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Guild Wars 3 while keeping Guild Wars 2?


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> @"nomak.8693" said:

> Gw2 remastered?!? Hah. They better start sending out video cards too that could run the game. The game is heavy enough. Not everybody can afford $800+ for a video card alone. WvW would be unplayable.


Presumably a "Remastered" GW2 would be far better optimized than the current game, at least that's how it _should_ be, and as such wouldn't be as difficult to run at higher settings. I'm also not inclined to think that they'd go with photo-realism either, much of the art style does a lot to cover the old graphics and going too far with a graphical update would be unnecessary and even counter productive.

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> @"nomak.8693" said:

> Gw2 remastered?!? Hah. They better start sending out video cards too that could run the game. The game is heavy enough. Not everybody can afford $800+ for a video card alone. WvW would be unplayable.


the game is CPU heavy, not GPU heavy.

it only uses one single core regardless of anyone's multi-core CPU, my laptop has a quatro core CPU yet it run's GW2 like shit.


anyway, the whole reason why GW2 is falling behind in the MMO world is because they never learn from their mistakes, instead ignoring them.

to show a small list they never ever made properly:

-targeting system is crap

-battle system is in conflict with the skill system making it a bad match.

-mastery is a mess

-the engine is still from 2008, not utilizing multi-core CPU's

-they keep on adding more achievements with stubbornly ignoring quests

-they keep on adding more and more currencies because they can't think of a better way to balance item purchases. (and ever add quests that would solve all of it.)

-their stories become less and less interesting

-they still don't know how a skip dialog system works even after 8 frikin years

-they started casual friendly but they are becoming elitist exclusive, only caring for meta's and nothing else

-they are starting to make everything so grindy that even festivals are just nothing but ridicules grindfests.

-instead of allowing ppl to choose their playstyle they force it, not allowing anything but a small boring line of styles.

-instead of allowing several roles to be useful the only thing useful is DPS, the worst part is that they never ever made any progress on promoting other roles.


oh, and if anyone thinks this is allot, i am still being mild at best.

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Either do it properly or just keep GW2 as it is. It's running a skeleton crew already so I think there are slim chances for a brand new release. A revamp is fine for something with a lot less on the plate like an ARPG.


GW2 still has amazing style but it's limitations mechanically and visually are a problem for me anyway. For some it isn't, but pick one way because trying to please everyone = no-one is happy.


If I had a choice I would support and love GW3. Fresh beginning, new engine, new chapter just like a sequel should be. I think there's about a 5% chance for a GW3 however.


Whatever they choose anything is better than just maintaining the same things they've been doing for years. Stagnant is not good, and soon we're going to have like 10000 mastery points or something crazy.

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> @"sitarskee.5738" said:

> I don't think there will ever be GW3. Maybe 1/2 more expansions besides EoD and that's it. If they were to create another MMORPG, I would rather prefer them making a new, original one.


> MMORPGs are those games which get old very slow, so GW2 still has many years ahead of it.


I agree. i dont think we will havea GW3. But there's only 2 options, or they go to mobile like others are going or they go to VR models. I think the tradicional MMORPG for pc is dead. There's more and more sandbox type of MMO for pc, and if Anet goes for one like those, it will be just another one. On mobile there's loads of them already. To me the real bet would be VR the market. Is open and there aren't many VR MMO yet and GW has a huge backbone and a big community already. Check out for Zenith VR for instance, its a true VR MMO and its coming out this year. If you check them out you guys will find that they got funds using kickstarter in 4H only. That means there's alot of people looking for a good VR MMO. Just saying.

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Something I would like is, that they would make the Weaponskills more "buildable". Like being able to choose from a pool of xx 2H Sword skills to create a build, that could work complementary with your utility skills. They could have 1 basic attack skill and 4 weaponskills. Make the "heal" slot optional not mandatory.


They can keep releasing more and new skills to unlock, so players can keep creating and experimenting with new builds..

But im just a casual player, so I dont really know why that shouldnt be possible or not healthy for the game.



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I cant but look at poe and feel jealousy that an arpg is being designed and updated with longevity in mind while anet seems to invest in gw2's future only in words.


Poe is getting massive updates visual and engine wise while with no Gw3 on the horizon Gw2 only looks to further bloat what it already has and disregards its playability and optimisation.


