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ArenaLabs PvP Podcast - Community Questions with CMC!


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Why we don t have interupt ( fast 1/4 sec duration daze and should also mostly be fast casted animations) based mechanics instead of just hard cc ?


Why is 80% of cc meant to stunlock and pushing only hard cc instead of opposite ?


Why core guardian can tank most classes without unblockable cc and still do tons of not telegraphed dmg and also rq 0 skill (considered meta side noder) ?


Why decap scrapper and explosive entrance dmg wasn t hotfixed in 1 week and insteaed we had whole painfull season to play and live with that ?


Will ranger shortbow get any love with trait design, instead of dmg modifier trait like light on your feet which would make more sense on already op rev and thief shortbow?


Will Druid ever get ranged glyphs (not counting elite which i actually like) and make druid more of team support than selfish tank (another decaper but more healthy one).


Will some of weapons, traits and even classes which clearly never see use ever get redisign/buff since we already don t have much choice and philosophy was quality over quantity ?


I think february balance had big potential but biggest question is why game didn t continued to hotfix obviously broken things ?

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> @"CroTiger.7819" said:

> Why we don t have interupt ( fast 1/4 sec duration daze and should also mostly be fast casted animations) based mechanics instead of just hard cc ?


> **Why is 80% of cc meant to stunlock and pushing only hard cc instead of opposite ?**


> Why core guardian can tank most classes without unblockable cc and still do tons of not telegraphed dmg and also rq 0 skill (considered meta side noder) ?


> Why decap scrapper and explosive entrance dmg wasn t hotfixed in 1 week and insteaed we had whole painfull season to play and live with that ?


> Will ranger shortbow get any love with trait design, instead of dmg modifier trait like light on your feet which would make more sense on already op rev and thief shortbow?


> Will Druid ever get ranged glyphs (not counting elite which i actually like) and make druid more of team support than selfish tank (another decaper but more healthy one).


> **Will some of weapons, traits and even classes which clearly never see use ever get redisign/buff since we already don t have much choice and philosophy was quality over quantity ?**


> **I think february balance had big potential but biggest question is why game didn t continued to hotfix obviously broken things ?**



The amount of apparent of endless Toxic mechanics and Toxic skills evidence screaming, 'Look At How Toxic They Made Me Become!!'


-Yeah!! the game continue to be a clown fiesta parody...same answer as always, They Don't Care!!-


>>“You can never make the same mistake twice because the second time you make it, it's not a mistake, it's a choice.”

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> @"Kickpuncher.8109" said:

> Can't wait for all the non-answer answers. Willing to put money on CMC saying a bunch of stuff but not actually saying anything, like a true politician.


They have a spreadsheet filled with vague corresponding answers that serve just this purpose. Do you want a sprinkle of hype and a garnish of reassurance on that word salad?


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Although balance is important and keeps the game mode alive, my problems with PvP have never balance.


Allowing players to use bots and cheating programs often go unpunished for months at a time. Why can’t ANET complete ban waves more frequently then they are currently doing?


And there should be a punishment or dishonor for players that AFK for any reason for 1 minute or more after the match starts.


Properly Addressing botting and cheating programs will only improve the competitive scene and help keep gamers playing every day.

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So here are some little ideas that have rocketed out of my head on [Retrolove](https://discord.gg/WfcPsbW)'s discord server.

An arena with one part, checkpoint style, underwater or at the top of a puzzle jump.

An arena where we have to get our weapons in a rack at the other end of the map to unlock our attacks.

A bastion-type arena that would require aerial dynamics.

A game mode where the map would be plunged into darkness and the additional dynamic would be to light torches that only work for his team

or which would only be illuminated by large headlights with a random patern.

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Toxicity, teamwork, helping new players - it is all interconnected. Are there any playns to promote helping and communicating positively with other players? Like a thumbs up-system after games, recommendations or anything like that? There needn't be rewards, maybe just a counter for this or a little title. No loot please.


Just punishing bad behaviour usually does not do it, which every parent learns some time.

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Two questions I really want answered:


_**1. Are the PvP Devs going to keep all damage on CC abilities as close to 0 as possible?**_

IMO - the PvP devs need to look at balance the damage on each CC ability individually. Example - Drop the Hammer on Revenant hammer 5 needs to have some sort of damage if it hits as it's a very long cast time. On the other hand, point and click CC like Mesmer pistol off-hand Magic Bullet should stay close to 0.


_**2. Will automatic defense traits ever be reworked or have the cooldowns reduced?**_

Example - Warrior's Defy Pain and Last Stand traits in the Defense line are still at 300 second cooldowns. These seem enormously excessive. All while Engineer has the infamous Alchemy trait line with up 4 automatic traits less than 100 secs and can be traited for reduced CD.





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> @"Broady.2358" said:



> The ArenaLabs PvP Podcast is happy to announce that the Guild Wars 2 Developer CMC will be coming on the show to talk about everything and anything PvP related!

