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This is why people don't have "mains" in this game and just play whatever is the most overpowered. Players realize something is overpowered, then it takes Anet literally YEARS to nerf it below overpowered. It makes absolutely no sense.


Then you have classes like ele and warrior that have been BAD for 6 months straight now with zero meaningful changes to them. Mesmer isn't as bad and is mainly thief being overpowered and plasma holding it back.


How are people expected to play what they like and want to play when balance is so horrendous and slow? Balance is the #1 thing holding this game back since release in every game mode, not just PvP.


CmC hasn't done anything for a while now, is he just hard working on Cantha and ignoring the current game?

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All holo skills were nerfed BUT NOT GRENADES


and like 95% of holos think they're good because they're abusing the absurd pre-nerf damage of grenades


It's exactly like Lich form

anet why did u overlook it? was it even intended? -.-

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> @"Teb.6980" said:



> All holo skills were nerfed BUT NOT GRENADES


> and like 95% of holos think they're good because they're abusing the absurd pre-nerf damage of grenades


> It's exactly like Lich form

> anet why did u overlook it? was it even intended? -.-


It's more a problem with Holosmith traits, than with Grenades (which allegedly have been nerfed by 20% since February).

Grenades aren't strong or even viable with Scrapper or Core Engineer.

So, nerfing Holosmith would be the way to go here.

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I disagree as well, insted nerfing granades, nerf https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Laser%27s_Edge from 15% to 10% in pvp

but buff holo basic skills


Don't nerf kit that effect other elit spec


remove the garbage blind on it.

it have 10s cd and do minimal dmg, same as trait have 15s cd

thers yet Flas spark but it have 40s cd

with that hight cd i don't see it as unresonable

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> @"Fueki.4753" said:

> > @"Teb.6980" said:


> >

> > All holo skills were nerfed BUT NOT GRENADES

> >

> > and like 95% of holos think they're good because they're abusing the absurd pre-nerf damage of grenades

> >

> > It's exactly like Lich form

> > anet why did u overlook it? was it even intended? -.-


> It's more a problem with Holosmith traits, than with Grenades (which allegedly have been nerfed by 20% since February).

> Grenades aren't strong or even viable with Scrapper or Core Engineer.

> So, nerfing Holosmith would be the way to go here.





Also, I've seen several good scrappers get WAAAAy ahead of any holo... because the main offender is actually flashbang grenade imho — that and build which makes use of the intelligence weapon sigil without much built-in crit chance


On the other hand... I think your statement can be proven wrong if you check out the condi core grenadier and basically any scrapper lol


Holos are extremely easy to kill without elixir S. Take my word on it, I'm a theorycrafting holo main xd

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> @"Noah Salazar.5430" said:

> I disagree as well, insted nerfing granades, nerf https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Laser%27s_Edge from 15% to 10% in pvp

> but buff holo basic skills


> Don't nerf kit that effect other elit spec



> remove the garbage blind on it.


> it have 10s cd and do minimal dmg, same as trait have 15s cd

> thers yet Flas spark but it have 40s cd

> with that hight cd i don't see it as unresonable


traited lasers edge is 22,5% bonus ( maximum )

flashbang doesnt have 10s icd, it makes EE blind. You get EE out of combat and every time you dodge. Engi has access to vigor, 2 dodges, utility that restores endurance and energy sigil as well as access to a trait that increases energy regen. Meta holo in 1min fight will be able to dodge lik ~10-12 times, each times getting EE for blind/damage.

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> @"Teb.6980" said:



> anet why did u overlook it? was it even intended? -.-

Nothing has been overlooked. If it had been, it would have been changed by now since everything else was chamged back in February. But since its been 6+ months and all we get is dead silance from the devs and things the exact same for 1/2 a year at least mean they are content with everything that is what it is.


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explosive entrance+nade is fine on core, it helps with mid range close range combat, and was probably a way to fix core engi.


but then again, there's Holo who has a full melee warrior packed in their holo mode. plus nade+EE it becomes too much because there's literally no time for you to get close because holo can constantly heavily pressure you once you enter it's range.

the skills itself is not op at all, just the combo of EE+nade + holo mode gives it too much way to counter pressure..

so as long as the skills works and not gutted to uselessness, it will be op


so either, they completely trash explosive entrance or nade, which is not good tbh lol


they should probably make KITS core engi only and just like elite specs has it's own utility. holo will be fine without nade.