Chris Wilson says that they want the game to evolve and exist for decades and that shows, Arenanet on the other hand really just want to milk gw2 untill their other orojects are in a good place. Its been 8 years, if anet wanted to improve the game in any way that would say "this game is here to stay" they would have at least talked about it. Content is only half the equation.

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I think their approach to a transition to a GW3 would be much the same as it was with GW2; if and when they reach a point with the current game that they're not able to implement what they want to do. I don't think they're there yet and doubt they will be for a while. GW2 was made with the lessons learned in GW1 so that ceiling is much harder to hit. I would hope that GW3 would be just as iterative to GW2 as that one was to the original.


I do agree that the game engine needs a little bit of love; better textures and getting onto a modern DirectX, for a start. I don't see this happening, though. That's a pretty major overhaul and, if they're having to basically cancel all content in order to maintain the manpower needed to develop an expansion, then something like that is definitely not in the cards. The other strike that I see against it is that Asian publishers really push mobile development these days. Mobile and VR games tend to be very flash-in-the-pan, which is the opposite of how MMOs work, so those just aren't feasible for a stable GW3. Where there's a boom, there's eventually a bust; it's just how the world works.


I don't think that MMOs, as we know them, are dead (on PC or otherwise), but I do think that they have to be done in a way that appeals to the modern lifestyle and younger audiences. Copying WoW and giving it better graphics just doesn't cut it anymore. GW2 is one of the VERY few successful MMO sequels that have had any staying power, and I think that's largely due to just how much it shook up the formula. Yeah, it might not appeal to your "traditional MMO crowd", but those guys are already entrenched in WoW, FFIV, and ESO. Cloning and mildly updating those games is not going to get them to switch teams. There are already plenty of MMOs in development that fall into or are callbacks to this "traditional" style (see: New World or Camelot Unchained). While they might have a few flashy new features, it's still the same car under the hood. Those will either fill that need for "new-with-classic-style", or fail as people have outgrown it. There's no point in GW3 aiming for the same hoop.


That said, I would LOVE to see a GW3 and hope for it. Seriously, take my money

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> @"Juillin.5361" said:

> I think their approach to a transition to a GW3 would be much the same as it was with GW2; if and when they reach a point with the current game that they're not able to implement what they want to do. I don't think they're there yet and doubt they will be for a while. GW2 was made with the lessons learned in GW1 so that ceiling is much harder to hit. I would hope that GW3 would be just as iterative to GW2 as that one was to the original.


> I do agree that the game engine needs a little bit of love; better textures and getting onto a modern DirectX, for a start. I don't see this happening, though. That's a pretty major overhaul and, if they're having to basically cancel all content in order to maintain the manpower needed to develop an expansion, then something like that is definitely not in the cards. The other strike that I see against it is that Asian publishers really push mobile development these days. Mobile and VR games tend to be very flash-in-the-pan, which is the opposite of how MMOs work, so those just aren't feasible for a stable GW3. Where there's a boom, there's eventually a bust; it's just how the world works.


> I don't think that MMOs, as we know them, are dead (on PC or otherwise), but I do think that they have to be done in a way that appeals to the modern lifestyle and younger audiences. Copying WoW and giving it better graphics just doesn't cut it anymore. GW2 is one of the VERY few successful MMO sequels that have had any staying power, and I think that's largely due to just how much it shook up the formula. Yeah, it might not appeal to your "traditional MMO crowd", but those guys are already entrenched in WoW, FFIV, and ESO. Cloning and mildly updating those games is not going to get them to switch teams. There are already plenty of MMOs in development that fall into or are callbacks to this "traditional" style (see: New World or Camelot Unchained). While they might have a few flashy new features, it's still the same car under the hood. Those will either fill that need for "new-with-classic-style", or fail as people have outgrown it. There's no point in GW3 aiming for the same hoop.


> That said, I would LOVE to see a GW3 and hope for it. Seriously, take my money


Hope you're right.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"nomak.8693" said:

> > Gw2 remastered?!? Hah. They better start sending out video cards too that could run the game. The game is heavy enough. Not everybody can afford $800+ for a video card alone. WvW would be unplayable.


> Can you name a game that requires an $800+ graphics card just to run it?



What, you need it for high chunks and RTX raytracing.



