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Gamemode dead lol?


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just go roaming. the term means not much, just avoid contact with all enemy players and it is quite easy. equip any PvE farm skilling and burst the camp guards down. you don't need to learn anything for that, unless u have a disorder. killing npcs in wvw is litearlly pve.


zergs are the stuff u should rather avoid if u have no interest in getting into fights.


what i don't get, crying about "not having gear and money"? if u are a pve player, you should normally have enough of that...

i farmed 2000 kills a weeks with only exotic gear on a scrouge yet before, so it really isn't that dramatic as ppl often think. the kaboom damage just comes because people aren't capable of dodging and use random skillsets.


and yeah, i also wish i could sell my 30 gift of battles to pve kittens, because i won't ever do all the silly jump puzzles to unlock legendary requirements i guess. at least the farm for those brought me several ascended weapon and armor boxes so w/e thaha

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> @"DaVid Darksoul.4985" said:

> Many commanders now run invis tags due to sniping. Try calling out in Team chat asking if anyone wants toparty-up with you. Explain you are new to WvW and want to learn by running with others. That works sometimes, as long as you don't let map know you really have no interest in WvW.


It's not sniping, they just don't want the rallybot tail.

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> @"ASP.8093" said:

> > @"DaVid Darksoul.4985" said:

> > Many commanders now run invis tags due to sniping. Try calling out in Team chat asking if anyone wants toparty-up with you. Explain you are new to WvW and want to learn by running with others. That works sometimes, as long as you don't let map know you really have no interest in WvW.


> It's not sniping, they just don't want the rallybot tail.


Which everyone knew was going to happen when they made the option for invisible tags.

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> @"MMOStein.3872" said:

> That's the problem, I don't actually want to learn anything new, I just want to farm some pips (because I **have to**) and go back to PvE :p


And that's the problem: If you do not want to learn, you will not learn better ways to farm your pips.


> I simply wanted to ask the WvW players, when is the best time/day to find zergs for WvW or how I can find one easier.


There is no best time/day for that if you just want to farm some pips. And it depends on your (timezone and your) server. Just ask other players on your server and look in the map/team chat.


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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> This is one of the reasons why ESO does it better when it comes to WvW

> ESO you don't rely on commander.

> GW2, no commander, no noes complete useless feeling.


> PvE, no commander? :sadface:

> WvW, no commander? :sadface:


> ESO, its okay, no commander that fine. Even zerg fights it is more of 1v1 but very quick 1v1s in ESO.

> GW2 no commander means dead zone. Thats how important commanders are.


> It aint healthy.


> Come to think of the solo aspect, all you could do is camp capture, 4 maps 2 camps nearby 8 spots.

> Meanwhile ESO, 3 camplike areas, wood,mine,granary. So many different places to go steal from. So much to do as a solo or with a buddy.

> You could just sneak and watch the enemy movements. Anyone can do, you don't need to be a special player with sneaky skills. It's simple as sneak and stalk in ESO.


Your statement actually says much more about your own skill, play-style and the play-style of your server than anything else.


You do not need a commander in GW2s openworld PvE. GW2s openworld PvE is designed from the beginning that every content can be finished with randoms (other players that are at the same place like you at the same time) that have the same goal. So the rest of my response is about WvW:


When you have large zergfights (or coordinated 30v30 etc...) it usually helps, if there is one person coordinating the movements, damage etc. of the complete zerg/group to win fights. The better you work together as a coordinated team, the better the result.


Without that one person it is hard to win fights against coordinated groups/zergs. But it is doable if all players know what they do (and if they are skilled enough).


If players are willing to (and are skilled enough) you can capture enemy keeps/towers/etc/including Stonemist castle, without any commanders and without coordination, only with other randoms. It is not unusual to sneaky capture enemy keeps with only two other roamers/randoms if the enemy is distracted.


GW2 without commanders does definitely not mean "dead zone". It just means, that players have to think more themselves and that it is just harder against coordinated enemy groups.


And if you feel sometimes, your server needs a commander: You can always activate a commander-tag yourself.


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> @"uberkingkong.8041" said:

> ...There could be MANY players in WvW on your side. But if you don't see commander.... Everyone assumes its dead.

> **Commander in this game is a drug.

> You don't see a commander you get really sad, fast.**...

Uhm, you really have me scratching my head in bewilderment with all your anti-commander comments. Do you even play WvW in this game? I do WvW at varying times depending on what else is going on in my life. Depending on what's happening on a map at the time I get to it, I'll solo roam, run with a small pug, or join a large zerg following a commander. Personally, running with a small pug of 3-5 people is my favorite way to go but I'm comfortable playing whichever of those three ways is appropriate to the map I'm on at any given time. I don't need to follow a commander to feel happy playing WvW. :)


As to @"MMOStein.3872" op, Friday evenings as well as afternoons and evenings on Saturday or Sunday are also prime times for large zergs. Solo roaming at off hours, like late at night, is also a viable way to get skirmish tickets. With[ Metabattle's Condi Herald build](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Herald_-_Condi_Herald) I can readily solo supply camps, outposts, shrines, and the like. The Pahua armor is expensive though, even at the exotic level. Maguuma Lilies are hard to come by on your own and they are currently running at almost 8 gold apiece on the Trading Post. Iirc, you need something like three of those lilies for each piece of gear. If you run the Triumphant Armor reward track in WvW though, you can select Trailblazer Armor, which has the Pahua stats, when customizing it. That's a much cheaper though much more time consuming alternative than crafting the armor yourself.


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It's very difficult to set a goal for anything that WvW offers as an end reward because the WvW tempo feels like a slow-burn movie. The vast majority of my time in WvW is spent pulling up the main map, looking to see if any of the home waypoints have adjacent camps ready to be flipped, travel there to flip the camp, then pull up the map and do it again.


Otherwise on Eternal Battle Grounds... If you DO happen to find a zerg to join... it becomes a zerg dance between two groups that do this weird back and forth. Generally speaking the outcome is decided without any real contest... the server with more members logged in at that time dominates the map.


I'm also unsure if WvW hit the mark in that it's supposed to be more accessible to PvE-centric players, or if it missed the mark because it's sort of a PvP-Lite for SPvP players. It's in this weird spot where some PvP balancing doesn't apply, and PvE attributes are usable.


Overall WvW feels like a mini-MMO unto itself where overworld ganking/PvP is allowed... minus the amazing PvE content.

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The game mode is not dead, but good action in it is close to dead. For the vast majority of time all I see is gankers and gigantic blobs of guilds stacking which are very hard to contest without another organized group that is also large. Often there are no other guilds or large zergs on the map, which can make it near impossible to contest the objectives that huge zergs are going for effectively.

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