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Uhh..i'm not trying to be rude but does Anet have ANY idea what they are doing with class "balance"?


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So my friends and I started this game day of release many years ago. We played it for awhile, and eventually quit and went back to WoW. Came back for the expansions and again, played for awhile and quit.


So here I am back again...and after all these years decided to actually try a "different" class than my thief. I've spent a ton of money, bags, world map achievements etc..but something just kept telling me to re-roll a fresh 80. So low and behold, I buy all NEW bag slots, item slots, redo map achievements etc....NOT cool but fine OK. (this stuff should carry over seriously)


**_Roll a guardian...R U KIDDING MEEEE!!!!???_**


I go into PVE, i'm a god, I go into PvP, i'm a god. What kind of crap is this??? I am literally smashing my face on my keyboard and just blowing stuff up left and right with burn damage all over and healing like a tornado...Is the thief class broken? Is this some kinda fluke/joke??? This cant be right. Why did I spend sooo much time/money on a busted class. I'm being honest, I'm only ranked gold on my thief but this isn't right/fair. I no longer think "necros/eng/guards/mes" are good players...I think I was playing with a handicap...and if this is "balance" I have NO idea what Anet has been doing all these years with this game.


Just my thoughts/2 cents but this balancing is insane. I should have rolled a guardian years ago.


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You're surprised that a class that is designed to be quick but fragile is not as powerful as a class that is designed to be slow but powerful? Thief's strength isn't raw power, it's mobility.


I don't think you've understood the roles involved here. Thief is considered a mandatory class in any competitive team. Guardian is not.

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Short answer to your title: No.

Long answer to your title: Absolutely No.

Answer to your post: it focuses too much on burn guard to be relevant with the title. But it definitely is too rewarding for the use of 2 singles abilities.

Fortunately, due to the general low skill floor and low population, this build will be enough to carry you to Plat 2. Welcome to the Dame/Baroness of arena title wearers.

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You can probably play almost anything that you like with enough stalling and disengaging.


Guardian has always been the better starting class with a lot of aegis to save itself, which a lot of new players fall and die for by burning too many skills into those.


The concept of AoE pressure with it can also be broken, but it's also easily countered by professions and players smart enough to not stand still into it with you then in the better case, use ranged weapons.


If I had to conclude, guardian is pretty much noob proof class, people need to have some experience to figure out how to kill them properly.

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> @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> You're surprised that a class that is designed to be quick but fragile is not as powerful as a class that is designed to be slow but powerful? Thief's strength isn't raw power, it's mobility.


> I don't think you've understood the roles involved here. Thief is considered a mandatory class in any competitive team. Guardian is not.


I don't like "running" or capping all day. I fight. And powerful....not even close. Did you even read my post? The dots alone on this guardian blow away my max con spec thief...its a travesty. Class should be called "coward" and then let people know what they are getting into.


As for the rest of the comments thanks guys for the understanding, I've now realized I was correct in my assessment.

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> @"Wrain.6792" said:

> > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > You're surprised that a class that is designed to be quick but fragile is not as powerful as a class that is designed to be slow but powerful? Thief's strength isn't raw power, it's mobility.

> >

> > I don't think you've understood the roles involved here. Thief is considered a mandatory class in any competitive team. Guardian is not.


> I don't like "running" or capping all day. I fight.


Then why would you play thief?


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Thief is quick to run away and has a gross amount of stealth and teleports.

And you want it to deal gross amounts of damage, too?


If it did, we would see (or rather NOT see) 10 players each PvP match sitting for 15 minutes in stealth and hoping the opponent in front of them forgets (or fails) to refresh stealth.


As for your title question, I don't think Arenanet even tries to balance the game.

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> @"Wrain.6792" said:

> > @"Ragnar.4257" said:

> > You're surprised that a class that is designed to be quick but fragile is not as powerful as a class that is designed to be slow but powerful? Thief's strength isn't raw power, it's mobility.

> >

> > I don't think you've understood the roles involved here. Thief is considered a mandatory class in any competitive team. Guardian is not.


> I don't like "running" or capping all day. I fight. And powerful....not even close. Did you even read my post? The dots alone on this guardian blow away my max con spec thief...its a travesty. Class should be called "coward" and then let people know what they are getting into.


> As for the rest of the comments thanks guys for the understanding, I've now realized I was correct in my assessment.


If it's any consolation, my weaver would almost certainly beat your guardian, but would only win against your thief if you fail at kiting. Balance?

