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Stop letting free account into WvW


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> @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> People using free account to troll in WvW is out of hand, it needs to be handle by not letting free account plying in WvW.


No trolls are both free accounts and paid.

> the only reason anyone would go to WvW with free account is to troll / spy tactivator pulling , I do not see any other reason anyone would go to WvW with a low level trial account.


You need to be level 60 before free accounts can go to WvW that's hardly "low level".

> it is also damaging to Anet's income when player dont buy gem from the gem store to transfer.


I highly doubt that a significant source of Anet's income is world transfers. Given how you can't transfer for 7 days after transferring worlds.

> please stop allowing Free Account into WvW. You will have cut down griefing in WvW by a whole lot.


> Thank You


The problem with trolling is how tactivators work. Blocking deployment of seige, food, and banners near the tactivators will certainly help. Blocking the tactivator use until a defense event is up is a good start. Guilds having private tactivator activation so only members of that guild can pull tactics (will revert to public when nobody of that guild is on the map).

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From what I've seen, the most trolling actions like Tactivator pulling, Siege building on top of tactics, etc etc, are done by payed players.

Secondly, accidentally pulling tactics is also a thing.


I support the following suggestions I read above:


- Message in map or teamchat "so and so pulled ..."

- No dropping of items on tactivators


Some personal suggestions:

- Have a Rank limit before you can pull tactivators. Give people the chance to learn about them before they can use them.

- History list for the Guild that claimed the objective. (Putting things guild exclusive means you always need a guild member on the map - not practical)


Limiting or right out banning a whole group for WvW might seem an attractive idea, but it is not.

A Game Mode that has population problems you want to block f2p?

Think about it.

You're punishing a WHOLE group for what is in MAYORITY done by a WHOLE different group.


That doesn't sell well at all.


I would say, yesterday I got trolled by an Asura Thief.

Lets block ALL Asura from WvW due to that!! that surely helps a little.


Wait a week ago, a friend was trolled by a Charr... lets ban all Charr as well!


Ow that's a human troll... lets ban ALL humans...

Wait that Norn... and that Sylvari...





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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> > People using free account to troll in WvW is out of hand, it needs to be handle by not letting free account plying in WvW.

> >

> > the only reason anyone would go to WvW with free account is to troll / spy tactivator pulling , I do not see any other reason anyone would go to WvW with a low level trial account.

> >

> > it is also damaging to Anet's income when player dont buy gem from the gem store to transfer.

> >

> > please stop allowing Free Account into WvW. You will have cut down griefing in WvW by a whole lot.

> >

> > Thank You


> You have any proof of this? Have you submitted it?


> Because to be honest, while not saying free accounts are not an issue for spying for sure.....Most of the trolls and cheaters I have seen in the last few months are on high WvW ranked accounts. One I reported last week was a high ranked core guard that would port fully out of sight to get OOC and then port back in. I honestly think these accounts are probably hacked or sold accounts, as it seems to be a new wave of cheaters as of late.


> What we need are some simple safe guards in WvW, not banning free accounts. These should have been there since tactics etc were added, but here we are with nothing still.


> * EWP and Invulnerable Fortifications should only be pullable if the structure is contested, this will stop 99% of the trolling on these big items.

> * When a tactic is pulled it should list the players name in map chat, such as "-Player Name- Used EWP at Hills" So if someone was trolling, people would be able to keep track of who it is, you could also add in a system that whoever holds claim can "block" some users, just like you do on your personal block list. Another plus is for EWP pulls, it could list the EWP in the msg, so you didn't have to try and spam it.

> * Siege lock the area around tactics just like your spawn area is, so people can't build troll siege on them, you could also lock it so food and other items can't be placed in this same area.


> Just these 3 things should remove the need to ban any kind of account type, it makes trolling harder if not impossible and allows more people to come into and enjoy WvW.


Nice ideas, particularly the contested suggestion. I would take this one step further so that there has to be at least 5% damage on a structure (wall, door) to enable the tactivator. Otherwise tapping will enable the tactivators.

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> @"Hesione.9412" said:


> Nice ideas, particularly the contested suggestion. I would take this one step further so that there has to be at least 5% damage on a structure (wall, door) to enable the tactivator. Otherwise tapping will enable the tactivators.


