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Are there ANY decent (morally and skill-wise) WvW guilds???


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Had quite a few bad experiences recently in WvW. I'd love to play - I'm passable in most roles, but I'm quite a talented Tempest cleanser.


But I've taken quite a long hiatus because people are absolutely awful to one another. My first WvW guild's leader straight up raped one of my guildies. Literally showed up in her town and raped her.


My second WvW guild claimed to be a friendly LGBTQ+ guild, but, really, it was just a bunch of gay white dudes pretending they had a monopoly on oppression. Doesn't help they lost constantly - absolutely refused to believe that Tempests were there for anything other than immobs.


It's really disheartening that, in a game meant to facilitate collaboration, people become so incredibly toxic toward one another. Is there a single WvW guild that exists that is both good at the game and ISN'T evil???

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> what. you had a couple bad experiences now wvw guilds are presumed evil? theres something wrong with that logic, and you're probably not going to have much luck with that attitude.


Not even close to what was said. Not presumed. Not at all. If I were presuming, I wouldn't be here asking.


Also, the instances mentioned were only the guilds I actually joined - I've ran with plenty of others that were just as bad.

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There are lots of decent guilds but its not like they advertise how morally adequate they are. My advice? Check if your server have a community guild and join that. No need to get deeper involved if you dont want to. If you then want to spend more time finding a smaller guild do that. Finding an alphabet friendly guild seems pointless though, nobody in WvW care what you are, they only care if you rallybot or not.

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Typically the morally decent guilds are the ones who overcame some hardship to get where they are instead of just gathering good players under 1 banner.


It's about being humble.


Regarding people in general, most people have habit of boxing things in definitives like "thieves are useless" and "scrapper is always better than tempest" because it makes their life easier. Unfortunately they will never be the best, or get along with the best.


Overall the state of the game doesn't support skillful creative gameplay. Its all objective camping with permasuperspeed easymode. Firebrand being like the 2nd most boring metaclass doesn't help either because it leads to most commanders leading for ego/recruitment instead of fun. And egoistic leaders are not any good.


There are nice guilds but are they skilled? Usually not. Like every guild can stealthpush pug groups 15 players bigger than them, which doesn't make them good. But that is pretty much the game for the guilds atm with the balance making objectives terrible spots for guild fights.

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> @"kippynonarambo.1726" said:

> Are there servers with decent community guilds? Mine doesn't have one.


Many of the ones with decent community guilds are full.


That being said, many servers will tell you that their server is great and that their guild is fantastic.


I might suggest you post in Looking For Guild section of this forum and try to get a moment or two to have an in game conversation with some members from the guilds who contact you. And once you narrow them down, open a space or two in your guild panel to maybe try them out/listen in on their discord/teamspeak.


Putting everything out there in this forum likely will only lead to people not giving you the most constructive feedback.

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> @"kippynonarambo.1726" said:

> Had quite a few bad experiences recently in WvW. I'd love to play - I'm passable in most roles, but I'm quite a talented Tempest cleanser.



>Tempests were there for anything other than immobs.



One of the best reflect and static aura classes (altough nerfed to 3)

One of best at cleanses...



Didnt payed atention to most stuff but when readed the "used only to imobs :P" (i assume static aura), sorry not that a talented guild, more like a gimmick guild searching for some gameplay that can carry them above their personal skill.

Besides, one need to know wich classes and atacks need to reach the players with static aura, that can be somewhat filtered.


Note, that some servers have beter groups at certain timezones, while more population in other timezone.

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> @"kippynonarambo.1726" said:

> Had quite a few bad experiences recently in WvW. I'd love to play - I'm passable in most roles, but I'm quite a talented Tempest cleanser.


> But I've taken quite a long hiatus because people are absolutely awful to one another. My first WvW guild's leader straight up kitten one of my guildies. Literally showed up in her town and kitten her.


> My second WvW guild claimed to be a friendly LGBTQ+ guild, but, really, it was just a bunch of gay white dudes pretending they had a monopoly on oppression. Doesn't help they lost constantly - absolutely refused to believe that Tempests were there for anything other than immobs.


> It's really disheartening that, in a game meant to facilitate collaboration, people become so incredibly toxic toward one another. Is there a single WvW guild that exists that is both good at the game and ISN'T evil???


