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Number of people doing Living World Meta Achievements is Declining


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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> The 3 metas with the lowest completion percentages are also the 3 only ones that don't need full completion for the reward. This may be a factor.


Couple this with the cost and the last 2 episodes having no voice-over (people waiting for it).


P.S. this is the wrong section for Living Story

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"notebene.3190" said:

> > > Actually, just went to look at Efficiency to see if I could figure out how to look at it that way , and I did do WitD. I'm noticing I have to go 'fishing' to find the meta. Efficiency shows percentages complete based on 'everything'. I for sure don't do 'everything'. Are your percentages based on 'everything', or just 'completing the Meta' (which I see Efficiency calls the 'Mastery')?

> >

> > Efficiency shows completion of meta, not completion of everything.


> I must be looking at the wrong thing then. https://gw2efficiency.com/account/achievements shows me I've completed what it calls "Jormag Rising" Mastery, which is what I would consider the 'meta' achievement, but it shows on the left outline bar, and at top, that I've only completed 82% (53/64) of 'everything' for Jormag Rising.


I'm not sure how you got that confused. You get the Episode Mastery achievement once you complete the meta, if the meta has achievements to choose from then you don't need to finish everything. There are 38 achievements required to complete the meta and that's what gw2efficiency shows.


You can go here: https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics to check what the registered users have completed. "Jormag Rising" Mastery was completed by 1.295% of the users, but The End of the Road was completed by 0.107%, less than the meta completion.


So as I said:

> Efficiency shows completion of meta, not completion of everything.


If you complete the meta you will be in the "Jormag Rising" Mastery (it will have a green check box) regardless if you've finished all other achievements or not.


edit: what Vayne calculated is the number of players that finished the mastery of each episode from here: https://gw2efficiency.com/account/unlock-statistics and has nothing to do with finishing everything.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> I find it kind of funny that Anet, increasing the achievement grind in order to keep players longer in the game, in my case caused an exactly opposite effect - i'm now spending far less time on those achievements than before.


I'm in the exact same situation. I had full meta completion until A Star to Guide Us but since then I found it harder and harder to enjoy getting meta completion, I got all meta completions in S4, but I can't say I enjoyed the process, it was more of a slog and took me many many months. While in previous episodes, I'd get the meta completed -before- the next episode released. Until the Icebrood Saga started when I completely stopped caring about the meta anymore, not because of Strike Mission addition but because I found it too boring anymore and I gave up.

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> At some point a trend appeared where more grind-type achievements started to get included into the meta, and the grind on those grindy achievements also started to increase. Additionally, the leeway for completing the meta seemed to get smaller and smaller (or perhaps the number of achievements i considered too annoying that were required to finish the meta increased). At some point (somewhere during early S4, i think?) i didn't manage to finish the meta before next chapter arrived. Due to this i didn't feel as pressured to do the meta for that next chapter, which means the situation repeated. This continued, until i realized i haven't finished the meta on _any_ of the chapters since that, and my meta completion levels get lower and lower every chapter. As such, i wasn't as annoyed by strike requirements for the meta as Vayne was - by that point i have already practically gave up on completing it anyway.


> I find it kind of funny that Anet, increasing the achievement grind in order to keep players longer in the game, in my case caused an exactly opposite effect - i'm now spending far less time on those achievements than before.


Did the fact that you can get the "reward" without completing the Meta help?

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > I find it kind of funny that Anet, increasing the achievement grind in order to keep players longer in the game, in my case caused an exactly opposite effect - i'm now spending far less time on those achievements than before.


> I'm in the exact same situation. I had full meta completion until A Star to Guide Us but since then I found it harder and harder to enjoy getting meta completion, I got all meta completions in S4, but I can't say I enjoyed the process, it was more of a slog and took me many many months. While in previous episodes, I'd get the meta completed -before- the next episode released. Until the Icebrood Saga started when I completely stopped caring about the meta anymore, not because of Strike Mission addition but because I found it too boring anymore and I gave up.


Yes, stuff has become more grindy (tbh, there has always been grindy achievements, but what is relevant here is that the "trivial" or regular achievements have become more grindy). I have everything completed myself, but I usually try to get everything done within 1 week after episode release, then never bother with the new content again, or barely.


My personal assumption here, and I have no way of backing this up besides comparison to other MMORPGs, the long valued approach of having players drop in every few months for a few weeks just doesn't cut it any more revenue wise. Many players simply do not return or the money spent on the game for this hop ind and out approach is not high enough. I've always argued that only engaged and active players are spending money.


As such, the content development went down a more grindy approach when it comes to achievements, given gear is not an option, as to keep players engaged longer. This is also reflected in the announcement of the armory (far ahead of any implementation or idea how to implement it), in an attempt to encourage more players into the far longer process of crafting legendary gear imo.


This is I believe the studios reaction to the focus on living world content and keeping players busy as long as possible.



The assumption that "regular", short term, returning players are contributing to this games revenue seems outdated. I believe the developers are trying a more constant engaged approach currently to see how this fares with players.

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I’ve noticed like for LW S4 maps I don’t need to play them for currency. I just need to farm Bjora for ice shards, or do strikes for a while to get them, and exchange for currency. You can get all ascended trinkets that way too. No big reason to have to do the metas. I think Anet really messed up putting those currencies there, as it takes the necessity to do those maps and metas away. They should have made better rewards to exchange the ice shards for. Sure you can get an Amulet and an Accessory, but they could have come up with more things, like maybe Ascended weapons or a new sigil to work for or crafting consumable, etc.

