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Name one thing you'd like to see in EoD, and one you don't


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> @"Morvran.8265" said:

> Title. What's at the top of your wishlist for the upcoming expansion? And what's something that maybe didn't work out for you in previous ones and could do without/want to see changed?


Things I expect to see:


* New elite specializations.

* Revisiting GW1's four original Canthan regions.


Things I want to see:


* New weapon types, such as [knuckles, spear, polearm, etc](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1320850/#Comment_1320850).

* New playable races, such as [tengu](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tengu), [largos](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Largos), and [sidhe](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Sidhe)/[wardens](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Warden).

* Story instances gone away, completely replaced by dungeons, raids, strikes, and visions of the past; including an story mode for those who don't want the challenge.

* A friendly Empire of the Dragon, where multiple races are united under one banner after the mistakes of Usoku's reign of terror. I want to fight besides [kappa](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kappa), tengu (Sensali exiles), [dredge](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Dredge), and naga (resurrected when the jade melted).

* A new non-human non-draconic enemy. There's a lot to choose from: [naga mutants](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Naga), [gaki hordes](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Gaki), [yeti warlords](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Yeti), or [mantid swarms](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Mantid), among many others.

* New locations. How about a desert to the east, where the mantid have a gigantic hive? A journey into the western jungles, where we can explore the ruins of an ancient tengu civilization? Maybe a trek across the mountains, where we discover the jotun origin of the yeti?

* Some way to reuse the PvE zones into "split-instance scenarios" where we can participate in map meta events, open world PvP, and other activities. For example, the Jade Sea zone could have a bonus scenario where the three Luxon clans fight each other in a WvW-like situation. This PvP scenario would use the same map as PvE, and would be entered separately, so PvE and PvP players wouldn't meet. This model can be applied to map meta events as well (HoT had lot of complaints because the meta events affected those who didn't want to participate, so splitting into different instances is the best solution). It can also be used to represent the same zone in different situations, including climate (snowstorm has blocked the roads), war (the towns have been destroyed), and more. This system would be perfect to bring back LW1 too.

* Alternate models for the existing mounts, which we could obtain by playing the game normally. For example, replace the raptor with a horse, the jackal with a kirin, and the skyscale with a saltspray dragon. This would let players who haven't completed PoF to obtain mounts on their own way too.


Things I don't want to see:


* The same Cantha we saw at GW1, with no story progression, like it was frozen in time for 250 years. I hope the old Celestial Ministry was replaced by the militant Ministry of Purity, and they're no longer a pile of useless bureaucrats.

* Another "empire of evil" plot, I really hope Usoku's regime is a thing of the past. This kind of plots get old really quick, give us something original instead. Same for "end of the world" storylines, they're just awful and no one takes them seriously.

* Kurzick vs Luxon PvP drama. I'd rather move forward to new stories, where we work together against new threats.

* Shiro and the [Afflicted Plague](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Afflicted) are a thing of the past and they shouldn't be part of the new plot in any way whatsoever.

* The same NPC characters. I'm tired of Dragon's Watch, and I really hate how, during the PoF storyline, we never had any major Elonian NPC in our group.

* Underwater content. It just doesn't work, and nothing they make will improve what we already have.


> @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> What I'd like to see in EoD:

> Warrior Pistol/Pistol


> What I dont want to see in EoD:

> Warrior Staff


Completely agree.

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> @"Doctor.1384" said:

> I want to fly around in an airship that is also a house and i want to also be able to fight other peoples airships in large airship battles with boarding and looting


> I dont want anthing that's not a pdps spec for revenant


OOooo! And fishing from this floating airship house, too!

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Want: Revenant a spec that has greatsword, and since it's a two-handed weapon have the Luxan Archemorus and the Kurzick Saint Viktor as a "shared" legend that shows it takes both working together. While your revenant is idling the two banter at each other. OR since there isn't a Norn Legend in the revenant's line up yet, have Jora with the great sword.


Do Not Want: Bubbles enslaved by the Canthans when we get there.

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> @"Jojo.6140" said:

> Want: Housing

> Dont want: Playable Tengu. Seriously, why do so many people want that? The effect on gameplay would be absolutely minimal, and Anet would have to make all existing armor-skins and outfits fit for Tengu, and also would have much more work when introducing new armor-skins and outfits from then on. Spend those ressources elsewhere please.


Alright, I could say the same with housing. We have guild halls, any energy housing would get should go there. So dont waste resources with housing/fishing or any other worthless thing that likely most people wouldn't care about.

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> @"Morvran.8265" said:

> Title. What's at the top of your wishlist for the upcoming expansion? And what's something that maybe didn't work out for you in previous ones and could do without/want to see changed?


**Would like to see:**

1) A new tier of armor and weapons that's stronger than ascended... along with a bunch of creative and useful new convenience items (i.e. something to actually work for).


2) A complete replacement for the stale and boring fractal system that's as much a revolution in PvE culture as fractals originally were to dungeons.


3) Some way to make WvW more compelling and interesting to players who haven't tried it before.


**Would not like to see:**

1) More ridiculous skins in place of point 1 (above).


2) A couple of new fractals being tacked on to the end of the stale and boring fractal system.


3) All of this supposedly compensated for by yet another mount. What are we up to now... 8 of them? I'm running out of buttons to hotkey them all.

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Thing I want:

Well aside from seeing Cantha I want to see the Sea Dragon, alive and with my characters own eyes ^^


Thing I don't want:

I've seen a number of people talk about how great it would be if we got a futuristic cyberpunk style Kaineng City in Gw2..

The very idea of this makes me feel nauseous lol

Cyberpunk and steampunk style designs are among the most visually repulsive art styles I can think of in games and I find them to be personally very off putting and ugly.