> @"Luclinraider.2317" said:

> The most important thing they need to change in GW3 to make it a success:


> -No downed state in any form of PvP or WvW.

You misspelled the word failure.


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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Luclinraider.2317" said:

> > The most important thing they need to change in GW3 to make it a success:

> >

> > -No downed state in any form of PvP or WvW.


> And PvE. Off with the training wheels.


What about playing a power build and being oneshot by a mordrem/forged sniper hidden in the forest?

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"nomak.8693" said:

> > > Gw2 remastered?!? Hah. They better start sending out video cards too that could run the game. The game is heavy enough. Not everybody can afford $800+ for a video card alone. WvW would be unplayable.

> >

> > Can you name a game that requires an $800+ graphics card just to run it?

> Minecraft.


> What, you need it for high chunks and RTX raytracing.



> > @"Luclinraider.2317" said:

> > The most important thing they need to change in GW3 to make it a success:

> >

> > -No downed state in any form of PvP or WvW.

> You misspelled the word failure.



Considering the fact that their current PvP has already been considered a failure for the last six years by the majority of the MMO community including their own would prove otherwise.

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> @"Luclinraider.2317" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"nomak.8693" said:

> > > > Gw2 remastered?!? Hah. They better start sending out video cards too that could run the game. The game is heavy enough. Not everybody can afford $800+ for a video card alone. WvW would be unplayable.

> > >

> > > Can you name a game that requires an $800+ graphics card just to run it?

> > Minecraft.

> >

> > What, you need it for high chunks and RTX raytracing.

> >

> >

> > > @"Luclinraider.2317" said:

> > > The most important thing they need to change in GW3 to make it a success:

> > >

> > > -No downed state in any form of PvP or WvW.

> > You misspelled the word failure.

> >


> Considering the fact that their current PvP has already been considered a failure for the last six years by the majority of the MMO community including their own would prove otherwise.

And considering a majority seem to want keep it when there poll threads on it, it prove you otherwise. sPvP isnt the only aspect of GW2.


Also almost all modern games in the past decade has moved toward some kind of downed state. Not having it is... well, archaic.


Could it be done *better* in the future? Sure. But a GW3 removing downstate would be a disspointment to the evolution of the series. It would be the same as GW3 not having dyes, the wardrobe, legendary gear or mounts. Just because some people dont like fashion, flashy effects and thinks flying ruin the maps and decide the majority of the community agree with them.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"nomak.8693" said:

> > > Gw2 remastered?!? Hah. They better start sending out video cards too that could run the game. The game is heavy enough. Not everybody can afford $800+ for a video card alone. WvW would be unplayable.

> >

> > Can you name a game that requires an $800+ graphics card just to run it?

> Minecraft.


> What, you need it for high chunks and RTX raytracing.


that still doesn't require a $800+ graphic card, you're reaching for straws.


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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"nomak.8693" said:

> > > > Gw2 remastered?!? Hah. They better start sending out video cards too that could run the game. The game is heavy enough. Not everybody can afford $800+ for a video card alone. WvW would be unplayable.

> > >

> > > Can you name a game that requires an $800+ graphics card just to run it?

> > Minecraft.

> >

> > What, you need it for high chunks and RTX raytracing.


> that still doesn't require a $800+ graphic card, you're reaching for straws.



Or they were just joking....

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For those talking about graphics cards...I'm fairly certain this game is far more CPU intensive than GPU intensive. The loading of other players in things like WvW and cities is mostly a CPU oriented task, if I'm not mistaken. I could upgrade my graphics card to a 3090...(I'm on a 2080 Super right now) it wouldn't boost frame rate for those instances too noticeably. Graphically speaking...the game is rather well optimized. I was playing this game at a consistent 55+ FPS on an i7 4770k and GTX 660 a few years back on 1080p and 60+ FPS consistently on 1440P and a 1080...everything on max except sampling was on native for the 660, not super. The FPS boost actually came from when I upgraded my 4770k to the 7700k.

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If you think the company can develope two games at once, then you have not been following the road of pink slips over the course of these two years. Mismanagement has leaded to a rumored mobile game, console game and gw3 prototype being canned. And at each cancelation, people lost there jobs.

The only way gw2 was made was gw1 was abandoned for 4 years. I doubt there is a long enough back catalog of gemstore items to survive that long on gw2.

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