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The changes to the meta event in Drizzlewood Coast in today's update are a nice surprise. I haven't tried the changes in-game yet, but from the notes it seems like the changes were made in the right direction to help speed up the meta and minimize the less fun parts of it.


Glad that the extensive feedback on this map after its release wasn't wasted. IMO Drizzlewood Coast always had great potential but had been implemented poorly previously. Hopefully after these changes today, it can become a more fun and active map for many people.

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The last couple batches of meta achievements have been utter garbage. Give me thirty achievements, have me do twenty for 'completion'. Don't give me a bloody Sophie's Choice between equally bad 'achievements', or make the assumption that anyone likes your content enough to do a Strike Mission upwards of twenty times.


I still haven't finished a couple of the Elonian metas, and I doubt I'll bother with the ones after the Charr homelands.

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Why am I being forced to do these strike missions.. I do pve for the story.. I feel I am being forced to play a game style I do not like or enjoy.. I dont like raids.. but thank god they are not implemented into the story also..


This story was a big disappointment for me.. if you are going to force players to play a niche can we have a skip the crap button, and just see the story or dialog.. I would happily forfeit the terrible rewards ie exp and 1000 karma for 20mins of horrible repetitive content.. its just awful.


I bet it look longer to produce the trailer than the content.

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Strikes and huge amount of grind made me stop trying to finish it.


I do not like to do group content at all and I'm not going to repeat anything for 50-100 times. Now I just do the story, explore the map and do the meta event couple of times. That used to be enough for completing the major part of the meta achievement before but now it's barely even 10% of that.

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Personally I haven't even started with the latest content. Still playing older stuff since I rerturned to GW2 after having stopped playing end of 2013. (And doing GW1 as well now - for additional HoM achievement points and for the lore/plot.)


Maybe ... with ArenaNet announcing new stuff trying to get new players (they want them to directly play the latest content) ... a lot of new players are coming in to the game and playing the first chapters of the latest content. Then starting to do older stuff in order. (Leading to a higher percentage of meta completion for the first chapters.)


Strike missions ... I only played the winderstday one ... seem nice. While I usually try to avoid group content I even got into fractals (at least T1 and T2) cause of the fractal rush.


Longer stuff where groups tend to focus more on professional gameplay - are more annoying. People might want perfect efficiendy cause it takes a lot of time even with playing at full dps efficiency. Then they start to complain/flame if you aren't good enough. Out of fear of this I didn't even bother with such conent.


But strike missions that are even hot join at the beginning - with public mode - seem pretty okay I guess.


Someone mentioned grind: Yeah that is boring. So far I did most story and map related stuff up to HoT and LS3 (starting with PoF soon) ... even the stuff like badges, tokens, coins - collecting them on the map. (Annoying and took long.) But I omitted crafting/collecting the armor sets and weapons sets unique to the maps. If such a stuff is required I'll always put it on hold. I'd rathre level a 2nd char and push it through the story and maps - instead of grinding for some sets where I don't even use most of the skins.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> According to GW2 Efficiency, the percentage of people who have completed zone meta achievements are trending down.


No wonder. Most achievements are mere grinding these days and therefore extremely boring to do, especially if you have to play a 90-120 minute meta like Drizzlewood Coast. I only finished the achievements that gave AP on the latter for the previous episode, because I was sick and tired of said meta event.

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it should be trend down. This is very nice. This is mean that we have a lot of content, and for example if spvp season come there is no point do ls, spsp very good for our roleplay players, is you can do always, so people try first do some content. Some of my friend start story after 1 year, currently they nor on l3. This is rolepla game, roleplay players don't reg acc to gw2effcincy,

so let check that statistic after 5-7 years. I think we will see different numbers.

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The metas I am stuck on are the ones that are basically "Kill 1000 rats.". Yes I know this is an MMO and grind is there to help drag the content out since there is no way to make content quickly enough to keep up with the rate it is consumed/experienced.


I just wish Arenanet would spend more time making achievements that are "Explore x" or "Find the coins." since thes can be done at your leisure.

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It seems like Anets solution to lack of content is to make grindy achievements.

I completed pretty much all the LWS 3 achievements and most of the LWS4 (I think I missed a Crack in the Ice because there were no spare achievements, and the one I was missing was in a story instance, and I didn't feel like playing through 10 minutes of that story chapter before I could even start the achievements).

A lot from those maps seemed to be to cover really exploring the map - defeating all the notable bosses, scavenger hunt, etc. But with IBS, even with Grothmar Valley (last meta I've completed) it became grindy - destroy 100 devourer nests, do this event 20 times, etc.

In my case, them being more grindy has backfired if Anet wants me to play more - I look at them, say "I'm never going to do all that crap, so no reason even trying"


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> @"Solvar.7953" said:

> It seems like Anets solution to lack of content is to make grindy achievements.

most all achiv a grindy from start. From "I am rich" to make "5000 kill blows with focus", kill 1000 giant, kill 1000 ... win 200 games wiht mesmer //

Do we have not grindy achivs? Yes, but they not main part as alwyas and this is ok for mmo game.

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I'm an achievement hunter and I have yet to finish the meta for any of the IBS releases.

Not because they are bad or because I don't like them, but because they don't really interest me. Drizzlewood is fun to me still after all this time, but I sure as hell am not going to grind out every single thing that I am missing still.

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