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Is your character you?

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I doubt anyone in the game will attack you because they think you look like your character in real life ...

I doubt anyone looks like their character, even if you only make people. There might be similarities like hair color or something. If someone insults you just because he doesn't like your character, which has nothing to do with you and shows more what the other person is like.


My two Mains are an Asura-Ele and a Sylvarie-Mesmer. I'm neither a little rat who thinks he's a fennec, nor a Mesmer novice who only wears lvl35 leaf-trimmed gear at the moment :''D.

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If someone attack you personaly it's becose thay like you, and testing you by that way to check your temperament (did you have distance to yourself for example)

it's same when someone says "nice azz", it's to check did you gona be angry, or take all with laught and smile, to check for any future friendship


So don't take anythink negative until somone is rly rude and havly insult you


Other than that, remember that your opinion is more waluabe then others, as only you know whos you rly are, and what you like, you no need of aprovment of others to know that your fashion looks good when you feel comfortable and good with what you chosed ^^


you make take some thinks personaly as prob your not walue your opinion much and acording what you writed it's prob sorce of problem, so if dare to sugest, try work on walue of your personal opinion


then no matter whatever someone say, you will know your worth, so some rock will not destroy your wall of confidence


(that is also not meen to ignore all feedback, you can hear someone, think did what his said help you imrpove, and if not chos confidently your own direction as pioneer)


Answering to topic


ther gona be 3 types of ppl


One that made his character as it's him (me)

One that made female character as male, as his like looking more on oposite gender, while his not taking character as him

Cosplayer that made character similar to his idol (lol champion) or some kind of poweranger cuz it's cool

Asura players

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But some of my characters are someone I would LIKE to be for a little while, just for fun, or to be friends with. Only a few whose personalities and backstories I decided to develop.


Some are just from trying out my free alt slots and new races and professions when I was a beginner, and I don't really have ideas about their backgrounds or personalities. Some are just key farmers I kept because I liked their looks or name. (How could I ever delete sylvari Fetch the Stick or asura, I Chihuahua?) One of my toons is the obnoxious brother of my main. A couple are characters from my Star Wars head canon. A couple because I heard of a build I wanted to try and didn't want to mess with my previous characters.


Anyway, 25 characters and growing...can't take many of them personally.

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No. I simply use my characters to get the outcome I desire. Depending on what my group needs is what I decide to play. In no way do I relate to them I just need their abilities and skills. Think of it this way. Its like a FPS game you have access to all kinds of weapons but you have to pick the right one to do the job. That's my character creation screen in a nutshell.

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My charr is like my own avatar, so yeah, its me.

Or even better, its the "Me" I want to be that I can't be in real life.


Not to confuse it with "character blending" thought, but hell, thats what fantasy mmorpg are for, you can be a weapon wielding character that goes on an adventure around the world battling creatures and meeting new friends, Its a fantastic feel if you look it that way.

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While a lot of my characters in GW2 are just ... characters, a few carry some aspect of me. They're not me, but one of the core parts I build them around is something of me.


My gaudy charr thief? Contempt for those around me.

Human mesmer? Desire to be liked.

Human daredevil? Urge to poke things and find out about them, even when it's not a smart idea.

Charr scrapper (with flamethrower)? That feeling you get when you step on that crunchy dry leaf, or that thin sheet of ice. Or watching something burn.

Human soulbeast? Wishing I could smack stupid people and make them stop being morons.

Charr herald? Patience.

Charr tempest? Feeling lost and betrayed by everyone around you, and not knowing how to tell who you can rely on.

Norn daredevil (my 'racing' character)? The so-called "call of the void".

Human deadeye? That mood of "I'm not sure what the hell I'm seeing, but I'm going to keep watching because at least it's interesting".


Depending on my mood, this makes some of them really easy to play, but others near impossible to get into. None of them are actually 'me', though, and I consider that line to be important.

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> @"necromaniac.7629" said:

> just an alter ego roleplay


If i understand what alter ego means, then if someone insults your characters appearance, you will just roleplay how your character would react to that. Huh. How you can take that personally is beyond me.


To answer the OP, i don't think they are me, but i would like to make choices that **I** would make. Of course, even in games where you have some options, they never get close with the limitations. The limitations being = good or evil and all that rot.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> Is your character you? Is it filling the role of being the virtual you while you game? Or does your character have nothing to do with you?


My characters are resolutely independent and make their own decisions without asking for my advice. All I can do is to take screenshots for my ethnographic studies. When stifled within the narrow confines of the game logic, they tend to escape to better places.


> @"Palador.2170" said:

> Depending on my mood, this makes some of them really easy to play, but others near impossible to get into.


Kudos for the colorful list (which I snipped out of the quote for brevity).


> @"Yggranya.5201" said:

> > @"necromaniac.7629" said:

> > just an alter ego roleplay


> If i understand what alter ego means, then if someone insults your characters appearance, you will just roleplay how your character would react to that. Huh. How you can take that personally is beyond me.


You are mixing up two people. True that we all have the same avatar since we can't customize it.

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Unless you are role playing; that is, pretending to be someone or something you are not in the context of a fantasy setting with people who are mutually pretending with you, then insults are definitely directed at you personally.

I've received whispered slurs while out on my dark skinned characters. I've had some of my other characters called ugly - the implication being that I have a poor sense of aesthetics. I've been called bad words and threatened - but that was in SPVP where it's kind of expected.


The only time where I was a little offended in a role play context was when my character was relentlessly made fun of and abused by various other characters, beyond the point of the roleplay being fun. In which case I excused myself because I felt like it was crossing a line and I am so not here for that.


My characters are not me however though they do present some of my ideas, and aesthetics!

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