What if your team repairs everything while a enemy group is in the objective? Can't use tactivators?

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> @"Hesione.9412" said:

> Nice ideas, particularly the contested suggestion. I would take this one step further so that there has to be at least 5% damage on a structure (wall, door) to enable the tactivator. Otherwise tapping will enable the tactivators.


You're going to be real mad when someone pops a portal and drops 40 people onto the Lord and you can't use EWP to stop them.

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The main thing we need is:

- be able to use ewp on demand

- not have someone pull it for fun


Now in very rare scenarios, ewp will be used to get to another structure quickly if keep is contested. I am definitely willing to relinquish this. What other thresholds are we willing to go with to let us trigger ewp normally though? Outside of dmg to keep, what other (safer) options are there? A minimum of 1-3 enemy in vicinity of keep (keep in mind this can also be bypassed)? How can we do it beyond asking for a map vote, which is problematic in itself.

(teamchat) `*** has activated EWP @location_map [vote yes/no to activate ewp] `

(after which a threshold is reached to activate wp from every player who voted - what that threshold is has to have a bare minimum (like less than 3~ votes and it doesn't activate). It's a double edged sword no matter where I look though (this doesn't account for a troll who multiboxes or has buddies).

Maybe a combination of 3~ enemies in vicinity of structure and minimum of around ~3 votes in /t chat to activate? Mind you when it activates it should also echo this in teamchat:

`*** Emergency waypoint activated for @location_map @emergency_waypoint_link`


If that is not feasible there should (in place of reporting because we all know how well that works) be a function to tag people as a tactics pulling troll, like some kind of reputation system, and if there is enough people tagging them, it stops that particular player from pulling *any* tactivators for a full day, or for the whole week of the matchup. This can be done with either some command in chat or highlighting person/right-click etc. I don't know how it would interact for people who actually guild claimed/slotted the tactics themselves though. Seems like any change can kind of backfire but it still feels like a necessary evil.

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> @"ASP.8093" said:

> > @"Hesione.9412" said:

> > Nice ideas, particularly the contested suggestion. I would take this one step further so that there has to be at least 5% damage on a structure (wall, door) to enable the tactivator. Otherwise tapping will enable the tactivators.


> You're going to be real mad when someone pops a portal and drops 40 people onto the Lord and you can't use EWP to stop them.


Oh, like now when an EWP can't be pulled because it's on cooldown?

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> The main thing we need is:

> - be able to use ewp on demand

> - not have someone pull it for fun


> Now in very rare scenarios, ewp will be used to get to another structure quickly if keep is contested. I am definitely willing to relinquish this. What other thresholds are we willing to go with to let us trigger ewp normally though? Outside of dmg to keep, what other (safer) options are there? A minimum of 1-3 enemy in vicinity of keep (keep in mind this can also be bypassed)? How can we do it beyond asking for a map vote, which is problematic in itself.

> (teamchat) `*** has activated EWP @location_map [vote yes/no to activate ewp] `

> (after which a threshold is reached to activate wp from every player who voted - what that threshold is has to have a bare minimum (like less than 3~ votes and it doesn't activate). It's a double edged sword no matter where I look though (this doesn't account for a troll who multiboxes or has buddies).

> Maybe a combination of 3~ enemies in vicinity of structure and minimum of around ~3 votes in /t chat to activate? Mind you when it activates it should also echo this in teamchat:

> `*** Emergency waypoint activated for @location_map @emergency_waypoint_link`


> If that is not feasible there should (in place of reporting because we all know how well that works) be a function to tag people as a tactics pulling troll, like some kind of reputation system, and if there is enough people tagging them, it stops that particular player from pulling *any* tactivators for a full day, or for the whole week of the matchup. This can be done with either some command in chat or highlighting person/right-click etc. I don't know how it would interact for people who actually guild claimed/slotted the tactics themselves though. Seems like any change can kind of backfire but it still feels like a necessary evil.

... You do realize that even if you troll pull EWP and literally say in team its a troll pull... You will still get *at least* 3 people voting yes.

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