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So... CANTHA? Would you like to explore Cantha in the next expansion!?


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I am dying to go back to Cantha. Most people started with prophecies. By the time I got into guild wars for the first time, factions was the newest expansion that came out and was gifted to me...so I started with the 2nd expansion and went backwards to Prophecies / Tyria and then forward to Nightfall / Elona...I really want to know what happened to Cantha and we still gotta find out more about the Water Dragon that's still a mystery to us. I'm down for going back to Cantha!

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Yes, it's time. I want to see what happened with the Jade sea and find the grave of Togo. I know it's a nostalgia factor, but it has to be a part of this. I can imagine a new Luxon turtle mount too :) As a matter of fact i can imagine a Kurzick Luxon fight as part of the WvW system. A map, where one server plays the luxon side and the other the kurzick.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > Hell no. Enough with the Human content. It is time to focus on Jormag and the Norns.


> EOTN Gw2 :) that would add a new playable race, Kodan.

> Canthan expantion would add Tengu's.


> Note: Kodan and Teng's would have only 1 specialization role, each one to fix each own racial atributes and mechanichs, this ould avoid to remake the skeleton to work will all classes animations.


Actually that would be kewl, the Kodan and the Tengu could even have 1 class and 1 elite specialization for each race rather than have all classes and elites.


This would facilitate the racial design and avoid having all skill in game animations worked for those races since those new races would have to have a new skeleton for the model and all animations worked for it, but shortening it to 1 elite and its trait could make it those races more easy to be deployed in game.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > Hell no. Enough with the Human content. It is time to focus on Jormag and the Norns.

> >

> > EOTN Gw2 :) that would add a new playable race, Kodan.

> > Canthan expantion would add Tengu's.

> >

> > Note: Kodan and Teng's would have only 1 specialization role, each one to fix each own racial atributes and mechanichs, this ould avoid to remake the skeleton to work will all classes animations.


> Actually that would be kewl, the Kodan and the Tengu could even have 1 class and 1 elite specialization for each race rather than have all classes and elites.


> This would facilitate the racial design and avoid having all skill in game animations worked for those races since those new races would have to have a new skeleton for the model and all animations worked for it, but shortening it to 1 elite and its trait could make it those races more easy to be deployed in game.


The Kodan are just reskinned Norns (same skeleton/rig/animations) which would make it less of a hassle to use them, but on the other would make them feel sorta like a “cheap copy-paste”-solution. Hmm.



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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > > Hell no. Enough with the Human content. It is time to focus on Jormag and the Norns.

> > >

> > > EOTN Gw2 :) that would add a new playable race, Kodan.

> > > Canthan expantion would add Tengu's.

> > >

> > > Note: Kodan and Teng's would have only 1 specialization role, each one to fix each own racial atributes and mechanichs, this ould avoid to remake the skeleton to work will all classes animations.

> >

> > Actually that would be kewl, the Kodan and the Tengu could even have 1 class and 1 elite specialization for each race rather than have all classes and elites.

> >

> > This would facilitate the racial design and avoid having all skill in game animations worked for those races since those new races would have to have a new skeleton for the model and all animations worked for it, but shortening it to 1 elite and its trait could make it those races more easy to be deployed in game.


> The Kodan are just reskinned Norns (same skeleton/rig/animations) which would make it less of a hassle to use them, but on the other would make them feel sorta like a “cheap copy-paste”-solution. Hmm.




That's why i would make a new skeleton for the toons and in exchange would keep the model animations simple just for 1 specialization, altough the skills would have to be really thinked off to fit most game play and that would be the extremelly difficult part for Anet to do.. lawl.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> The thing is, if we start introducing new races, they should all be there, not only kodans: largos, tengu too, eventually hyleks, grawls, quaggans and skritts?


