutes, then go back to doing whatever you want.


I agree that the DLC is a bit of a cheap shot as a new/returning player. However, you can buy this content with gold by converting to gems. At 200 gems per episode, this usually amounts to around 60-70g per episode, which is really nothing for what you get. I've spent a lot more gold than that on skins and dyes!


Still, there are a lot of episodes and that's not a trivial amount of gold if you're looking at farming it up to buy all of the episodes at once. So, my advice is: Don't buy it all at once! Purchase an episode, play through it, work on achievements, etc. By the time you complete the things that need doing, you should have the gold to buy the next episode. No farming required!


Ultimately, I I agree with you, though. It's not a good system. The story is an important part of this game and it shouldn't be a separate purchase.

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> @"Deeyra.1476" said:

> Perhaps instead of expanding the story, they should add stuff people actually like to do. Guidhall/guild content, new pvp /wvw maps etc. skins not locked behind a paywall (mount skins like in wow).

> Not like they will read this anyway.


Most people do want story and don't want pvp/wvw maps. This is why we keep getting the former rather than the latter.


Guildhall and guild content would be pretty nice though.

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While I did find they did a great job with the prologue, Bjora, and EOTN, this still isn't really expanding the game in the way people expect


All we've really gotten is new areas to go and do the same stuff we've always done


Hell, by some standards, the previous season was more of an "expansion" because at least it gave us a new mount that was so overpowered it renders all others obsolete in any area that isn't completely flat terrain (IE almost none of them) and changes the way you get around the entire game as a result similar to what gliding did


Sticking by strikes is a step in the right direction but knowing Anet, I can't realistically say they will continue with them as a format after IBS is over, thus leaving them to be yet another isolated nugget of content that isn't integrated into the game as a whole exerience

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If they think they did, it's quantity is lacking. I mean, strike missions is woefully inadequate to make up for what we have typically seen in an expansion and in addition, anyone that things new maps and a cover story is equivalent to an expansion is just being ignorant. I think Anet has missed a big opportunity to sell us content.

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Not the biggest fan of GW2 at the moment, but if you can't hate them for something it is content.

You literally pay no money for the game except for the one time purchase of an expansion. The entire base game is free. Both Expansions are only between 10 and 30 bucks depending where you buy it.

The base game, that is free gives you easily hundred hours of gameplay. Both expansion together are, when bought at the most expensive site, the price of a brand new Tripple A title or an 15 year old Electronic Arts game. But give you way more Content and stuff to do than most other games at that price tag.

Every 2-3 Months new Content drops, with new stuff to do. The fact that you guys don't enjoy the stuff so much is crying at the highest level. You know that Guild Wars is an MMO, you guys know MMO's are all about grinding stuff and collecting shit. That is like ordering a Tuna Pizza and then complain that it tastes like Tuna. Well duh, what did you expect?

So my answer is Yes, i am very happy with each episode, they don't have a set budget they can work with as it is with subscription based MMO's, who just btw are rarely quicker and/or better qualitywise in producing new content as GW2 is. Sooo yea... I paid 30 bucks for PoF 3 years ago or so. And i can still do stuff i haven't done to this day, and haven't even finished the prologue of Iceborn Saga. If you rush through all of the content it is your own fault guys. There are other games out there aswell. Just make sure to log in every 3 months so you get the new Episode, that they had to pay their devs and voice actors and what not to develop it, for free.

I would rather not get any Content Updates for half a year or even a year if that would mean we get some decent working servers. Or an engine update.


Just so you people start to realize what they do not pay for but Arena Net does

Story has to be written and someone gets paid for that

Voice actors have to be hired in 3 different Languages, all of them have to be paid

Server Maintenance costs money

Developers have to be paid

Graphic Designers have to be paid

The Area where their offices are, have to be paid

Electricty has to be paid

Taxes have to be paid

The equipment in the office is not sponsored by someone

Customer Support has to be paid

The Video Designer have to be paid

Translator have to be paid etc. cc.

