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Thoughts on today's "balance"?


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> @"Anomaly.7612" said:

> The hidden thief nerf is just bad. 0.25 seconds of stealth on steal? Why even have stealth on it at all now? That's not enough time to even land a backstab.

Oh dear.... thieves that don't understand their own class complain about changes to their class. Priceless!


It's 1.25 seconds now. See



Before the nerf it used to be 3 seconds (2 from hidden killer and 1 from meld with shadows - the latter you get automatically when picking shadow arts).


0.25s is the minimum value they need to use to be able to give the trait a stealth granting mechanic at all. 0.25s is the minimal effect duration the game engine supports.

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All good changes for the long-term health of PvP. That said, the flash-bang nerf completely missed the point and needs to be completely reworked. Also, revive skills were not touched so I guess I'm still not PvPing for a while. This patch has made me realize that they are probably putting all their resources into designing the new elite specs so they are letting balance fall to the wayside until the expansion. Hope it's worth it. . .

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> @"Kodama.6453" said:

> How is that not touching decap scrapper? They even **doubled** the cooldown of throw mine and **halfed** the barrier from system shocker. What did you expect them to do, disable the scrapper elite spec completely in PvP?


Tell us the truth, you like this scrapper decap-braindead build and you want it to not die :D

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**Profession Skills


Tornado: Increased cooldown from 90 seconds to 120 seconds in PvP only.


Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit: Reduced might stacks per pulse from 2 to 1 in PvP only.

Lesser Grenade Barrage: Reduced power coefficient per grenade from 0.5 to 0.3 in PvP only.

Flashbang: Reduced blind duration from 2 seconds to 1.5 seconds in PvP only.

Supply Crate: Increased cooldown from 90 seconds to 120 seconds in PvP only. Reduced stun duration from 3 seconds to 2 seconds in PvP only.

System Shocker: Reduced base barrier gained from 724 to 362 in PvP only.

Bulwark Gyro: Increased cooldown from 25 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP only.

Throw Mine: Increased cooldown from 15 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP only.

Personal Battering Ram: Increased ammo recharge from 20 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP only.


Writ of Persistence: In PvP only, this trait no longer increases the radius of symbols.


Sevenshot: Reduced power coefficient per hit from 0.31 to 0.24 in PvP only.

Scorchrazor: Increased cooldown from 12 seconds to 18 seconds in PvP only.


Hidden Thief: Reduced base stealth duration from 2 seconds to 0.25 seconds in PvP only.

Concealing Restoration: Reduced base stealth duration from 1 second to 0.5 seconds in PvP only.


Yep, I'll continue to stay away from the game.

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Why are they always so AFRAID of touching Holosmith? It's still incredibly OP and a blatant upgrade over Core. They KNOW what to tune down already and they just refuse to do it.


Also, Shocking Aura? Hello?

8/9k Lich Autoattacks?


Thanks for nerfing decap Scrapper, hopefully it's enough to push it out of meta, it was absolutely disgusting to fight against.

The high power damage on Renegade's shortbow is just wrong, let's see if the changes were meaningful.


I'll hijack my own post, I don't care:


> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"Anomaly.7612" said:

> > The hidden thief nerf is just bad. 0.25 seconds of stealth on steal? Why even have stealth on it at all now? That's not enough time to even land a backstab.

> Oh dear.... thieves that don't understand their own class complain about changes to their class. Priceless!


> It's 1.25 seconds now. See

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Meld_with_Shadows


> Before the nerf it used to be 3 seconds (2 from hidden killer and 1 from meld with shadows - the latter you get automatically when picking shadow arts).


> 0.25s is the minimum value they need to use to be able to give the trait a stealth granting mechanic at all. 0.25s is the minimal effect duration the game engine supports.


Oh my oh my, aren't you the Reaper I just roflstomped efortlessly in WvW the other day?

Sending mail afer mail, after mail with hate, insults and toxicity while blocking me is not cool. Sweet tasty tears, though.

I don't usually block anyone ever, but you sure as heck earned it. You actually looked for me in these forums to embelish your already shameful insults towards me. This level of toxicity hasn't happened to me in the almost 8 years I've been playing this game (on and off though).

Is a berserker Soulbeast with Sword/Horn + Longbow that broken in WvW? Did I really hurt your ego this much? That was not normal behaviour, have some self respect and reflect upon your actions. I, of course, reported you accordingly.


Just so you guys know, this individual KrHome.1920 is *incredibly* toxic ingame.



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Flashbang getting another meme tier nerf is just lol we weren't telling you to actually do it, Anet. We were making fun of you. Still didn't touch Explosive Entrance either, just lol


Renegade will likely not notice the nerfs, Kalla is still amazing and a few extra seconds to use Schorchrazer likely won't hurt when we can still spam Sevenshot and warbands to CC spam and dump projectiles everywhere.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"Anomaly.7612" said:

> > The hidden thief nerf is just bad. 0.25 seconds of stealth on steal? Why even have stealth on it at all now? That's not enough time to even land a backstab.

