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GW2 Halloween 2020

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It feels like they have dialed down the output of current content again, like before the layoffs. It is either all hand deck for the Steam launch or even worse for the EOD launch.

I get why the PVP balancing is flatlined, so it has less volatile base when the new elites come but it is way too meh, and if there isn't some shakeup it will get way too stale.

The current PVE content feels kinda phoned in, the fractal is cool and all but I don't feel excitement for things to come. I was kinda hoping for some strike mission for Halloween but now I think there wouldn't be anything too look forward to for Wintersday .

I hope they do some Grand event for the Steam launch involving reused old content at least. I know they don't do Hype train anymore but a little bit wouldn't hurt.

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> It feels like they have dialed down the output of current content again, like before the layoffs. It is either all hand deck for the Steam launch or even worse for the EOD launch.

> I get why the PVP balancing is flatlined, so it has less volatile base when the new elites come but it is way too meh, and if there isn't some shakeup it will get way too stale.

> The current PVE content feels kinda phoned in, the fractal is cool and all but I don't feel excitement for things to come. I was kinda hoping for some strike mission for Halloween but now I think there wouldn't be anything too look forward to for Wintersday .

> I hope they do some Grand event for the Steam launch involving reused old content at least. I know they don't do Hype train anymore but a little bit wouldn't hurt.


Wait, we got a new “Confer with Bangar” update today!! Seriously though, I love the new Fractal, but is it just me or does it not appear in Dailies or recs that often, while other fractals seem to appear more often. I want to play Sunqua more as a daily or rec!!

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> @"Dark Red Killian.3946" said:

> > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > It feels like they have dialed down the output of current content again, like before the layoffs. It is either all hand deck for the Steam launch or even worse for the EOD launch.

> > I get why the PVP balancing is flatlined, so it has less volatile base when the new elites come but it is way too meh, and if there isn't some shakeup it will get way too stale.

> > The current PVE content feels kinda phoned in, the fractal is cool and all but I don't feel excitement for things to come. I was kinda hoping for some strike mission for Halloween but now I think there wouldn't be anything too look forward to for Wintersday .

> > I hope they do some Grand event for the Steam launch involving reused old content at least. I know they don't do Hype train anymore but a little bit wouldn't hurt.


> Wait, we got a new “Confer with Bangar” update today!! Seriously though, I love the new Fractal, but is it just me or does it not appear in Dailies or recs that often, while other fractals seem to appear more often. I want to play Sunqua more as a daily or rec!!


It was there a lot during the first couple of weeks. Haven't been in fractals last few days though to check

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Yeah, I'll do the annual achievements and get the cape, but for the past while it has felt like they're coasting to a halt again. A rehashed August festival, disappointing (to me) September release and now a rehashed October again. They really want to bring something a lot more interesting in November as Wintersday will be even more recycled content. Woo. Hoo.


I hope they've delayed the roadmap because they have something impressive coming up to coincide with the game being made available on steam and they don't want to give it away just yet. But that doesn't make sense really, it'd make more sense to tease us with some vague hints, they probably just forgot or decided not to bother with even that limited amount of communication. ArenaNet never changes.

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > New gemstore stuff and a new cape

> >

> >


> Gemstore stuff!?

> Any new content or achievements besides gemstore?


The new cape is part of the meta - which is the same achievements as last year, just a diff reward.


I havne't found the vendor yet, but there also these exchangable for cobs and gold



New guild hall decorations


New content wouldn't happen as it is a festival and new content for a festival is very, very rare in any MMO as they are designed to be recycled content wherever they appear. The rewards are highly disappointing though


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It's probably the most disappointing Halloween so far, that's this year's uniqueness...

The cape looks lame, it hardly even gives an Halloween feel. No other reward from other achis (last year there was the scarf from beetle race), not even a new mini or something.

ToT bags starting at a depressingly low price since nothing new was added to interest people into buying and opening...

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> A rehashed August festival, disappointing (to me) September release and now a rehashed October again. They really want to bring something a lot more interesting in November as Wintersday will be even more recycled content. Woo. Hoo.


It’s been like this since like 2005 for festivals. I don’t see why you’d expect anything different this year.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > A rehashed August festival, disappointing (to me) September release and now a rehashed October again. They really want to bring something a lot more interesting in November as Wintersday will be even more recycled content. Woo. Hoo.


> It’s been like this since like 2005 for festivals. I don’t see why you’d expect anything different this year.


When did they add the racing to it? That was a ton of fun.

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > A rehashed August festival, disappointing (to me) September release and now a rehashed October again. They really want to bring something a lot more interesting in November as Wintersday will be even more recycled content. Woo. Hoo.