And yes, i am sure the Gem Store is a nice income. But to think of it, i hardly doubt that there are many people who spent high amounts of money on it nowadays. Especially if you count the people in who buy their Gem Cards on various dubious sites. Or Goldseller. And yet you complain that the stuff you get is not the quality you want it to be.

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Definitely not. With the release of the current meta map, the new skimmer mount skill, they are only scratching the surface. 1 meta and 1 mount skill? NOPE! Now, if before they add the new Xpac, they also add more mount skills, some life professions like personal housing, more important maps, big lore content, and things like that, then yes. But sadly that is not the case.

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> @"cyres.9140" said:

> Just so you people start to realize what they do not pay for but Arena Net does

> Story has to be written and someone gets paid for that

> Voice actors have to be hired in 3 different Languages, all of them have to be paid

> Server Maintenance costs money

> Developers have to be paid

> Graphic Designers have to be paid

> The Area where their offices are, have to be paid

> Electricty has to be paid

> Taxes have to be paid

> The equipment in the office is not sponsored by someone

> Customer Support has to be paid

> The Video Designer have to be paid

> Translator have to be paid etc. cc.

> And yes, i am sure the Gem Store is a nice income. But to think of it, i hardly doubt that there are many people who spent high amounts of money on it nowadays. Especially if you count the people in who buy their Gem Cards on various dubious sites. Or Goldseller. And yet you complain that the stuff you get is not the quality you want it to be.


I try to figure out how all that is related to the question of "Did A-net deliver Expansion content"

Sounds like a huge apology for why they didn't deliver.


Some people come with the same argument.... it's free. But being free doesn't mean it's great just because it's free.

If i want a car and someone offered me his car but it has not wheels and motor, it's Garbage. Yes it's free but i don't want it.


This is the same for LW episodes. If it is not entertaining, it doesn't matter it's free. Especially when announced that it will be Expansion Tier content.

If for any reason it is not possible to deliver content the way they do it, they have to stop because it is hurting the game in the long run.

People just say.... what *kitten* is that mess and don't play it.

GW1 had the perfect model. Expansion every 6 month including new connected landmasses, new classes skills and high quality stories.

Everything was customizable, from weapons to armor to heroes. Even the damage or resistance elements could be chosen. It was fantastic

Elite armor were affordable and sold by ingame characters. No time gate or other *kitten*. There was also no ingame economy.

Why A-Net abandoned all that is far beyond me.


And NO, feee stuff doesn't equal all those experiences just because it's free


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Asking if Anet has delivered expansion tier content yet is something of a silly question.


An expansion is a whole experience and narrative from start to finish. Right now, we are only like half way through Icebrood Saga. If you only looked at the first three maps of Path of Fire would you say thats awhile expansion? No, probably not. Its not complete map wise, narrative, or mechanically, in that state. Icebrood Saga is currently in that state, so you can't really make a valid judgement.

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To be honest this game has already started to beeing completely crap in my opinion. Every content we experience after nearly every patch is turned on casual players. Most of talking is about story or gemstore. The advertisment is on very low quality compare to most MMO we regulary see. You are talking about story and map, and what about old players? High-end content is made for only making money (wait, is he made? :open_mouth: ). There is no new fractals, new raid, new WvW aliances(this one shoulded be long ago). Totaly 0 demanding content. Only for press 1111. Every festival in this game is rusty, every year you bring it back with "Annual achivment" and we do the same. I don't know what's going on in this Studio, but they probably forget about more important things in this game like optimalization for better PC's, making more demanding and less cassual content for older players, fixing trading post, fixing Detha, and many maaaany more things. I won't even say anything about LS1 with Scarlet. The best part in this is that newby player who buys this game with both expansions has to buy every part of story from LS 2 3 4 separately. Is this a some kind of joke? Some of older players which I know personaly stopped to playing because this game offer's nothing new and some new players who can't use new map because they must to BUY it. I don't know if it is a good topic for this kind of post but i wanted to paste it somewhere. I hope new expansion will bring something better and fresh or at least some kind of patch. Anet srsly start doing something with this game.

