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Why do you play?


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A bunch of good advice, but there's one more I'd like to add.


**There is nothing wrong with taking a break from a game.**


The game is supposed to be Entertainment. If you're not entertained - take a break, play something else. Log on agains someime after next episode is launched, and maybe you'll feel engaged then!

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> Why don't you simply play for fun? That's what you actually should play a game for.


> GW2 doesn't really force you to do specific stuff like other games do, that's fine. Set you own goals. GW2 features many long-term motivation goals like achievements, legendaries, cosmetics, etc.


Agreed. The way I see it once you get to level 80 and you have exotic/ascended equipment this game becomes extremely open-ended. It's not quite Minecraft but it's a similar idea - there's a whole world full of stuff you can do but almost nothing you have to do. It's up to you to set your own goals.


For example I really enjoy doing jumping puzzles so I'll do them pretty much any time I'm near one, and sometimes I'll go out of my way to do a particular one because I feel like it. What's the reward for that? According to the OP next to nothing. Some random green and blue equipment worth a few silver on the TP, some crafting materials which are equally worthless. Honestly I can't remember anything I've gotten from a jumping puzzle chest. But the reward for me was the fun I had doing it. Same reason I repeat the personal story on different characters, or do map completion when I'm not making another legendary or play the game at all.

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The OP seems to see the 'purpose' of a game or MMO in this specific topic to get better armor, getting stronger etc. A lot of people play GW2 _be cause_ of this. There is no power creep. Even finishing the raid won't give you better armor which is good. You can take a break of a year and you don't have to catch up with new gear.


But a lot of people are used to power creep and if this is the only way to satisfy you GW2 is the wrong game for you. I don't play that often anymore but I really like to roam new areas, doing achievements, getting a new legendary or simply do the story. I also try out new builds, new elite specs etc. But if you really are a non-altoholic and your only 'fun' in game is getting better gear, there is nothing for you in GW2.


What about challenge? Finishing a raid? If I had more time I would sink a lot of dedication in this mode. It's the best you can do with rather epic scales (i.e. watch a Dhuum fight).

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What keeps me playing? Imagination for one. I think of my characters as alive, and I wander about the game seeing things through her eyes. I have poor hand eye coordination so doing the vistas and steering the mounts really help me in a physical way.


This game helps me relax from a hard day. I work full time, look after my mom who has dementia..I cook, clean, shake my head at my better half whom I have spoiled too much...escaping into the game's beautiful scenery is blessing.



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The real question you should ask yourself is why you play a game.

In the end you are just creating virtual goals to keep yourself occupied. Wether it is a geargrind, fashionwars or having some kind of I am Rich icon next to your name. I personally have as goal to have fun and enjoy myself. That is something I find in this game.

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> @"Sylent.3165"

>what is it that keeps you playing this game? When you log in what do you do and why??


Novelty, with all due respect to Terrance McKenna, didn't end in 2012. Novelty is the reason to play something. Repetitive things are best left to machines, humans crave variety, new experiences, learning, growth/improvement (that's why we love systems where we "level up").



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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> >what is it that keeps you playing this game? When you log in what do you do and why??


> Novelty, with all due respect to Terrance McKenna, didn't end in 2012. Novelty is the reason to play something. Repetitive things are best left to machines, humans crave variety, new experiences, learning, growth/improvement (that's why we love systems where we "level up").




Pretty sure I did NOT say that. :(

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > >what is it that keeps you playing this game? When you log in what do you do and why??

> >

> > Novelty, with all due respect to Terrance McKenna, didn't end in 2012. Novelty is the reason to play something. Repetitive things are best left to machines, humans crave variety, new experiences, learning, growth/improvement (that's why we love systems where we "level up").

> >

> >


> Pretty sure I did NOT say that. :(


Apologies. I fixed my post.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> But there's another aspect of the game and that's technique. Your stats won't improve past a certain point, but your technique will always improve. How well you do stuff is TRUE progression.



This right here.


Make your long term goal to be the best ...your preferred class here...player in the game, or at least the best you can be.


But remember, OP, that, above all else, the goal is to have fun. If fun for you is an ever increasing stat score from gear acquisition, you may never be satisfied here.

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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> This game truly offers absolutely nothing in the long run.



Funny, I've been playing it since beta, and I still enjoy it. It depends on your own personal goals. I do a little bit of everything (open world PvE, unranked PvP and casual WvW), I collect skins, do full map and story completion on multiple characters and help guildies with story missions or whatever they need. I actually don't need a goal to play, I just play to have a fun time with friends, that's the real point of MMOs. I'm not sure what kind of "purpose" you're looking for. Neverending gear grind? There are plenty of other MMOs for that.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> You said JPs are fun and events are fun. What more than _fun_ is the purpose of playing games?


Even the best thing in the world grows stale if you do it often enough?


Although i believe that there's a ton of stuff to do in the game, in the end, if you really take a step back, it ends up mostly being the same thing. You grind/farm stuff for hours and you're rewarded with a skin, not even a great one, but you do it for the AP, to clear that from the list, and while i can still enjoy it, some might not.

The game sure has deviated from Colin's "Grind isn't fun" statement pre-launch.

I mean, look at just about any prestige thing in the game. And all is hidden behind a gigantic gold sink, material farm, or something akin to that. Or behind terrible odds on a huge RNG that, again requires a ton of gold, or grind to obtain.

I really can't remember the last time i obtained something of significance purely out of playing the game well... Maybe the Fractal and PvP legendary backs... And even those required a bit of farming for mats.


