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Gw2 should have a Mobile app

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Recently been playing Genshin Impact (free game) its co-op player opened world, story mode and beautiful landscape, and good action fighting also you can play it on pc, phone, iPad with all connecting to your same account it's absolutely fantastic! I seriously believe gw2 can adapt to this it's awesome it's going into steam. But I would love to play gw2 while in bed in my sleepless nights or even traveling! It would bring players who don't have pc's but have tablets or smartphones. If you look into Genshin Impact if that game can handle being a mobile app definitely gw2 can too. Am I the only one that thinks this? Its been in my mind for such a long time wishing gw2 could be a mobile app.

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> @"Victoria.5086" said:

> If you look into Genshin Impact if that game can handle being a mobile app definitely gw2 can too.


That's not a very reasonable argument. Genshin Impact uses the Unity game engine which is very well optimized and automatically scales to consoles and mobile. Meanwhile Guild Wars 2 uses a proprietary engine, which doesn't even run well on PCs, how do you expect it to run well on mobile? Also, Genshin Impact doesn't support a hundred+ players on screen like Guild Wars 2 does, meaning it has much lower requirements


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Before the game launched they did have plans for [[a mobile app]](https://www.engadget.com/2012-08-07-guild-wars-2-interview-touches-on-mobile-app-development-and-str.html). As I recall it would have allowed you to see guild member dots on maps, have conversations with guild members and iirc, access the trading post. However it fell through before launch and they’ve never said anything about it. It would be nice though if they did release an app with those functions.

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> @"Cobra.6509" said:

> Maybe not full game, but parts of like TP, Crafting, Guild Chat, Home Instance, some NPC's can be part of a mobile app. So you can maintain your account while you are away from your computer.


With API you can at least access to read (not write or change anything) on what is on your account. I suppose there are also security issues if someone would be able to control in game things like Inventory, Bank, Farming nodes in Home Instance or reading in game mails etc. There is also the potential problem with server loads as if people could access all content (with limitation for not be able to fight in PvE, PvP or WvW) it would also make much larger load on all calls sent from players with mobile devices, which devices that some might be slow to respond (depending on mobile Internet and quality of connection, processing power etc), that will cause frustration as gw2efficiency already can take some time to show all items from Bank or Material Storage.




There are also problem on how to protect accounts from being abused if device would be lost or stolen. Right now it is possible to tick when on make a purchase in Gem Store to save credit card information to faster buy Gems, such thing would need to secured against possible loss of device to another person. Most people that use a mobile or any mobile device like iPad know that mobile device are much more a target for being stolen or lost then a desktop or laptop (laptop is a in between portable device and desktop computer).


Two step verification are more or less built around having two devices (one that is less portable and one like a mobile which use its one which both have their own IP and MAC addresse to secure account or personal user ID with password through two devices that need to be in sync to confirm action.


Read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-factor_authentication

For MAC addresse: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAC_address


I don't think ANet, NCsoft Inc and their Costumer Service would want to get into that possible mess of all lost or stolen devices where it would be possible to sign into account and play or even get all credit information from having access to client directly. API is very much built on the same idea that you create a key with identify account and rights to information which you have to copy to third party to allow to get that information.




It is more complex then just the Engine for GW2, if one would have full access to account and could play or do most things from a mobile device that can be done from client on computer as there are security issues and how servers would need be structured to work with devices which in most cases can have a much slower response time then computers or laptop. Mobile network from telephone companies like 4G are to a large degree not at same level as home network. With gen5 (5G) network this might be less of an issue, but even with today's 4G this isn't always working at it max bandwidth or at max low PING when device move a lot. I have played through my 4G phone as a router when my ordinary network where down, so yes it is possible as long you don't move mobile phone a lot and have a power outlet connected as it draws some power from device (battery will very fast go down compared to normal connection to mobile network). Main point is that there are a lot of issues that need to be solved to get a fully working client on a mobile device (and we don't talk about laying in bed and be able to play game in bed where don't move a lot around).


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I'd like to see them put their efforts towards an expansive social media web platform that integrates with the game. It could have friends lists, guild specific chat groups, tracking and sharing achievements, profiles for your game characters to allow you to build a back story for them, event notifications, etc.

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> @"vier.1327" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Nice ... who's going to pay for that?


> Like we usually say in Spain; we will pay it with the money that will come from Europe, and with gender perspective.


Right ... so who is Anet's "Europe"? In this case, Anet doesn't have a Europe ... so no one is going to pay, so no one is going to get.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Cobra.6509" said:

> Maybe not full game, but parts of like TP, Crafting, Guild Chat, Home Instance, some NPC's can be part of a mobile app. So you can maintain your account while you are away from your computer.


Pretty much the idea I had in mind! :) Getting crafting materials and what not.

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Has anyone actually tried streaming GW2 on a phone using any of the methods mentioned in this topic? Does it work? What can/can't you do? I feel like that would give us a starting point to work out if it's worth considering this. (But I've never tried it myself, so I can't answer that question.)


It wouldn't surprise me if this is one of those things where the game has to be designed for it, right from the start. Like how when GW2 (and GW1) launched with the ability to update the game without taking it offline for maintenance that didn't change the fact that other MMOs - including some which launched after GW2 - still go offline for hours each week or month or whatever for regular maintenance and whenever a new release comes out. It obviously can be done because Anet did it, but apparently it needs to have been considered right from the start so the game and the servers are designed to work with that system, it's not something you can really start doing after the game is made.


This could be the same. If the developers for Genshin Impact knew right from the start they'd want cross-play between PC and mobile they'll have built the game to allow that. It might be far more difficult to add it in later on.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Has anyone actually tried streaming GW2 on a phone using any of the methods mentioned in this topic? Does it work? What can/can't you do? I feel like that would give us a starting point to work out if it's worth considering this. (But I've never tried it myself, so I can't answer that question.)


> It wouldn't surprise me if this is one of those things where the game has to be designed for it, right from the start. Like how when GW2 (and GW1) launched with the ability to update the game without taking it offline for maintenance that didn't change the fact that other MMOs - including some which launched after GW2 - still go offline for hours each week or month or whatever for regular maintenance and whenever a new release comes out. It obviously can be done because Anet did it, but apparently it needs to have been considered right from the start so the game and the servers are designed to work with that system, it's not something you can really start doing after the game is made.


> This could be the same. If the developers for Genshin Impact knew right from the start they'd want cross-play between PC and mobile they'll have built the game to allow that. It might be far more difficult to add it in later on.



Yeah very good point there. I was kinda thinking if they could, they wouldn’t have to change too much but maybe isolate a player into offline mode on mobile and other small devices maybe, or and maybe force them to play in a certain area like maybe let players be at a closed up space like a craft farming material area I think it’s sorta a place where guilds go to collect and farm crafting materials.


But yeah agree with many years of the game, would be very difficult to put it in a small device.


They could however maybe make a whole new mini game login into small devices with linked to your gw2 account. Wouldn’t be same as the game but a place of farming materials or going into a whole new world on a small device.


Heck! I would even play it if it’s card game to just get crafting goods on a mobile for gw2 lol

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> @"Victoria.5086" said:

> Pretty much the idea I had in mind! :) Getting crafting materials and what not.


I don't see how this is useful to anyone but TP barons.


When I'm using the TP for crafting I don't just stand there and buy stuff, I have to look at the crafting station and expand/contract the requirements for the item I want to make to craft the intermediate components and see how many raw materials I'm missing.

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