> This is where you all come in. We want to give you, the community an opportunity to ask questions about hot topics within our PvP scene!


> There are certain topics, CMC can and cannot talk about and there is only so much we can ask him at once so please bare this in mind. Our aim is to have a healthy discussion about the game and learn some of the cool behind the scenes things only a games developer can answer.


> Feel free to drop questions below and we will do our best to ask as many as possible during the show.


> If you want to check out our content you can find us on:

> [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCssymJwQaHJSzknAijICu8A)

> [spotify](


> [Podbean](https://arenalabsgw2.podbean.com/)


> Stay competitive and see you all in the arena!


I have several, and they are hard questions. Ones that need to be asked because honestly; This is getting out of hand. Ill start with simplistic, and work my way down though it might be quite the list... And this WILL included questions regarding WvW as it is a "PvP" mode.


>! * Will classes who are lacking in core (Rev, Ele, Engie but mostly Rev as thats my old main.) Be given some tools for their kits to compensate the stripping down of those classes. For example Core STILL NEEDS A CORE CONDI RANGED WEP. You can't build E-specs easily when the core kit lacks fundamentally something to synergize with both types of play; Engineer has this issue as well where in core they have rifle , Pistols and shield. Rifle is more of a power weapon and shield is a defensive/utility weapon. Granted engineer has kits and can't swap in combat, but Rev does not have either and the class suffers for it. We need another weapon, any weapon to fill our ranged condi role for core so core can be more feasible going forward. Otherwise you'll always have core be insignificant to Renegades/Herald. (Their utility is too strong, to ignore.)



* Will warrior get ANY love because it SUCKS outside of blob play; Small man and roaming it legit just feels tacked on and worthless. Guardian can do its job better.


>! * Onto ranger, mainly because its my current up and coming main. Considering the other two classes I like (Rev and warrior) are boring, and don't feel fun anymore. Will ranger pets specifically be updated to bring them in line with expansion animals; To offer diversity in the class mechanic? Right now you see the SAME pets all the time because they are the best options for play/counter play. Rather than nerfing them you could make the others just offer equal specifics to make them more viable; Pets aren't OP right now as it stands. They are the core to the class and Id like all of them to be viable (Its shameful how HORRID bears are, considering in the real world they are one of the MVP terrestrial animals. A rework for them would be nice.) Drakes also suffer just as bears do, so could you PLEASE rework them to be overall better so they could see some used outside of perhaps soul-beast? Soul-beast can take whatever pet they want due to merging. But core and druid can't because most of the pets don't offer enough viable methods to be utilized which means there is a ton of dead weight. IF balance is your goal then this should be something to be worked on, considering its a classes core identity.



* Speaking of reworks are there ANY reworks currently under development? Can we please know so we can somewhat try and prepare (Some of us are making legendaries still and it would be nice to know what will work with what, or if something is going to be drastically changed.) It would be neat to see shiro on rev for example get a rework from the ground up, as well glint to make them fill their roles better. (Shrio is a power bruiser, he fails at this role. And glint is SUPPOSED to be a support legend and again fails.) Necromancer staff, daggers and maybe warhorn could use a rework? Im pretty sure that Ele needs some love in the department of reworks too in its core class kit, as its fallen behind. How about warrior? I know quite a good many traits that could use re-tooling, and now weapons like hammer could use a rework as its a worthless weapon on the class.



* Nerfs, what are they and when. What is your big plan and end-game that you wish to achieve; Where is this headed. Are these nerfs being done to make room for the E-specs coming in the expansion; We know you can't talk about what those specs are but could you at least let us know if the intention is to make room for them? What is the overall goal of your balance designs and where is it headed.



>! * WvW-Alliances WHEN!? Its been two years, where are they and how long will they take. Will they be lumped into the expansion as a selling point? Will we have to pay? Whats the goal and progress with this.



* What NEW content is coming for the modes, not tournaments or anything like that. NEW CONTENT: Maps, modes, GvG?, Guild interactions at all, armor, weapons, infusions or anything of the like. What content do you have planned for these modes and can we expect them to get more attention going forward, considering even despite the balance cadence you promised it really doesn't feel like we are getting anything substantial or meaty.



>! * What qualifies a build, class, spec, trait or skill/weapon to be nerfed? How do you and the team evaluate this vs builds and stat combos? Do you play them or do you go by whats said here on the forums? Do you have testers who QA them for you? Do you go by statistics? What is it that drives and more importantly opens up, a build to be nerfed or buffed. And can we expect some of our E-specs to get a once over so that they can be updated, or reworked? (Druid for example, as a support spec really fails to offer much in competitive modes compared to fire-brand or tempest. CA is clunky. This is merely an example, and while use they do have a root build its not nessacarily what the class was intended for at least from concept.)



* I know reworks keep making their way in here, but its really because so many of our classes have bits and pieces that really suck. Do you intend to bring weapons who are not played or not used or even aren't really that good into a place where they can compete? Could we get more for our classes so its not everyone running, one or two builds because they are all that really works in a fun way?



