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why is there no report option for hacker?


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so currently we have a no-life noob flying around in unranked 2 shotting everyone

howcome there is no option to report for hacking?

botting? match manipulation? there is no option for cheat/hack.

also how long are we supposed to wait before he gets banned, he's been here for a few hours!!!!

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I can deal with bots, but people running third party programs that let them teleport to any point whenever they want and then hide under ground when theyre about to die in literally over 50% of my games is getting out of control. Anet, can we get some kind of info as to how you feel about all of this? And please, dont redirect me to some 2 year old post about how you deal with cheaters, because its clearly not working. I understand your manpower might be a bit less these days due to covid, but ive seen the same people on the same accounts that have been reported by the majority of people in every match i play against them for over 2 weeks now, and nothing is being done. Do you guys need help over there? You good Anet?

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> @"Liewec.2896" said:

> so currently we have a no-life noob flying around in unranked 2 shotting everyone

> howcome there is no option to report for hacking?

> botting? match manipulation? there is no option for cheat/hack.

> also how long are we supposed to wait before he gets banned, he's been here for a few hours!!!!


why would there be? almost everyone today is a hacker.. from the look at the things.. hacking is allowed and encouraged by Anet.. why do you expect them to have a report

for hacking when they see no problem with hacking? we have report option for botting.. how many times have you reported the exact same bot? about a milion times?

do you continue to see that bot in games? you do.. so having a report for hacking would;ve changed anything? probablynot..

Anet dont really care about competitive modes.. and they show it in every way possible..

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this was the hacker noob from the other night,

teleporting, flying, godmode and his attacks were unable to be deflected.

![](https://i.imgur.com/VhmRxPX.gif "")

in one game the enemies all stayed in spawn because he was on their team,

they let us win and apparently he was yelling at them that they were all getting reported!

and based on the current reporting system he is right!

he can absolutely report them because there is indeed a report option for match manipulation,

and yet for some unknown reason there is no option to report him for hacking.

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> @"stobes.9254" said:

> I really wish Anet would break the silence on this. Id rather them tell us that PvP isnt making them any money, therefore they dont care about fixing it than have them just sweep it under the rug.


instead they delete our posts and give us warning for having the courage to hint that they are not handing the situaiton very well.. if im honest im even going to be warned for what i just said here.. this is how bad the situation is.. banning active fair players who complain about cheating and seek fair enjoyable gameplay instead of banning cheaters.. oh well..

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> The fear is to prevent the Community of making false accusations against the real hackers




Which would happen a ton of times,exactly. I remember a long time back i got accused by a guy in wvw for porting twice on my thief ( Shadow step and return) And he thought i was hacking. Eventhough i linked him the skill he kept on saying he had reported me and would let his entire guild report me for hacking,about 30 people he said. I dont think it was true,but imagine mass reports of hacks against one person because someone is mad. Anet would be busy trying to figure this out 24/7.

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I think cheaters/hackers are covered by 'Botting'. If I remember correctly then botting is Anet's general category for anything related to using third-party software.


On the other hand, it doesn't even matter really, because these are just different labels for the "Goes directly into the trash bin"-category, it just seems like you have options.

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