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Expansion: make or break?

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The original game was about grind too. It's just forgotten. Lets not forget how many times worse getting a legendary used to be before T6 mats were so easy to get and precursors werent left to chance. Or the arguments in dungeons over speed running, stacking or wanting to do story. I'm not sure what the IBS Hp is all about. I play low dps toons and don't find the hp on ibs mobs anything concerning


The game has changed and not always for the better (although often it has significantly improved it), but I don't think EoD is make or break either. People asked the same question before HoT, before PoF, before LS4, before IBS. I think EoD will be just fine as long as players temper their expectations. This is not going to be Factions part 2. Any relation to it will be that Cantha as a continent is the setting and that will be it in the same way PoF had zero relation to Nightfall and IBS has very little connection to EOTN.


So I don't think it'll make or break the game. Just continue on as usual



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I dont think the state of the content is not going to detract players from getting that expansion. They want new content, new elite specs, new areas and new storylines. Can they be disappointed by what they get ? Absolutely, but no way to tell until we actually know more, which we wont in the next year or so.

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> @"Pockethole.5031" said:

> You don't have to grind anything if you don't want to. You can do it in your own pace if you feel like you can't live without something - nobody is forcing you into anything.


Yeah, I can just stand there feeling inferior while everyone is blocking my line of sight with their hovering skyscales.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > @"Pockethole.5031" said:

> > You don't have to grind anything if you don't want to. You can do it in your own pace if you feel like you can't live without something - nobody is forcing you into anything.


> Yeah, I can just stand there feeling inferior while everyone is blocking my line of sight with their hovering skyscales.


Sorry you feel inferior but its noones fault except you mate.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> Skyscale grind, ascended grind, legendary grind, elitist raids, a preview of elitist raids through strike missions, mobs with a billion HP in IbS.. Anyone feel like Guild Wars 2 is straying from its original direction? Will the next expansion revive the game or will it be the last straw?


What do you remember about the "original direction"? Let me refresh your memory:

Champion mobs dropped nothing, World Bosses dropped nothing, exploration chests dropped nothing, jumping puzzles dropped nothings, events were rewarding you a couple silver and 200 karma, map completion gave you nothing, materials were mostly worthless to gather. That was the extend of "rewards" available in Guild Wars 2 on release, even getting Cultural Armor (which by today's standards is dirt cheap) was a massive grind on release and don't get me started on Legendary Weapons. All you could do if you wanted those items was farm the same events all day, Plinx, Citadel of Flame path 1, Penit/Shelter, Tactician Megil, Spark farm in Malchor's Leap (for the Charged Lodestones) and all the other "farms" that I now forget. In a sense events that spawned as many normal mobs as possible, so you'd get as much trash as you can, to sell and feel "rewarded". The original grind was absurd by today's standards, and way way more boring and tiresome, at least today you have a billion choices. And guess what, in both cases, you don't "need" any of that, it's entirely optional.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > @"Pockethole.5031" said:

> > You don't have to grind anything if you don't want to. You can do it in your own pace if you feel like you can't live without something - nobody is forcing you into anything.


> Yeah, I can just stand there feeling inferior while everyone is blocking my line of sight with their hovering skyscales.


This is why I said "You can do it in your own pace if you feel like you can't live without something". Just do it in a pace that doesn't feel like a grind to you. That way you don't have to feel bad.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > @"Pockethole.5031" said:

> > You don't have to grind anything if you don't want to. You can do it in your own pace if you feel like you can't live without something - nobody is forcing you into anything.


> Yeah, I can just stand there feeling inferior while everyone is blocking my line of sight with their hovering skyscales.


Maybe, if superficial and meaningless things like the skyscale make you feel inferior this is more of a you problem than a problem within the game.

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The expansion will breathe some new life into the game, as did Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire.


Guild Wars 2 feels very much the original 2012 version in a lot of ways. However, it feels different in a lot of others, which is healthy.


Overall, I am happy with where Guild Wars 2 is and I am excited for the future.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> Skyscale grind, ascended grind, legendary grind, elitist raids, a preview of elitist raids through strike missions, mobs with a billion HP in IbS.. Anyone feel like Guild Wars 2 is straying from its original direction? Will the next expansion revive the game or will it be the last straw?


What's going to make or break them is all the already existing bugs, the bad balance patches, the lack of addressing hackers, the bots, the in game lag, the lack of new content, the non-communication and all the other.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> Skyscale grind, ascended grind, legendary grind, elitist raids, a preview of elitist raids through strike missions, mobs with a billion HP in IbS.. Anyone feel like Guild Wars 2 is straying from its original direction? Will the next expansion revive the game or will it be the last straw?


That doesn't make sense ... what about these things gives you the feeling it's straying from it's original direction?


> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > Skyscale grind, ascended grind, legendary grind, elitist raids, a preview of elitist raids through strike missions, mobs with a billion HP in IbS.. Anyone feel like Guild Wars 2 is straying from its original direction? Will the next expansion revive the game or will it be the last straw?


> What's going to make or break them is all the already existing bugs, the bad balance patches, the lack of addressing hackers, the bots, the in game lag, the lack of new content, the non-communication and all the other.


Really? if the game is here with all those things now ... what makes you think those things will break it when there is a new expansion?

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > > Skyscale grind, ascended grind, legendary grind, elitist raids, a preview of elitist raids through strike missions, mobs with a billion HP in IbS.. Anyone feel like Guild Wars 2 is straying from its original direction? Will the next expansion revive the game or will it be the last straw?

> >

> > What's going to make or break them is all the already existing bugs, the bad balance patches, the lack of addressing hackers, the bots, the in game lag, the lack of new content, the non-communication and all the other.


> Really? if the game is here with all those things now ... what makes you think those things will break it when there is a new expansion?


Because if they don't address issues they have now, why would people spend money on an expansion? Ill will now, leads to lack of sales later.


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Do I think the expansion will be 'make or break' for the game? No.


I do, however, think this is the game's final chance at defining how (edit: Non-playing) people think of the game and what they expect of it. I think this is the final shot at getting attention before it becomes just another old MMO that people are surprised to hear is still up and running.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > > @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> > > > Skyscale grind, ascended grind, legendary grind, elitist raids, a preview of elitist raids through strike missions, mobs with a billion HP in IbS.. Anyone feel like Guild Wars 2 is straying from its original direction? Will the next expansion revive the game or will it be the last straw?

> > >

> > > What's going to make or break them is all the already existing bugs, the bad balance patches, the lack of addressing hackers, the bots, the in game lag, the lack of new content, the non-communication and all the other.

> >

> > Really? if the game is here with all those things now ... what makes you think those things will break it when there is a new expansion?


> Because if they don't address issues they have now, why would people spend money on an expansion? Ill will now, leads to lack of sales later.



Why? because they want the expansion ... didn't stop the playerbase from purchasing the last two. I mean, the things you list aren't new ... so to think that all this doom and gloom will break the 3rd expansion but didn't the first two is just hopeful on your part. Really, saying things like that ... it's just desperate and empty threats.

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The longer we play the game, the more familiar we get with it. We tend to notice more details, but also more things that disturb us. Even if those aspects have been part of the game for a long time. This is normal.


From my personal impression, the grinding did increase compared to the first days. But back then, a lot of things, which are important today, did not matter at all. The farming is part of the endgame nowadays, something that did not really exist during vanilla.


You may not find a person who agrees with every decision of ANet of the past 8 years. Design choices are always questionable and never meet everyone's expectations. If they succeed in the long term, the decisions were good. If not, things get adjusted. The Raiding system was a good decision. I did not like it, but it worked out. However, times change. They adjusted the system and introduced Strike Missions, set the Raids on temporary hold. They may return to the real Raids again one day, we do not know. It depends on how the community decides and what people prefer to play.


We change the game and decide what directions it leans towards. We decide what we play and how we do it. They see what content is liked and how certain mechanics are accepted. That information is used to make further decisions. It is a bit like at the encounter against Gozer in Ghostbusters I (1984). We decide, what we have to deal with in the upcoming months by the decisions we make now. Opposite to the movie however, single persons decisions do not have a great impact. More what the community as a collective does, does not, purchases and ignores.


Our discussions on the board also have an impact on the game. Some work as inspiration or help deciding on changes. Suggestions matter a lot. Some make it directly into the game, others end up modified or change a mechanic that already exists.


I am curious about the next Expansion, not really about the story to be honest. How did the farm-mentality of the past years impact the future maps? Will the meta-events be as engaging as Dragonfall or Drizzlewood Coast or maybe go into another direction? How did the combat-mentality, the tunnel-viewed focus on rotations and dps-numbers impact the class design? Especially the new elite-specializations? Are we leaning towards the trinity again, or go back to the jack-of-all-trades mentality? Map design, NPC behavior, Renown Hearts, Karma and map-currencies, dailies, cut-scenes, world-bosses, ... etc. A huge variety of aspects we influence with our decisions now, which may change or remain in the upcoming expansion.


With that said/written, I think it is a bit early to decide if the Expansion will be a success or a failure.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:


> Why? because they want the expansion ... didn't stop the playerbase from purchasing the last two. I mean, the things you list aren't new ... so to think that all this doom and gloom will break the 3rd expansion but didn't the first two is just hopeful on your part. Really, saying things like that ... it's just desperate and empty threats.


No, its sharing an opinion of a consumer. I don't have to give them a dime if I choose not to. That's not a threat, that's a fact.


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