Theirs lots of guilds that are decent and really don't care how well you play and care even less about your personal life. They just want everyone to have fun playing the game. But its a two way street . You have to except that they are also human beings and will make mistakes . Not every thing people say is meant to be offensive or a personal attack. Personally I would rather someone talk to me honestly and openly instead of acting like they're walking on eggshells .

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decent guilds usually request u to play at least 3-4 different metaclasses. tempest got lately a hit, will surely be fine but don't focus too much on it as your main.


i had pretty much only 2 real metabuilds before i joined my guild, and after it i had every mattering one with a working and fun set. had to leave due to them changing server tho, the system is just a bit bad.


if u search for one, just be online on weekends, most importantly friday at reset. join the discord, there u get an overview of which guild is on the server. also check gw2mist.com for seeing which server has which guilds. shows u also the important killcounts - shows effectiveness.


check the streamers from the site gw2mists and try asking maybe during their streams what/if they can tell u.


the "morally decent" refers probably to no verbal fights. i'd say mainly the guild leader is rather decent if he doesn't spam chat the whole time, bc he commands on voice anyways. i only had one Wvw guild, since then there's just none to replace it. once ur used to that quality gameplay, it kinda makes u need that. u get insight to another level of playing, the random groups are pretty disappointing usually after u found a good Wvw guild once.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> > @"kippynonarambo.1726" said:

> > But I've taken quite a long hiatus because people are absolutely awful to one another. My first WvW guild's leader straight up kitten one of my guildies. Literally showed up in her town and kitten her.


> showed up in her town and did what to her? lol


I'm asking myself the same. WHAT DID HE DO???


Maybe we shouldn't ask.

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To respond to OP: yes there are good guilds. Well, at least one. The one I'm in, obviously.


Jokes aside, while I have no idea about our skill level (I'm guessing average), the people are super nice. The guy who leads most often is extremely chill, average age of members is probably about 25, and membership is about half-half female/male including commanders, which IMO is a sign of a very healthy community. The only obligations you have to the guild is to represent it and to use a zerg-useful build during raids, and the rules on that aren't super strict i.e. no one's gonna say "no you have to use this exact build" as long as your build is in some way raid oriented.


It's a German/EU guild though.

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> @"kippynonarambo.1726" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > what. you had a couple bad experiences now wvw guilds are presumed evil? theres something wrong with that logic, and you're probably not going to have much luck with that attitude.


> Not even close to what was said. Not presumed. Not at all. If I were presuming, I wouldn't be here asking.


> Also, the instances mentioned were only the guilds I actually joined - I've ran with plenty of others that were just as bad.


well your 4th paragraph was a little misleading. good luck in finding a guild.

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> @"kamikharzeeh.8016" said:

> thing is, till u fully build up a new guild as a new comm, it takes like 1 year at least till u gathered a sense-making amount of players and tought them how to do thing, assuming u even are aware of that yourself. @"Hesione.9412"


> @"Taylan.2187" lol


Yes I am aware of this, thanks. I've helped a number of guilds level up. However, if a person has been unable to find a guild that suits them over an extended period of time, it may take _less_ time to form a guild and build it up compared to the time spent moving through different guilds trying to find one that suits.


As I pointed out, when it's your guild you set the rules. You control who is a member. When you are a member of a guild you do not have those privileges.


Finally, just because a WVW guild exists, and there is training, it does not mean that everyone will do exactly what the commander says most, let alone all, of the time. And unless you're talking about a guild that can create relatively large squads (>30), which are well-synced, the WvW experience will be at the mercy of whoever else happens to be on at the same time. Except when you're on and it is off-hours for the other two.


Your concern about my lack of knowledge is noted.

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not a direct concern about your knowledge... just that the guild leaders are usually year-long veteran players i think. when the now WSR leader been on our server back then, he'd kick ppl off his squad that don't stick like glue to his behind lol. u need kinda represent some seriousness to the other serious players on your server, or you won't get the necessary hard core that a battlesquad needs. groups smaller than 15 players aren't serious business in most cases, the lack of numbers is also a lack of possible dmg output in the end.


nah, it is a basic to have super-synced movements. u're not battle-ready if the whole guild cannot do movement 95% synchronized. mine was a battle guild and only had 20 player mostly. only very few guilds that are good are even able to field a number over 30. very rare sight.

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