All in all, while i still enjoy this game, Arena Net ultimately failed at their objective of making the game dynamic, fun, and rewarding without resorting to the exact same tropes as their competitors.


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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> > @"Westenev.5289" said:

> > My reason? To kill everything between here and my goal. Need I have of any other goal?


> But what is your goal? If you already had your perfect armor set and stats what are you aiming for?


Not sure about you, but I work for a living, work pisses me off, people piss me off, but it's illegal to kill people or beat the crap out of them in real life...so I play this game and use it as a way to work off having to deal with idiots on a daily basis....I really hate idiots and the world is full of them, I think at least 75% of people are idiots, and I come across all of them. **Besides the fact that I just enjoy playing the game, that's my real reason.**

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Ultimately this applies to all MMOs. Even if there's endgame content, it's generally just a grind to acquire the best possible gear - for what purpose? To grind endgame content. It's the gameplay and world immersion that matters to me. I get more enjoyment levelling a new toon than from doing repeated raids or the like with a maxed-out character. If I get sick of exploring, and find I've 'done it all', I'll quit the game. That point should arrive eventually when playing any game.

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@Sylent.3165, gw2 was designed to bad players, new mmo player or palyers that even didnt liked the effort on mmo's


Everythign work more likle a placebo than some decent mechanic behind.

This is not a mmo for every one..


find a better game until some decent mmo apears, and theres quite a few one one the make and some will be remaded on 2018.

NCsoft is remaking lineage as well, since they were using the gw2 engine on the remake and that didn went well, so they are remakign it again,m search for project TL.


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It may sound odd (it surely does) but I often play just for the sake of playing - I mean, without any direct progress.

For example, in Dishonoured 2, I play for over 35 hours now killing people in different savegames for 1.5-2 hours and then log off. Without any progress. I just like the game, the AI, their chatter, the physic engine when a whale oil tank proprells them high in the air, and I love Emily as character and to play as her. And I still have a blast. I literally have 4 savegames where I kill people and then reload when they are all dead - each time with a different technique. It relaxes me.


In GW2, when I log on, I often do not progress the story. I jump (Springer) through the world, listen to some random map chat chatter and try to find places to snipe down from. Last time I spent 20 minutes killing Grawls from an elevated point. It was kinda funny because they could not reach me and I Just Death Judgement'd them for a while while they were jumping around without finding a valid path to me. Or exterimante Skritt.


It is not the progress, it's more the fun of it. The combat itself. The sound effects. The cool looks of the whole Thief class and their elite specs. If you think people play UNO forever or MONOPOLY, or do knit, or clean their car and wax it for hours, whatnot, I don't think playing a video game just for the sake of playing is a bad thing per se. My dad loved to work on the family's motorcycle despite it being clean and in perfect condition.

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Fun is subjective. When it comes to fun and what is purposeful or worthwhile, one must ask themselves, "What is best in life?"


For me, what is best in life is to crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.


But to each their own.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > You said JPs are fun and events are fun. What more than _fun_ is the purpose of playing games?


> Even the best thing in the world grows stale if you do it often enough?


> Although i believe that there's a ton of stuff to do in the game, in the end, if you really take a step back, it ends up mostly being the same thing. You grind/farm stuff for hours and you're rewarded with a skin, not even a great one, but you do it for the AP, to clear that from the list, and while i can still enjoy it, some might not.

> The game sure has deviated from Colin's "Grind isn't fun" statement pre-launch.

> I mean, look at just about any prestige thing in the game. And all is hidden behind a gigantic gold sink, material farm, or something akin to that. Or behind terrible odds on a huge RNG that, again requires a ton of gold, or grind to obtain.

> I really can't remember the last time i obtained something of significance purely out of playing the game well... Maybe the Fractal and PvP legendary backs... And even those required a bit of farming for mats.


> All in all, while i still enjoy this game, Arena Net ultimately failed at their objective of making the game dynamic, fun, and rewarding without resorting to the exact same tropes as their competitors.



I think you missed the point. Games are for having fun. Fun should be the purpose; all the rest is extra.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > You said JPs are fun and events are fun. What more than _fun_ is the purpose of playing games?


> Even the best thing in the world grows stale if you do it often enough?


> Although i believe that there's a ton of stuff to do in the game, in the end, if you really take a step back, it ends up mostly being the same thing. You grind/farm stuff for hours and you're rewarded with a skin, not even a great one, but you do it for the AP, to clear that from the list, and while i can still enjoy it, some might not.

> The game sure has deviated from Colin's "Grind isn't fun" statement pre-launch.

> I mean, look at just about any prestige thing in the game. And all is hidden behind a gigantic gold sink, material farm, or something akin to that. Or behind terrible odds on a huge RNG that, again requires a ton of gold, or grind to obtain.

> I really can't remember the last time i obtained something of significance purely out of playing the game well... Maybe the Fractal and PvP legendary backs... And even those required a bit of farming for mats.


> All in all, while i still enjoy this game, Arena Net ultimately failed at their objective of making the game dynamic, fun, and rewarding without resorting to the exact same tropes as their competitors.



The reason I go back to old games I've played while in diapers that I've played thousands of times is because I enjoy the games.

The issue here is of course if he's just not having fun now, he should either give it a break or something.

IF as I've said and think, the issue in why he's not having fun no more is because he can't get any stronger and I guess got the skins that's perfect for one character or something and not in the mood to make another, then it's best he just go to another game as he has accomplished the journey/goal that he was set to do and there's nothing more that can be done for him anymore.

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