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weaver and ranger entanglement


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im curious if there is another combo of elite skill / class in game that has the same lack of counterplay to it as weaver has in regards to entanglement!


would it be possible to give this elite skill a more distinct indicator in times of visual clusterbombs on screen, so that a small chance of dodging this skill is given?


thank you

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> @"mtnjkbm.7452" said:

> while the ele imob elite "Tailored Victory" has to be precasted through changing elements and has to be used within a certain timeframe before it runs out (with a 90 sec cooldown and only 2.5 sec duration) , the ranger has an instant imob with entanglement without precasting anything (60 sec cooldown and a 5 sec duration, plus it pulses bleeding dmg and has double the range)


> what am i missing and why is that a thing?


> not trying to compare two different classes here, just those two elites since one is absolutley overpowering a class in a way no other elite skill overpowers another class in this game i think.


> pls enlighten me if im wrong!



Entangle has a very obvious jump animation telegraph.


When a condi ranger jumps into the air, dodge roll.


Entangle isn't the problem. It's been around since year 1. The problem is when Ancient Seeds became a thing and then Jacaranda showed up. Now Druid builds have the capacity for fronting ridiculously obnoxious immob builds. It's not that these Druid builds are even viable competitively, they're just really annoying. And it isn't even that the immob condi itself is the problem, but more so the roots that appear at your feet, which require targeting & damage to remove. The roots should only be on Entangle. They don't need to be on anything else, especially skills/abilities with low CDs.

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> @"mtnjkbm.7452" said:

> hello.


> im curious if there is another combo of elite skill / class in game that has the same lack of counterplay to it as weaver has in regards to entanglement!


> would it be possible to give this elite skill a more distinct indicator in times of visual clusterbombs on screen, so that a small chance of dodging this skill is given?


> thank you


While I can see how a class that mostly deals with condis by removing them one at a time can get utterly stomped by covercondis,you still have some tools to get away: Focus offhand+earth attunement, Cleansing Flame, Lightning Flash, stacking cleansing sigil+evasive arcane etc., or just in general avoid getting hit. Of course these are not part of the metabuilds and the common playstyle, but you have to adapt to your enemy if you don't want to be stomped.

Even so a condiranger will be something you cannot beat in a fair fight(unless you outskill them greatly), so learn to deal with it being a counter and take the fight to someone else.

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> @"mtnjkbm.7452" said:

> while the ele imob elite "Tailored Victory" has to be precasted through changing elements and has to be used within a certain timeframe before it runs out (with a 90 sec cooldown and only 2.5 sec duration) , the ranger has an instant imob with entanglement without precasting anything (60 sec cooldown and a 5 sec duration, plus it pulses bleeding dmg and has double the range)


> what am i missing and why is that a thing?


> not trying to compare two different classes here, just those two elites since one is absolutley overpowering a class in a way no other elite skill overpowers another class in this game i think.


> pls enlighten me if im wrong!


I think you missed the part where ele elite is an unblockable aoe cc that reduces your attunement cooldown and gives passive bonuses

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"mtnjkbm.7452" said:

> > while the ele imob elite "Tailored Victory" has to be precasted through changing elements and has to be used within a certain timeframe before it runs out (with a 90 sec cooldown and only 2.5 sec duration) , the ranger has an instant imob with entanglement without precasting anything (60 sec cooldown and a 5 sec duration, plus it pulses bleeding dmg and has double the range)

> >

> > what am i missing and why is that a thing?

> >

> > not trying to compare two different classes here, just those two elites since one is absolutley overpowering a class in a way no other elite skill overpowers another class in this game i think.

> >

> > pls enlighten me if im wrong!



> Entangle has a very obvious jump animation telegraph.


> When a condi ranger jumps into the air, dodge roll.


> Entangle isn't the problem. It's been around since year 1. The problem is when Ancient Seeds became a thing and then Jacaranda showed up. Now Druid builds have the capacity for fronting ridiculously obnoxious immob builds. It's not that these Druid builds are even viable competitively, they're just really annoying. And it isn't even that the immob condi itself is the problem, but more so the roots that appear at your feet, which require targeting & damage to remove. The roots should only be on Entangle. They don't need to be on anything else, especially skills/abilities with low CDs.