Not really.. that's your ocd talking :)


2 or 3 races could be added just as side races for their content and importance for tyria history itself, other aces are there just for the content plot, reason people want kodan is because they actually have alot of potentential(they actually arent much explored), and the tengu cause they are a whole civilization, that actually would make sense to add to a factions comeback race, since plot will be they helping the player to demolish the tyrant in Cantha.


Most probably we will see just some Tengu/Avicara character helping the player.




EDIT: Quaggans content only in my quaggan fin soup. TKS.

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> @"Elric.4713" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> > Far Shiverpeaks, possibly blood legion homeland is next. Fact :)


> No it's not. Trading barren wasteland for a frozen wasteland would be terrible.


We went from a green jungle to desert wasteland. From the far west side of Tyria to the east. They will introduce something different and the 2 different major possibilities are ICE and WATER/UNDERWATER. I don't think we will go underwater just yet (even so they have started introducing underwater skill revamps/mechanics etc), so the only logical explanation is Far Shiverpeaks + EVENTUALLY Bloodlegion Homeland. After this expansion, we may go to Jantirs Bay/Islands (if we have already discovered Bloodlegion Homeland, otherwise we will go there) and 4th expansion may hit us with underwater content.

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Id rather go someplace that hasnt seen alot of love as of late, or someplace entirely new: Weve had a sylvari expansion(HoT), and a human one(PoF) with the Asura smattered in both of them pretty heavily. Give me some Norn id love to explore the North again or some Charr.

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  • 1 month later...

> @"Oldirtbeard.9834" said:

> No, got major distaste for that type of setting after WoW's Mists of Pandaria.


MoP was 1 of WoW's best expansion in term of numbers, it dropped at the begining because people thought it was a joke because too many kids play the game and didnt know that pandarians were part of the warcraft world way before kung fu panda. If they relases pandarians before kung fu panda it wouldnt had been such a big issue. Once people got over that whole thing the expansion was able to hold onto players better than most of the expansions since & better than cata. Many of us loved the asian theme it brought.

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Why 1 for yes and 3 for no?

Were are the

Yes but we have other, more significant places to explore.

Yes but not for the next expansion. Perhaps sometime in the future.


If you divide up the no answers in 3 you should do the same with yes answers.

It dont really matter tho since the yes is 2/3 but still

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I read that environmental artist and art lead Josh Foreman and alot of others on the development team would like to return to Cantha and are encouraging interested players to ask for a Cantha expansion.

Well, as a GW1 veteran who is the proud owner of all GW1 Collecters Editions and having had great fun in Cantha myself with Guild Wars: Factions, here is my 2 cents.


I would love to see how Kaineng has evolved in 250 years, how the Jade Sea might have changed because of awakening dragons (cause, come on, SEA DRAGON!) and if Echovald forest is still petrified.

Are the Kurzicks and the Luxons still at eachothers throats?

This and more, please Anet, give us this magical continent to explore! :D

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> let's do something else.


> don't need to play into gw1 nostalgia every xpac


How would it be playing into nostalgia when it's part of the established lore? Cantha is part of the Guild Wars universe so I don't follow you into your argument.


> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> That was years ago when that original commrnt was made. There have been countless theeads and one super mega thread on it. They will know the community feelings thoroughly now.


> I will however leave you this. A nice hypothetical expac someone took a lot of time to conceive


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Lon-ami/Cantha


Thanks I'll check this out!


> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> >There have been countless theeads and one super mega thread on it.

> Yes, please use the forums search function



I have used the search function and I didn't any other specific threads or a mega thread you both are speaking of.

So if you would be so kind to link the thread that would be more helpfull.

Thanks! :)

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> @"Supreme Marine.5948" said:

> I have used the search function and I didn't any other specific threads or a mega thread you both are speaking of.

> So if you would be so kind to link the thread that would be more helpfull.

> Thanks! :)

Sorry, no. Just typing Cantha in the search bar gives me 51 pages of threads that include Cantha. Which is why I didn't think we needed another one.


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