> Oh dear.... thieves that don't understand their own class complain about changes to their class. Priceless!


> It's 1.25 seconds now. See

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Meld_with_Shadows


> Before the nerf it used to be 3 seconds (2 from hidden killer and 1 from meld with shadows - the latter you get automatically when picking shadow arts).


> 0.25s is the minimum value they need to use to be able to give the trait a stealth granting mechanic at all. 0.25s is the minimal effect duration the game engine supports.


Ok, cool. Thanks for making that clear. Still not enough time to land a backstab. Now someone will see that steal has been used, dodge once, and render the stealth useless and prevent a large chunk of damage from the d/p kit.


My biggest issue is that nothing has been buffed to compensate or create any other viable build option. Acrobatics as a traitline hasn't been taken in most builds for a long time. Deadly arts saw no changes so won't be taken either.


Thieve's build diversity is so low that shadow arts has been one of the only good options and it got nerfed pretty hard. Don't want thieves to rely on stealth as much? Cool. Give us something increases our survivability that's not just blind/evade spam.

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> @"Tharan.9085" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > throw mine + battering ram nerf is lol. baddies call for bad nerfs, and anet gives it to em. big reason why pvp is dead.


> those nerfs have been the best this patch, right next to symbol nerf


throw mine 100% needed a cooldown increas but to double it was a bit of an overkill and Bat ram shouldn't of been touched imo.

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> @"Ovark.2514" said:

> All good changes for the long-term health of PvP. That said, the flash-bang nerf completely missed the point and needs to be completely reworked. Also, revive skills were not touched so I guess I'm still not PvPing for a while. This patch has made me realize that they are probably putting all their resources into designing the new elite specs so they are letting balance fall to the wayside until the expansion. Hope it's worth it. . .


Thats because cmc is not allowed to balance skills, e.g. he cannot change what a skill does.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> throw mine + battering ram nerf is lol. baddies call for bad nerfs, and anet gives it to em. big reason why pvp is dead.


Yes like not every top player have asked for deccap scrapper nerf or a simple delete but you yes just dodge mines

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> @"Ovark.2514" said:

> All good changes for the long-term health of PvP. That said, the flash-bang nerf completely missed the point and needs to be completely reworked. Also, revive skills were not touched so I guess I'm still not PvPing for a while. This patch has made me realize that they are probably putting all their resources into designing the new elite specs so they are letting balance fall to the wayside until the expansion. Hope it's worth it. . .


U dont play pvp cuz u cant rupt a revive skill? :)

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> @"Marxx.5021" said:

> > @"Ovark.2514" said:

> > All good changes for the long-term health of PvP. That said, the flash-bang nerf completely missed the point and needs to be completely reworked. Also, revive skills were not touched so I guess I'm still not PvPing for a while. This patch has made me realize that they are probably putting all their resources into designing the new elite specs so they are letting balance fall to the wayside until the expansion. Hope it's worth it. . .


> Thats because cmc is not allowed to balance skills, e.g. he cannot change what a skill does.


CMC this, CMC that...Yes he can't make functional changes and rework skills, but that doesn't excuse completely clueless 'number game he is playing. Nerfing skills either at random, or because of complaints from a small vocal minority on the forums and an even smaller biased group on a certain discord server isn't exactly top-notch. Also, having just one person "balance" sPvP (once in 6 months) proves that the game mode is even past the life support stage now. Time to play sims or something.

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I will never look fowards to another anet development/project again. They lost me as a customer and a supporter of there business. They refuse to do any meaningfull work on the game mode i enjoy most. I gave then enough time for them to show me there passion and development of pvp but there isnt any. So diss apointed at everyone at anet.

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> @"Levijeh.9643" said:

> > @"Kodama.6453" said:

> > How is that not touching decap scrapper? They even **doubled** the cooldown of throw mine and **halfed** the barrier from system shocker. What did you expect them to do, disable the scrapper elite spec completely in PvP?


> Tell us the truth, you like this scrapper decap-braindead build and you want it to not die :D


Never played it myself. Just against it, but it didn't really bother me that much.


But that is besides the point. Claiming that they didn't touch that build is just a ridiculous statement if you look at the patch notes.

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Only thing i can say is BOOOOOOOO....ANet .. you are going down.....Waiting 3monts for BALANCE end we Get HALLOKITENWEEN ...Oh Wait... we gona wait another 2 weeks for 3 day work Patch cause they are very busy doing some EXPAC for 2022.......BOOOOOO....You DONT GET IT DO YA.....If a player dont have fun playing, no content will ever make him play your game!!!!!!!!........................I em Tired of You ANet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


FOR CRY SAKE >>>>>Writ of Persistence: In PvP only, this trait no longer increases the radius of symbols.....WHY? Can Someone explain ....WHY ?

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