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What unnecessary mechanics would you include in the game?

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> @"Henry.5713" said:

> Add alternative vegan versions of all of the food, utility items and potions.


I wonder if Iboga, Jacaranda, Choya and other plant based species would be fine to eat from a vegan perspective.

I guess not, since they‘re technically animals and plants at the same time (or just sentient plants?).


Still, I‘d think it would be hard being vegan in GW2 with all the sentient plants around.

Just imagine being a Sylvari and seeing plants all around you, the equivalent for humans would be a landscape of non-sentient flesh growths :D

(And what would a vegan-equivalent be from a Sylvari perspective? No plant-based products, only animal-based ones?)


My guess is sentiency would play a huge role in Tyria if you‘d want to be something similiar to an ideological vegan in the real world.

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> @"Raknar.4735" said:

> > @"Henry.5713" said:

> > Add alternative vegan versions of all of the food, utility items and potions.

> Just imagine being a Sylvari and seeing plants all around you, the equivalent for humans would be a landscape of non-sentient flesh growths :D


imagine being a sylvari with a shroom head, the equivalent for humans would be ... a shroom head?

mushrooms are closer to animals than to plants, so i always wonder where that mushroom affection of sylvari comes from ...


is it ok to eat a mushroom as shroom head?

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> Ambient mounts. Creatures that wander maps like the ambient creatures but you can jump on and ride around. Obviously they would not be as good as the regular mounts. Dolyaks come to mind thanks to another thread I just read but this could also be a way to get horses into the game.


Only if you can't control them (because they're wild) and you're stuck on them (holding on for dear life) for 30 seconds before being bucked of and stunned for 3 seconds.


Sounds like fun to ride a non-mount animal for a while.

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Anything that adds to the depth, and lore of the world.

Fishing, housing, some sort of activity that teaches us about the story and lore of each place, like relic hunting in ESO, adding more depth to existing towns and villages, more than sole random outside only houses and random npc, make it look like they love there. Add stores, inns, pubs, etc.

I think in general all newer content is very superficial in terms of lore and zone story.

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->dps and hps meter (without baning outside ones)

->ask request to check someone gear if he agree (3min cd for ask request)

->ability to take off helm from gemstore outfit panel

->global chat (some gemstore megaphones to use that chat)

->mentor chat (evryone that taged as mentor will see that chat, others will can write ther but will not see that chat until thay tag as mentor)

->post limit incrested to 25 (afer you buy game)

-> remove "Your message was suppressed due to excessive messaging." from lfg

->Marriage (you will see ring symbol next to someone avatar if his married, and if you point on that ring it will show who)

Person whos you married will have name with pink color, if your close to that person you will get boon "United Hearts" that give +20stats, and +50 pasive healing evry 2sec, also you will can teleport to to wife/husband evry 30min (like charging teleport to friend)(yes you can marriage same gender same like diferent race (Norn+sylvari)

-> on friend list you gona see lv of your friend character his on, lv of profesions, last time he was log in (not couting offline mode) and maybe bra size

-> on friend list you will can put comment (only visable for you) to someone (as if you have too many friends you hard remeber who was who)

-> /fart /spit (one someone)

->Searching guild tab wher you will can find any guild that is in game, you can short them from a-z or by member size same as tag pve/wvw/pvp/RP/Farm/Social (yes guild can have more tags then 1)

Also if you click on any guild you will see daily message and symbol of that guild, same as you will can apply to that guild by this tab


All that are not nessesary but culd be nice to see

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