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> @"Wrain.6792" said:

> So my friends and I started this game day of release many years ago. We played it for awhile, and eventually quit and went back to WoW. Came back for the expansions and again, played for awhile and quit.


> Just my thoughts/2 cents but this balancing is insane. I should have rolled a guardian years ago.



I feel ya man, I'm in the same shoes just with my warrior... Logged to play after 2 years the other day, and after an hour of pvp I was laughing in disbelief about what the heck happened to my class, it's literally unplayable in pvp mode. So quickly made a guardian (which I planned originally, but really wanted to play my good old warrior first), and after lvl 2, from the pvp lobby with 0 practice and 0 experience with the class made 9 wins in a row topping stats many times... I don't know what to think about this, but something is seriously wrong with the game's balance, especially - in my case - with the warrior... it's like I play a low level random NPC against top bosses.



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the current situation for yours guard is ok. Be happy.

But you can play any class and build. Want play thief ? - play. We have mmr rank system, so if you not hardcore player - you can use any biuld, and any class.

If you hardcore pvp player - you should happy some imbalance and use specific class/build and tactic.

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You went from playing the class with the highest skill floor to the class with the lowest, so yes at first glance it will seem to the average player that Guardian completely outclasses thief by a hilariously massive margin. But the truth is that guardian in general is just very easy to play. Nearly all guardian builds in sPvP atm amount to _"Me stand on point! Me spam symbols!"_


This doesn't make guardian better than thief, just at low skill levels. Thief requires rotating and timing interrupts/evades to play well, which requires you to know most tells from all other classes. Guardian requires the ability to walk to the point, and push buttons. _Me push buttons!_


But thief has a lot of things that actually make it arguably better in the current meta than guardian.





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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> You went from playing the class with the highest skill floor to the class with the lowest, so yes at first glance it will seem to the average player that Guardian completely outclasses thief by a hilariously massive margin. But the truth is that guardian in general is just very easy to play. Nearly all guardian builds in sPvP atm amount to _"Me stand on point! Me spam symbols!"_


> This doesn't make guardian better than thief, just at low skill levels. Thief requires rotating and timing interrupts/evades to play well, which requires you to know most tells from all other classes. Guardian requires the ability to walk to the point, and push buttons. _Me push buttons!_


> But thief has a lot of things that actually make it arguably better in the current meta than guardian.






Lol hogwash. Plz don't kid yourself. I was here with the unlimited stealth spam the #2 button power spam. It's NOT some high tier class. It's broken and if u think working 2x as hard for the same results then have at it. Games for issues and the more I play it the more I'm seeing this balancing act.

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> Thief high skill cap


Spam black powder + 2x heartseeker for stealth; from there you just backstab until someone gets downed. If you see someone ressing, shortbow 4 and you can call it a day.

3 button combo it can't get any easier; if you still somehow fuck that up don't worry, you have a hundred thousand evades, a hundred thousand stealths, a hundred thousand teleports, a hundred thousand blinds to reset and retry until after 30 minutes your opponent somehow drops dead


Now repeat after me: thief is high skill cap

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> You went from playing the class with the highest skill floor to the class with the lowest, so yes at first glance it will seem to the average player that Guardian completely outclasses thief by a hilariously massive margin. But the truth is that guardian in general is just very easy to play. Nearly all guardian builds in sPvP atm amount to _"Me stand on point! Me spam symbols!"_


> This doesn't make guardian better than thief, just at low skill levels. Thief requires rotating and timing interrupts/evades to play well, which requires you to know most tells from all other classes. Guardian requires the ability to walk to the point, and push buttons. _Me push buttons!_


> But thief has a lot of things that actually make it arguably better in the current meta than guardian.




Ya... guardian always has the issue of people in ~g2 think its over powered. GW2 PvP tends to be very different than most MMOs. Most people are taught that they should try to maximize dps In the shortest time possible. That is not how sPvP works. Guardian tends to be a class that you should not do that against. Plus guardian ease of dealing damage when people stand on point.


It does not scale though. While not the worst, it went from the class with the most available builds in spvp, around 18 month ago, to FB and rising star DH, to.... symbol spam and meme burn? I think this is a very good description of the devolution of sPvP.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> Well independently of Op's post it is clear the balance is really bad, as it is shown by the diminishing population.


population is diminishing due to the game not being enjoyable, you can have unbalanced game that is fun to play so people stick around

gw2 problem is that its not only not very fun but ALSO unbalance, and the way the some things are unbalanced just feels like cheating you off things.

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