> >

> > It’s been like this since like 2005 for festivals. I don’t see why you’d expect anything different this year.


> When did they add the racing to it? That was a ton of fun.


Labyrinth race was 2017 (same year as PoF)

Mad King Raceway was 2018


So they do occasionally add things, but it's not something regular enough to be expected

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > A rehashed August festival, disappointing (to me) September release and now a rehashed October again. They really want to bring something a lot more interesting in November as Wintersday will be even more recycled content. Woo. Hoo.


> It’s been like this since like 2005 for festivals. I don’t see why you’d expect anything different this year.


What ever made you think I expected any different from the festivals? I said they were rehashed festival content, they are, that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who's being paying any attention. They're pretty much done apart from a new annual award. They're filler.


It's the bits between the festivals I'm looking for. September wasn't that interesting for me personally, YMMV. I'm hoping for something interesting in November. Specifically, a continuation of the story.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> Outside of the annual AP and rewards I'll likely not play much this year either.

> I may do a little lab farming for some gold if the ping issues allow for it but other than that im not playing much atm.


You have a lot of other stuff you gotta do right?

1. Work on Griffon mount

2. Work on Skyscale mount

3. PoF masteries

4. Icebrood saga masteries

5. Raids

6. Work on collections

7. Dailies

8. Guild Missions

Would be nice if they just scattered all these halloween creatures everywhere and said

"due to being too busy all the halloween creatures are all over tyria! We could not contain them in the labyrinth. TRICK OR TREAT!"


Just think, if that was the case, you'd still be able to make your gold and do all the stuff you working on that takes you away from Halloween.

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> @"Perihen the Thawk.9527" said:

> Honestly ever since they teased that they're working on SAB World 3 I kind of assumed that the "festival team" or however it works would probably be focused on that, so I'm not surprised the other festivals haven't seen many updates this year.


They never claimed they were working on SAB 3... it's just not off the table.

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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > Outside of the annual AP and rewards I'll likely not play much this year either.

> > I may do a little lab farming for some gold if the ping issues allow for it but other than that im not playing much atm.


> You have a lot of other stuff you gotta do right?

> 1. Work on Griffon mount

> 2. Work on Skyscale mount

> 3. PoF masteries

> 4. Icebrood saga masteries

> 5. Raids

> 6. Work on collections

> 7. Dailies

> 8. Guild Missions

> Would be nice if they just scattered all these halloween creatures everywhere and said

> "due to being too busy all the halloween creatures are all over tyria! We could not contain them in the labyrinth. TRICK OR TREAT!"


> Just think, if that was the case, you'd still be able to make your gold and do all the stuff you working on that takes you away from Halloween.


Well most of that list I've got done already, or at least mostly done.. raids I don't play though.

It's not so much that I don't have things to do in GW2 it's that the game is unreliable right now because of the lag issues.

I can only take so many days of lag screwing up my Gw2 fun before I start loosing the will to play for a while.. suffice to say I hit that point a few months back.

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It is the same dull/boring stuff as the previous year. While the clocktower is a great jumping puzzle and inquisition and reaper's rumble are nice most other stuff in this event/festival is less interesting than the other stuff in the others. I think it is okay. That way it is balanced. Other festivals have less interesting side activities but the farm maps are less boring.


Labyrinth and the achievements you can do 5 times ... feel pretty grindy here. (Probably will be the festival where it takes me longest to complete the stuff. Mainly the repeatable carving and doors where 1 completion already needs pretty long and you need to do it 5 times if you want all the AP.) Then most of the maps in lfg are full ... and when you join it is basically only running in circles there. (Nothing I'd do for more than 30-60 minutes.)


As for the rewards: According to the patch notes it seems there have been re-skins of some older skins added. Same as they did it with previous festivals. I think this is a good idea to add new stuff which does not require too much work. In the future years this should stop as well though. My guess is that those festivals reach the "completed" state where they can just be re-activated with any new contend being added. (+ also some new annual)


Which is totally fine since the game already has tons of other stuff. It is easier to relax and have fun when there is not constantly new stuff where you feel pressured to get everything.


Personally I'll do the annuals, then dailies (for the chest for 5 dailies) and then only staying with dailies and maybe some other stuff for fun + a bit completion of the repeatable stuff to work towards the remaining AP there. (At least 1 completion of carving and doors this year.) That is how I do it every festival. (Only that for others I have finished most repeatable stuff at the first time I started to play them again - last year.) Festival should be some nice side activity - where you can releax. Yeah ... it is totally okay to reach a "completed" state now after all the years. You don't want the players to play only the festival - during festival time.

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