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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > @"cyres.9140" said:

> > Just so you people start to realize what they do not pay for but Arena Net does

> > Story has to be written and someone gets paid for that

> > Voice actors have to be hired in 3 different Languages, all of them have to be paid

> > Server Maintenance costs money

> > Developers have to be paid

> > Graphic Designers have to be paid

> > The Area where their offices are, have to be paid

> > Electricty has to be paid

> > Taxes have to be paid

> > The equipment in the office is not sponsored by someone

> > Customer Support has to be paid

> > The Video Designer have to be paid

> > Translator have to be paid etc. cc.

> > And yes, i am sure the Gem Store is a nice income. But to think of it, i hardly doubt that there are many people who spent high amounts of money on it nowadays. Especially if you count the people in who buy their Gem Cards on various dubious sites. Or Goldseller. And yet you complain that the stuff you get is not the quality you want it to be.


> I try to figure out how all that is related to the question of "Did A-net deliver Expansion content"

> Sounds like a huge apology for why they didn't deliver.


> Some people come with the same argument.... it's free. But being free doesn't mean it's great just because it's free.

> If i want a car and someone offered me his car but it has not wheels and motor, it's Garbage. Yes it's free but i don't want it.


> This is the same for LW episodes. If it is not entertaining, it doesn't matter it's free. Especially when announced that it will be Expansion Tier content.

> If for any reason it is not possible to deliver content the way they do it, they have to stop because it is hurting the game in the long run.

> People just say.... what *kitten* is that mess and don't play it.

> GW1 had the perfect model. Expansion every 6 month including new connected landmasses, new classes skills and high quality stories.

> Everything was customizable, from weapons to armor to heroes. Even the damage or resistance elements could be chosen. It was fantastic

> Elite armor were affordable and sold by ingame characters. No time gate or other *kitten*. There was also no ingame economy.

> Why A-Net abandoned all that is far beyond me.


> And NO, feee stuff doesn't equal all those experiences just because it's free



Just to add it is not free. You need to own PoF and active at the time the episode is released. Sure, it is cheap. However, that is not an excuse for mediocrity, and surely is not, for false advertising.


For people who say "exceeded my expectations," that does not make it expansion level content. The epilogue exceeded my expectation, but it is just another LW episode. It does not have anything remotely resembling expansion.

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Its only painful because if you want to play this game comfortably you are guaranteed to want to buy something from the gem store (bank or bag tabs, mat storage, living world content etc) or spend hundreds of hours farming for said items.


Not only that but when the full set of content up until this point probably costs as much as all the WoW expansions combined but offers less than half of the mechanics and nothing massively new from launch I sometimes think I'd feel happier paying a little extra in the form of a subscription for a lot less worrying about where the next piece of good content or actual balance or QOL change will happen.


I wish they would offer me the option to subscribe and support the game and instantly unlock everything if it meant that we get a better release schedule and better quality changes, but I'm not even sure they'd want that.


tl;dr Arenanet you need to cater also for people who want more from this game, even if it means changing the business model or adding other ways to monetize.

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> @"Perisemiotics.4579" said:

> I just really wanted a new log-in screen, like that one they had up during the announcement, an icebrood army slowly coming out of the massive blizzard... along with the superb music and sound effects that this Saga has definitely offered.


Didn't they already do that or are we talking about the Character selection screen?





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> @"Kurrilino.2706" said:

> > @"Perisemiotics.4579" said:

> > I just really wanted a new log-in screen, like that one they had up during the announcement, an icebrood army slowly coming out of the massive blizzard... along with the superb music and sound effects that this Saga has definitely offered.


> Didn't they already do that or are we talking about the Character selection screen?

> [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Login_screen](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Login_screen)


Yeah my B, I meant to say "character selection screen" =P

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