Entangle is 100% a problem. It's completely inconsistent and I can randomly fail at being able to interact with them entirely half the time, despite doing nothing different, because they spawn under the world or just refuse to take damage and get obstructed over and over. There's also numerous classes, like necro, that can use multiple weapon combos(say axe + scepter scourge) that literally cannot interact with them and has to randomly sit in full duration entangles if their condi removal refuses to remove the immob.


Entangle needs to be redesigned entirely, it doesn't work.

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> @"mtnjkbm.7452" said:

> hello.


> im curious if there is another combo of elite skill / class in game that has the same lack of counterplay to it as weaver has in regards to entanglement!


> would it be possible to give this elite skill a more distinct indicator in times of visual clusterbombs on screen, so that a small chance of dodging this skill is given?


> thank you


Another L2P issue whining thread surprisingly coming from a weaver an spec known to be extremely oppressive in sPvP.

As trevor already explained: Entangle has a very clear animation, the ranger jump in a very distinctive way is very difficult to miss if you are watching him or even listening to the game as it also has a very distinctive noise. If instead you are afk or looking at the keyboard then it is possible you won't be able to see it.


You have sigil of escape, also any condi cleanse will do which weaver is plenty for .

You also have access to Windborne Speed and Earthen Blessing which specifically remove or reduce immobilise durations. Anything around 20% and you will move thru the roots like they aren't there. So any Rune Set which applies a 20% reduction in condition duration will do too.


But i'm sure you already know that, what you want is to use your glass cannon and nerf everything else which counters your build. Well the devs should not listen or balance around from that ideology, right?

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Weaver is oppressive in PvP? It's currently one of the weakest classes, next to warrior and mesmer. You almost never see this class being played.


It's the oppressiveness of knowing that if you have to tab out for a bit to check something on the wiki, that weaver might catch up to you and start dealing some damage before you get back.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> Weaver is oppressive in PvP? It's currently one of the weakest classes, next to warrior and mesmer. You almost never see this class being played.

Its sPvP. SPvP is weird. Here we have this discussion, while in WvW eles run builds that are practically immortal against ranged condi.

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> @"mtnjkbm.7452" said:

> > @"Tharan.9085" said:

> > > @"mtnjkbm.7452" said:

> > > while the ele imob elite "Tailored Victory" has to be precasted through changing elements and has to be used within a certain timeframe before it runs out (with a 90 sec cooldown and only 2.5 sec duration) , the ranger has an instant imob with entanglement without precasting anything (60 sec cooldown and a 5 sec duration, plus it pulses bleeding dmg and has double the range)

> > >

> > > what am i missing and why is that a thing?

> > >

> > > not trying to compare two different classes here, just those two elites since one is absolutley overpowering a class in a way no other elite skill overpowers another class in this game i think.

> > >

> > > pls enlighten me if im wrong!

> >

> > I think you missed the part where ele elite is an unblockable aoe cc that reduces your attunement cooldown and gives passive bonuses


> isnt the ranger elite also an unblockable aoe cc ? (also for 5 enemies)

> but fair point with the passives, i didnt mention them although they should have been, since they are a big part of it. wasnt on purpose or anything.

> still, i never pulled off a play against rangers with entanglement where those passives would have helped me to overcome the cc and the attacks that followed.

> tbf at the end it comes down to player skill , at least to a certain degree, so i shouldnt have started to compare stuff just because i am frustrated from not beeing able to counter this skill.


It's an immobilize, not a cc. It can just be cleansed while you need a stunbreak for weave self

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Entangle probably needs to be tuned down along with all the other pulsing immobs to 1 second per second for 3 seconds, instead of 5 seconds with the overall lower power level, yes we're higher than Core and Entangle existed back then, but there are also Ancient Seeds, CA5(easy to dodge) and JacarandaF1 on top of it nowadays.

That being sad strictly for Weaver its a bit annoying because the intended counterplay is to kill the Roots to remove the immob instantly, however that doesn't happen all the time and that bug should be fixed, its also a bit harder to kill the Roots on Condi builds, it should for sure be updated to take conditions. That alone might fix the issue.


I see people often underestimate Immob, Immob is basically a CC, its stronger than most CCs in my own opinion. Its worth noting that I also think other Immobs need to be toned down too, Overload Earth and Aftershock for sure.



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