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I don't think ANET is the problem..


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just a tip i have learned in matches has soon has raging starts in team chat odds of winning go down by a lot. because everyone is to busy raging to pay attention to the map . they might has well be afk at that point. since that one guy said he just installed guild wars 2 5min ago it had to be unranked. keep in mind in unranked most are just there to test builds and the new guys are trying to get better. so do not take unranked seriously

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Meh, that at least provides entertainment. There's a bit of schadenfreude in knowing how much you're rustling people's panties. Nothing like a whisper-block from someone who's too afraid to actually have a proper discussion. If babyraging players was the only issue with PvP in this game, I would be a happy camper. I see it as more of a symptom of the state of this game than anything, honestly. It's not like there's a specific breed of ragers that GW2 attracts; you'll find that in any game.

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Some players are just never wrong, and it's always their teams fault for not recognising their super special snowflake manoeuvre. Why, today, I had a kindly firebrand holding close for half of the game while we continually lost 4v5 mid. Said firebrand then proceeded to call us bad players, and defended their actions by saying “if I left close, the thief would decap it”. While not untrue, the enemy didn't even touch close - and anyone who suggested the Firebrand shouldn't bunker close were called liars and blocked.


Anet have already given us 60 seconds to talk up a strategy, yet people remain silent until someone snowballs the match. It's almost like some players just get off on it, or something.

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> @"Westenev.5289" said:

> Some players are just never wrong, and it's always their teams fault for not recognising their super special snowflake manoeuvre. Why, today, I had a kindly firebrand holding close for half of the game while we continually lost 4v5 mid. Said firebrand then proceeded to call us bad players, and defended their actions by saying “if I left close, the thief would decap it”. While not untrue, the enemy didn't even touch close - and anyone who suggested the Firebrand shouldn't bunker close were called liars and blocked.


> Anet have already given us 60 seconds to talk up a strategy, yet people remain silent until someone snowballs the match. It's almost like some players just get off on it, or something.


so true man i have had so many matches were one guy is raging that everyone sucks but him. yet more often than not if you look at the players health he dies has often if not more lol

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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> Just because a player can get flustered or offended by salt within a critically flawed and mismanaged game doesn't suddenly mean that the game in which that player participates is suddenly not flawed or mismanaged.




There are some glaring issues in the game's balance. Classes and builds that are barely competitive remain such or get nerfed, and classes/builds that are incredibly competitive remain such or get buffed, reasonably often.


Do not ignore this; your input is necessary to call attention to the issues. But, in knowing that, remember that _A large majority of the players in structured pvp are bad, salty, unwilling to deviate from the meta/do legwork on builds, frustrated, or any combination of the aforementioned,_ so most things people say whether in game or out should be taken with a grain of salt, including rants that Anet is murdering balance.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > OP are you complaining about toxic players or clueless players?


> i think the Op is complaining about toxicity in general..

> (Clueless players can be taught while toxicity is imposed on all players )


Toxicity is often the direct result of having to play with clueless players though, and some cannot be taught.

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> @"witcher.3197" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"witcher.3197" said:

> > > OP are you complaining about toxic players or clueless players?

> >

> > i think the Op is complaining about toxicity in general..

> > (Clueless players can be taught while toxicity is imposed on all players )


> Toxicity is often the direct result of having to play with clueless players though, and some cannot be taught.


I'm putting together a thread about Toxicity. Here is a sneak preview with a reply


' Developers need to rethink the social dynamics of MMOs by offering players worlds that feature the right amount of cooperation, competition and conflict'


'Getting rid of individual toxic players, as company purports to do, is merely treating the symptom. We need to discuss the disease. Rest assure that it is a disease because it helps keep far too many people away from these games.'


'Toxicity in a gaming not only gives a bad names to gamers in general, but can dissuade new players from getting involved'

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Too easy builds develop really bad habits to players. There is no strategy anymore, it's about the same plays, people moan and complain at anything without really checking ( sometimes, you cannot really do better). Like Westenev said, you have supernatural situations where you cannot argue or try to argue, players simply call you ' noob ' anytime you die and put you on ignore so you cannot answer.


Toxic players do appear on every game, but however there were much less when builds were a bit " harder "

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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> Too easy builds develop really bad habits to players. There is no strategy anymore, it's about the same plays, people moan and complain at anything without really checking ( sometimes, you cannot really do better). Like Westenev said, you have supernatural situations where you cannot argue or try to argue, players simply call you ' noob ' anytime you die and put you on ignore so you cannot answer.


> Toxic players do appear on every game, but however there were much less when builds were a bit " harder "


Well said


(Don't forget, there are no learning with effort required anymore)



'The Consequences of Reducing the Skill Gap'


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Regardless of whether there are balance problems, matchup problems, or mechanics problems or whether there are clueless and/or toxic players... all the OP did was post a screenshot of a single group. It's impossible to establish a pattern from a single example or to "prove" if there is a problem nor who might (or might not be at fault).

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That video is spot-on. It's not ANet . . . it's the players. Every time someone doesn't win in PvP, they scream for nerfs. The issue is that bad players expect people to carry them. This is the sole reason for the zerg. Numbers often outweigh skill. And if a very skilled player can take on and defeat a number of very skilless players . . . well then obviously that class the skilled player uses is overpowered.


Honestly? I blame World of Warcraft. In all the years I've played MMOs, I've never seen an MMO dumb down so much to cater to a clueless player base. When choices and challenges are removed because players can't decide, and the company decides for you, it's time to leave that game.


Not to toot my own horn, but way back in the day, I played a rogue in Alterac Valley. This was before any expansion and nerfs to the Valley. This battle went on for eleven hours. Our side finally won. I had the most honor gained, the most killing blows, the most kills, and zero deaths. Let me repeat that: zero deaths in an eleven hour game.


I'm sure if I did something like that here, there would be howls for my class's nerf not because I was skilled, but because someone lacked the skill to kill me. That's the problem with the player base as other have succinctly said, "It's not me. It's someone else's fault."


And how do I know that? In this game, I would have players chase me into the underwater environment in Temple of the Silent Storm. Once in the water, I could take on three and four players at a time as a ranger. And I'd win. Not because I'm some masterful player, but because I took the time to learn how to fight underwater and most players did not. So what happened? ANet removed underwater combat from that map and from the practice areas in the PvP lobby. Again, not because of me, but because players didn't want to take the time to learn the skills needed.


And that mindset and response is the problem with all modern MMOs.


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