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You should be able to do one thing well, and maybe a second thing ok (at best). So, you can tank, heal (support) or dps, but you should not be able to do all 3 at the same time. A glass build should not have the ability to tank damage, a healer's sustain while still being glass (or nearly) dps. Not to mention the CC's. Anet hasn't figured that out yet.

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> @"Tycura.1982" said:

> *EE intensifies*


While EE can be problematic, it's more like the blind and often DAZE that over does it. EE is just that tiny barrel that used to be dropped on dodge which now goes where the next hit happens. They should definitely put on the Reckless dodge level of co-efficient. Potential 3ks are too much, maybe if that happens then Flashbang and Daze won't be as broken.

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> @"felix.2386" said:

> explosive entrance+nade is fine on core, it helps with mid range close range combat, and was probably a way to fix core engi.


> but then again, there's Holo who has a full melee warrior packed in their holo mode. plus nade+EE it becomes too much because there's literally no time for you to get close because holo can constantly heavily pressure you once you enter it's range.

> the skills itself is not op at all, just the combo of EE+nade + holo mode gives it too much way to counter pressure..

> so as long as the skills works and not gutted to uselessness, it will be op


> so either, they completely trash explosive entrance or nade, which is not good tbh lol

> or

> they should probably make KITS core engi only and just like elite specs has it's own utility. holo will be fine without nade.


First of all: If they do something like this, then they should do it to **all** elite specs, taking away a utility skill type from them.


Second: This change would brutally murder PvE dps holosmith and dps is the intended role of that elite spec. Such a change shouldn't happen.

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> @"felix.2386" said:

> explosive entrance+nade is fine on core, it helps with mid range close range combat, and was probably a way to fix core engi.


> but then again, there's Holo who has a full melee warrior packed in their holo mode. plus nade+EE it becomes too much because there's literally no time for you to get close because holo can constantly heavily pressure you once you enter it's range.

> the skills itself is not op at all, just the combo of EE+nade + holo mode gives it too much way to counter pressure..

> so as long as the skills works and not gutted to uselessness, it will be op


> so either, they completely trash explosive entrance or nade, which is not good tbh lol

> or

> they should probably make KITS core engi only and just like elite specs has it's own utility. holo will be fine without nade.


Base eng doesn't need to be buffed and is irrelevant, they shouldn't destroy the entire games PvP balance because 2 people want to play base engineer...


Kits being base eng only would ruin the entire class. I too, thought that idea, then I played holo for a while and understood why it's a bad idea.

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traited lasers edge is 22,5% bonus ( maximum )


your right about it, but basic is 15% (for 100% cap amount), so if you nerf 15%->10%, max gona be 15% insted of 22,5% while traited


and every time you dodge.

i checked it, and yes your abousulty right, i asumed it have 15s cd cuz of online build editior

right now that trait is broken, and schold have minimum 10s cd





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> @"Luclinraider.2317" said:

> Holosmith, Scrapper Flamethrower, Rev (Condi and Power) and Soul Beast.


> I sure hope they nerf them before Steam launch or the Steam PvP crowd will only be around a day or two before quitting. No one likes to try and get into a new game just to be 1 shotted or killed by conditions in under a second over and over.

I mean bringing in condi rev and soulbeast in a discussion of overpowered classes.. How these discussions lose credibility. Both of aforementioned build are totally unviable in top level gameplay right now. Especially condi rev.


Holo, on the other hand is so incredibly busted that is easily above anything.

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> @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> Remove dmg modifier from weapons on holo and make only way to reduce heat is overheating and mKe overheating dmg holo only. This would make forge a con to use


So basically "completely delete holosmith from the game to that point no one is ever going to touch it again"?

Yeah, no, thanks. I prefer my elite specs to be usable.

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> @"Bazsi.2734" said:

> Oh come on, Holosmith is only a problem since the PoF release. That was only like... days ago. 1076 days ago. You'll get a new balance patch right before End of Dragons comes out, now stop complaining and buy those gemstore skins!


Before february patch oneshot mesmers -the degenerate ones- were able to hold holos in check though :( and holos would keep mesmers in check with the reveal trait. It had some counterplay back then, now the damage is so low, and healing turret so strong, everything you do just bounces on them

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