>! * Whats more important to you and the team, the "Rule of fun" or the idea of "balance" despite balance never being able to be truly achieved until homogenization takes place across the board? Wouldn't it be better to bring other classes/specs/builds/weapons/traits and so on up to a level where the current over-preforming or those that are preforming well to entice players to make the decision to run X over Y? Or is nerfing just the best solution.



* Will we see the team try to encourage build diversity? Or are we going the route of a MoBa where its one or two builds per class and nothing else matters. We are already semi-there it feels like; With some classes kind of falling to the way-side. How do you intend on dealing with the systemic issue of the "meta" due to WvW and PvP having two or three meta's depending on the objective of the players playing it. (WvW has roaming, zerg play, small man and PvP has Side-noders, bunkers and roamers) How do you intend on ensuring that these differing meta's can co-exist without one destroying the other?



>! * Will you ensure that every class in some capacity in some method can fill ANY and ALL roles? Will you ensure that or at least attempt to ensure going forward, that no class feels useless?



* How do you feel about the community, and our reactions to your changes? Does it bother you that people are dropping mains that they love? More importantly, how do you deal with the amount of hate you likely receive? Im sure its a lot. Are you concerned of people leaving the game over changes, an example is I have a guildie who to this day will never forgive what was done to Ele (this was back in HoT, Im not sure what was done. But she has never really been invested in the game since.) I know it must be difficult but... could you express perhaps how you feel, and what you see/view as the over-arching problem within the competitive game-modes and why you're taking the approach you are to fix it vs perhaps... other avenues?



Thats it, these aren't meant to be rude or anything. These are the questions I have and the ones I want answered because Im honestly concerned at where we are headed; I have recently been re-invested but that investment gets hurt each time; and EVERYTIME a massive nerf comes and bashes on what Im enjoying. It might make me biased but... well again as I've said many times the rule of fun for me is absolute. Balance can not be the sole focus because if it is then eventually, the stripping down of content and combat in a class becomes so abundant that there is little point in their existence at all.


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Here is a simpler but important question:


**Will the balance and skills team be taking a closer look at cast times / animations?**


There are many powerful skills and effects that have an extremely noticeable effect on the flow of PvP matches, but have little to no tell to them or cast much too quickly for anyone to realistically react to them. There are also skills like the ele skill "gale" that have a large animation, but the grander part of the animation doesn't play until _after_ the skill has already hit, making it rather pointless. This sort of design may have been OK back when GW2 was first released in 2012, and the idea of an "action combat" MMO was still in its infancy. But the times have changed. GW2 now competes with the likes of games like BDO, and so having key skills with no real graphical indication to them is much harder to justify.

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Will there be an attack , that has360 degree animations ? But the area besided of you does x2 Damage ?

Aoe Backstab ! >About Face (turn around button option) > does Massive Damage in that 1,25 sec stealth

You know something to differentiate the skilled from the not

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> @"Ghos.1326" said:

> My only question is can I get up in the discord and discuss with an unbiased and constructive view on all things balance in pvp/wvw with CMC?


are you at least plat 2 soloq with 5 classes with the current meta?

if you only really play like 1 class with a secondary class and only play like 2 builds, i doubt anything you say will be unbiased.

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> @"Kuma.1503" said:

> Warrior is currently the best or 2nd best healer in sPvP.


> Is that perhaps a good indicator that supports have been overnerfed?





Says something of warrior as well if the meta build is a heal support build, cuz players chose warrior to support lmao. Having the ability to be decent at multiple things but healing/support should definitely not be warrior's meta build.

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1) Who are you listening to regarding balance? How are you avoiding bias with your balance discussion?


2) Do you any plans to address the structural abuse of your pvp system?

- Rampant afking

- Queuing away from prime time to dodge competition

- Queuing on bad classes and swapping to gain comp advantage

- Hacking

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> @"felix.2386" said:

> > @"Ghos.1326" said:

> > My only question is can I get up in the discord and discuss with an unbiased and constructive view on all things balance in pvp/wvw with CMC?


> are you at least plat 2 soloq with 5 classes with the current meta?

> if you only really play like 1 class with a secondary class and only play like 2 builds, i doubt anything you say will be unbiased.


Yikes, imagine in 2020 when you're over 20 years old to assume someone would be biased because "they only play 2 builds". :astonished:

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-When are we getting **vampiric rituals** for nec back?

-Is reaper/necro getting its debuffer role option back (instead of only facreoll dmg) with buffing back corrupt skills/traits to corrupt 2 boons again (1 boon corrupt is very unimpactfull and you use it for spam mostly, you cant reliable target any boon): spitefull spirit, weakening shroud, dark pact, unholy feast, feast of corruption?

-Dmg/cc/sustain/mobility .... still seems too high to me for specific/many builds. Any plans to reduce power lvl again/further?

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