Should Kaineng adopt cyberpunk I will actively avoid going there as much as possible just because I hate the style so much.

So off a purely personal opinion/bias, I am very much hopeful that Kaineng city does not adopt this hideously ugly style. XD

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Things I want to see:

1. Brand new weapons _to the game._ Fist-weapons at least. Figure there has to be at least 2 so... whips?

2. Way more hair styles for all races. Try drawing more inspiration from the more popular hairstyles. I'm hard pressed to believe Anet can't see what people are picking.

3. New race, purely so we have new starting zones to muck around in. Love core Tyria, but I need a 6th set of 1-40 maps. The rest of Cantha can be 80, but one more set will make me a happy lazy bum.


Things I don't want:

1. New elite specs... Unless there's an effort to make the weapons themselves available starting from level 1. Feels like $#!% to eat a trait line JUST to use some weapons.

2. New class. Not that I would actually say "no," but I prefer new weapons, yeh?



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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > Want: huge open world with lots to do and see as a solo player

> > Don't want: repeatable hearts, achievements tied to "do X event 10 times, which is boring even once"


> I don't mind repeatable hearts. Just don't lock vendors behind them when they've been completed once.


Same. I like the idea of being able to do them repeatedly along with events so you don't get bored and there is always things to do. I think this idea would work fine if the vendors are permanently unlocked for the character once you have completed the heart one time.

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* I wouldn't turn down anything but specifically, I want more playable races. As is, I have a male and female of every race (except male Norn) with duplicates of Ranger, Warrior and Elementalist. I still don't have a Necro or Rev and I'd like to play them as a new race.


Don't Want:

* Skin focus. There will obviously be new skins but I've lost interest in them since they are all very similar with slightly different flavors of "floaty stuff", "flashing lights" and "75 layers on top of layers". Dial back new skins and focus on anything else! There are so many options now, dipping into options bloat. The main purpose of a bloat of options is to harbor a unique look for your characters...there are plenty of options for that already.

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> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> I'd like to see every map being ultra hard to play through. Basically all mobs have CM mechanics and litter your whole screen with effects and aoes constantly.

> What I don't want to see is Braham.


Thinking about it, wouldn't it be cool if every zone had a "Normal" node where it's standard difficulty and events and then a "Berserk" node where the difficulty was ramped up, the events were constant, overwhelming and require a guild to make progress in (aka not solo-able or casual) and you could swap to the different nodes at waypoints.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"Clyan.1593" said:

> > I'd like to see every map being ultra hard to play through. Basically all mobs have CM mechanics and litter your whole screen with effects and aoes constantly.

> > What I don't want to see is Braham.


> Thinking about it, wouldn't it be cool if every zone had a "Normal" node where it's standard difficulty and events and then a "Berserk" node where the difficulty was ramped up, the events were constant, overwhelming and require a guild to make progress in (aka not solo-able or casual) and you could swap to the different nodes at waypoints.



Yes!! Let's get some open-world events that you can actually fail.

(Do want)

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Hardcore characters. Either/both permadeath and/or fresh start without all the already unlocked masteries. Both deliver a good deal of replayability. Maybe even difficulty settings (with or without added rewards, a special title for beating a list of things in a more difficult manner ought to be doable with existing assets). Just torture us, HoT maps in particular have so much depth that even completionists only touch once or twice.


What I don't want? Sponges. Number of mechanics > amount of HP to get rid of. Requiring specific classes to do specific tasks in open PvE metas would be wild. Just don't make it about dodging occasional AoEs and numbly hitting the same keys all over again. PoF had dandy story and delivered the best mounts in the market, but now bring us more HoT: unique maps, genuine challenge, and meaningful player co-operation (with room to fail because of it).


I guess my overall point was: let us fail (once again).

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things i want. more healer professions AND every profession the ability to use every 1 handed weapon. i like xiuquatl and the binding of ipos, but only a few of my professions can use both. i do not like necromancer anymore, i play guardian and mesmer. ele is hard to learn.


things i do not want, forced story to be able to buy something like map travel scrolls.



and i want fishing, able to fish up mini's, mount skins and maybe a bl key (same droprate as from world mobs)

i liked fishing in world of warcraft. also won that fishing tournament on sunday :) BUT wow is no more, it is addicted and i quit nearly 5 years ago.

so would be nice if gw2 has this stuff, this game is not addicted because it is sub free. if i do not play i do not lose money/time from subscription

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> @"Taril.8619" said:

> > @"Naqam a.6521" said:

> > Want:

> > A easy swiftness access to core enginner


> Streamlined Kits?


The only thing that i hate from kits , is Flamethrower 2 .

Maybe they should replace it with a '''spinning fireball/beyblade'' that rush forward . Or backwards , if the ''arrow key'' is pointed there

And you can use your FT 3 knockback , to increase the fireball's damage and reduce its build up

Or Toolkit auto attack , or Toolkit Pull to pull back the ball in a teamfight for double the damage


Damage among kits should be lowered (except of grenades) and instead offer more Buffs to teammates (not you) + Vulnerability .

You can already use them for heal

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Want: New playable race(s) (Tengu with a new starting area or level 80 starting point seems reasonable to me), new elite specs, underwater combat revamp (if the story goes in that direction), HoT scale map wide meta(s), Canach


Would be nice: Player housing, new weapon type(s) (i.e. polearms/land-spears), separate underwater mount


Don't want: Grindy achievements or story steps, confusing maps (really hope they don't make Kaineng or the sewers into Tangled Depths style maps), map-specific/limited use masteries, time gated content, annoying characters (i.e. Braham)

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